This guy wishes he were the Antichrist but it's not even close.
If McConnell is dirty we are all fucked since who do you think was approving record numbers of judges while Trump was in office?
Can't even hear the original to try and make any sense of it. Does not sound like Putin at all. He is a consummate diplomat.
You need to be more subtle shill.
Right Germans want to buy USA gas at 10x the price instead. Not the smartest generation of Krauts are they. Glory to the USA! Get outta here shill.
How the turn tables.
Elon Musk is much better than DARPA. He is Project Horizon.
A probable Antichrist figure is someone like Alexander, Napoleon, Hitler. Generals and conquerors that ignite the passions of the people around them with charisma and speech. Not some financial alchemy goblin.
I'm just saying what it says in the Bible... You cannot tell me that ball-sack eyes is handsome and charismatic. He is the opposite of those things. The world will unite under the Antichrist. In what world does anyone unite under Soros?
Is he deceived or is he a willing patsy? Scapegoated to take the fall and make God look like a conquering hero? Only a truly loving brother would do something like that..
He's supposed to be handsome ><. Not to mention charismatic.
From the movie The Omega Code and Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 (2001).
Who is a good modern candidate for the Antichrist? Is it probable he has been born already?
It's reminding me a lot of the "Arab Spring"
The Grassley-corn series is one of my favorite things on here.
Any seasoned members will know not to date fag. The date fagging is likely promoted by shills in order to discredit us now that Trump is taking Q public.
The mods are too busy deciding what the front page will look like today.
Nice try Khazarian mafia.
Thank you! Will be checking it out.
Fascinating. Where I can learn more about the artillery movements?
Crazy how the things he talks about mirror the USA in so many ways. A government with right to self-determination. With a declaration and a constitution. Modern radicals destroying society while law-abiding citizens sit at home and watch.
Poseidon has entered the game.
God inventing Satan so that his son can swoop in and be the hero. Yup glory to god alright. Feel bad for the scapegoat.
Lemon Party time!
Who stickied this racist garbage? I swear the mods are working against us.