I was asleep when trump was elected and didn't really care for him. I've been digging into conspiracies for a year, and now I'm convinced he is the best.
David Icke woke me up. I read his book “Biggest Secret” and it snapped me wide awake. A friend also had me watch Russian Vids, a YouTuber who broke down all the false flags. Both are banned on YouTube.
Viligent Citizen is a great website to see the elite symbolism. Why isn’t Melania on the cover on fashion magazines? She refuses to do the one eye symbolism or other symbolism of the elite. Trump doesn’t do it either.
Long read but definitely worth it. I was onto some of the major conspiracies before going down qanon. This just confirmed alot and filled in quite a bit of extra detail concerning + and ++, I didn't know about +++ though even if that seems like an obvious one
No worries, fren. I absolutely HATED Trump for years. Thought he was a clown making America an embarrassment. Woke up after I watched a whole live speech of his, then saw how MSM reported on it. Instantly got curious. Now I would die for the man.
While I am ashamed that I failed to support our President for so long (and let the media affect my judgment,) I am just glad that I see clearly now.
I believe this to be true. Q post 753 is at the front page at this moment.
When does a bird sing? I think it's referencing Epstein, and he's singing like a bird...
Yup. It was Kanye and North Korea that made me start being like "maybe he's not that bad". It took him about 6 months into his presidency before I was onboard.
My mom was all in from the get-go and she has good instincts. Talked with her a lot analyzing what was going on. I was curious. Read Art of the Deal to get some insight into his thinking. Found old articles and even an interview with his kids when they were in their early 20s. When the press going nuts, felt something was off because they used to worship him. It was too over the top. Plus, nothing about him was a secret, I did not understand why there was so much vitriol. Ho-ho, little did I know!
(Shouldn't have locked me down to give me time to research!)
i dont agree with you "nobody123123"
i think the greatest president of all time was Kennedy. Just listen to the few audio tapes of him speaking, just listen how smart, honest and loyal to the people and the country that guy was. He was the butterfly effect for all of the future events of mankind. His assassination by the CIA started a domino effect that will last 100 maybe 200 years. We almost lost the legacy of the Kennedy. His family was almost forgotten, since they started assassinating the rest of the Kennedy members.
But Trump didnt forget, Donald remembers everything. Donald continued what JFK has started. And this time, there will be no assassination, this time we are winning.
Stop the wars. If you stop the enemy today, you wont see a nuclear war with millions dead in the next 10 years. Trump is not just helping stop the corruption of the united states, he is the butterfly effect preventing the massive future nuclear war that is planned by the (((bankers))) with the help of pawns like Hussein, Clinton and the sleepy sniffer.
I agree with what you're saying, but I feel like Andrew Jackson has to be in the mix, as well. Whenever someone tried to address him as "Mr. President", he would correct them and tell them to call him General Jackson! He was the people's General, wnd widely love across the nation. Refused to renew the world bank's charter, and was impeached and nearly successfully assassinated. Not to mention, he conquered and got us Florida from the Spaniards...He had a lifetime of major accomplishments! Just don't want people to forget the accomplishments Jackson made for #WeThePeople...I think this is exactly why Jackson is given such a bad rap by many mainstream cabal "historians"...
be hundreds of years ago
also be Jewish
start the banking cartel
"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply." - Nathan Mayer Rothschild, 1815
be in control of the richest nation on the planet
be in control of the biggest empire the planet has seen since the days of Alexander
begin installing your central banks all over the world
control the world from the shadows
Attempt to install a central bank in the newly formed United States of America
First attempt is via Alexander Hamilton, our first secretary of treasury
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison want a central bank to be under government control
Hamilton installs a private central bank
Taxes wind up getting so high only 5 years later from this scheme people rebel again
Whiskey Rebellion.exe
Hamilton's central bank has a 20 year charter, from 1791 to 1811
Congress refuses to renew the central bank's charter
Outraged, the Rothschild controlled British Crown starts another war with the United States
The War of 1812
Country is fucked up really badly by the time the war ends in 1815
Rothschilds get their way again, the Second Bank of America is the new central bank, with another 20 year charter
1823, Rothschilds gain control of the Vatican's finances
1832, Andrew Jackson is president
Jackson successfully gets congress to not renew the charter for the Second Bank of America
Survives the first assassination attempt against a US President
Rothschilds have established the banking house of Kuhn, Loev and Co with Jacob Schiff
This bank finances the Rockefellers Oil, Carnegie's Steel and Harriman's railroad
Also assist JP Morgan in bringing his banks to Europe
Rothschilds now control most banking in the United States
Rothschilds now control the most powerful men in the United States, as well as Europe
The plan begins to establish the Federal Reserve
Titanic is going on it's maiden voyage
I won't get into the switching out of the titanic and the olympic here but it was basically a giant insurance fraud scheme
Who did the scheme?
