by PepeSee
toddapollos 6 points ago +6 / -0

Imagine the Gospel getting the same treatment. "Stop sharing Christ!, We were here first!"

toddapollos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could "not be able to walk down the street " mean sudden health issues arise? Does the adrenochrome crowd have an internal doomsday clock ticking inside them? Ala Celine Dion? I dunno.....

toddapollos 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perhaps its been an ongoing MI all along, with beautifully crafted stealth.

toddapollos 9 points ago +9 / -0

A useful narrative, but all the players are fulfilling their roles, so as to catch up standard deviation one of the sheeple bell curve.( sd 2 " lower "cant be reached, sd 2 higher have been waiting...waiting...waiting... :)

toddapollos 2 points ago +2 / -0

If NM can do this, then Texas, then Florida......the Constitution becomes a suggestion.

toddapollos 3 points ago +3 / -0

Above post requires a bit of critical thinking, as well as an understanding of some geometry and trig..... avoid unless you possess an IQ of 120 or more...

toddapollos 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think you are feminine. Which isn't a bad thing, btw. I have a wife, 2 daughters, four, I like females. ( ps.. Before my daughters became mothers, each one owned 3 cats!!) And yes, Ive avoided your question :)

toddapollos 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hope this young man recovers. By all accounts, He is a class-act. Not easy growing up in the shadow of his dad. Never been a fan of Lebron's politics, but he's raised good kids, and changed the arc from his fatherless upbringing.

toddapollos 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always wondered if the "born again" experience can be demonstrably shown in our dna upon regeneration...and if so, does evil in high places seeks to destroy it.

toddapollos 47 points ago +48 / -1

Knowing the bar set by judge was so high, they had to let him claim "insufficient evidence". Now, a new piece of evidence which meet his bar puts him in a lose/lose situation ( win/win for Lake) .

toddapollos -2 points ago +3 / -5

Rumble. "Retired F-16 Pilot confirms flat earth" Fascinating explanation, using the APG-68 radar system.

toddapollos 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could it be that Big Mike will be "forced' to run, as a means to discredit and expose the entire Obama "family" fraud, while at the same time knocking the legs out from under the tranny movement?

toddapollos 1 point ago +2 / -1

BTW, Venus will be in the ten o clock sky tomorrow night.... Not possible with heliocentric model... maybe sunrise, or sunset...not 10 pm sky. It "inner orbt: makes it impossible to view...yet there it will be March 5.

toddapollos 4 points ago +6 / -2

So, like youtube, we are banning based on subject matter? If people think flat earth positions are weak, simply argue the point. Argue based on empirical findings, and not ad hominem or the fallacy of appealing to authortiy...we know how that turned out for the vaxxed..

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