Weird. Just like Biden.
Hid inside, didn't debate, considerably less followers online (yes this is an indicator, it indicates public and social exposure) .... yet he won lol.
The Karens will spark the thought. They will view them as a non-threat, but we're all thinking it. That's why they MUST stick to their schedules and MUST keep security around.
They spent those same years installing person after person who would back em. What's gonna stop those sleepers from bringing em right back in somewhere?
With the exception of an 18 year old dating a 17 year old (or similar ages so close in proximity to each other), anyone who gets Sex Offender slapped onto their criminal record SHOULD be viewed as vile scum.
There is no love between a child and grown adult other than a parent to a child. Children will say or do whatever you want. To take advantage of that is sad and disgusting.
Are screenshots allowed? I am DEFINITELY not allowing cookies from that website sit on my computer LOL
Ma'am, you work in a retail chain and get paid $18 an hour to service people picking up prescriptions and pay for their condoms in the same transaction, please come back to reality.
The algorithms written were INSTALLED (coded really lol) into the voting machines. Hobbs was likely INSTALLED as a place-holder to run against a potential Red patriot.
So in a similar way, Lake should be INSTALLED.
If my interpretation is fair, I'd say GEOTUS is maybe losing hope in the "by the law" approach and he himself is being pushed to his precipice. I'd say maybe in 10-ish years, people will think the only way they can show their vote is with a gun.
IMO, regardless of any specific "ascension" or God gene, the idea (again, IMO), is for the majority of society to experience a "great awakening". The great awakening should start with "hope" for a happier and more peaceful society. When those feel good chemicals get released, what do you think about? How do you feel when the weather is great? How do you feel when the weather is great AND your environment is clean and pleasing to the eyes? Clouds? sunsets? mountains? beaches?
IDK about you guys, but when the weather hits 75'ish and it's fall, I IMMEDIATELY become calm and peaceful and I feel much closer to God. Its amplified even more when I don't have to worry about a large expense looming over my head or being fired from a job cuz I didn't want to get the vaccine. Look at what happened when people refused to get the jab, they were threatened with being fired.
I think the COVID "vaccine" is meant to facilitate all those negative feelings or suppression of the good feelings. Maybe even permanently (if the idea is meant to be .
All in all, I think this whole "ascension" and "great awakening" thing is a lot more simple than others on here are making it out to be.
I'm confused. I understand they can push their ideology via social media, but how can they push trafficking of physical human beings using a social media platform? Inboxes? Private messages?
Obama was clearly the "CEO" of the operation (meaning they can play musical chairs with him and remove him if needed). He's a smooth speech-reader, however there's no way he's in charge. Obama was just another pawn who was given a good deal to execute part of the plan. They used him for his skin color, speech giving abilities, communist ideology and hatred for America.
Who better to help put in the oval office than a race baiting, America hating, smooth talking underground radical extremist?
It's getting closer!! American hearted patriots will soon be picking up their guns. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
We are NOT yet at the mental and spiritual limit. Financial limit for some, but it isn't enough. We need to be pushed beyond a 2001 and 2008 level suffering.
His announcement will likely just be him saying he's running.
Are you surprised that the suspicious activity is already occurring? They cannot afford to lose. Its only a matter of time before people start rounding up names of politicians and law enforcement personnel involved in it.
A lot of innocent people are gonna get hurt one day, but a lot of people guilty of treason will also.
People were up in arms when Trump gave Operation Warp Speed a green light. Then a year or so later, we realize that it was likely to show the industry and government officials involved as frauds, liars and killers. Those same people then thought Trump was a genius for letting it happen.
The same opportunity should be given to DeSantis.
Also, please remember, the lower you go on the political scale, the less control and influence you have on local decisions. Yes, a governor has considerable control and influence, but he is beholden to the people of the state. I also don't expect him to read though every single line.
This is why it's so important to manage your thoughts, actions and words.
Even at the local level, your neighbors, friends, family and law enforcement would view you as mentally diagnosed.
The moment you let these "doctors" diagnose you with a mental illness, it becomes much easier for the above circle of "friends" to say "yeah, I have knowledge that he is diagnosed with _________, so his thoughts, actions and words tonight have definitely placed him or others in danger of harm and he needs to involuntarily hospitalized".
Kanye let his thoughts, actions and words put him in that position. He could've been the massive voice he is today without the involuntary hospitalization he had to go through...or having to go through losing his family (so to speak). I personally think they push to have these huge celebrities marry into other families specifically to control their money and their mind.
Regulate yourself, or the system will do it for you.
Or their own. Maybe they can take their job title to their next job and hopefully THAT has value, because I'm sure they have very little experience when compared to what the job title implies.
IMO she is Biden's first "executive" level handler. IMO... she has been proxy-president for quite sometime now.
If it isn't Clinton and it's a double, I suspect that her purpose NOW is to fool the larger political machine both here at home and internationally.
If you're aiming to take down an international criminal networks that have been about since hundreds of years, you'd have to start with a small focus.
I believe that focus would've been a local focus, but only after you've done reconnaissance for decades to learn the game first (which DJT himself have admitted to doing). I recall in an interview he mentioned that he learned their game.
Sneak in, take one or two hostages, blackmail em, work your way up and eventually you can nab a boss or two. Rinse, repeat and eventually you'll nab HRC. Rinse and repeat some more and eventually you'll nab Pelosi, Schumer etc.
I suspect Pelosi and Schumer are the actual "presidents" and like any other criminal network, the public face is typically a front man (Biden).
I also suspect that the current goal is to continue to convince Soros and the other cabalists that HRC hasn't been flipped or taken out.
IMO if white hats win in November and 45 becomes president again, things will really get going.
He had a rookie's hesitancy during that announcement.
Meaning, there's no heart behind it and it wasn't his decision to begin with. He was basically encouraged or coerced to give that annoucement.
There's gold embroidery on it. The UPA flag does not have that on it.
You don't coordinate with a different state, private company contractors while handling and transporting human beings without first consulting a lawyer or two lol.
That Sheriff explaining an investigation was being opened likely had it opened because he did not have the finer details such as the consent forms. His office's investigation will likely end once they realize that the forms and conditions of the transportation itself was humane and lawful.
We actually need to see Trevor Noah get booted from employment. Normies don't watch CNN, old people do.
Normies watch people like Trevor Noah and read opinion pieces on politihack websites.
Cant tell you how many gym locker thefts have gone up, but its a lot!
You can get the younger generation to be wise about it, but the older generation (as in semi-retired to completely retired) will still bring their entire duffel bag into the locker with everything but their iPads or tablets inside that duffel.
No cameras, tons of unseen and unoccupied corners with lockers, people are keeping their eyes down cuz who wants to f*cking look at another naked dude in the locker room? lol
Celebrities don't hire publicity agents to help publish 100% voluntarily-made acts of good.
You hire publicity agents to help turn negative incidents into positive ones.
In my job, threatening someone with criminal charges to compel a statement would land me in Internal Affairs and possibly get my certificate yanked.
But that never seems to stop politicians and lawyers from sending out legal notices of what amounts to a bluff.