tardnugget 3 points ago +3 / -0

Almost exactly the same story here bro haha

Overnight stocker around 2008. Working 3 different jobs. Eventually got myself into tech.

I only lasted two weeks at Target because the shifts started at 3am but the doors were locked.

So everyone had to line up at the door basically and they'd unlock the door for everyone working to come in at 2:58am

But the machine to clock in was on the opposite side of the building and upstairs (two floor location).

So it was 3am-ish to 3:03am-ish by the time you could briskly walk to the clock.

BUT --- they'd write you up for being 1 minute late NO MATTER WHAT even if it was because they didn't unlock the doors in time for you to run upstairs to get to the clock. Even if they saw you there ON TIME AT THE DOOR and SAW you go IMMEDIATELY to the clock.

Sometimes you could make it to the clock on time, but there'd be 5 people in front of you clocking in so you'd still clock in a minute late at 4:01am by the time it was your turn.

Didn't matter. Bosses would literally SEE this happening. KNOWING you got there on time. Admit it was a problem and not your fault -- and then write you up anyway.

Get three of these you're fired. Doesn't matter if you're the best employee there.

Saw it happen to 3 people first week I worked there.

First time it happened to me about a week and half into working there -- I asked the manager writing me up -- "isn't this a little rediculous?

"You KNOW I was here on time you SAW me at the door when you unlocked it, you SAW me go immediately to the timeclock -- unless you're seriously expecting me to SPRINT from the front door to the clock to get FIRST in line -- and the only thing that'll accomplish is making the person behind me "late" even though they were also here on time"

He said something like "when you want to make money you do what you gotta do"

I just said "you're right -- seeing as how you're a fat faggot (guy was like 350lbs) who clearly doesn't care he's firing good workers weekly because he can't fucking use a key -- you're a threat to my income I'm going to take your advice"

And I walked out 💁‍♂️

Got a job working as a tech assistant for a special effects house a month later -- a WAY cooler job that I wouldn't have gotten if I had told that fat faggot to fuck himself.

tardnugget 2 points ago +2 / -0

If there's one thing I enjoy in life -- it's causing chaos where it's needed.

tardnugget 5 points ago +6 / -1

I stopped going to Target when I tried to tip the snack counter girl and she told me "Target doesn't allow us to accept tips" and then her boss who overheard came out and apologized to me and told me that was correct, they can't accept tips.

I said ok.

Walked away to ask someone unrelated to what just happened if I could speak to the location manager on shift. They didn't want to go get him without a reason so I just kept saying "it's a very sensitive matter regarding an employee I am not trying to embarrass Im sorry the only person I will speak to is the team leader on shift"

(I used to work for Target unfortunately years ago so I knew something like this would get me who I wanted)

After some further insisting they went and got him.

Are you're employees allowed to accept tips?

He got very awkward but admitted no they're not allowed.

I just told him "I don't know if you made that rule or corporate made that rule and you're just enforcing it but either way I'm about to fuck you"


I immediately walked away before he could say anything.

I made 1 customers mad enough they didn't even finish checking out 😭 they just dropped checking out and immediately followed me out 😂😂😂

Overall I got them about 8 HORRIBLE reviews all mentioning him by name. Two of them seemed gay so I made up some some homophobic shit "the manager told me" and made them mad enough to post emails to Target's corporate HR complaint portal 😂😂

As you might gather from reading this. I REALLLLY hated working there and everyone who worked there with me. I lasted about 2 weeks.

The work was fine. Most low level employees were ... not my type of people but basically fine. The management however was woke AF and HORRIBLY cliquey, rude, and incompetent.

Alot of management is like that. But Target made those qualities a REQUIREMENT.

It takes a special kind of person to CHOOSE to work for Target when so many less horrible companies are right next door and are hiring like mad.

tardnugget 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Warp Speed was really a play to accelerate the canal's timeline... 🤔

But if not I partially agree with DeSantis here. But Ronny boy can go fuck himself either way.

But he is only right on a surface level. Warp Speed is opposite to what you'd want to develop a safe drug. And besides the aspect of it potentially meddling with the cabal's timeline -- was a disasterous move.

And Ron can go fuck himself for associating Trump with the vax mandate. That's outrageous.

tardnugget 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's very good at convincing the public all those things are true. That's for sure.


Look who's still head of Trust and Safety at Twitter.

Look at his new CEO.

