I'm more concerned that "the plan" actually comes to fruition after the 20th than I am that Trump becomes president. The whole gov't and economy/monetary system is so FUBAR that unless these arrests and trials happen SOON, and by that I mean within weeks, the window of opportunity will close. Trump isn't going to have 4 years to fix this, it's going to have to start soon just to get the traction with the public. No one is going to buy that Dementia story.
He can't accomplish what I'm hoping he wants to accomplish with those type of secrets still in existence. I for one will not trust him if by the end of his term he hasn't disgorged those secrets, to include all the hidden technology. He's got one shot at revamping this country and quite honestly, I don't give a rat's ass about whether people can handle the truth or not.
We'll soon know. My own personal opinion is that if what we all kind of thought, at least the various versions of arrests and system resets, is going to occur at all it's going to be at the beginning of his term not at the end. He has a short window of opportunity. So we'll know one way or the other shortly.
The only "fear mongering" that Greer does is trying to explain to people why hiding this technology is harming this world. He's NEVER stated that Aliens are hostile, unlike the people trying to ramp up a MIC reaction. Yes, he's arrogant, but you are incorrect about your assertion that he's close minded, he just doesn't listen to people who have done zero research but try to offer opinions.
They've been reverse engineering Alien craft tech since the 40's. It's likely Clinton & Co. gave a bunch to the Chinese way back in the 90's. There's ample proof of all of this for those following along. It only seems outlandish to those too lazy to research all the data compiled by dozens of researchers.
His point, I'm assuming, is that people immigrating to American should learn the language of the country they are immigrating to, not the reverse. I don't speak Spanish nor should I have to in order to live here. Now of course that isn't necessary in most places "YET". But there are some areas that Spanish is the predominate language spoken instead of English. English should be the official language so that our schools and other institutions aren't forced to be bi-lingual, which drives up costs and a wedge between Americans. This is all just part of the divide and conquer strategy, imo.
I had to click on this article just to check because i couldn't imagine a hetero couple committing this crime, and of course I wasn't disappointed.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't refer to two fags shacking up as a "couple", which tends to eliminate a lot of confusion when it comes to crap like this.
Exactly. Doesn't anyone remember the NAU (North American Union) push or the suggested introduction of the "Amero" currency back about 20-25 years ago? This is right out of the deep state playbook. I'm not willing to believe that this is all one big psyop to further that agenda, at least not yet. I don't think Trump is THAT guy.
Jennings tries to explain that there is only one "truth", as in reality, and the black commentator pipes in with a "no". So I guess she feels that there is more than one "truth", which means she gets to make her own version of what really happened. You can't fight this insanity because there is really no reasoning with people like this.
When was the Unibrow picture taken? Is it pre or post murder? could that area have been shaven or is it recent? If recent then it looks like they have the wrong guy. Heard they matched his prints to the scene today, doesn't mean it's true or not some sort of a set up. The FBI is excellent at that sort of stuff.
Trump can't do anything until he's president, which is on Jan 20th. The new congress are sworn in on the 3rd. So he was always going to be a Senator before Trump could recess the Senate. There has to be another reason he had to take his seat earlier than the 3rd.
In fact if we don't have a crash just what would be the impetus for Trump to change the monetary system? I don't think the people in this country can survive another 5 years with the current one. Too much debt, both public and private. Something has to give and I'm personally hoping that Trump has a plan to deal with it.
The problem is that just because someone can convince the majority to go along with an idea, doesn't mean it's what is right for America. Now, I'm not saying Trump doesn't have an alternative plan or what he's doing is pimping a NAU. But the idea of the NAU is not something I feel is good for America and seeding that idea in the minds of Americans is a negative, IMO. I hope there's another agenda in play here.
We are the laughing stock of the world. No one would believe this shit if it was in a movie.