JP Morgan owned International Mercantile Marine
This company owned White Star Line, the company that owned the titanic
Biggest opponents to the plan to make the federal reserve in the USA, such as John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Strauss, board the ship to go to the USA to oppose the formation of the Fed
They all perish in the sinking
Federal Reserve is established without opposition
The Rothschilds now control the entirety of the money supply in the USA
Rothschilds start world wars to topple nations and expand influence amidst the chaos, to destroy nations and buy up their assets for dirt cheap
Starting with WWI
Germany gets blamed for the whole of WWI even though it was started by Gavrilo Princip, a Serb with the black hand, assassinating Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary
Germany is not in control of it's finances
Germany starts printing money to pay off it's debts
economy is destroyed
the rest of the world economy is destroyed with the Great Depression
wheelbarrels of cash can't buy bread in Germany
there is starvation, there is child prostitution and rampant degeneracy
Communism is rising, there is fear that what happened in Russia to Russians by the hands of Jewish Bolsheviks would happen in Germany
Out of the chaos and despair rises one man who wants to stand up to the banks
Adolf Hitler
privatizes state industries
issues a new currency backed by the work of the german people
builds up incredible infrastructure like the Autobahn
The Jewish bankers in Germany, who had been living well while the german people were destitute, had everything taken from them
Then it spread to all of the Jews as the Reich got into full swing
Despite people like Mao and Stalin being far worse, Hitler is remembered as the worst dictator and mass murderer in our history, because his real crime was against the banks
Be jews
throughout history, be expelled from kingdoms, nations and countries
One of the common threads behind it is blood libel
one such story is William of Norwich
a child, tanner and skinner by trade
disappears, is last seen alive entering the home of a jew
investigated by Thomas of Monmouth
Interviews with surviving witnesses say the body was fixed to a cross in a mockery of the crufixion, and he was stabbed and tortured to death
William's head was shaved, stabbed, and affixed with a crown of thorns
this type of ritual torture and sacrifice comes up a lot in history
quite similar to the ritual satanic abuse of children today
Be 1960
The Cabal wishing to enslave the world and bring them under their control are now in total control of the developed world's money supply
Cabal has new weapon: the CIA, which has control of Hollywood and Media via Operation Mockingbird
they have their hands in fucking everything, money, entertainment, news, everything
"We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and rutheless conspiracy, that relies primarily on covert means for expanding it's sphere of influence" -John F Kennedy
JFK vows to liberate the United States
June 4, 1963 EO 11110 Issue real money without fed, in the form of silver certificates
November 22, 1963
In broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses, multiple people fucking brain JFK
Pin it on their patsy Lee Harvey Oswald
Have Jack Ruby assassinate Oswald before he can talk
Ruby is sentenced to death, appeals it and gets a new trial, but dies in prison (Epstein, anyone?)
Loose ends are tied up
elements of our government and military loyal to JFK and opposed to this cabal decide to start planning in secret
This enemy is dangerous, it is everywhere, it cannot know the war being waged against it
It will take generations to dismantle this beast that has been rising for centuries
the real work begins
be 1971
Richard Nixon removes us from the Gold Standard
Our money is not backed by gold anymore
USA strikes a deal with the Saudis to only sell oil in dollars
The push for women's liberation is in full swing, convincing them that working a career is liberation
this doubles the labor supply with a static labor demand
wages steadily decrease to the point that one man working can no longer support a family, both parents need to work now
inflation does not destroy our economy despite us printing money like a banana republic
this is because we force the rest of the world to use our money to trade oil, creating an ARTIFICIAL demand
the ability to print monopoly money allows us to finance the largeset military force the globe has seen in this iteration of human history
Edmond de Rothschild forms the World Conservation Bank
WCB assumes the debts of 3rd world countries in exchange for control of their real estate
this is 30% of the planet's landmass
9/11 happens, justification for endless wars on "terrorism"
Only 7 nations do not have a Rothschild controlled bank
They are Cuba, China, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, Sudan, and Libya
Afghanistan toppled
Iraq toppled
we now surround Iran with a military presence
Relations with Cuba, Norks and Chinks are not good, they are our adversaries
Muammar Ghadaffi in Libya announces his plan to start selling oil in gold-backed African Dinars
You can pull up his execution by an "angry mob" on youtube
At this point, Barack Obama is president
BHO and HRC are part of the Cabal's end stage plans
The NSA's surveillance state, built on the back of W's Patriot act is one of the last pieces needed for full control
But resistance is growing
