ruffthesuspect 2 points ago +3 / -1

I wonder why Rubin deleted the post

ruffthesuspect 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can't find this online but I do find that he was misquoted.

"During an annual shareholders meeting in 2013, a shareholder said that Starbucks was losing customers because of the company’s support for gay marriage.

In response, Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks at that time, said the company will continue to embrace all forms of diversity. Schultz told the shareholder, “If you feel, respectfully, that you can get a higher return than the 38% you got last year, it’s a free country. You can sell your shares in Starbucks and buy shares in another company.”

A few articles over the years either misquoted Schultz’s exchange with the shareholder or took his comments out of context."


ruffthesuspect 0 points ago +1 / -1

i don't understand why it is dramatic. Don't we all know this? Just sounds like somebody complaining

ruffthesuspect 5 points ago +5 / -0

love him or hate him, Alex Jones was shredded by Bill for his 'war of the worlds' broadcast of Y2K, creating a worldwide crisis out of whole cloth

ruffthesuspect 26 points ago +26 / -0

it's not that I have a passionate agreement or disagreement with these connections, but a post of the front of the House of Representatives and a post of the front of the House of Representatives ... wouldn't that be the same as two photos of the statue of liberty, or two pictures of the smithsonian? It's just a common photo, like that of the bald eagle. And, btw, that's a heck of a plan to get Mike Johnson in as speaker: make sure that Jim Jordan doesn't get in, get a couple of RINOs to come dangerously close to getting in, all to lead to this result? All part of the plan?

ruffthesuspect 1 point ago +1 / -0

At this point i'll take what I can get. You'll never find the perfect hitter

ruffthesuspect 4 points ago +4 / -0

The equivalent report that China did this in the US should be right around the corner /s

ruffthesuspect 16 points ago +16 / -0

There WERE tunnels under the McMartin Daycare and nobody seemed to care when they were finally learned.

"Parents hired former FBI agent Ted L. Gunderson, who worked as a private investigator, and archeologist Gary Stickel to aid in the dig. Gunderson claimed he found a “subterranean opening, ” under one classroom, and another underneath a bathroom. Gunderson said that the “tunnel” may have been dug by a utility company, according to the news service UPI." https://www.oxygen.com/uncovered-the-mcmartin-family-trials/crime-time/did-mcmartin-preschool-tunnels-exist

"In 1990 an archeologist was hired to determine whether tunnels had existed under the school because some of the children had alleged that some of their abuse took place in tunnels under the building. The archeologist’s report was issued in 1993. It concluded that evidence of back-filled tunnels had been found. " https://mds.marshall.edu/psychology_faculty/7/#:~:text=In%201990%20an%20archeologist%20was,filled%20tunnels%20had%20been%20found.

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