Fuck yes. I told the wife this weekend we need to leave this fucking place and more to Texas. Get me some real fucking tamales. The shit we got here in KY is crap.
If you go to TX, grab Velvet Taco in Dallas. Hot women all around and delicious insane variety of tacos. I go every time I need to work in my North Plano data center. Also, Texas has surprisingly great sushi considering they’re about as far from the coasts as it gets.
However, why did Rep. Dan Crenshaw vote to certify the fraudulent election results? Why did Sen. John Cornyn vote to certify fraudulent election results.
I am disgusted with the Republican Party and how nearly the entire party colluded with the Democrats in this election fraud. The Republican party then worked to block any meaningful investigations of election fraud, auditing of ballots or even hearings in the courts. Then Republican legislatures in many of the contested states certified the fraud electors. To date, there has NEVER been a correction of any of it.
My family will never vote Republican again unless this is resolved and there are positive means implemented that will actually prevent voter fraud in the future (not token voter reforms).
Don't expect us to vote in 2022 or 2024 elections, unless possibly independent 3rd party, but definitely not Republican. I don't care if Texas turns 100% Blue... I'm not voting for the corrupt party again.
You did one thing good. Now you need to clean out the infested rats nest that is your party.
I had just received a letter from him begging for money, I simply wrote "Fuck you McCain 2.0" on the donation slip and sent it back in the pre-paid envelope. A bunch of similar responses went into the mail this week. Also had one from the Illinois GOP and wrote them that as long as that rat Kinzinger remains in the party they can say goodbye.
Next time, mail something heavy back in the envelope. Usually you can tape the envelope to a box and use that as your postage. Mail him a box of rocks just to waste his RINO campaign money.
That would suggest he is a Chinese Communist Party In Name Only. That doesn't make any sense...
How about Chinese Communist Party Promoter In Reality (CCPPIR).
This is getting too complicated. Lets just call everyone who worked to subvert the Constitution and sell out all the peoples of the world to the Luciferians what they are...
The alternative to parties which are divisive, detract from any message, and encourage people to merely check the box with the proper party letter, is NO party. Our government was set up to be overseen by the people who knew their extensive rights, duties and responsibilities. I doubt that this was realized as vital since our country began. When we see where we are now, we begin to understand just how evil this whole agenda has been and that we MUST do things differently if we want better results
As the people, our duties and rights (which were stolen from us) include the committeeman process (vastly different from the perversion that has been in place for some years) and control and operation of the petit and grand juries. Our founding documents are statements in common law--what we had in our courts until 1934 when the BAR abrogated our common law by combining it with equity law (contracts, etc.). The result was "civil" law which is unconstitutional, run by judges (have no place in our common law courts), has no jurisdiction whatsoever, and delivers gross and ugly INjustice. The third leg of this process is constitutional sheriffs. Most of them have no clue what their duties are, who they answer to, who they rightly protect and certainly have no idea what the Constitution actually says....that they took a sacred oath to obey and defend.
The committeeman process, as it exists now, consists of "committeemen" (2 in my state) in each district of a state and a party boss at the top; all for one party. The RIGHTFUL job of a committeeman is to carefully and constitutionally vet any and all prospective candidates for public office. These C-men that exist now have no idea what the Constitution says, what it means, what kind of government we have, how our government is set up, and so forth. How, then, can they vet anyone? I doubt that many care.
Visualize yourself as a committeeman. Picture someone like AOC, Tlaib, Piglosi, Schumer....any one of the serpents in CONgress coming to YOUR office to discuss a possible run for ANY public office. That is your golden opportunity to query that individual on many things, especially his/her knowledge of what ANYONE should know. If that person doesn't know these things, you simply refuse to walk their papers and tell them to come back at another time when they've learned these vital things. If that person DOES know these things, you may assent to walking their papers. Suppose, then, that the election is won by this person. Part 2 of this vital process is having awake, aware, motivated, patriotic, interested, and attentive people watching maybe one or two of these elected public servants in whatever office they occupy. How does this public servant vote? What does he/she say? What kind of behavior is exhibited? What are the monetary gains by this public servant? WE THE PEOPLE ELECTED THESE PEOPLE TO DO VERY IMPORTANT JOBS. They answer to us. How can they answer to us if we are not watching, listening and digging when necessary? Human nature is inherently fallible.