These people all have blackmail on each other, the worst kinds
They all partake in the ritual torture and murder of children
Here, you have a first-hand account of Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard and his rise through the international money laundering rings up until he get's invited to join the Satanic cult, and it broke him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFAhJ5N7qdc [Open]
AI is getting powerful
AI is getting so powerful that Deepfakes are becoming a thing
Suddenly all of the blackmail everyone has on each other to keep each other in line might become useless
If it is released, anyone can call it a deepfake
Enter Julian Assange
Assange has a nuclear insurance file of hundreds of gigabytes
Insurance file was encrypted and released prior to the existence of deepfakes
Assange now has the only real blackmail
The NSA has been able to scoop up all information about damn near everybody in the world
Now THEY have real blackmail
Panic starts to ensue among the elites
The plan has been in full swing for quite some time
The parts of the military who have been watching and observing know how the elite work
They know about the satanic pedophile rings
They know our elections are fake and rigged
They know the show was supposed to end with HRC starting a nuclear war with Russia
They know everyone's MO
George W Bush pardoned himself and his cronies of any potential wrongdoing on his way out of office
They know Obama will do the same (and he did)
Now is the time to put the plan into action
Epstein was investigated in May 2005 for fucking a 14 year old girl
Investigation reveals up to 36 underage girls involved
Investigation reveals up to 36 underage girls involved
He gets a slap on the wrist, 13 months of jail time, mostly with work release as part of a plea deal
FBI was not happy with Palm Beach PD's investigation
FBI begins their own investigation
Epstein knew several billionaires, millionaires, politicians, actors, celebrities, supreme court justice Roberts
Just go through his little black book and you'll see tons of names
Everyone is tight lipped, nobody cooperates with the Feds
Except for one man
A prominent businessman, a billionaire with a house hold name
The military has now identified someone they can run against HRC
someone with so much money he can't be bought
someone who wasn't compromised with blackmail
someone who was willing to cooperate in an investigation against one of the child traffickers who was a lynchpin in the elite's blackmail scheme
Someone who was good friends with the Kennedy family
He is a billionaire, but he isn't one of the elite
He talks like the people do
"You call women you don't like fat pigs!" "Only Rosie O'Donnel"
"You can just grab them by the pussy, they let you"
Despite having an apartment of solid gold, he eats fucking McDonald's and loves it
The people see themselves in him despite the vast class difference
becomes massively popular
utilizes meme magic to win the presidency in the same way he used it to build his brand and become a household name
November 8, 2016
The Cabal has already decided Hillary won
Their presses didn't even bother writing stories to cover the possibility of a Trump victory
Hillary didn't bother to write a concession speech
Now the military acts
The voting machines were supposed to switch the votes like they did in 2020
But white hats working against the Cabal hacked into them and stopped it
cue the screeching "THE ELECTION WAS HACKED!"
They know it was hacked
Because she was supposed to win
and their machines they used to cheat didn't work
They have to keep screeching that Russia did it, because the plan was for a war with Russia
They can't produce any evidence of their allegations
The only way they know there was interference was because they lost
Obama pardons everyone
Now Trump is in office
The show begins
Declassifying JFK files
Trump merges the Fed and the Treasury
The elite release Covid-19 to destroy the economy and provide endless justification for lockdowns, to give money to destitute people to keep them dependent upon the government, to gain the control they so desperately crave
It's now an existential war
they have been backed into a corner
there is no way out
people are waking up to this reality at an unprecedented rate
if they were winning they wouldn't be trying to get Trump out of office with less than 2 weeks left
if they were winning they wouldn't be trying to prevent Trump from commanding the military
if they were winning they wouldn't need to deplatform and silence Trump and his allies
if they were winning there wouldn't be so many faggot shills here
Q Anon was meant to start slowly revealing information to the public
Q Anon is run by military intelligence
People can't handle the entire truth at once if they've been asleep
They needed a slow drip
They needed to see for themselves what these people would be willing to do to the country when they were worried about losing control
They needed to see for themselves the elite playing their hands, releasing covid, the blatant election fraud, the BLM Riots for destabilization to justify further control, the calls for purging their opposition, the calls to deplatform and ban everyone they don't like
They needed to see THE ELITE WANT YOU DEAD
You guys ready for the way this ends? Trump is going on Mount Rushmore
Haha you better look out for the "Israel First" crowd. How dare you suggest that Hitler was lied about to the same degree Trump is - AND before the internet was around!
