redlotus69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Colt did it to themselves charging over a grand for a standard 6920 and basically telling the civilian market to fuck off while they pursued lucrative government contracts. The void in the AR market left by Colt is what allowed manufacturers like Bushmaster and, later, PSA to show up and give the people what they wanted for a reasonable price.

redlotus69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Colt's name has been mud for decades. Shoddy qc and outrageous prices.

They're just now recovering from their brand name being trashed with their new wheel guns.

redlotus69 1 point ago +2 / -1

I support this because if nothing else it might get that whore to stop lecturing anyone on morality. Getting sick of it lol

Either way, strange times indeed

redlotus69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pearl Harbor was a declaration of war by the Japanese. I'm not sure how responding to an act of war could be considered being "fooled", unless OP is suggesting Pearl Harbor was a false flag?

redlotus69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hitler and the Nazis planned to abolish Christianity in Germany and the Pope was the only world leader to publicly condemn the Holocaust.

redlotus69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Israel also gained even more land (the west bank iirc) after they curb stomped invading Arab states in the Six Day and Yom Kippur wars. Can't invade a country and then bitch when you lose the war and have to give up even more land lol

by skytlrh
redlotus69 6 points ago +7 / -1

Q said there would not be a civil war

redlotus69 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would agree. The DS lost their lackey and they had to come up with a reason to make anyone who opposes his immediate restoration look evil

redlotus69 3 points ago +3 / -0

"New data shows". Gonna need a sauce for that.

I'm gen Z and I don't know a single person who uses either of those as a search engine.

redlotus69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fun fact the Augsburger Bible and the Wenceslas Bible were two of several German Bible translations that predate Luther by over 100 years. The printing press did more to get scripture into people's hands than any of the protestant reformers. The first book Gutenberg ever printed was a Latin Bible

redlotus69 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a misconception.

For one, if you could read in the 1500s you could read Latin. It was the language of science and education in Europe until the 1800s. England was still making coins with Latin on them until well into the 1950s, maybe even later. The claim that only the rich knew Latin is a fallacy (although literacy rates in general weren't good at the time because of how rare books were). Latin is not that hard to understand, and pre-Vatican II your average Catholic understood exactly what was going on at Mass.

Secondly, there was no point in taking the time to do expensive translations in many languages when it took a year or longer to copy a single Bible by hand. The printing press rolled around circa 1490 and changed that.

Henry VIII was also a monster so anyone who suggests like he was some kind of an underdog hero and not a bloodthirsty and lustful tyrant is good for a laugh.

redlotus69 1 point ago +1 / -0

China's military equipment is a joke in terms of quality. Their first aircraft carrier had an engine failure as soon as it left port. And their shipbuilding capacity is only good because they have a billion slaves.

redlotus69 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Jews nailed up Christ. Pilate didn't want to do it, and was basically blackmailed into doing it by Caiaphas (John 19:12).

redlotus69 2 points ago +2 / -0

"The people overcame the persecution over 300 years afterwards they stopped "openly" doing it"

Some of the most ignorant crap I've ever seen on here. So Europe wasn't really Christian until Martin Luther nailed up his theses in the year of our Lord 1517? Ludicrous.

redlotus69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Usually notes are printed in a series, and a new series is only made every few years.

redlotus69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Screw Kristi. She tried to lock down our state, the state Senate had to sue her to stop it and then she took all the credit. She's no better than DeSantis imo. Always looking out for her own career

redlotus69 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't understand your reply. Jews don't recognize the apocrypha. Jews believe the canon closed with Malachi (Ezra) and do not recognize the NT. Some protestants adopt the 400 years of silence view as an attempt to poorly reconcile rabbinical Jewish beliefs that were created to deny Christ with the new testament. It's nonsensical.

Nowhere in the new testament is there a verse suggesting that there were 400 years without prophecy. All 4 of the Gospels begin Christ's ministry with John the Baptist... Would all of them really fail to mention "oh by the way John was the first prophet in 400 years, kind of a big deal"? As a matter of fact, we know he wasn't because Luke informs us that Simeon and Anna were two prophets in the temple when John was a small baby. Luke was a meticulous historian, surely he would have mentioned if prophetic activity was unusual and new?

redlotus69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed 100%.

Especially since at this point science relies on consensus. Sure consensus based research allows any bullshit to be considered true in science so long as peers agree with it, but it doesn't change the fact that way more than 1600 scientists claim climate change is an imminent threat.

As long as the number of dissenters is a minority, even 1600 qualified experts, they will never be taken seriously by modern mob rule science.

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