Look at the fact he promised to restore banned accounts -- and then unbanned a few popular people so they'd say he unbanned them -- and the rest of us get emails telling us our account will remain banned with zero reason given. TONS of people here and PDW and Truth Social got a rejection email.

Look at Kristen Ruby's reporting on the machine learning cencorship still ongoing.

I'm not saying you should definitely believe he's a black hat -- I AM saying that believing he's a white hat simply because he has the appearance of often aligning with our interests is a HORRIBLE reason to trust him.

And while he did APPEAR to remove CP from Twitter -- you should look into the main woman who was promoting he was doing this, Eliza Bleu who is not at ALL what she appeared to be and was exposed.

Of course the accounts posting proof of her lies were also banned.

And they used the same strategy of unbanning just a few popular accounts so that most people believed it was a mistake and then refused to speak on it further.

Not to mention people are STILL being banned regularly for telling the truth. For saying Trump won. For saying men are men and women are women. They just stopped banning POPULAR accounts so it doesn't get noticed or can get written off as a mistake because "see look who they unbanned!"

Elon may be a white hat. I definitely think it's possible. But thinking his public moves represent his private motivations is dumb dumb dumb dumb

tardnugget 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wells Fargo is one of the shittiest banks I've ever worked with.

I would definitely believe this.

And I don't mean just shitty to customers, that's a given. I mean they did shit that just made no sense at all and probably cost them a TON of money just sorting everything through their shitty processes.

I have many far better examples but this one is the funniest -- you used to be able to overdraw your account by $400-800 EASILY. And not pay a damn thing to do it. All you had to do was time your ATM withdrawals at the right time of night on Friday at the right locations and as long as you deposited a positive account value by Tuesday morning, even if it was a check that would be pending for several days after, it was like it never happened 😭 free payday loan without needing to sign over a paycheck to do it 🤣 no overdraft fees NADA

I can't imagine how many people figured that out and used it in the regular. When I was a broke irresponsible 20 year old you can bet I used the SHIT out of that to pay rent.

Think I only ever got charged an overdraft fee twice and it was just because I hadn't figured out the timing for making the deposit yet.

But even $35 for a $800 overnight, instant no reject possible no credit needed approval, no collateral, weekend loan is pretty ridiculous.

Basically zero consequences (besides the overdraft fee if you missed the deadline) as long as you paid your account within a month or so.

I bet a ton of people who figured that out just ran off with it 🤣 even if Wells Fargo sued every single person who did this and was successful, they would have lost years of being able to capitalize on those funds nevermind attorneys fees and debt collector fees.

Eventually they figured it out and put a stop to it but that shit worked for YEARS until just a couple years ago.

I can't imagine what they're capital investment portfolio looks like 😬

tardnugget 1 point ago +6 / -5

You could make that exact comment and depending on what post it was on, will be massively upvoted or massively downvoted.

Groupthink/collective opinion floats with the winds of the day.

Overall I agree. Though I DO think there is a small group within the military that has not been captured.

Also VERY important -- the military can be used as a tool by the right person and the right plan EVEN IF it has been totally captured.

Nothing about the military being corrupted and lost prevents the military from being the mechanism that leads to arrests.

Just like the Biden admin is used to do things Trump couldn't do himself. The military could also be used this way.

tardnugget 0 points ago +1 / -1

The DS must really be afraid of exposing Gregg Phillips.

There fixed that for ya. Your Flynn psy-op'd rattled brain had that backwards.

tardnugget 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why are you? You're promoting a deep state grifter and accusing everyone who disagrees as being a moron or a shill.

And you cling to your conclusions about him like a tranny clings a false identity.

Your motives are SUS as hell.

tardnugget 0 points ago +1 / -1

Everyone needs to just callllllm the fuck down and eat their damn popcorn.

It's an 8 year plan and we were told there'd be infiltrators pretending to be patriots. We've got a few years to go but we're on track and making HUGE wins!

No matter who turns out to be deep state operators and who's legit -- nothing can stop what's coming.

It's not the end of the fucking world when someone disagrees with you about who the good guys and bad guys are when the movie isn't even fucking over yet.