I have plenty of sources (homework) to trudge through to know what's going on. I don't NEED any more but if you've got sources your argument will be stronger.
Take it in a more general sense. Everything is FAKE NEWS until you get to the source or as close to it as possible.
I think the goal at this point is to expose them and get them out of America. That will weaken them severly , closest economy they can flee to is china. But if we roll back trade with china, china folds....this so why the eu is signing deals wifh china. To prop it up now that the US is shifting.
Cabals next move is to align countries against the U.S.
I think the goal at this point is to expose them and get them out of America. That will weaken them severly
Severely indeed. Getting the cabal out of America leaves them cut off from so much information that it may well be comparable to losing a (digital) head. Their eyes and ears are gone. They're naked and exposed by comparison to what the NSA is capable of.
If the plug is pulled and the swamp is drained, the cabal's only remaining move will be to simply wait until they get raided with some BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTT after they're exposed and declared an official terrorist organization and insane human rights abusers.
You may be able to deny "the holocaust" but there's enough to go on that Hitler and his boys REALLY fucked up, either through malevolence, being evil or logistically, at best. It's still deserving of the infamy.
zyklon b is to kill lice. lice has typhus. the jews (who had the lice) were put into work camps, not death camps. they died alot there because there was not enough food for everyone during war time. these are the fact. extermination camps are logistically retarded when you are fighting a world war against the cabal bankers. they were work camps and prisons for the most egregious of them who had totally abused the german people.
There's a reason why the Auschwitz that exists today is just a replica. The original was destroyed post-war. Yes, bodies were incinerated but mainly because the typhus deaths were so great they couldn't bury bodies quickly enough.
Look, I'm not defending the motives of the Nazi party, but it's strange that the original number of dead was somewhere around 800K but has grown to six million since WW2. There weren't even two million Jews in Europe during WW2. The winners get to write the history books.
China was inflitrated by the Jesuits centuries ago, and they'll admit it themselves.
For example, the Jesuits used different mechanisms to bring science, mathematics, new music, among other things to China to provide incentives for dialogue. His parting message that knowledge and education used to be a luxury but is now widely accessible because of technology left the audience to question whether the incentives for continuing dialogue are minimised in the modern age.
Associate Professor Fangfang Ji from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences spoke particularly on how Jesuits served as intermediaries in intercultural communication by establishing the first Chinese magazines/newspapers. In an effort to become accepted by local leaders, Jesuit missionaries wrote columns on teachings, science and technology. As “communicator”, Matteo Ricci dressed as a Chinese scholar (instead of a monk) to alleviate his “foreignness” and attempt to adapt to the local culture. Ji said this exemplifies the strategy of “accommodation”, which can be applied to the whole communication process.
Continuing Ji’s example of Matteo Ricci, Bin You from Minzu University of China, related the many ways that Ricci engaged with the Chinese people. Apart from changing his clothing, Ricci developed a theological system according to Chinese cultural terms. This includes his perseverance to achieve lingual adaptation by correctly describing parts of the soul and God. Ricci’s ability to integrate himself in Chinese culture can still be seen today in Chinese leaders’ enthusiasm for continuing intercultural dialogues.
Another example of intercultural dialogue in contemporary times is the Jesuits’ contribution to music. Music professor Lionel Hong from Fu Jen Catholic University shared how Jesuits used hymns and translated them to Chinese for locals to use in praise of God, while also incorporating the Chinese style in Western music. To demonstrate, Hong sang a hymn in both styles – a wonderful closing to the discussion.
Can you imagine how different of a world you live in if you are a Rothschild? I'm not talking about the evil ones. I'm talking about those on the fringe. There have to be innocent children and such. Their perspective of the world must be insanely different than ours.
I was joshing/pretending to be a troll. Thank you for sharing that info. Some people don't seem to be able to read a text post. Im going to updoot you for being civil.
Bam! I’m new here, I went down the rabbit hole over the summer. Quick question ... with all the pardons that have taken place who will actually pay for their crimes? I’m thinking Trump will pardon Assange... is he released from Britain yet?
They may have been pardoned, but the entire four years of Trump's presidency was a sting operation.
In other words, in their hatred and fear of Trump, they have committed new crimes. This time, we have them for treason, sedition, attempting to overthrow the government, terrorism, and more.
I can’t wait for all of this to unfold. Call me crazy which all of my friends do .... but it’s going to happen. Sticking with Our President Trump til the end!
That was a very basic summary and leaves a lot out.
