He also reassured us several times that he and his team have been working tirelessly to MAGA. There was no mention of stumbling and failing to meet that goal. Sounds like they succeeded (or at least on the cusp).
I think the subject no one discusses is, okay, Trump takes the criminals out tomorrow, what then? You know the brain washed leftist are not going to accept this. They actually thing Trump is the threat to democracy. We will more than likely see mass wide spread violence, which I say, bring it on. We have to defeat it now, or never.
But it's not the brain washed leftists who are getting violent---it's the paid instigators who are doing it. The purple haired, hardware faced air heads have no stomach for fighting---just yelling and crying! Besides there are way more of us than there are of them.
False Flags? Maybe, but they will be sorry if they do. If they are planning some, they probably won't even get started before they are arrested.
They should send them down to Key West via a Greyhound for a 24 hours travel time and then ferry them over to Gitmo. Make them suffer as much as possible. The bus pulling off at every single exit, stopping, nobody gets on or off, then turning back on to the interstate.
Perfect comment. If you were dooming after the address you were dooming before. Trump never conceded and said he would never concede to a fraudulent election. The best is yet to come!
The truth is the truth. Q is not the truth merely the messenger. The truth existed far before Q ever did. I will hold the line no matter what because I know the truth, even if Trump, Q or whoever is a deceiver. Hold the line folks because there’s one thing we know and that’s the pedo-luciferian cabal does exist and it is either us or them.
Elladar, it is entirely possible that while the military is finishing the job, POTUS is out of the picture. Q warned us early on that Trump will need to maintain an appearance of neutrality. I do believe there will be a gap between now and when it's DONE where Donald Trump will not be president. There's even a "corporation" reason for it to be that way. Back to 1871.
Q is a team and now they're about to be in FULL control, quite possibly temporarily sans Q+.
Well when they illegally created the corporation of United States in 1871(all started in 1860, but written in in 71), they decided president get inaugurated on January 20th..(edit: they didnt do it right away, only fairly recent change, in the 1953 to be precise) Before that the republic of United States of America had inauguration on March 4th...
Here is a nice little baggie of hopium for you... Care to guess who was the last legitimately elected president of the Republic? Lincoln... What number was he on the list? What is the next number? Coincidence?
Honestly if IA or martial law were invoked, I’d fully expect he’d have to promise to step down, otherwise it looks like a dictator move. That’s what I’d offer if I were in his place trying to get military to buy in.
Or run a new election, with a new non-dem candidate, it would help cement the destruction of the demonrats and Trump could be duly elected(again) after all the chaos. Idk if that's even necessary though. Trump is obviously the peoples choice. The guy got 100+ million votes.
If one followed Teump, but not Q, then it does seem like Trump is one lone man against almost everybody. It WOULD be impossible for him to win under these circumstances. Q followers hold that there is an ongoing operation by a team of military people with position, power, and skill sets to defeat our globalist enemies that are causing this country and the world so many problems. I've been following Q. I don't think Trump is alone in this, but I can't begin to imagine how they are going to fix this. So many of you here are absolutely confident this is going to be corrected, and I pray you are right.
Tomorrow is a transition from a Corporation entity of the United States, formed with an act of 1871 to a Republic of the United States of America founded in 1776. For the past 149 years America was a corporation, ruled by the Admiralty law. Maybe this means the country will go back to being a republic founded in 1776? (think they did change the wording of the constitution from "We the people of United States to We the people of THE united states, when they did the switcheroo in 1871)
Will the military take over before this happens and does trials and executions? Perhaps, would be nice.
But I wholly expect some big shit to happen within the next 23 hrs!
I hope I am right as well, because if I am not, we are well and truly fucked...
Yeah, invest in new shiteating technology! Also don't forget to diversify into the saltmining equipment. Coz once all of this is over, there will be a biblical salt flood from leftists! AHAHA
Honestly I was a sceptic at the start. But after spending hundreds of hours on it, I changed my mind. And lets be honest, who doesnt want there to be a group of good people who have been trying to set up a huge resistance to a cabal of evil pedos that rule the world from the shadows?
Even Democrats know that much. I don't think they have ever fathomed just how far Trump (and the Q team they continue to malign) is willing to go to WIN.
I'm not sure what people expected... Trump needed to do this. I'm VERY luke warm on any plan... I'd say I'm 55/45 on all of this, but Trump is extremely divisive to the country because of the media. So if it really is going down, like everyone seems to think on here. Then Trump would need to do this as he would have to look as far away from what is going to happen as possible, with Trump gone and military in control... then they can't use the Trumps a dictator charge.
I mean I guess we will see, I'd honestly gladly trade a Trump for a free country with fair elections.