What happens when that public servant votes or speaks against our Constitution? We need to know that. They are called to YOUR office and to account. They repent and are allowed to go back conditionally or they are recalled or if their behavior warrants it, WE indict them. This applies to our out-of-control local illegitimate governments as well. WE, the people must take back our rightful power but we have to know that we once had it and how we lost it. As far as the party bosses go, they have no place in our election process as you can see.
This cuts through all the BS, the hand-wringing, the helpless feeling we've had for many many years. How can we have a viable government without these processes being restored to us?
You make a very good point. My only issue is nothing is flawless. We’ve read and been shown that the Chinese have spies all over our country in different companies and career fields. Even if we’re able to “clean house” this time how can we prevent it from happening again? I think we as a nation have gotten very lazy and to a point, spoiled. People will forget their duties as patriots and it may very well open the doors for corruption to set back in. The media is currently doing a fantastic job of lying to our faces and trying to tell us what to think and how to live, and a lot of people go along with it without question. Right now I’d love nothing more than to see all the nasty MSM brought down for the disservice they’re providing to America.
I’m not dooming at all, just to be clear. I’d love to clean the nasty crap out of our country but the problem is going to be maintaining our freedoms once it’s done. They’ve suckered a lot of people into thinking socialism and communism are great things when really it’s not
You're absolutely right; nothing is flawless. We are flawed people. However, this is the proper path to regaining our rightful places as the people. I'd think that we would have a large say over foreigners in our country who don't belong here....look to the Constitution, Founders' writings, protection of the people.
The word that comes to mind is "adrift". When we lose our ability to think critically, lose our Constitutional and spiritual moorings, we lose the ability to find our way out of our messes. The longer the situation persists, the less we pay attention and we finally throw up our hands in exasperation and frustration, totally stumped. At least that is how it strikes me.
Liberty is a 2-pronged process consisting of religion and adherence to our Constitution and other writings by those Founders. If we lose one, both are lost. We read in Proverbs 4:23, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." I believe that we are incapable of remaining true to our principles without a strong relationship and knowledge of our Creator. He expects us to be in communication with Him, learn of Him, express our heartfelt thanks for His love and mercy to us and finally, to actually worship Him. These are life-changing practices.
That's always the danger.....forgetting and becoming complacent in our prosperity, in a well-functioning country....Most certainly evil needs but a little opening to insinuate its way back in. As a nation founded on Christian principles, we would remain a target of evil. Thomas Jefferson was quoted as saying, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." In my mind, that makes perfect sense. Consider what a target something of value is to unprincipled folks. This would apply to one's relationship with our Creator as well. There are many distractions that we experience and sometimes we are led far away from that precious relationship. Vigilance...........Awareness...........trust but verify.
Yes, the 5th column msm truly has no place in a functional Constitutional Republic. I have no doubt that they will be taken totally down. The question then becomes, what will we do with our new and trusted sources? Our experience should remind us that, once again, human beings are fallible and we must hold each other accountable at every level, every office, everywhere. It's a commitment to guard well.
I do not perceive you as dooming. These are thoughtful and legitimate questions; more need to be asking them, IMHO. Yes, many have been intentionally lied to about the "wonders" of socialism and communism. That is a problem. Properly vetting potential public servants is a good way to have 2 or more very good people to choose from. Post-election would bring constant attention to those who become public servants.
Didn't President say at some point that nothing good comes easy....or something to that effect? The other thing that comes to mind is that if something is worth doing, it must be done well. Our Constitutional Republic is unique among the systems that are possible. You'd probably agree that we really don't want a monarchy.....or a dictatorship.....a duh-mockrary (mob rule) or an oligarchy. There doesn't seem to be any viable alternative. People love their freedom; consider how many would come here from afar if our borders were wide open. What are your thoughts?
