zazazayou 2 points ago +2 / -0

People used to use plants and animals as wealth. A store of grain is wealth. An established orchard is wealth. A flock of chickens is wealth, and a heard of cattle is enormous wealth. Literally live stock.

All these forms of wealth naturally multiply, giving you interest, and have real value in food and materials.

zazazayou 5 points ago +5 / -0

Simple home gardening is such an enormous threat to the new world order.

It fucks over the chemicals industry, the pharmaceutical industries, AND the centralized globalised food industry.

It fucks them up so hard when people grow their own food, and they can't barely propagandise against it because it sounds so mild, harmless, and wholesome. It's kryptonite to the globalists.

zazazayou -4 points ago +2 / -6

God created the the light, the oceans, the land, the plants, animals, and the people, with His Word. So then isn't the Word of God, all of Creation? The Bible was written by a bunch of humans, including corrupt and greedy kings of old, who edited the Bible for their own benefit. So, it would seem, the Bible is the word of kings, and Creation is the Word of God, our Creator. Or am I missing something?

zazazayou 2 points ago +2 / -0

One place to look, is at your backyard garden and chickens, to make sure they are properly set up to keep you healthy and fed all winter long, while the assholes on the boob tube try to control the masses through their globalist supply chains.

zazazayou 3 points ago +3 / -0

The psychopaths were always just using the gays to move people to transgender, and then to transhuman. that was always their plan. They are getting to the phase where they want to throw away the gay men and lesbian women just as they have long thrown away straight men and women.

Besides, once the social engineering push towards gayness has subsided, all the people who went gay due to propaganda will fade away, and only a small amount of true gays will be left behind. The true gays are not friends of the new world order or the transhumanist movement

I think accepting the true gay men and lesbian women into Maga will throw off the psychopaths so hard, they would never see that coming. They rely on divide and conquer, as always. If we make these unexpected alliances, they will get fucked

zazazayou 2 points ago +2 / -0

The guy in that picture is not Trump. It's a random ass dude who's tired of his government's bullshit.

Trump may be the face of our movement but he's not the movement. That's you and me, just random ass dudes who are tired of the bullshit, and are not gonna take it anymore.

zazazayou 1 point ago +2 / -1

This Trump vs DeSantis nonsense is nonsense. They're on the same team. Whichever one wins the next election, they both win because that's how teams work. Divide and conquer is a tricky trick, but there's no need to fall for it here.

zazazayou 0 points ago +1 / -1

So is there a danger to OTHER people when someone wears a facemask? I thought there was only the harm of the wearer getting themselves sick

zazazayou 1 point ago +1 / -0

The superman image is very deep as well, bringing up the modern and historical eugenics trends, of wanting to breed super men and kill off the genetical lessers. It ties to the Bush and Ford families funding Hitler, who was himself inspired by American born eugenicist ideals, the Nazis coming here with operation paperclip, planned parenthood, and of course the current COVID eugenics ploy, largely pushed by the same American Nazis.

So yes, American eugenicists like Fauci, gates, the political families, etc, all do think they are supermen.

zazazayou 1 point ago +1 / -0

home schooling and small community schooling was around waaaay longer than state sponsored education. It was probably around before federal governments existed at all.

zazazayou 5 points ago +5 / -0

That money system makes so much sense. We should have coins made out of precious metals again and instead of a value in dollars, inscribe their weight onto them.

Maybe a coin could be a quarter ounce of copper or silver or something like that

zazazayou 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ron Paul was always legit. Abolish the whole government, just keep the roads, firemen, and military. And no taxation at all. Just take the magic money printing from the private federal reserve and give that back to the government.

zazazayou 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like freedom. Let the kids figure it out. What am I, the government? I'm not supposed to be figuring shit out for everybody. The kids are smart, let them work it out.

zazazayou 1 point ago +1 / -0

it could be an illegal alien spaceship refracting the light from uranus

zazazayou 7 points ago +7 / -0

The work of dentist Weston a price is super interesting on this topic.

He visited native and traditional peoples all around the world, to investigate why they all had such amazingly healthy teeth and bodies. Whereas civilized folk all had (and still have) crooked teeth and diseased bodies.

He found they all ate at least 4 times the minerals and water-soluable vitamins, and at least 10 times the fat soluble vitamins.

In short, they didn't eat any processed food (which has anti-nutrients) and ate lots of animal foods, especially organ meats, bone marrow, and fats. these all being the most nutrient dense foods in the planet.

They would make sure to give extra fat, organs, and bone marrow to young couples, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, and young babies, so that they make strong generations of people.

zazazayou 0 points ago +1 / -1

live and let live, is the simple golden rule for our world. as complicated as the world's problems are, the solution remains embarrassingly simple.

zazazayou 2 points ago +2 / -0

They should teach the older kids to handle rifles. Then they could protect the younger kids.

In the past one room schoolhouses, the older kids would teach the younger kids and deepen the learning by having to teach the leesson themselves.

zazazayou 1 point ago +1 / -0

George Washington was a Freemason. Was George Washington a communist?

Also, when a man proposes, he kneels. Are all proposing men showing allegiance as communists and freemasons?

zazazayou 1 point ago +1 / -0

potatoes are easy. you can cut them, or just bury them hole. easiest way: bury them whole. When you mow your lawn, dump the grass clippings on top of the soil. Plant them now. go buy a sack of potatoes from the store, or dig one up that you didnt eat that's already sprouting

zazazayou 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wish I did but I must be slow. Are normies gonna go onto truth social??? They'll never see it. You know they foam at the mouth at the sound of 45 savage

zazazayou -1 points ago +1 / -2

I struggle to see what is good about truth social. What does it bring to the table that wasn't there before? We have trump loving social media spaces already. Also TS is not even ready. Have they made any money yet? And they're thinking about expanding when their first role is to even ready? I must be missing something cus I don't get it

zazazayou 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well that's good. Can't guarantee my way will work for you but I'll tell you the main way I go about it.

Gardening. If you garden naturally, you can heal the Earth while feeding yourself, family, community, with healthy food.

Why is this so essential?

  1. If you are fed by corporations, they own you. If you feed yourself you are a free man.
  2. If you feed your community, youu build local, active, decentralized, free communities. This is a mortal threat to the establishment.
  3. If you farm naturally, your food will be healthy. You mortally threaten big pharma. Plus all the environmentalists lose all their ammunition against you because, unlike them, you are actually helping.

Now maybe you think I'm full of shit. Or maybe you don't, but you suck at gardening. The point is, act locally and be the change you wanna see. Do shit that improves the culture. Figure out what your contribution is and get to it.

You get some hopium maybe from reading about Elon Musk, trump, whoever, but the real difference is made on the ground. I am not personally a fan of this 'trust the plan' talk. The reason nothing can stop what is coming is because I personally am making my own life into what I want, and inviting anyone who wants to come along. I have my own plan

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