tstr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you have a link to a site that sells?

tstr 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Republic is being restored. The Federal corporation has been disolved. That is the end of their democracy and their ability to milk the American tax payer to enforce their agenda globally.

They are going to do whatever it takes to stop all of this from happening. Trump being elected again will absolutely be the end of their reign.

tstr 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or in chess where the outcome is known but the opponent still has moves...

tstr 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Rothschilds funded multiple wars to try to stop what was happening in America. They absolutely did not want America to succeed.

tstr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Basically what I was going to say but in a different way. I am a Trump supporter and will vote for him but that guy has the biggest ego ever and will not admit he is wrong on things sometimes. He should come clean about the covid shot but on the other hand we don't know everything. There was a bait and switch with comirnity and bio-n-tech versions of the vax.

tstr 14 points ago +14 / -0


Read his writings and follow what he says. It isn't bullshit. He 100% knows what is happening.

tstr 11 points ago +11 / -0

Over time I have come to agree with this. We need to clean house and shut all immigration for at least 20 years.

tstr 3 points ago +4 / -1

We'll see how they act when the feds and the UN show up with troops to enforce the treaty.

tstr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Awesome I can get one and drop an LS in it. Cheap drag Race car.

tstr 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, when this is all said and done, we need to fence off DC. Then use it as a museum piece to warm future generations not to let these assholes take control of our government.

tstr 3 points ago +3 / -0

The world isn't going to stop these monsters. It's gonna be left up to us. And it's gonna get bad.

tstr 3 points ago +3 / -0

I get that but in a different form.

"You are right, you said all this and you were right. I hate when you're right."

People who think they are smarter than they actually are say that shit.

tstr 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, wait until we find out that all those illegal immigrants are actually UN troops.

tstr 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am not sure but I think that was part of why Trump went to the Vatican and to England in his first term. England owns the USA Incorporated and The Vatican owns US Inc. The latter is the municipal corporation. I think both corporations are dissolved at this point however. All corporations in the world incorporate under the Vatican. What is happening now has to be military control because the Republic is not seated but the corporations are defunct. I think that is what will happen in Trumps second term. The original Republic will be reinstantiated. Here's hoping anyways.

Go read some Anna Von Reitz. Not saying it is all true but there is definitely truth in there.


tstr 4 points ago +4 / -0

"What happened when Congress failed for lack of a quorum in 1861 ?"

That was the end of the republic. The Southern states left Congress without setting a day to reconvene, so that was the end of the original Republic.

Since then they have run things as a corporation. They got all the states and counties to incorporate as well.

tstr 5 points ago +5 / -0

There are lots of people from other cultures who do things like drive in cars, wear clothes, and use indoor plumbing which are clearly from western and european cultures.

tstr 7 points ago +7 / -0

How about you go back to your country and make demands of your government? Oh your government sucks? Then work with your people to make it better.

tstr 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's right. File form 4852 repairing the mistake on your w-2 to get a proper refund.

Crack the code.


tstr 9 points ago +9 / -0

Imagine, two liars lying about one another.

tstr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, Trump would still get SS protection in jail. The logistics of that remain to be seen but Trump isn't going to gen pop anyways.

tstr 4 points ago +5 / -1

"But my question is, why do some social media platforms (And We know, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan etc) still analyze and comment on everything Joe is or isn't doing?

If it's all scripted and nothing is organic, why are they dissecting his every move?"

They believe this is all real and we are the ones being tricked. They laugh at the idea that white hats are in control and say that we are being led like sheep to the slautghter. The likes of Q are keeping us pacified so we do not act and they can complete their evil plan.

My personal beliefs are somewhere in the middle. I think the good guys do have some amount of control but that there are also real attacks happening and we do need to fight to save our country. I do not believe this is all a big show put on by white hats/military to wake us up.

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