By winter I expect we'll be talking about the real problem of all these people freezing in their homes because heating oil is $12 a gallon.
If someone is trying to break into a school when there are kids in it we should shoot them and not worry if they're armed.
A person who was trying to enter an Alabama elementary school where a summer program was being held was shot to death by a police officer Thursday morning, authorities said.
Says right in the article there was a summer program being held there.
Colonialism brought civilization to billions across the world. Some bad may have come with that but there isn't a single country on the planet that was "colonized" and not better for it.
As mentioned above, RSBN will begin LIVE coerage at 4:45 PM EDT. The YouTube link is listed, and the Rumble link will be posted when the event goes LIVE!
I don't remember there ever being a context for an all black American flag. I think that's a recent thing. Along with the "thin blue, or red or green" or whatever the fuck addition to it.
That's all bullshit and doesn't exist.
Where is this black flag of yours and where are you raising it?
A red flag would imply no survivors, a black flag indicates we just want your money and goods.
I'd have liked to see her response. I know it will be bullshit, but her bullshit response is better than what's his face with the nose saying oh snap.
If you're getting immediately downvoted then you're on the right track and have pissed off someone who thinks they're relevant. Keep up the good fight.
It's either just more talk or trying to force them to do something stupid while they're watching.
spelling errors immediately make me think whoever wrote this is lying.
Spellcheck your shit, no matter how correct or accurate it is. Spellcheck is free.
well said my friend.
I 100% agree with you on the subject. We're few and far between from what I gather.
I wouldn't shed a single tear over thousands of dead leftists littering the streets they tried to riot through. Start shooting them, these aren't protests they're riots. They aren't peaceful students, they're brown shirts. Just shoot them and be done with it.
How blue can my balls get? Executions when? Indictments when? Anything at all when?
Until then who gives a shit.
this is somebody else posting screenshots, look at it again. It's not some anti jab, anti biden and anti Kyle person. It's an anti jab, anti biden person posting screenshots of an anti kyle person.
Always be wary of the person calling someone else stupid.
We tried that, for 20 years. It's not worth our children's blood. Let them have their caves and their child sex slaves, and if they try to leave shoot them dead. Box them in, allow no trade, take their natural resources and slaughter anyone who objects.
These aren't people we're dealing with over there. No civilized people at least.
I saw that article come up on my feed. It was the second time he has sold a daughter into sex slavery so he could feed the rest of his kids.
These people aren't worth the bullets we'd use to shoot their dicks off.
This seems like ambulance chasing. More people looking for their gibs.
I've been in pits for Slayer, Deicide, Fear Factory, GWAR and hundreds of others. Every single one of them, no matter how violent you would immediately be picked up if you fell. I remember being manhandled at one show because I fell down, some absolute giant just picked me up like I was nothing.
The only time I ever got injured was some broken ribs while crowd surfing.
doubled in price overnight, I was waiting to see what happened and fucked myself.
Sold 20 of my AMC to pick up 10 DWAC.
Because I want some fucking death. Suicide weekend.. fucking nothing. Suicide monday, more nothing. I want blood. I want death. I want these pedos to fear the light of day.
when do we get to kill them?
Yes, it is only custom that the President and VP are from generally different areas. It's to garner more support. There are no requirements for VP aside from those that exist to be President.
does it matter? Trying to break into a school when people are in it.
Doesn't matter if it's a house, a school a 7/11 or an office building. If you're trying to force entry where you're not supposed to be, you deserve a hot lead injection.