truthseeker44 4 points ago +7 / -3

The obsession with Khazaria is such an obvious psyop. Follow the money as to who or what organisation keeps funding these 'jews' to be placed in positions of power throughout the centuries. It's almost as if these people who call themselves jews act as corrupt as possible, in order for some shadowy group to rise to power after the inevitable backlash. Problem reaction solution.

truthseeker44 4 points ago +4 / -0

This all goes back to the Bank of International Settlements and Nazi/Vatican money. Something BIG is happening.

truthseeker44 7 points ago +8 / -1

If I were going to overtake a country, I would use 'jews' to act as outrageously corrupt as possible, in order to then take control during the inevitable backlash. Problem, reaction, solution.

truthseeker44 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Catholic Church has repeatedly throughout history quashed and attempted to suppress the RADICAL TRUTH of Christianity. A deep state would be an apt term for a suppression squad who seeks to keep humanity within a very narrow paradigm.

truthseeker44 0 points ago +1 / -1

Stollen bread has some very interesting connections to the protestant reformation and the catholic church. It is possible that these pesky RINO's are actually dual allegiance to Vatican City (Ron Desanctimonius).

truthseeker44 2 points ago +2 / -0

Scythians perhaps settled in Scotland. Also a lot of information that the welsh settled in North America (and a lot of misinformation too surrounding this).

In the old German spoken in the ancient times, the word for Scotland and for Scythian is the same, Scutten. The Scythian peoples dominated the steppe north of the Black Sea at that time. A matrilineal culture who painted their bodies and who had developed an extraordinarily high standard of craftsmanship with metal, particularly gold, they faded from history at about the time that scholars first begin to describe another matrilineal, body painting, metal working people, the Picts. Were they the same people?


truthseeker44 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you were a king, you obviously had an interest in making sure your masons and architects would be able to build the strongest fortifications, and the grandest display of artistry. A King would also employ chemists (alchemists) to determine the strongest metal for swords, etc. All stone masons (pre 17th century or so) were employed by the monarchy, as the building of stone buildings (cathedrals and castles) was a secret art. It would be dangerous if the enemy got full access to your secrets as it would ruin your advantage.

They had the full understanding of Gods workings via many many years of observing the stars, agriculture, building, maths, philosophy.

This is the original freemasonry, passing down and preserving the secrets that allow for the building of a great Cathedral (amongst many other things). The knowledge has probably been preserved from Ancient Greece, Egypt and perhaps Sumeria before that. These are the true founders of Christianity (before Christianity was turned into a limited hangout by Rome).

These original freemasons sought (and some may still seek) to give knowledge to the world in a safe manner. Just giving ALL this knowledge to humanity instantly without the full understanding would lead to chaos, so it has to be trickled out.

truthseeker44 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those pesky masons, always leaving obvious clues at the death scene!

truthseeker44 2 points ago +4 / -2

It really goes back to the 16th century reformation where certain European countries politely told the catholic church to piss off.

The church mafia still has a stick up its ass about that, and will do everything necessary (via federal reserve, NGO's, crime) in order to secure what they see as rightfully theirs.

truthseeker44 6 points ago +6 / -0

The catholic church (who funded the Nazi movement) would prefer to be a pagan religion, but they took up Christianity some 1700 years ago in order to quash the growing Christian movement, and control it. If they had a choice, the church would not be christian at all.

The nazis intended to bring about this return to paganism that was at the heart of Rome (mithraism).

truthseeker44 8 points ago +8 / -0

The Victorian age was the last great age before this knowledge was banned. This knowledge (of harmonic things like archecture, sound, light, etc) happened to be banned starting from around the time of the federal reserve.

Notice that architecture today is generally what i describe as 'non-harmonic', and is visually ugly and makes you feel confused. Harmonic architecture reaches its pinnacle in something like a great cathedral.

Tartaria IS a psyop to distract from the fact that this knowledge has been purposefully obscured, and to stop people from reviving this knowledge. Researching about the Tatars will get you nowhere, if you truly want to understand about what makes these buildings (and their construction techniques.....) special.

truthseeker44 4 points ago +4 / -0

The energy cabal prefers pollution and destructive energy over profit. Their main motivation is not money, but social and environmental decay.

truthseeker44 2 points ago +3 / -1

At least take a few stones off the top of the Vatican obelisk in order to represent Martin Luthers absolutely brutal circumcision of the church.

truthseeker44 2 points ago +2 / -0

The politicians have taken real power away from the monarch long ago.

truthseeker44 1 point ago +1 / -0

On what planet would any of these fucks think they can get away?

The movie that we are watching has been designed to lure them into a false sense of security.

truthseeker44 1 point ago +1 / -0

I doubt the white hats would purposefully implode the energy cabal without having a practical replacement ready to go.

Satellite solar wireless power transfer for baseload ground supply: clean energy for the future (just a quick example of what is possible with satellites and wireless energy. Combine something like this with a Tesla tower....)

truthseeker44 4 points ago +4 / -0

No wonder this nasty little mafia had to quash Teslas inventions 100 years ago. They would be bankrupt overnight if actual alternative energy generation methods were used.

If they lose their mining and oil rights (perhaps due to human rights violations) then they are OVER.

truthseeker44 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Vatican is rapidly losing their worldwide energy kingpins. At this rate, we might have to find new ways to produce energy (windmills and solar panels don't count)!

truthseeker44 6 points ago +6 / -0

Interesting. I remember when she had an instagram post with a Jesuit cathedral, the flag of Israel and the flag of Australia.

A lot of corrupt activities in Australia, mining and casinos (look up Jamie Packers connections to Israel). George Pell was an Australian Catholic cardinal who has just died too, he used to handle finances for the church.

I remember Q posting about Godfather III, which is all about the churchs energy investments.

In fact, one casino in Tasmania was going to be designed by Marina Abramovic of all people!!!!!! https://architectureau.com/articles/mona-unveils-casino-and-hotel-designs/

edit: and in addition to that the New South Wales premier (Dominic Perrotet) is a member of a Catholic sect called Opus Dei, which had strong connections to Pope Pius and Hitler/the nazi party.

truthseeker44 5 points ago +6 / -1

The deep state cabal seems to be the boston brahmin families which are connected to the vatican/the black nobility families and perhaps the Wittelsbachs. Whoever was behind Oliver Cromwell is behind the deep state.

Trump seems to be on the side of the Hapsburgs and the Wettins (Queen Elizabeth II/King Charles). Interestingly Charles V of the Hapsburgs motto was 'Plus Ultra' which is written on tiles at Mar a Lago.


truthseeker44 4 points ago +5 / -1

Rulers being in leauge with the pope is accusation as old as the church itself! Sometimes true and sometimes not.

truthseeker44 4 points ago +7 / -3

Orion=Aryan Nazis were funded by the church and were obsessed with 'aryan' genes. Not saying the catholic church is a front for a parasitic race of orion based alien invaders, but at least something funny is going on.

truthseeker44 13 points ago +13 / -0

Ron is dual allegiance (Vatican City)

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