Stuff already happened. Announce when convenient for the narrative.
Well, this is what happens if you aren't able to protect what you hold dear.
If they survive they'll be less of a pansy than the last generation.
If you can see how easily people are made to believe whatever crap is spewed out in front of them, it's not hard to believe that there was no better option.
The alternative was keeping the world locked down for years upon years, wearing down morale, breaking societal relationships, boosting poverty, locking up dissidents, murdering patients in hospitals and then introducing a new system when everyone no longer has the will to fight.
People that don't just blindly follow can always wait and see.
I can never tell the difference between the look on the face of a doctor who is recommending expensive medication or operations and a salesman that's just about to close a big sale.
Once they can't sell the vaccine anymore they'll make bank on chemo.
People are made to not believe in God so that the ones behind the scenes can replace that void with something else that they can control.
Don't forget that the enemy is well-known for their double standards. These rules are for you to follow, not them. The rules are there to restrict and immobilize you while they ignore them.
Here's a summary of how their system works via Snake Plissken:
If you make enough noise to expose them it can put a dent in the narrative, which is what the memes and non-legacy media have been doing. They are already being exposed with all the reports of guys-pretending-to-be-girls doing women's sports among other things.
Pick your battles though. They don't follow their own rules and use whatever rules are convenient to get their agenda pushed through. The ignorant masses that blindly follow authority are easy pickings for them.
Wasn't ending humanity their goal to begin with?
Yuri said it best. Only takes 3 generations to subvert a country.
I saw the videos of people who dropped like flies out of the blue. I don't think they even had time to regret their decision.
The news of countries stocking up gold has been going on for many years now.
Hmm... what's with all the social media sites being on sale lately?
30 days? Is she also going to be released early for good behavior?
Something to think about. If we are hearing about the Jews now, does that mean we're slowly approaching "save Israel for last"?
Kamikaze drone? You mean... a missile?
Not gonna lie, to me it does sound like something quite extreme in terms of messaging. Whether it's to balance out what they did for the other side or if there's more meaning to it down the line or if it's just a verbal 'pat on the back' remains to be seen.
Or maybe the entire world is just so full of dumb people that anyone with a tiny bit of common sense is already exceptional in some way, for whatever that is worth. Most people who didn't get the jab went against the narrative in their own way, so I suppose that helps in the big picture.
"FUCK NO" is indeed a good phrase to live by.
All I can think of is that the self-demolition they did to their own economy and reputation was quite out of the ordinary.
Same goes with wrestling house shows in different towns.
It's an inherent problem is that many people nowadays have given up their ability to think for themselves on matters that they have no interest in, even if those matters might be important to their future.
This means they only have a limited focus where they can apply critical thinking, be it related to their profession or hobbies, but outside of that, they happily shut their brains off and delegate the thinking to entities of supposed authority.
I believe Youtube officially announced awhile back that they were dropping the restrictions on videos that talk bad about the vaccine.
Don't forget about the ventilators that ripped their lungs to shreds.
I think a 300-style deep pit is more appropriate. They can sell tickets on who gets to kick who into the pit.