There is also no mention here that the assassination of Lincoln was connected to him daring to issue his own currency (Lincoln's 'Greenbacks'). Once he did that he had to go.
The 1776 revolution it'self wasn't triggered by teas taxes, that was just the reason given to the masses/history. The Colonists had started to issue their own currency 'Colonial Scrip' and this pissed off the Bankers back in England. I remember seeing old newspaper clippings from the time, of their outrage and demanding the King put a stop to it.
So while the info is more or less correct it is the Cliff Notes version of just a small snippet of events in history that led to where we are now. (and for those freaking about about mention of muh Jews it is NOT 'the jews', just a certain group who are tied in with the 13 Families (not jews) who rule us. The Merovingians are of particular note and they tie into the Payseurs.)
Kind of.. I mean if he's correct about a faction of the military actually acting in our best interests, that's great of course, but I don't quite understand what Trump is going to do at this point. He didn't expound on that. Dude's getting forced out.
Too bad this is stickied. While there is much truth, there is much relevant missing.
Why 9/11?
The identification of a ethnic group of people at the beginning, supported by literally 2 examples of bad acts to ultimately justify the holocaust is egregious and offensive.
Again, while some, maybe a lot of what you say is accurate, too much substance and context is missing and bigotry and hate has been injected.
That, is antithetical to Q.
If Q wanted the anons to reach people, this post will have the opposite effect, they will be less likely to believe anything or anyone who espouses such idiocy.
We’ve known for DECADES priests were molesting children and learned that the disease went all the way to the top, BUT NO ONE IS STUPID OR IGNORANT enough to blame CATHOLICS?!?!
I really appreciate your reply, you and I certainly have common ground, but I do not think we are in agreement here.
I believe it is dangerous to find a common immutable characteristic in people and identify that as having some bearing on their behavior.
People cannot and should not be reduced down to something they are either born with, or into. Doing that literally creates and justifies bias and bigotry.
It may be more difficult to examine bad people more deeply than the obvious and easy shared common traits, but it is an effort that need be made.
I have no doubt there were common links between the bad people who did bad things, but that they happened to be Jewish is an absurd reason to equate their conduct with the same. The ONLY reason to do that is to associate the bad with that common thread.
I cant wait to go to America and take a pic at Trumps face at rushmore
They knew we'd need exactly what you're talking about. A way to honor the brave men and women, no doubt inspired by God.
National Garden of American Heroes.
Funny that. President Trump always 5 moves ahead of all of us.
Gosh I love America ❤️❤️❤️
Garden of Heroes.
They will more than likely get a statue.
This might be off-topic, but i read this entire 8kun post, and there is a moment where he says that Hitler was pretty much good.
Hitler was the first to try fight the cabal of satanic (((bankers))) trying to rule the world and he failed... right ?
How true is that statement ? Because that kinda completely changes my perception of reality, if Hitler wasnt even the bad guy in history.
Exactly correct! Bravo! ?
I know of a young Ranger that recently came back from Afghanistan and killed himself. I don't know what he saw- but he had ptsd.
Darn, you both have good points. Put POTUS on Rushmore and start a new mountain for the military geniuses behind him.
I was asleep when trump was elected and didn't really care for him. I've been digging into conspiracies for a year, and now I'm convinced he is the best.
It's okay. Some peak early. Some are late bloomers.
Honestly didn't even know what q was up until six months ago. Digging through the drops is difficult but the book of proofs has been super helpful
David Icke woke me up. I read his book “Biggest Secret” and it snapped me wide awake. A friend also had me watch Russian Vids, a YouTuber who broke down all the false flags. Both are banned on YouTube.
Viligent Citizen is a great website to see the elite symbolism. Why isn’t Melania on the cover on fashion magazines? She refuses to do the one eye symbolism or other symbolism of the elite. Trump doesn’t do it either.
LOL...I forgot about the Amish buggy parades.
Same man, once you know, you know. Can't look away anymore
I knew bits and pieces until I got tired if TDW
Same, didn't know about it really until shortly after the riots.
I saw some of the WWG1WGA hashtags on twitter but had no clue what they were.
Then I started looking into it.
I was there from the first Q drop.
Shared what I was learning with my kids. They told me I was insane to trust anything from /pol/. I know that, but this just had the ring of truth.
(Edit to add: I had already read some of the worst Wikileaks, so I knew about those creatures.)
Anyway, the day I let kids tell me what to do is the day I kick my own behind.
Long read but definitely worth it. I was onto some of the major conspiracies before going down qanon. This just confirmed alot and filled in quite a bit of extra detail concerning + and ++, I didn't know about +++ though even if that seems like an obvious one
No worries, fren. I absolutely HATED Trump for years. Thought he was a clown making America an embarrassment. Woke up after I watched a whole live speech of his, then saw how MSM reported on it. Instantly got curious. Now I would die for the man.