With all the theories and speculation, there is one thing that keeps me hanging on to the hopium.. Trump has still yet to say "Biden Administration". .
So, does Biden have to be sworn in to complete the criminal aspect of the plan? Will the arrests happen before or after? God I wish I could sleep....It feels like eternity waiting for this day.
Still praying and hoping something will happen Wednesday. But I am also practicing my disappointment internally.
Welcome to the Twilight Zone.
Move over to make room for the new Banana Republic.
Do you know what it is to live life without hope? Without joy? To have it dangled in front of you time and time again, only for it to be snatched away? False hope hurts worse than the usual despair. Please see why we don't trust.
If you're constantly living a life without hope and joy then you need to start placing your faith in God and nobody else. I recommend to start praying.
He never answers. Not in the "my dreams didn't come true" way but in the "sitting here in silence feeling nothing" way. Been at it 20 years now and starting to give up.
I'm sorry to hear that. I do know where you're coming from all too well actually. My own relationship with Him has been... rocky you could say. I went through years without even trying to pray to Him since I was an atheist and then suddenly one year He brought me back by showing me the rabbit hole.
Then for the past 5 years it's been on and off. Same thing, where I feel like He wasn't listening to me or that He had actually forsaken me altogether. It's only relatively recently that I've felt that call again.
Keep at it. Don't give up. Pray for faith, study the bible (with the help of genuine and learned men like Chuck Missler, Trey Smith or someone similar ) to discover the excitement of reading His Word, and try to find some fellowship somewhere even if it's only online.
Of course it is. Doomers are retards at this point with their fa(i)lstart.
[...] One day [blah blah blah] the best is yet to come [...]
I would believe deep state would won over you and Q being psyop only after Binden will become president - no earlier. I am not American citizen and I say it to you : It is still hours. Have a bit faith. Every bomb is disarmed in last seconds as the part of the show in every holywood film and Trump is a showman didn't he ?
Of course you shall be prepared for worst, hide some guns,keep some too and so on but the ball can be still in the game - don't be a losers. There is still hope.
I don’t know if this is important enough to post but I thought everyone should know that TODAY 01/19/2021 is National popcorn day. I $h!t you not.....google it!
Yeah I don't feel any doom after watching it. Nothing new that had not been said before. If you doom after that then you were dooming before.
He also reassured us several times that he and his team have been working tirelessly to MAGA. There was no mention of stumbling and failing to meet that goal. Sounds like they succeeded (or at least on the cusp).
What makes a good movie? Good actors
What would President Trump be willing to say to save the Republic and the world?
I mean, did you see his acting job in Home Alone 2? Dude can act. ?
What a good sport. That’s when everyone loved him before orange man bad.
He is a showman—the surprise and quickness of it all tomorrow would be epic.
But where is my emergency text?!
I think the subject no one discusses is, okay, Trump takes the criminals out tomorrow, what then? You know the brain washed leftist are not going to accept this. They actually thing Trump is the threat to democracy. We will more than likely see mass wide spread violence, which I say, bring it on. We have to defeat it now, or never.
But it's not the brain washed leftists who are getting violent---it's the paid instigators who are doing it. The purple haired, hardware faced air heads have no stomach for fighting---just yelling and crying! Besides there are way more of us than there are of them.
False Flags? Maybe, but they will be sorry if they do. If they are planning some, they probably won't even get started before they are arrested.
True, we do need to defeat it now....
Yes we could be in a war. I expect that. But what better war to fight than for the future of America and freedom? No one said it was going to be easy.
KEK Don’t really think military need R&B lights to arrest .. just my 2c
Didn't they deputize 2,000 NG troops?
They should send them down to Key West via a Greyhound for a 24 hours travel time and then ferry them over to Gitmo. Make them suffer as much as possible. The bus pulling off at every single exit, stopping, nobody gets on or off, then turning back on to the interstate.
I can't wait! No sleep tonight!
Great Awakening. Something is happening at Capitol. 121.7Kviews 18:42
It’s barely started!! But I REALLY liked Biden arriving my Uber!!! You guys are spot on!!
Perfect comment. If you were dooming after the address you were dooming before. Trump never conceded and said he would never concede to a fraudulent election. The best is yet to come!
He also said a new administration. He never said Biden. I think the new administration is the military.
FEMA apparently. https://thedonald.win/p/11S13o1ihX/the-most-important-thing-you-can/c/
The truth is the truth. Q is not the truth merely the messenger. The truth existed far before Q ever did. I will hold the line no matter what because I know the truth, even if Trump, Q or whoever is a deceiver. Hold the line folks because there’s one thing we know and that’s the pedo-luciferian cabal does exist and it is either us or them.
Word Up my man.....!
Same here.. there was absolutely nothing negatively surprising in that speech..
