The government in D.C. under the municipal corporation named the United States of America Inc. is a democracy. That is what they are talking about. But that Corp is dissolved and no more so they are right when they say they are losing their democracy.
Jeckyll Island Georgia is the place where the bankers met privately to create the Federal Reserve.
Read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G Edward Griffin.
These docs say Trump paid the debt
Could be bullshit though...
The thing I don't get is all Jones really did is report on what was being said, he didn't really create and spread the conspiracy theories. It's a news channel. So I believe there is something else going on here and they are making him pay for other reasons.
"The problem is that the Fed has the largest stockpile of gold in the world."
Not the Fed, the Treasury. The Fed was rolled into the Treasury under Trump. Although your point still stands with respect to the Roths. I am sure they own more gold than than the US in those Swiss mountain vaults.
Those are all the reason the farmers should say no. The water doesn't belong to the state. The farmers need to defend their rights or lose them. Take a stand, protect your wells, tell the state to fuck off with their fines. People really need to stop listening to these so called authorities.