While I am ashamed that I failed to support our President for so long (and let the media affect my judgment,) I am just glad that I see clearly now.
Also, Epstein didn't kill himself.
How crazy would it be if they have epstein? Trump that is
I believe this to be true. Q post 753 is at the front page at this moment. When does a bird sing? I think it's referencing Epstein, and he's singing like a bird...
Yup. It was Kanye and North Korea that made me start being like "maybe he's not that bad". It took him about 6 months into his presidency before I was onboard.
I have to admit I wasn't on the train immediately though husband was. It took about 8 weeks after he came down the escalator, then I was all in.
My mom was all in from the get-go and she has good instincts. Talked with her a lot analyzing what was going on. I was curious. Read Art of the Deal to get some insight into his thinking. Found old articles and even an interview with his kids when they were in their early 20s. When the press going nuts, felt something was off because they used to worship him. It was too over the top. Plus, nothing about him was a secret, I did not understand why there was so much vitriol. Ho-ho, little did I know!
(Shouldn't have locked me down to give me time to research!)
i dont agree with you "nobody123123" i think the greatest president of all time was Kennedy. Just listen to the few audio tapes of him speaking, just listen how smart, honest and loyal to the people and the country that guy was. He was the butterfly effect for all of the future events of mankind. His assassination by the CIA started a domino effect that will last 100 maybe 200 years. We almost lost the legacy of the Kennedy. His family was almost forgotten, since they started assassinating the rest of the Kennedy members.
But Trump didnt forget, Donald remembers everything. Donald continued what JFK has started. And this time, there will be no assassination, this time we are winning.
Stop the wars. If you stop the enemy today, you wont see a nuclear war with millions dead in the next 10 years. Trump is not just helping stop the corruption of the united states, he is the butterfly effect preventing the massive future nuclear war that is planned by the (((bankers))) with the help of pawns like Hussein, Clinton and the sleepy sniffer.
I agree with what you're saying, but I feel like Andrew Jackson has to be in the mix, as well. Whenever someone tried to address him as "Mr. President", he would correct them and tell them to call him General Jackson! He was the people's General, wnd widely love across the nation. Refused to renew the world bank's charter, and was impeached and nearly successfully assassinated. Not to mention, he conquered and got us Florida from the Spaniards...He had a lifetime of major accomplishments! Just don't want people to forget the accomplishments Jackson made for #WeThePeople...I think this is exactly why Jackson is given such a bad rap by many mainstream cabal "historians"...
He's an accumulation of all greats before him, others tried to fix things and warn us and they were murdered, silenced or ignored.
This time people are listening, and able to get real news in real-time from patriots.
Evil is patient.... most humans are not. They get the 'news' and move on.
Lies that are plausible are an easy way to move past bad stuff.... The MSM is very adept at manipulation.
I love Trump, and will be forever grateful for him and his bravery to pickup the torch after other brave patriots were destroyed trying.
That was some good read right there. MAXIMUM HOPIUM ACHIEVED.
Reaches over and takes a hit
1- >
196958 (OP)
I’ve seen pieces of this, but never put together so nicely. The central bankers need to GTFO of America
You are an angel for posting the text here.
Thank you so much. This is quite useful.
Sure...after I read all the tiny I scroll to this. LoL.
Great work OP. At last we have come to what's last for a reason.
Trump deserves a seat on Mt. Rushmore after this shit
When you see through the Hitler lie, you know you've woken up. Then you have to shut up about it. :D
Haha you better look out for the "Israel First" crowd. How dare you suggest that Hitler was lied about to the same degree Trump is - AND before the internet was around!
Nobody knows what is true or false anymore. Best you can do is share your sources / evidence instead of putting others down.
What books and media did you consume to form the opinion you just stated?
I have plenty of sources (homework) to trudge through to know what's going on. I don't NEED any more but if you've got sources your argument will be stronger.
Take it in a more general sense. Everything is FAKE NEWS until you get to the source or as close to it as possible.
Aren't "redpills" just "sources"?
Sorry if I came off a bit sassy myself. I've heard "breads" once or twice recently. That's something in the Q aggregate / dissection boards?
I hope so. Damn, I hope so.
We may be able to achieve a period of peace.
I think the goal at this point is to expose them and get them out of America. That will weaken them severly , closest economy they can flee to is china. But if we roll back trade with china, china folds....this so why the eu is signing deals wifh china. To prop it up now that the US is shifting.
