"Trust but verify" isnt just a snappy slogan
Beyond reasoning to not conclude this was a conspiracy to assassinate Donald Trump...fact
one question : when is the switch going to be thrown?
Its time to dismantle the gross tranny statue in New York harbor and ship it back over to France and make Fort Wood Great Again...the ties that bind have finally been broken and for this we are extremely Grateful "Oh Father Who Art in Heaven"...
You only cheat elections when you fear you dont have the numbers to win legitimately and the dems/darkside havent had the numbers in decades...let that sink in.
Donald J. Trump signing a new Declaration of Independence on July 4, 2020 will have to suffice but oh what a timely document...just as timely as the one on July 4, 1776 🇺🇲
...and natural gas companies on how they are able to add charges each month for "future projects" whatever those may be
If MKUltra'd is a fancy term for being flim-flam'd hell im feeling that way just after watching the trailer much less the full 2+ hour movie...makes it look like a mash up of Weekend at Bernies and The Island of Dr. Moreau..you know the "weirdly feel good movie of the summer 2024" 👿...you liable to leave the theatre with a black-eye of your own afterward 😜🤤
"attempted" to steal a condo..big difference on his end 👍🏼
They have to set the stage and learn their lines and besides new actors have to be introduced along with new plot lines established..alot to do before the second half of the show since the killer ending of the first half fell flat...jus sayin
It doesnt matter which now that we know half of them hang out in a closet and half of them in a make-up drawer until assembly
Sometimes the ol' boys earlobes are looped and sometimes they are pinned to the side of his head...I really dont mind which it is just as long as the "real" Joe stays gone👍🏼
Sometimes gentle nudges from God are percieved as strife 🙏 but show us the way Father
What happens when cattle wont move through the chute?...They get cattle-prodded along..only nowadays its known as "gaslighting".
The left likes to keep their "lies" short and to the point at hand , so when it takes this many words , thought and effort , they know they are in deep shit.
afterall..in filing a "put" to "short a stock" that is quite a few i's to dot and t's to cross just to claim later was just a clerical error...jus sayin
As in the time of Jonah humanity didnt waste the 40 days given , starting on April 8, 2024 , to repent and to turn away from our evil ways and Nineveh was spared..God winked His approval in that millisecond with Trump for all to see...if that isnt Biblical i dont know what would be considered Biblical...God is as real as the tattered ear on that mans head.
How do you say you are Deepstate Minions without saying you are Deepstate Minions?
how do you know it wasnt changed?...it took place on 7/13 instead of 7/14 and how would we know exactly was supposed to transpire?...see what im trying to convey?
The head of the snakes are long gone and what you see are the writhing bodies trying to survive...out of 8 billion people on this plane and 1% are "involved" then that is 800 million writhing bodies with the majority waiting to lie still...hell they havent come into your communitees yet to round up the local ones...do you seriously think D.C. was the only place cheating was going on?..not hardly..they were cheating all across this land and beyond..local and federal and i dont know about you but "Im tired of all these mthrfkn snakes on this mthrfkn plane"...take your time WH and lets get them all...everywhere
Your "chicken" is just another persons "yardbird" and im going to stick with my yardbirds and continue to be chicken to eat your chicken...at least i know what kind of life and feed my yardbirds have had before they become "table-fare".
Sometimes knowledge isnt power but instead an extreme detriment to your ongoing health and well-being. On one side you are considered a "whistle-blower" and on the other you are considered a "snitch that deserves a ditch". The "Truth" is deadly when attempted to be kept secret whereas there is safety in numbers when the "blind eyes" are opened and there simply isnt enough ditches to hold them all.
Does anyone really need additional footage to convince themselves of nefarious planning on 1/6 other than the footage of leftwing operatives changing into Trump supporting attire in the bushes before storming the capitol on 1/6?
Senile?...or simulated senile?... is it real?...or is it Memorex?
It takes longer to hide the truth when so many eyeballs saw the truth...shoddy protection of Donald Trump wont be simply dismissed by an equally shoddy investigation by the very ones who provided the shoddy protection...Rowe is a bunch of nonsense to think his "feelings" even figure into the equation at this stage