I don't know about this. Japan won't even let Japanese citizens back into their own country right now. They are not based, and they obviously don't believe Ivermectin is working if they are taking such drastic measures.
The part that is interesting to me is this:
"...thousands of emails that show election manipulation by Mark Zuckerburg's funding..."
Couldn't this be considered libel if it isn't true? It sounds like Trump is very confident about this. Closing in?
Interesting timing. Another post (here: https://greatawakening.win/p/140IdrFmvp/evergrande-on-brink-of-formal-de/c) mentioned that the Evergrande may not meet its payment deadline today. Are events lining up?
Why do these laws matter? We already have amendments that protect our right to practice religion and our right to assemble. They didn't care and people complied anyway. More laws will do nothing. Unless they start arresting everyone who was complicit in Oklahoma, they are only deceiving you for re-election.
Generalizations aren't good for anyone and I think you know that. If more straight couples would adopt, there wouldn't be such a need for gay people to do so. There are a lot of normal and well-adjusted gay couples in the world, and many of them are doing a lot of good by raising these kids that would otherwise not have a home. Maybe put your money where your mouth is and do the same.
This sounds fake. It's exactly the kind of thing a news network would do for ratings. "Oh, an unnamed former employee of ours left this voicemail. It's a real scandal. Yup, he worked for CNN/NBC/ABC, those leftist cooks. So make sure to keep getting your news from Fox, because we're the good guys."
Curious about your lifestyle. Why do you have internet access? You are still plugged into the grid, and your behavior is still being monitored 24/7. Cell phones are even worse. I find it strange that you're pooping in buckets and hauling water around manually but you still keep social media at hand.
Yes, if they manipulate or lie in order to miselad you into killing yourself, I believe they are murderers.