This is likely because you aren't even responding to the argument of your opponents and are responding to the argument you have made up in your head. Pick any of the pages on and refute it.
Flat Earth is not a psyop. Read the Flat Earth Wiki at
Ukraine is the religious center of Satanism/Moloch. Compare the Crest of Ukraine to the Moloch Sigil and the crest of the Khazar Jews -
If you believe in the story of Moloch and the child trafficking allegations in Ukraine, it is possible that there are evil religious sites there from which they sacrifice children en masse and derive their power from Moloch in exchange for earthly wealth.
People can survive longer than 10 days with drinking water only. According to the hunger strike wiki people have died after going 46 to 73 days without food. You can also go outside and eat leaves and roots and try to catch reptiles/birds/etc if you are truly hungry. Most families also have enough stocked food to last more than a week. People will be fine for 10 days.
Per violence and social unrest there are actually contingencies in place. If the banks go down the military immediately enacts martial law, enacts mass rations, eminent domain and reorganization of society, and would set up its own alternate banks. The military has "what if" scenarios for everything.
Also, there are many types of financial instruments. People and employers will just switch over to crypto coins or one of the plethora of alternate currencies or whatever is available and is the easiest to implement.
They would allow it so they could control it. There are multiple countries and international entities involved in this who would do it with or without US participation. It's obviously best to play the part and lead the way.
The extended conspiracy universe has the US Military in a covert war with the Deep State since the Clinton and Bush years. NESARA, etc. -
Law enforcement already tried to do that during 2020 -
There are so many ways to cheat and too many liberals in the process willing to do it or fudge the numbers. It's difficult to block it. Trump already won legitimately, but was cheated. Time to turn the tables.
Yes, and my argument was that the people with the hype and saying "soon" may not actually familiar with how slow the wheels of justice turn for things like this; perhaps not even the lawyers involved who might have little direct experience with this type of thing. Telling the system that it is wrong is a major effort, and it will resist and delay change and criticism at every opportunity.
There is a possibility that the people expecting things to happen fast were inexperienced with the slow pace of justice.
Here is a senator who was pulled from office due to heinous democrat fraud which was finally litigated two years after he was sworn in -
If you can disprove or show wrong a single article on I will agree with you.