winter12362 8 points ago +8 / -0

I always ask myself, “what would Taylor Swift do in this situation?”.

Pretty much my guiding light in life

winter12362 1 point ago +1 / -0

Silver’s low ratio is based on it being a smaller market and easier to manipulate the price by selling future production at a loss. Most silver is a by-product of other mining operations. There are 1.5 billion ounces of demand for silver but only about 800 million ounces produced each year. You can’t have any electric cars, solar panels, electronics, without silver and the prices are too low to make it worth recycling. Silver is the most undervalued asset on the planet. Likely there is more gold above ground than silver. It’s actually coming out of the ground at 8:1 to gold these days so 15:1 is probably too high. Maybe 12:1.

winter12362 1 point ago +1 / -0

Huh? Ignoring the energy side? Not following what you mean.

winter12362 1 point ago +1 / -0

Silver to gold ratio historically has been 15:1. That’s based on its relative availability in the earths crust. Been that ratio for thousands of years before central banks. It’s over 80:1 these days so the best thing to buy is silver because that ratio will need to close and so effectively you are buying gold when you buy silver, you are just taking advantage of the fact silver is a smaller and more manipulated market to buy gold at a massive discount.

winter12362 2 points ago +2 / -0

Old man has some balls. Seems like a dangerous stunt. I guess they figured guys would be less likely to beat an old man? Black guy looked like he might anyway. Seems staged.

winter12362 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s kind of like the most liberal of your states, but the whole country. Recently the police warned that they would be charging people who release video of porch pirates stealing your packages because they deserve to conduct their crimes with their privacy protected. Forget about self defence. You will be charged if you injured a violent home invader and then the criminal can also sue you for damages. We do have government funded euthanasia as a first option if you have any health or mental problems. First line of treatment.

winter12362 5 points ago +5 / -0

It depends on how much “education” they have received. People with university educations are the dumbest fucking morons imaginable but people in trades for example are generally based.

winter12362 5 points ago +5 / -0

As a Canadian, stop shitting on the Americans dumbass. They are going to save all our lives.

winter12362 5 points ago +5 / -0

As a Canadian I am ashamed of the astounding number of complete fucking idiots in this country.

winter12362 8 points ago +8 / -0

The whole point of the justice system is to prevent vigilante justice. So people feel there is a fair and impartial system in place to ensure that when real harm is done to people… I mean real harm, not misgendering some mental case or catching someone with some pot for their personal use, real harm like in these cases, that people don’t take the law into their own hands and start killing each other. That leads to chaos and lots of collateral damage. However, they appear to have forgotten the purpose of the legal system and now it’s just another tool to further their fuckwit policies of destroying our civilization.

winter12362 6 points ago +8 / -2

Enjoy your retirement!

Fucking pussy. Get the fuck back to work until every last degenerate is locked up for the rest of their lives! Retirement? What the fuck. “Not my problem anymore” motherfucker.

winter12362 6 points ago +6 / -0

Absolutely. There is a good reason they have been ejected from everywhere they settle, and it’s nothing to do with racism or even the usury. First people welcome them but later they are caught kidnapping, raping and murdering children, eating them and drinking their blood is sick, demented depraved satanic rituals. It’s always their rabbis and prominent citizens doing it and they are then rounded up and burnt, while the rest are expelled. Then they fail to learn their lesson, move on to a new host and it’s the same thing again. Hundreds of historical accounts and it’s always the same story. How can this sickness be eradicated?

My guess is all the recent tunnel digging activity has to do with the recent arrests of pedo networks cutting off their supplies of children so they had to build this network to facilitate kidnapping and carrying out their depravity.

winter12362 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those who are literate, don’t know how many genders there are, think carbon dioxide is warming up the planet, and that communism is a good idea that just has not been done right before. Basically either illiterate, or astoundingly ignorant fools.

winter12362 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tucker has been busy laying the groundwork and convincing people he is trustworthy…

winter12362 3 points ago +4 / -1

I think it’s definitely going to crash. No way it can not. So I think he knows events will unfold that will make it appear he can not get elected, such as a bunch of crazy events like war and terrorist attacks inside the US that they will use to try and cancel the election. Then we have the crash as he predicts. He has said the stock market crash and China invading Taiwan are both going to happen and “Biden” gets the blame for all of it.

Financial collapse is soon. It depends on how fast they use up the excess liquidity from the covid years but it looks like March or April, and that’s about the same time that China can make a move on Taiwan because the weather only really presents two windows a year for a sea invasion.

winter12362 15 points ago +15 / -0

Yeah for sure. They all have to get ass fucked and suck cock. The Rock, Ryan Gosling, all of them. Disgusting. I won’t watch any movies or television. These are certainly not any kind of “role models”.

winter12362 8 points ago +8 / -0

A violent homosexual pedo. And knighted, like Jimmy Savile…

Nothing amusing about him.

winter12362 10 points ago +10 / -0

Didn’t Tucker love Comet Ping Pong? He has been pushing the alien hoax possibly setting up project blue beam recently as well, so exactly this. Basically trust no one.

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