I never liked Cornyn. I really didn't like Lamar Smith. Rick Perry is piece of work on a whole different level. The demographic change of the residents is what is causing the greatest effect. Houston, El Paso, and the I-35 corridor are very blue. Right now our saving grace is the State legislature. But, who knows for how long especially if federal policy changes immigration laws. I drive through the metropolitan areas and the rural areas for work. During the months prior to the election there was a huge difference in which candidates were supported in which areas. Miles of ranch fences would have Trump signs. Some city blocks would be all Biden signs (ironically in the wealthier areas more often than the low/middle class areas). All of this is why I think it's more important than ever for locals to become more involved in local government, and if they truly want to preserve their values then they need to begin with entities such as City Council or School Boards. But it really is result of a big demographic shift.
Interesting from what I've read the issue is not people moving into the state, it's the younger natives. Most of the people moving into Texas, even from California, vote red but the blue is mostly from stupid indoctrinated kids growing up in Texas coming of age. Sounds like something went wrong raising the kids and they don't appreciate the Texas they grew up with.
Oh it's definitely that, too. I mentioned driving through the wealthier neighborhoods and seeing all of the Biden signage. Some people I grew up with raised their kids in their beliefs, and then sent them to colleges or universities which only enforced what they grew up with. I think those kids and others are the target demographic for the developers trying to "re-vitalize" areas like downtown San Antonio. The people I speak with in El Paso have a mix of views but that's mostly because they have more exposure to the immigration aspect. The DFW metroplex is a mix of views but leans more left. Like Austin, it's a destination for job seekers.
My personal experience is interacting with people I know who have lived in the same house in the same city for 40+ years, and they suddenly have younger neighbors who moved here for the IT/white collar jobs but didn't leave (for example) their CA ideals in CA. The left leaning municipal governments have been steadily putting heavier financial burdens on the people with fixed incomes, and those people have been leaving the home they lived in for decades. Austin is the best example I've had personal experience with regarding property taxes forcing out fixed incomes. Austin government wants to be the next San Francisco, and they are well on their way to it: steadily increasing property taxes, rampant homelessness, infrastructure projects costing billions. Hopefully Texas can get a whole lot more conservative/patriot types to not just hold the ground (real estate and ideals) we have, but make some headway into the local governments.
Make room Texas, y'all are gonna have to get rid of those soft ass democrats that have invaded from the sewage tank known as California. Patriots are on their way.
Texas has been steadily becoming most wanted state to live in for awhile. I was considering Montana or Wyoming but man, don't mess with Texas is legit.
I’ve been thinking of moving too. Someplace I can get that “Wild West” feel cause I’d love to have lived in the old western days.
Politically, Texas is looking great. I’m in a reliably red state already but my governor I’m pretty sure is a RINO Republican. He sides often with the Democratic governors.
South Dakota: freeze your butt off in the winter; mosquitos and knats in the hot and humid summers; not the best selection of fresh fruits and veggies in the store.
And if you wish to buy a home in the Black Hills area, way over priced and you have a selection of one basic type of home, a split level. Rapid City has high crime.
Ha-Ha... You're longing for a little bit of "Wild West"? Maybe I can help; here are some features found in Texas: The Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo is the largest in the world: [https://www.rodeohouston.com/] It begins with a parade and a huge barbeque cookoff to welcome 3,000+ trail riders arriving after long journeys of up to 2 weeks. These horseback riders are part of the old tradition of trail rides, including covered wagons and wagon bosses.
During the rash of historical statues being torn down across the country there was a threat from BLM protesters planning to come to Huntsville to tear down our (giant) statue of Sam Houston. Texans quickly mobilized and responded, including the promise of “an entire state of hunters who never miss… from up a tree… at 4am… in the dark.” Not one protester showed up. You have to read the story directly to enjoy the full flavor: [https://www.breitbart.com/border/2020/07/09/some-threaten-lethal-force-to-protect-texas-monument-amid-rumors-of-blm-protest/]
People in Texas often wear cowboy boots year-round and many of us own more boots than tennis shoes. A girl’s wardrobe always includes jeans, lots of them; and there’s only one way to wear jeans—tight! I’ve owned guns all my life. I learned to shoot before I started First Grade (and I’m a girl ?). I can assure you it will be a cold day in Hell before anyone takes our guns. Also, the out-of-control government is delusional if they don't believe Texas would secede if necessary. So that’s a little insight. If this is Wild West enough for you; and for anyone else who’s interested, y'all are welcome in Texas!
