stormymonday 4 points ago +5 / -1

I am glad somebody else caught this I saw it last night and said she gave him the stink eye,

stormymonday 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yea dump it on it burns and makes you itch for about 10 minutes, I used to rub it on my swollen knees and the next day the swelling was down more than half. The burning and itching is your pores opening up and the DMSO is entering through your skin.

stormymonday 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes bodybuilders who are afraid of needles use it to get testosterone into their bodies they mix the testosterone with it and rub it on. Testosterone must be injected it cannot be taken orally DMSO is an alternative.

stormymonday 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have used DMSO it is very good anti inflammatory, It burns terribly and it makes you itch but it goes away in about 10 minutes and it will leave a funny taste in your mouth it is a by product of making paper. You can buy it in most places the sell horse products. We also used to inject in cows lungs for abscess that impinge on their breathing you inject and the breath right away.

stormymonday 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have used DMSO it is very good anti inflammatory, It burns terribly and it makes you itch but it goes away in about 10 minutes and it will leave a funny taste in your mouth it is a by product of making paper. You can buy it in most places the sell horse products. We also used to inject in cows lungs for abscess that impinge on their breathing you inject and the breath right away.

stormymonday 5 points ago +5 / -0

Zelensky is a puppet of the globalist, to carry out their war against Putin, and Trump isn't having it.

stormymonday 2 points ago +2 / -0

When people die of carbon monoxide their bodies blow up like a balloon, when you see it it is obvious.

stormymonday 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you believe this bullshit then it backfired on them in a big way didn't it, last time I looked Trump is president and dismantling the swamp.

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