wholeheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

Contrails are the vapor that disappears from jets as they fly over.

Chemtrails are more than vapor--and the trails leave patterns like lines or grids in the sky as the chemicals in the spray pattern linger and fall to the earth.

wholeheart 5 points ago +5 / -0

Here in California, a 'deal' was made decades ago that if people paid into social security but changed jobs and began paying into a pension system--they would lose the social security they paid into. Actually, the SS is reduced by the amount you get in your pension. Example: teacher's retirement equals $2000/mth. social security equals $1800/th. In this case, you get no social security. zero. In California, I believe it was called the Windfall Act. It was enacted decades ago. Most teachers have only been teachers, so it does not affect them--but for a small group who only taught 25 years and before that did something else, it is devastating and unfair.

wholeheart 13 points ago +13 / -0

Thank you Bonnies, yes--this is true. I paid into both and should be able to collect both. I've worked for over 50 years and still work past retirement so I can make ends meet. This ruling will correct a bad deal made years ago and will bring justice to people like me.

wholeheart 9 points ago +9 / -0

if you do not pay into social security you do not collect--this is for a small group of people who paid into both.

wholeheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think this repeals or addresses a previous bad deal that disallows public sector workers from collecting social security that they paid into if they changed jobs and now will collect a pension--which they also paid into.

This affects people like me--I worked and paid into social security over 20 years and earned all my credits to collect social security when I retired.

I also became a teacher later in life. I paid into the teacher retirement system and collect a small retirement every month.

However, I cannot collect the social security I paid for all the years I worked before teaching.

It will mean I can collect the social security I paid into as well as the teaching retirement I paid into. At most it will total about 3000/mth --NOT a fortune.

Make no mistake, I worked hard for decades and decades--and so did other teachers or public service workers for whom it will affect.

I think the 'fat cat public workers' are not in this group. As far as I know, I am happy that if this passes every day teachers, firefighters, etc. who have worked and paid into the system can get back what they paid into.

wholeheart 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well, it sure is nice to have brains and common sense back in charge--President Trump fielding questions like the BOSS he is!!!

wholeheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bless you and thank you for reaching out! After retiring (almost 30 years high school Biology and science), I sill love teaching and I daresay you will too!!

Thank you dear fren!! Blessings and my prayers as you move to a new chapter of supporting teaching and learning!

wholeheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

Boonies, the Pastor does an excellent job of explaining why and how Zionism is a lie. He also discusses the heresy of Dispensationalism, the Scofield Bible, and the End Times rapture doctrine. His messages and theology are covenant-based biblical truth.
It is well worth the watch because he uses all scripture.

May God bless you,

wholeheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you both Trump4ever girl and Joy's1daughter! I will take all the prayers and will wishes I can get--but this is my calling and mission--God directed. It brings me such happiness and joy to follow God's leading!

Thank you again and blessings--I have such hope that God has heard our prayers and will heal our land.

wholeheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you so much--I currently work in adult education--helping older students who were broken by the system, get their high school diploma. SO much work needs to be done!!!

I am praying about getting my administration credential to help lead in private or charter schools to reform education. I covet your prayers....it's a battlefield out here

plus I am in CA ....what a mission field.

wholeheart 8 points ago +8 / -0

Agreed in total. I experience daily in my profession as a teacher the damage that has been done over the last few decades and can only hope and do my part in speaking truth and providing access to THE truth.

wholeheart 49 points ago +49 / -0

I have hesitated to tell this story, but today I will--this happened to me in 1992 in college....

My sociology professor spoke openly about his belief that pedophilia was a sexual orientation, and should not be punished...he believed sex with children was acceptable and should be normalized in society.

I was shocked and disgusted. I looked around the class, and it seemed no other student was offended. I stood up and declared the teacher a reprobate. His ideas were evil and wrong. I told the class he had no right to make those statements --he was trying to justify illegal activities. Children were under the age of consent and should be protected, not exploited.

I left class and went to the administration to withdraw and file a complaint against the professor. I heard a few other students also left the class, but that was it.

Five years later, the professor died from AIDS. What troubled me at the time was the lack of outrage --students just accepting his ideology as truth...and that was in 1992.

wholeheart 8 points ago +8 / -0

Notice the reporting agency is not from the US but from the UK--US MSM sources not reporting? Perhaps because "only a handful" of apartments were involved.../s

wholeheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks, I just thought his fingers looked so strange , but again, probably means nothing.

wholeheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of his organizations is :

Blueprint North Carolina....hmmmmm

wholeheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

zoom in to his left hand and check out his fingers--esp the little finger--really strange looking. I don't usually do this but something is amok with his left hand....

wholeheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

Prayers and petitions to the Lord to calm the Storm and block the enemy. This is a spiritual battle.

Prepare your physical environment or evacuate if you can. If you stay, contact neighbors in your area for mutual support.

Pray. Pray. Pray.

Praying for all in the path of the storm...

wholeheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just signed the petition --currently at 100-- it's free! Hopefully, more people on this board will jump in and sign.

Here is the link (copied from the text above) to sign:


thank you Christine!

wholeheart 6 points ago +6 / -0

Troubling--here in SoCal we are experiencing a fairly typical hot October. October is fire season. The last couple of years brought 'historic' rains which increased fuel. The still-burning Line Fire in San Bernadino was arson-caused--I suspect most of our fires are due to arsonists. I've been worried for months about this fire season--it's stacking up to be scary.

Now this policy to supress the ability to fight fires in the safest and most effective way possible given the terrain of California. I've lived through at least 4 evacuations; lost a job and a home due to wildfire in SoCal. This news is not good.

The same people telling everyone that Trump will be a dictator, are dictating draconian policies that will hurt the citizens--let that sink in.

The government is NOT coming to help--but it appears to be coming for us all.

May the Lord help us.

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