Cabals next move is to align countries against the U.S.
Severely indeed. Getting the cabal out of America leaves them cut off from so much information that it may well be comparable to losing a (digital) head. Their eyes and ears are gone. They're naked and exposed by comparison to what the NSA is capable of.
If the plug is pulled and the swamp is drained, the cabal's only remaining move will be to simply wait until they get raided with some BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTT after they're exposed and declared an official terrorist organization and insane human rights abusers.
It wasn't really OP.
It was the anonymous author from /pol/.
But I get where you're coming from.
They aren't Jews; they are of the Synagogue of Satan, as Jesus put it.
I like to call them Canaanites.
They worship Ilhu (Allah). Different names for the same, or closely-related, entity.
Ilhu is where Illuminati comes from. Because they are FAR from illumined.
I hope so. I really do
The truth on the holocaust will never come out. The real numbers, Hitler's reluctance to all of it, etc.
You may be able to deny "the holocaust" but there's enough to go on that Hitler and his boys REALLY fucked up, either through malevolence, being evil or logistically, at best. It's still deserving of the infamy.
zyklon b is to kill lice. lice has typhus. the jews (who had the lice) were put into work camps, not death camps. they died alot there because there was not enough food for everyone during war time. these are the fact. extermination camps are logistically retarded when you are fighting a world war against the cabal bankers. they were work camps and prisons for the most egregious of them who had totally abused the german people.
There's a reason why the Auschwitz that exists today is just a replica. The original was destroyed post-war. Yes, bodies were incinerated but mainly because the typhus deaths were so great they couldn't bury bodies quickly enough.
Look, I'm not defending the motives of the Nazi party, but it's strange that the original number of dead was somewhere around 800K but has grown to six million since WW2. There weren't even two million Jews in Europe during WW2. The winners get to write the history books.
Folks uncomfortable with this topic need to understand that knowing allies bombed the supply lines is not an endorsement of national socialism.
What’s China’s role in all this?
I assume they are allies and profiting from each other. It's liks Germany and Japan in ww2 but this time behind closed doors.
China was inflitrated by the Jesuits centuries ago, and they'll admit it themselves.
For example, the Jesuits used different mechanisms to bring science, mathematics, new music, among other things to China to provide incentives for dialogue. His parting message that knowledge and education used to be a luxury but is now widely accessible because of technology left the audience to question whether the incentives for continuing dialogue are minimised in the modern age.
Associate Professor Fangfang Ji from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences spoke particularly on how Jesuits served as intermediaries in intercultural communication by establishing the first Chinese magazines/newspapers. In an effort to become accepted by local leaders, Jesuit missionaries wrote columns on teachings, science and technology. As “communicator”, Matteo Ricci dressed as a Chinese scholar (instead of a monk) to alleviate his “foreignness” and attempt to adapt to the local culture. Ji said this exemplifies the strategy of “accommodation”, which can be applied to the whole communication process.
Continuing Ji’s example of Matteo Ricci, Bin You from Minzu University of China, related the many ways that Ricci engaged with the Chinese people. Apart from changing his clothing, Ricci developed a theological system according to Chinese cultural terms. This includes his perseverance to achieve lingual adaptation by correctly describing parts of the soul and God. Ricci’s ability to integrate himself in Chinese culture can still be seen today in Chinese leaders’ enthusiasm for continuing intercultural dialogues.
Another example of intercultural dialogue in contemporary times is the Jesuits’ contribution to music. Music professor Lionel Hong from Fu Jen Catholic University shared how Jesuits used hymns and translated them to Chinese for locals to use in praise of God, while also incorporating the Chinese style in Western music. To demonstrate, Hong sang a hymn in both styles – a wonderful closing to the discussion.
Look into the history of Mateo Ricci and how he set the framework for infiltration.
When the Jesuits began losing control in China, they used their control of Freemasonry (another infiltrated organization) to start the Opium Wars.
After the Communist Revolution, they tried infiltrating the new regime but were imprisoned by Mao.
Deng Xiaoping eventually worked a deal with the Jesuits in the 1970s.
I’m just confused how Assange got the BM. Then the NSA has the true BM.
Is the NSA Rogue like the CIA?
Can you imagine how different of a world you live in if you are a Rothschild? I'm not talking about the evil ones. I'm talking about those on the fringe. There have to be innocent children and such. Their perspective of the world must be insanely different than ours.
Nvm... My dumb ass figured it out
can you post this in video format
This isnt my post. If your having trouble enlarging. Just click the title text and you should be able to do it from there
I was joshing/pretending to be a troll. Thank you for sharing that info. Some people don't seem to be able to read a text post. Im going to updoot you for being civil.
