txpenguin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump has recently mentioned how he travels behind 'bullet proof glass this thick (gestures with hand)". My question is - is it normal for a former President to travel in 'the beast' (I know that's not really what it is called)? Does Clinton travel in an armored vehicle at all times? I don't think so. Yes, they all get Secret Service details - but a full suite of armored vehicles?

txpenguin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Any Law, Treaty, Contract or otherwise, that is repugnant to the Constitution is not valid. Period.

txpenguin 1 point ago +1 / -0

San Antonio is just another deep blue city like Austin and Houston. City PD are low-IQ and generally complete assholes - as opposed to Texas Hwy Dept and Sheriffs Departments, which are broadly very nice and honorable. I've never had a bad interaction with Sheriffs or State Troopers - I cannot say the same about Austin PD, Houston PD, or SA PD.

txpenguin 7 points ago +7 / -0

Definately a lure for us folks that can tune into smaller frequencies than that of the MSM. It was an IQ test, then a persistence test, then a loyalty test. etc... so yes.

by PepeSee
txpenguin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perhaps he is saying this to create controversy, and thus more attention to the matter? Only time will tell - we'll see how Clandestine handles things going forward.

txpenguin 3 points ago +3 / -0

So this means, once Trump is back in the White House, we MUST see action (charges filed) against FJB and the deep state within 2 years of taking office.

txpenguin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where's Texas on this issue? Gov. Abbott is no where to be found.

txpenguin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here's the thing - DC_Draino has a pretty stellar reputation is does not dabble in nonsense. If they are pointing it out, it must be important. I doubt that some hoodrats chimping out would rise to the level that Draino would care about... so what really happened?

If it was a "mass shooting" we'd be hearing about it nonstop from the bleating libtards. So unlikely that it was this.

Was it 8ft tall aliens? Probably not. So what ELSE would warrant this response?

Terrorists? Yes. But why keep it off the news cycle? Even the far left news would pick up a terrorist plot in Miami.

What else could it be?

txpenguin 4 points ago +4 / -0

^^^ THIS ^^^ Then there's the whole Anne Frank diary being faked by a Jewish writer, who didn't get paid the 50 or 60k promised, sued in court and won a judgement. Thus, proving the whole diary a fake.

txpenguin 2 points ago +2 / -0

No other direct references that I can recall. Recently noticed this little tidbit as well - just didn't know what to make of it.

txpenguin 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is known as the "Problem of Evil" in Philosophical studies. How can an all good, all knowing, and all powerful God allow "evil" things to occur? There's no clear answer - however, many philosophers have chimed in with an attempt to explain it.

From ChatGPT:

The Problem of Evil is a philosophical dilemma that arises from the apparent contradiction between the existence of evil and the belief in an omnipotent, omniscient, and benevolent deity. Various philosophers have offered arguments to grapple with this problem. Here are five popular arguments:

  1. Free Will Defense (St. Augustine, Alvin Plantinga):

    • Argument: Evil exists because God granted humans free will, and genuine free will requires the possibility of choosing evil. God allows evil to preserve the greater good of free will.
    • Explanation: According to this view, evil is a consequence of human misuse of free will rather than a direct creation of God. The ability to choose freely is considered a higher good that justifies the existence of evil.
  2. Soul-Building Theodicy (Irenaeus, John Hick):

    • Argument: Evil serves a purpose in the development and perfection of human souls. It is a means through which individuals can grow, mature, and develop virtues like courage, compassion, and resilience.
    • Explanation: Adversity and suffering are seen as necessary components of the human experience, contributing to the moral and spiritual development of individuals. In this perspective, a world without evil would lack opportunities for significant moral growth.
  3. Process Theology (Alfred North Whitehead, Charles Hartshorne):

    • Argument: God is not all-powerful in the traditional sense but is engaged in an ongoing process of creation. The universe is still in the process of becoming, and God does not control every detail of existence.
    • Explanation: In process theology, God is seen as evolving with the universe and sharing in its experiences. Evil is viewed as an inherent aspect of the dynamic and evolving nature of the world, and God works alongside creation to bring about the best possible outcome.
  4. Privation Theory (Augustine, Thomas Aquinas):

    • Argument: Evil is not a positive force but rather a lack or privation of good. God created a world that is inherently good, but evil arises when good is corrupted or diminished.
    • Explanation: Augustine argued that evil is like a parasite, dependent on the existence of good for its own existence. This perspective helps reconcile the existence of evil with a benevolent creator by attributing evil to the corruption or absence of the good that God created.
  5. Logical Necessity (G.W. Leibniz):

    • Argument: This world, with all its flaws and evils, is the best possible world that an omnipotent and benevolent God could create. Any other possible world would have either more evil or lack certain goods.
    • Explanation: Leibniz proposed that God, being both omnipotent and benevolent, would choose the best possible world out of all conceivable worlds. The existence of evil in this world is seen as a necessary component for achieving the optimal balance of goods and preventing greater evils.

These arguments represent different ways philosophers have attempted to address the Problem of Evil, offering explanations that seek to reconcile the existence of evil with the attributes traditionally ascribed to a deity.

txpenguin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Me also, fren. Sad to see so much of the progress in restoration destroyed.

txpenguin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Strings cut. Now reports to the White Hats.

txpenguin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes - he's there to help move the Overton window for those who dislike Trump's 'personality' and mean tweets.

txpenguin 2 points ago +2 / -0

We all have to keep in mind, that these AI implementations are only the publicly acknowledged ones... who knows what these SOBs have behind closed doors, what they've been using it for, and for how long?

txpenguin 2 points ago +2 / -0

The point here is this - There's still time for this to see appeals or Supreme Court review prior to 2024. I'll take it as all part of the plan.

txpenguin 2 points ago +3 / -1

A good friend of mine beat it back using Chlorine Dioxide... search Telegram for "The Universal Antidote". To be clear - he's not disease free, but back from the edge of death to feeling human again.

txpenguin 16 points ago +18 / -2

CU could also be "Credit Union".

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