^ This, basically... The TD NEW is filled with retards flaming and bashing Q...
My beautiful TD has been so corrupted with Doom.
I know, fuckign hell, people lost their shit when Trump didnt even concede yet.. New administration means HIS administration...
Elladar, it is entirely possible that while the military is finishing the job, POTUS is out of the picture. Q warned us early on that Trump will need to maintain an appearance of neutrality. I do believe there will be a gap between now and when it's DONE where Donald Trump will not be president. There's even a "corporation" reason for it to be that way. Back to 1871. Q is a team and now they're about to be in FULL control, quite possibly temporarily sans Q+.
Oh yeah, I completely agree buddy! I think Trump will start his 2nd term on March 4th...
I like that date.
It's the only date that forms a sentence, and an appropriate one at that!
I like your thinking!
why march 4th ?
Well when they illegally created the corporation of United States in 1871(all started in 1860, but written in in 71), they decided president get inaugurated on January 20th..(edit: they didnt do it right away, only fairly recent change, in the 1953 to be precise) Before that the republic of United States of America had inauguration on March 4th...
Here is a nice little baggie of hopium for you... Care to guess who was the last legitimately elected president of the Republic? Lincoln... What number was he on the list? What is the next number? Coincidence?
Lincoln was the 16th President and we had then Johnson and Grant. Trump would be the 19th.
Honestly if IA or martial law were invoked, I’d fully expect he’d have to promise to step down, otherwise it looks like a dictator move. That’s what I’d offer if I were in his place trying to get military to buy in.
Or run a new election, with a new non-dem candidate, it would help cement the destruction of the demonrats and Trump could be duly elected(again) after all the chaos. Idk if that's even necessary though. Trump is obviously the peoples choice. The guy got 100+ million votes.
If one followed Teump, but not Q, then it does seem like Trump is one lone man against almost everybody. It WOULD be impossible for him to win under these circumstances. Q followers hold that there is an ongoing operation by a team of military people with position, power, and skill sets to defeat our globalist enemies that are causing this country and the world so many problems. I've been following Q. I don't think Trump is alone in this, but I can't begin to imagine how they are going to fix this. So many of you here are absolutely confident this is going to be corrected, and I pray you are right.
I think this will happen.
Tomorrow is a transition from a Corporation entity of the United States, formed with an act of 1871 to a Republic of the United States of America founded in 1776. For the past 149 years America was a corporation, ruled by the Admiralty law. Maybe this means the country will go back to being a republic founded in 1776? (think they did change the wording of the constitution from "We the people of United States to We the people of THE united states, when they did the switcheroo in 1871)
Will the military take over before this happens and does trials and executions? Perhaps, would be nice.
But I wholly expect some big shit to happen within the next 23 hrs!
I hope I am right as well, because if I am not, we are well and truly fucked...
Thank you brother!
This is not going to age well when Biden swears in tomorrow.
Go ahead, call me a doomer. If accepting reality makes one a doomer, I'd rather be a doomer than live in delusion like leftists do.
Well only a few hours left, we shall see how well it has aged then.
Of course!!
Fuck yeah he doesn't, my man is like a unstoppable machine! There is no "Concede" in his lexicon!
I know, right? Fucking people lost their shit, Trump said new administration.. HIS NEW administration...
Donald Trump WILL serve a second term. Might not start this week though ;-)
This! Keep it up pede! We need more of you! ( I expect Trump to start his 2nd term on 4th March...)
Look up the act of 1871. Or go through my comments, not gona bother to reply to a 1 minute account.
Its a shill-fest.
Yup, I'm not even into Q that much, but fuck me man, I like this crowd more.
AHAHAHA!!! Love you bro! Nearly choked on my saliva! xD
: ) we could make millions! kek
Yeah, invest in new shiteating technology! Also don't forget to diversify into the saltmining equipment. Coz once all of this is over, there will be a biblical salt flood from leftists! AHAHA
KEKKKK... this:
Nothing good there... Just doomers loosing their shit, and calling out Q as a larp...
Yh, basically this is the civilised version of TD...
I haven’t bought into Q, but it ain’t over til it’s over.
Honestly I was a sceptic at the start. But after spending hundreds of hours on it, I changed my mind. And lets be honest, who doesnt want there to be a group of good people who have been trying to set up a huge resistance to a cabal of evil pedos that rule the world from the shadows?
Mods looking pretty cute, but make sure not to bang your mom.
::Laughs in Crusader Kings 2::
Based and Habsburgpilled
The amount of dooming here from TDW stinks. It stinks. Pee-yoo
I miss the high energy. It’s almost like some pedes forgot who President Trump really is... A FIGHTER NOT A QUITTER.
Enjoy the show.