Calm your tits and listen to Trump. I encourage heavy skepticism about literally everybody else.

tardnugget -1 points ago +2 / -3

Yup. Memory holed and/or in complete denial admitting it didn't happen -- but claiming that was the plan the whole time and shouting down skeptism with phrases like "moves and countermoves" like somehow not fulfilling promises to patriots is bad for the deepstate /

Or claiming it DID happen but we're not special enough to get access yet 🙄

Fucking insane. Ask them to merely CONSIDER they might be wrong about Gregg and all of a sudden you're a deep state shill or you've been brainwashed by libtards.

Just craziness.

tardnugget -2 points ago +1 / -3

Ohhhhhh that's why you shat on me for no reason on that other comment 😅😅 you're a Gregg shill and I pissed you off 🤣

tardnugget 0 points ago +1 / -1

No I didn't call them stupid and I didn't say you called them stupid either. So take your butthurt and calm the fuck down. All I said was you're underestimating them and we shouldn't assume they're stupid.

And I think YOU have no idea what YOU'RE talking about.... So there. How's that for a productive conversation!?

Great comment sir! Totally useful for everyone.

tardnugget 5 points ago +9 / -4

I wonder when he's going to reveal the TERABYTES of ballot box footage he promised for months or the 2000+ sheriffs he promised to use that data to make arrests.

I'm sure he'll get right on that after another donation so he can pay his taxes or lawyers he hasn't paid in over two years ...

Or maybe Catherine can use her FFL to sell some firearms and make some cash, she says she's never used it before which to my knowledge you can't get an FFL unless you're ALREADY selling enough firearms to qualify but I'm sure she's telling the truth.


Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the white hats can and ARE tracking cell phones.

But I absolutely do NOT think Gregg Phillips has ANYTHING to do with that effort besides a bunch of big talk.

I'm sure I'll get downvoted or banned YET again for expressing my opinion about Gregg but ... he's dangerous imo and it's worth warning people about.

Don't take my word for it.

Search his name on Truth Social. There are a TON of great anons with background on Gregg.

tardnugget 6 points ago +9 / -3

You're vastly underestimating them which is strategically dangerous compared overestimating them.

Calling them stupid is funny. And it may be true. But if it isn't true and that's the assumption you made, that they're stupid, you're FUCKED.

Assume they're smart. Even if they don't appear to be or risk suffering the consequences of being wrong.

The consequences of assuming they're smart and being wrong are negligible compared to the overwhelming consequences of assuming they're stupid and being wrong.

Basic risk management.

tardnugget 5 points ago +5 / -0

I get that symptom with the regular flu

tardnugget 1 point ago +1 / -0

I keep seeing people saying she was subscribed to Lin Wood!!

Regardless of what you think of Lin ... definitely kinda of a WTF that Yaccitits would be following him on Twatter

tardnugget 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want this to happen PURELY so I can send Clot Adams a clip I have saved from his podcast telling people -- "NEVER going to happen" -- while he brags he's going to block anyone who brings up Trump/Kennedy2024 for being a complete moron.

tardnugget 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same buddy 😂

I even know a ton of people who thought COVID wasn't even REAL like it was literally just the literal ol' flu who still took the test!!

Why!?!? Lol

Treatment is the same no matter what the test results so it's irrelevant.

If it's positive I'd take ivermectin per FLCCC protocol to treat symptoms.

If it's negative I'd take ivermectin per FLCCC protocol to treat symptoms.

Getting tested is pointless and stupid.

Mostly to appease their wives usually at least in the group I know.

tardnugget 1 point ago +1 / -0

However you do it, do it with a stop order unless you're gonna watch that shit and you like to play with fire.

tardnugget 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't looked into the specifics of this case so this could be way off base....

But doesn't the recent EPA ruling suggest the way SCOTUS is going to rule here?


tardnugget 1 point ago +1 / -0

Alot of some of the most prolific Q post researchers we had here have been banned for getting into tiffs with mods.

Not going into details here on what happened it's not really relevant or helpful.

But suffice it to say when you lose content pillars like that, there'll be less engagement.

Unfortunately it's resulted in a kind of stagnation without them, where we're relying on Qcelebs to meme about instead of analysis inspired discussion.

The majority of the most prolific users I followed here anyway have moved to Truth Social as their primary Q discussion app.

We have amazing mods I'm not trying to insinuate any foul play.

But this problem will also likely get worse without a significant discussion on why this happened in such abundance if we want them back.

Which maybe we don't want them back I don't know.

I'm only bringing it up because it's a trend I've noticed here that's gotten more and more significant over the last year with many users I followed here no longer posting as a result -- sometimes for related reasons not all bans.

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