specklemouse 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really should also mention that my sister and her husband spent an incredible amount of time with my nephew. They pretty much bought the house next door to my brother in Palm Desert. Brother is a golf pro and he often took the child to work to interact with strangers. When he didn't, my sister and her husband had the child.My nephew comes to visit them every summer for months at a time. Currently my nephew is running the golf course while his parents are ill. He has also written two novels which I am told are pretty good.

I had no idea that State money was available for autism. I know that my brother never took any. I do remember him paying several schools to smooth over any problems the child caused. My brother in law did end up as a wheel in Special Olympics which I suppose is a story in itself.

specklemouse 3 points ago +3 / -0

1 in 35 for we "normals" currently. That ought to be a big fucking red flag but for some reason it isn't. I have an autistic nephew who at 25 you couldn't tell that he was ever on the spectrum. I credit his father who put an incredible amount of work on him as a kid. It was the MMR vaxxx that done him in.

specklemouse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh I can remember. I was in the 7th grade when we lived there. Property was about an acre, had a boat slip to get into the river. Surrounded by a rock wall with embedded cut and polished geodes. House was 3 stories and we boys (3) lived in the top. Gravel road to get into town, about a mile. Across the river was a ski slope that provided entertainment during the winter. It was probably the nicest house I ever lived in, though massive acreage has its own sort of appeal.

specklemouse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Humans are every bit as natural as Niagara Falls monkey boy.

Borders are not secured by roads. They are secured by artillery.

Flying cars: The whole ATC in this country needs to be rethought and pretty much burned to the ground. If flying cars are ever to be widespread they will have to be fully automated. User inputs destination and software takes over all the flying parts. You do collision avoidance locally with on board radar and regionally using something better than ADS-B.

specklemouse 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I was a wee lad living in the country along the Fox River the property had a covered swing that was a part of an Alpine display in the Chicogo World's Fair. It was nice.

specklemouse 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are following money flows so yes, we are paying these people. This is all deliberate and if you were paying attention it would be obvious because DOGE is a transparent as it is possible to be. They are, in fact the Unit of Transparent. Future transparency will be expressed as a fraction of DOGE, i.e. 0.7 DOGE.

specklemouse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Many years ago I had dinner with the widow of a major Waste Management company in the west who told me that she was indeed mobbed up.

specklemouse 6 points ago +6 / -0

As a 71 year old heart patient I have more interaction with the medical types than I would like. I'm six foot and a hundred and thirty five pounds, pretty much what I weighed when I got out of the Navy. The nurses where I get treatment are mostly morbidly obese. The men are generally less heavy. My heart doctor tells me that he envies my condition mostly because I don't wheeze or struggle with movement. I tell him to eat real food instead of processed slop. Learn to cook. Don't eat out of boxes. Bake bread. Eat eggs and meat and milk and butter. Avoid seed oils. Too much trouble he says. Sad.

specklemouse 2 points ago +2 / -0

My first girlfriend's guardian was a blind Kentucky ADA. We put a bell inside a basketball and a buzzer underneath the basket. With that simple add he was brutal on the basketball court. I immediately knew he was blind from his manner.

specklemouse 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is perfect. Trump is the decider and Musk is the wacky subordinate who locates novel solutions that are right often enough to put up with the wacky.

specklemouse 4 points ago +4 / -0

Quite an acceptable usage for Ubernerds. Another terms is Wheel . Programming and hardware development are very much arts where the practitioner creates a spell with either words or drawings and runs it through another spell that instantiates the software or hardware of the first spell. Simple elementary magic in the world as it is.

specklemouse 7 points ago +7 / -0

I caved a couple of weeks ago. There is simply too much interesting going on at X. Only post here.

specklemouse 1 point ago +1 / -0

AZT is Remdesivir for AIDS.

specklemouse 2 points ago +2 / -0

They use the word "fair". Everybody who signs the back of the check knows that life isn't fair.

specklemouse 11 points ago +11 / -0

The Amish are the poster children for the vaccine autism link. They don't vaccinate and they have 0 cases of autism. No polio either. Vaccines have gotten a lot of positive press that really comes from improvements in public health.

specklemouse 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd like to note that Dune: Prophecy is best Dune ever.

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