Even Democrats know that much. I don't think they have ever fathomed just how far Trump (and the Q team they continue to malign) is willing to go to WIN.
And winning is in his DNA!
Doomers said it.
Q bashing on all time high now. While we were and are all more MAGA then on tdw where dooming was trending.
Is it acceptable to doom after tomorrow?
You sure you won't say "It was all a part of the plan?"
Thank You.
I'm not sure what people expected... Trump needed to do this. I'm VERY luke warm on any plan... I'd say I'm 55/45 on all of this, but Trump is extremely divisive to the country because of the media. So if it really is going down, like everyone seems to think on here. Then Trump would need to do this as he would have to look as far away from what is going to happen as possible, with Trump gone and military in control... then they can't use the Trumps a dictator charge.
I mean I guess we will see, I'd honestly gladly trade a Trump for a free country with fair elections.
Thanks RR
much better worded :D
With all the theories and speculation, there is one thing that keeps me hanging on to the hopium.. Trump has still yet to say "Biden Administration". .
He said it at the wall.
I thought he said "new administration"..?
He said the Biden Administration, and essentially Biden has made an administration. A team. It exists.
But he didn't connect the Biden Admin with the New Admin.
Nope was talking about the 25th amendment when he said biden administration
Thanks mods. I can't stand the dooming. I understand now why they shot people for retreating during WWI.
Drop 4882
https://qagg.news/?read=4882 link for the lazy
Trump said noon tomorrow. Isn't the actual inauguration at 1:00?
Exactly. His first term officially ends at noon EST, leaving an hour before the inauguration is set to happen. A lot can happen in an hour.
Is the inauguration normally one hour after the previous term ends? Who's running the country?
Where’d you hear 1:00? Usually the inauguration is at noon
Thank you!
Atleast were not dooming like tdw that place is like a funeral
Thank you! Keep your dooming thoughts to yourself.
So, does Biden have to be sworn in to complete the criminal aspect of the plan? Will the arrests happen before or after? God I wish I could sleep....It feels like eternity waiting for this day.
Mods looking pretty cute, but make sure not to bang your mom.
Still praying and hoping something will happen Wednesday. But I am also practicing my disappointment internally. Welcome to the Twilight Zone. Move over to make room for the new Banana Republic.
Y'all ever notice that the naysayers try so hard to prove us wrong, almost taking joy in it, while we mostly keep to ourselves?
There's a famous line that applies here: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks".
Do you know what it is to live life without hope? Without joy? To have it dangled in front of you time and time again, only for it to be snatched away? False hope hurts worse than the usual despair. Please see why we don't trust.
If you're constantly living a life without hope and joy then you need to start placing your faith in God and nobody else. I recommend to start praying.
He never answers. Not in the "my dreams didn't come true" way but in the "sitting here in silence feeling nothing" way. Been at it 20 years now and starting to give up.
I'm sorry to hear that. I do know where you're coming from all too well actually. My own relationship with Him has been... rocky you could say. I went through years without even trying to pray to Him since I was an atheist and then suddenly one year He brought me back by showing me the rabbit hole.
Then for the past 5 years it's been on and off. Same thing, where I feel like He wasn't listening to me or that He had actually forsaken me altogether. It's only relatively recently that I've felt that call again.
Keep at it. Don't give up. Pray for faith, study the bible (with the help of genuine and learned men like Chuck Missler, Trey Smith or someone similar ) to discover the excitement of reading His Word, and try to find some fellowship somewhere even if it's only online.
I'll pray for us both.
Thank you. Life has not been a pleasant experience for me thus far.
I want to let you know that I did just pray for you. I hope life gets better for you going forward.
Thank you very much. It means a lot.
He should have said, “ I’ll be leaving the Whitehouse...for a few days...”
I am now attracted to the mod team.
Steak. Who was that politician that posted their nice steak dinner on the taxpayer's dime recently?
All I heard him say was: "The best is yet to come!"
THE BEST IS YET TO COME! Not tired of winning!
We just can hope.
Of course it is. Doomers are retards at this point with their fa(i)lstart.
I would believe deep state would won over you and Q being psyop only after Binden will become president - no earlier. I am not American citizen and I say it to you : It is still hours. Have a bit faith. Every bomb is disarmed in last seconds as the part of the show in every holywood film and Trump is a showman didn't he ?
Of course you shall be prepared for worst, hide some guns,keep some too and so on but the ball can be still in the game - don't be a losers. There is still hope.
How True! I have people all around me crying that it is all over. It is not easy to talk them off the ceiling.
I Can't Wait!!
I don’t know if this is important enough to post but I thought everyone should know that TODAY 01/19/2021 is National popcorn day. I $h!t you not.....google it!