What would unite the US mil IF they are not already united? I can think of a few:
- exposure of Pearl Harbor or similar events
- exposure of military assets used by cabal for child trafficking
- Biden administration surrendering in a nuclear event to Russia or China (scare event)
My gut feeling is that this war has been done behind scenes where there has been a strong alliance between major if not all militaries to bring down this threat. Who knows how it will play publicly though.
well the only reason I voted this year was to force them to cheat. They cannot be found guilty of cheating if they don't have to do it.
That said in this moment, I do not feel like voting. Pretty finished with the Ballot box. Let's see if there's anything left in the jury box.
Well January 6th solidified how patriots will be discriminately treated if we peacefully protest.
The 2018-2022 elections solidified that we cannot use voting to change.
I'm not sure how this leads to anything but violence. I wish the military would step in.
I'm betting the vast majority of people on this board, including you, have done next to nothing to fight the cabal. So how are any of you holier than "normies"? Because white hats took the time to inform you and you're slightly ahead of the curve than them?
All souls are worth saving.
While Mirror can have many valid and intended interpretations, I believe one of the primary is how the Great Reset mirrors the Great Awakening.
It's essentially chirality, like how left handed gloves and right handed gloves are very similar but don't work for both hands. At least part of the plan is to invoke the Great Reset, but in such a fashion that it has the complete opposite effect intended by the cabal.
I'm not sure how much of the 2016 election can be attributed to overconfidence. The primary difference between then and now is that the vast majority of the country believes elections can be rigged and stolen. Before 2016, the amount of awareness to this was very small. "HRC" helped in her own twisted way bring this to light.
look that's your right to not care for your neighbor, but it's exceptionally heartless of you to not have any empathy for others. There are many that were forced (children), coerced (military and medical workers), and others uninformed.
I imagine there are many satanists that dissuade any feelings of compassion by thinking "they did it to themselves" or "they should have known better".
Dude you just described my life right now.
The indian guys have literally zero test coverage? They have python functions that are 400 lines wrapped in a try catch block that ignores the useful error and prints one error for the whole block? Their AWS keys are hardcoded in the code base in over 30 places??
But it's not diversity most of the time. It's non technical people reducing a quarter's burn rate at the cost of the company's future
I'd bet neither of those two have been to Russia or Ukraine, and (probably) neither really knew anything about either's news or politics before recently.
So you have two immediate family members breaking their relationship because of things that may or may not be happening so far away from them that they have no way to verify. Instead of finding the things they agree on, they've picked rival teams in an illusion.
One gets a feeling of empathy for those born into the Clown system
I do think it's important to remember that we can simultaneously empathize (and love) morally reprehensible people and condemn them for their actions. Maybe not that is not the case for the world at large, at this moment in time.
I think those deaths would primarily be on the conscience of big pharma, big media, governments, and importantly themselves.
Accidentally giving the flu to someone with vaids is the straw that broke the camel's back if it does/would kill them.
What they are wrong about is that it's not a valid reason to dislike it. It's a thinly veiled attempt to sabotage western culture, and it's good to see that people are growing fed up of being told they cannot appropriate others' cultures whilst their own is deliberately removed.
I too want government to restrict citizen's rights based on their speech and beliefs :P