And I updoot you both for civility!
That was one hell of a read.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Thanks for this. Exactly what I needed. added to the archives.
A man can only get so erect...
I had to save this to distribute to my fam when they're ready
Someone need to make a video of this information and spread it far and wide..People need to know and understand the truth..
Beautiful, can't wait to volunteer for a spot in the rock exploding team at Mount Rushmore
fantastic summary read the whole thing 10/10
Get Judy Shelton on the fed. Free gold, free the world.
Fritz Springmeier died for his work, the least we can do is read it.
Dark to light.
Why cant I ever make photos bigger that are posted
Right click, open image in new tab
Bam! I’m new here, I went down the rabbit hole over the summer. Quick question ... with all the pardons that have taken place who will actually pay for their crimes? I’m thinking Trump will pardon Assange... is he released from Britain yet?
My guess:
They may have been pardoned, but the entire four years of Trump's presidency was a sting operation.
In other words, in their hatred and fear of Trump, they have committed new crimes. This time, we have them for treason, sedition, attempting to overthrow the government, terrorism, and more.
I can’t wait for all of this to unfold. Call me crazy which all of my friends do .... but it’s going to happen. Sticking with Our President Trump til the end!
how does Payseur fit into this, I thought they were above the rothschilds?
That was a very basic summary and leaves a lot out.
There is also no mention here that the assassination of Lincoln was connected to him daring to issue his own currency (Lincoln's 'Greenbacks'). Once he did that he had to go.
The 1776 revolution it'self wasn't triggered by teas taxes, that was just the reason given to the masses/history. The Colonists had started to issue their own currency 'Colonial Scrip' and this pissed off the Bankers back in England. I remember seeing old newspaper clippings from the time, of their outrage and demanding the King put a stop to it.
So while the info is more or less correct it is the Cliff Notes version of just a small snippet of events in history that led to where we are now. (and for those freaking about about mention of muh Jews it is NOT 'the jews', just a certain group who are tied in with the 13 Families (not jews) who rule us. The Merovingians are of particular note and they tie into the Payseurs.)
Neon had a great article re the Paysuers and who they became after they escaped the French Revolution and ended up in the US: https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/08/16/p-the-unseen-masters-of-all-qanon-greatawakening-whoisp-illuminati-13bloodlines-payseur-springmeier/ (don't read the Springmeier inserts from the CIA drop until you have read the actual article)
Thank you for that this wad very insightful
Big whitepill right there.
Kind of.. I mean if he's correct about a faction of the military actually acting in our best interests, that's great of course, but I don't quite understand what Trump is going to do at this point. He didn't expound on that. Dude's getting forced out.
Too bad this is stickied. While there is much truth, there is much relevant missing.
Why 9/11?
The identification of a ethnic group of people at the beginning, supported by literally 2 examples of bad acts to ultimately justify the holocaust is egregious and offensive.
Again, while some, maybe a lot of what you say is accurate, too much substance and context is missing and bigotry and hate has been injected.
That, is antithetical to Q.
If Q wanted the anons to reach people, this post will have the opposite effect, they will be less likely to believe anything or anyone who espouses such idiocy.
WTF is wrong with all of you?
We’ve known for DECADES priests were molesting children and learned that the disease went all the way to the top, BUT NO ONE IS STUPID OR IGNORANT enough to blame CATHOLICS?!?!
This is the height of thoughtlessness.
I really appreciate your reply, you and I certainly have common ground, but I do not think we are in agreement here.
I believe it is dangerous to find a common immutable characteristic in people and identify that as having some bearing on their behavior.
People cannot and should not be reduced down to something they are either born with, or into. Doing that literally creates and justifies bias and bigotry.
It may be more difficult to examine bad people more deeply than the obvious and easy shared common traits, but it is an effort that need be made.
I have no doubt there were common links between the bad people who did bad things, but that they happened to be Jewish is an absurd reason to equate their conduct with the same. The ONLY reason to do that is to associate the bad with that common thread.
Perhaps I said it better here:
JP Morgan Chase shows up in the post, playing a significant role.
That explains why Chase was the first bank to condemn Trump and publicly state it would not support the campaigns of anyone who supported him.
Good history lesson!
Now this is what i call a QUALITY post. Thanks OP, and God bless!
Surprised they didn't include USA inc. in there.
Also FBI secretly good guys' all along?
Where's the part about Biden winning, the covid vaccine, and Ukraine war? We're really winning guys!
Thank you, OP!