Excellent thought sum-up of Wray. The end point about being an anon... so many of us use some very in-depth critical thinking in such a wide array of fields. For so many it comes down to a point where they realized EVERYTHING from the mainstream media is propaganda. From there it doesn't take long for that sheep's wool to be lifted and to finally start applying normal critical thinking to politics, the deep state, etc. Its like a personal little "drip drip drip, flood" that happens. Regardless - good post.
me after lengthy back and forth... "so with the information I provided, and knowing I know nothing of the Rothschild family can you simply repeat the name in question?" ChatGPT said: "I understand your request, and I can repeat the name you asked about: "David
I'm unable to produce a response.
Not a chance for Killary - too much baggage for the public to ever support her again... maybe same for Kamabla. AOC is a joke and was a discovered through "trying out for the part"... seriously. Killary would mop the floor with either of the other two and then the D party would be really tanked... if it were only these three at some point. And I don't think they'll be big players in 4 years time. Even if arrests and the like don't happen one has to believe after a defeat from this last clown and obvious cheating with Xiden the Democrat party can only recover with someone new and actually intelligent. Regardless.. its good to see the current PANIC in DC!
Deep State did quite the job labelling "QAnon" as conspiracy theory non-sense. So many good conservative, Trump supporting, republican for the right reasons people were swayed from even acknowledging Q or what the last 8+ years have been about. So many have been waking up lately because of the recent Q call-outs as well as just seeing stuff in general go this way, but not just "go Trump's way" but completely vindicating in so many ways from the failed Kamala campaign to Diddy and now all of his cohorts bailing the country. Still many aren't connecting the dots, but many are at least seeing more than they were.
I'm confused... are you not seeing that this is reflections inverted due to lens separate from an internal reflection? or if its flare, its flare on lens which is also not flat and you get inverted reflections that will look spread differently. Either way - fun post!
I'm reminded of a song by an old Tri-Cities, WA band, Small (circa '92), with excellent lyrics "smoke in the air, oil in the sea... acid in the rain, too bad its not L.S.D" - and I'm brought back in time to late 80s, early 90s - thanks! Acid raid was HUGE scare topic in the 80s.
DNS caches locally for a while and even longer if it can't check for updates... however, even trying to copy off addresses and setting up matching hosts file entries to ensure you web request can get there its not enough for X or many other sites. They rely on third party sites and urls that you'll be firing up in frames you don't even know about. Or in X's case you've got advertising dns and other analytics that are required that have their own dns. Its a tough thing to get past in some cases.
There is a war going on, for sure. I would not consider it a world war at all... yet. Even if it does actually involve the whole world. Kinda like the Cold War is a war. Some name for the digital battle and propaganda/meme/etc. war should come about - after its all well and done. It is pretty "great" though... and quite a few people are "awakening" to the truth. Might be a name in there somewhere :)
I got zero condescending attitude from him. My guess is you didn't stick around for the end of a video where he wraps it all up, you get to see some of his actual thoughts about a subject as well as debunk angles and such and you see him clearly out of the character or personality that maybe erks you. I'd definitely recommend giving him another shot... check some out about remote viewing
Been watching his videos for years with my daughter (now 12) - they are excellent. I like his wrap-up at the end where he then covers all the reasons why the big elaborate topic he just covered is probably a steaming pile-o-poop. However, sometimes, that wrap-up is very small as there aren't really any holes in it... or just doesn't have much actually disproving it... most of what he's covered about remote viewing I found excellent - its clear there's something to it all, but so much CIA muddying the waters with fake conspiracy stuff. This was a good episode for sure.
I honestly think Biden might be out of the main "know" - sure, he was close to Obummer but that's really because he's a money/pedo-blackmail controlled asset. He most likely doesn't know shit about poop. We've all seen him bolstering on about his quid-pro-quo move in Ukraine like he actually had no idea it was illegal. Or somewhere in the middle of complete-dolt to no-morals corrupt blackmail. Either way he's a pawn(or court jester) sitting in the thrown the last 4 years. Or sumpin like that