welldamn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tis video was cut off too soon. He was outing himself for everyone to see.

welldamn 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is an awesome meme!!

welldamn 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've been reading all the comments. My ex is a union employee and he has never had trouble finding work anywhere in the U.S. We traveled all over the place. Also, you might want to file multiple lawsuits against union, LaGuardia, New York State and New York City for these unlawful mandates. Stay strong and hodl the line.

welldamn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does he really think that if Gitmo closes he won't end up in prison anyway? Put his ass in supermax.

welldamn 3 points ago +3 / -0

This made me laugh out loud! I love it...keep up the good work!

welldamn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure about anyone else but I have a few stories. I'm not saying what they were but here goes. July 7, 1990 @ aprox. 7:30 pm cst witnessed by many people (including me) over a highway hovering a few hundred feet was a round disc shaped object with two sets of lights that went completely around the disc and lit up in conjunction with one another. Hovered over the highway for about 5 to 7 minutes then moved to the northwest about 1000 yards suddenly and hovered there for about 2 minutes. Then flew to the southeast and hovered there for 3 minutes before shooting straight north for about 30 seconds. Then all of a sudden, and so fast that it was hard to follow, it went straight up and out of the atmosphere. that was my first time seeing anything like it. March or April 2016 afternoon sitting on my balcony I saw what looked like a really dark cloud over Ft. Detrick MD and the rest of the sky is slightly cloudy with white clouds. So a few dark clouds drifted out of this massive dark cloud and seem to station themselves in a circular pattern around the big cloud. Slowly, the massive cloud starts to resemble a disc with a city on top and an identical city on the bottom (like a mirror image). It stayed there for about 15 to 20 minutes and never once moved. Slowly it began to fade out (it didn't move like a cloud) and the little clouds began to fade out as well. It kind of freaked me out a bit because of the proximity to Ft. Detrick. July 2019 New Hampshire @ aprox. 4 pm saw a cigar shape hovering in the sky at an angle of maybe 30 degrees. Only saw this one for a few seconds as I was driving and tree tops obscured my view. Same weekend in the afternoon I was at the beach taking pictures. Didn't seen anything in the sky but when I got home and downloaded the pictures, there was an object (round disc shaped) over the water that I can't identify. Inquiring minds want to know so there you have it. Do I believe it is possible? Yes

welldamn 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's mixing human COV (virus) with bat COV (virus) and that causes cross breeding of virus. And yes, that is GOF and should never have been done

welldamn 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not finished reading yet, but so far; They mixed human COV with Bat COV and created synthetic spike proteins to bind them together. They aerosolized this bat vaccine to administer to bats in caves in China. To develop this vaccine for bats in china they used "humanized mice" and "batified mice". The variants are really just the "quasi" parts of the virus affecting the human body in various ways since that is how the bat vaccine was intentionally developed. Note: This reads like a horror story. Will edit when finished reading report.

welldamn 5 points ago +5 / -0

You gotta love it. I'd love a MEAN TWEET right about now.

welldamn 2 points ago +2 / -0

#6 really? I think the number is 2.8% and they removed the decimal point

by BQnita
welldamn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Doubt you are turning into a faggot..that said I think you handled the situation with compassion and integrity. I'd like to think I would have reacted similarly in your shoes. Depending on how asleep people were determines how fast they awaken. We have been awake for some time now. You can't fast track other people. Keep praying, they are waking up. Thing is, we have had years to process all this evil that surrounds us. They won't have that and that is why we are really here, it is to help them, Cognitive Dissonance is a bitch. I think we've all been there and had the time we needed to recover and accept. they won't have that.

welldamn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Canada's former defense minister said the same thing. Paul Hellyer.

welldamn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why have I never seen this before?

welldamn 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would be a lot of fun my fren.

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