teppischfresser 2 points ago +2 / -0

At least we had V10s and V12s while he was over F1.

teppischfresser 7 points ago +7 / -0

I hope M is able to find Jesus and true peace.

teppischfresser 5 points ago +5 / -0

I had never heard of Norman Rockwell until about 10 years ago. I loved the art immediately as it made me feel nostalgic for a time I never knew.

teppischfresser 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is what I've said from the beginning. Why do you need to test and drive up their covid numbers? If you're sick, just be sick. Testing literally does nothing to help.

teppischfresser 1 point ago +1 / -0

Heres my copy/paste:

You wouldn't believe how I was treated and how all of my concerns were handled. The military is all brainwashed to follow orders from the guy above them, so I was continually told, "there's nothing we can do because it's not my decision."

I was eventually in a meeting with 6 people, which I thought was going to be a one-on-one meeting, in which I was shown a manilla folder with a SECRET cover letter on it. I had inquired everyday for weeks as to why the unvaccinated were force tested with a nasal swab without any knowledge of the chemicals involved. I knew the tests had sodium azide, which we use for explosives, and ethylene oxide, a known carcinogen. They absolutely refused for weeks to show me a MSDS sheet, which even got the safety guy I went through confused and concerned even though he was all for the tests.

When the folder was slid to my side of the table I was told, "you cannot tell anyone you saw this, you cannot take notes on this, you cannot take pictures of this, this is for your eyes only." I opened it to find one sheet of paper. A single sheet of fucking paper was the MSDS sheet. The only relevant information on it was, "This nasal swab test contains cotton. If it catches fire, use a fire extinguisher." I lost my mind, as you could imagine. I spent an hour woth those moronic demons who had no argument whatsoever.

One of the lawyers even said, "my daughter had the number 666 in her ldrivers license number and that worried me. So I understand why you're concerned about the mark of the beast, but this isn't it." Are you fucking kidding!!!

teppischfresser 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was in the first go around. Capt Belmont (USN) reprimanded me and others for "Failure to follow directions." See how generic he made it? He made us stand outside in single digit weather for mandatory testing even though the training building on base had a couple of rooms setup for vaccinations. So few vaccinations were happening because we aren't stupid, that they kept sending emails stating the on-demand vaccinations would stop if we didn't use it. Instead of opening a room for us to use, he sent out an email saying we'd have to "dress appropriately, because of the inclimate weather."

I'll copy and paste another post I made about some other things I had going on. It was a full year of bullshit! No lawyers would help with anything. We called se eral and were ttold it would cost $25k per person... not feasible.

teppischfresser 2 points ago +2 / -0

🤣 just think of all they went through. They couldn't possibly imagine how they're name still persists to this day.

teppischfresser 1 point ago +2 / -1

You wouldn't believe how I was treated and how all of my concerns were handled. The military is all brainwashed to follow orders from the guy above them, so I was continually told, "there's nothing we can do because it's not my decision."

I was eventually in a meeting with 6 people, which I thought was going to be a one-on-one meeting, in which I was shown a manilla folder with a SECRET cover letter on it. I had inquired everyday for weeks as to why the unvaccinated were force tested with a nasal swab without any knowledge of the chemicals involved. I knew the tests had sodium azide, which we use for explosives, and ethylene oxide, a known carcinogen. They absolutely refused for weeks to show me a MSDS sheet, which even got the safety guy I went through confused and concerned even though he was all for the tests.

When the folder was slid to my side of the table I was told, "you cannot tell anyone you saw this, you cannot take notes on this, you cannot take pictures of this, this is for your eyes only." I opened it to find one sheet of paper. A single sheet of fucking paper was the MSDS sheet. The only relevant information on it was, "This nasal swab test contains cotton. If it catches fire, use a fire extinguisher." I lost my mind, as you could imagine. I spent an hour woth those moronic demons who had no argument whatsoever.

One of the lawyers even said, "my daughter had the number 666 in her ldrivers license number and that worried me. So I understand why you're concerned about the mark of the beast, but this isn't it." Are you fucking kidding!!!

teppischfresser 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now, why did people like me get kicked to the curb for not taking it if the military knew it was fucked to begin with? Capt. Belmont, you can fuck off.

teppischfresser 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you! I sent my sister a ton of links regarding Fenbendazole, ivermectin, zinc, curcumin, iodine, and silver. Thanks for the recommendation. Who knows if her mother in-law will actually try this stuff. I figure, you're dying anyway so just do it. I don't mean that to sound bad, it's just reality.

teppischfresser 5 points ago +5 / -0

My brother-in-law's mother just got diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Turbo. It came out of nowhere. No one wanted to listen to me and now they're paying the price.

teppischfresser 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mine is all sports and video games. Guess who doesn't give a crap about either...

teppischfresser 5 points ago +5 / -0

God will keep her company until you all see her again!

teppischfresser 6 points ago +6 / -0

It is, that's the midget press secretary turned mockingbird fox anchor. Why is this being upvoted when it's clearly not the Maui fire? It's very deceptive.

Yes, FEMA lies, we all know that, but don't deceive people by saying this is Maui.

teppischfresser 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Sabbath day is Saturday, not Sunday. The Catholics changed it and bragged about deceiving everyone.


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