Is amazing how liberals seem to think "being the president" = "you have to do what I say, when I say it".
No wonder they've been freaking out these last four years, calling Trump a dictator. The been projecting onto Donald Trump their own flaws this whole time.
Fucking-A!! You can always count on Texas!
Fuck yes. I told the wife this weekend we need to leave this fucking place and more to Texas. Get me some real fucking tamales. The shit we got here in KY is crap.
im in ky as well ;) Wife and I and Moving to TX on March 5th is shit dont change.
Do it bub
Hey now..
KY makes my favorite car. The corvette.
We have to fight where we live, otherwise the enemy will gain more states and that isn't a good thing
If you go to TX, grab Velvet Taco in Dallas. Hot women all around and delicious insane variety of tacos. I go every time I need to work in my North Plano data center. Also, Texas has surprisingly great sushi considering they’re about as far from the coasts as it gets.
Velvet Taco is ok.
Billion places.
Rule in TX is just try every place.
I am not handing out tamale places though. That shit is sacred. Love y’all but that’s my Fatty McFatty keystone.
TONS of good Asian food in Houston.
Actually you name it - it’s here. Even good Italian, Thai, Mexican, Tex Mex, to pit BBQ Mexican roasts and Shawarma.
Great, Ken.
However, why did Rep. Dan Crenshaw vote to certify the fraudulent election results? Why did Sen. John Cornyn vote to certify fraudulent election results.
I am disgusted with the Republican Party and how nearly the entire party colluded with the Democrats in this election fraud. The Republican party then worked to block any meaningful investigations of election fraud, auditing of ballots or even hearings in the courts. Then Republican legislatures in many of the contested states certified the fraud electors. To date, there has NEVER been a correction of any of it.
My family will never vote Republican again unless this is resolved and there are positive means implemented that will actually prevent voter fraud in the future (not token voter reforms).
Don't expect us to vote in 2022 or 2024 elections, unless possibly independent 3rd party, but definitely not Republican. I don't care if Texas turns 100% Blue... I'm not voting for the corrupt party again.
You did one thing good. Now you need to clean out the infested rats nest that is your party.
Navy SEAL or not, fuck Dan Crenshaw. Patriot in name only.
I had just received a letter from him begging for money, I simply wrote "Fuck you McCain 2.0" on the donation slip and sent it back in the pre-paid envelope. A bunch of similar responses went into the mail this week. Also had one from the Illinois GOP and wrote them that as long as that rat Kinzinger remains in the party they can say goodbye.
Next time, mail something heavy back in the envelope. Usually you can tape the envelope to a box and use that as your postage. Mail him a box of rocks just to waste his RINO campaign money.
I LOVE this idea - I usually get emails and deleted them BUT now you have given me an idea - time to go back and do some corresponding!
Would that be a PINO? Maybe a CCPINO?
That would suggest he is a Chinese Communist Party In Name Only. That doesn't make any sense...
How about Chinese Communist Party Promoter In Reality (CCPPIR).
This is getting too complicated. Lets just call everyone who worked to subvert the Constitution and sell out all the peoples of the world to the Luciferians what they are...
How a wine name parody... pino no more?
"im not drinking any fucking merlot!"
Damn straight, you're either all in or not, ride or die, no fair weather pussy Patriots allowed.
Amen.Sucking Cornyn.
I will vote for whichever party Trump represents - the Lion Party, Patriot, GOP or whatever he's in.
The founders always spoke strongly against parties. Maybe we should learn WHY.
I remember learning about that. But what’s the alternative?
The alternative to parties which are divisive, detract from any message, and encourage people to merely check the box with the proper party letter, is NO party. Our government was set up to be overseen by the people who knew their extensive rights, duties and responsibilities. I doubt that this was realized as vital since our country began. When we see where we are now, we begin to understand just how evil this whole agenda has been and that we MUST do things differently if we want better results
As the people, our duties and rights (which were stolen from us) include the committeeman process (vastly different from the perversion that has been in place for some years) and control and operation of the petit and grand juries. Our founding documents are statements in common law--what we had in our courts until 1934 when the BAR abrogated our common law by combining it with equity law (contracts, etc.). The result was "civil" law which is unconstitutional, run by judges (have no place in our common law courts), has no jurisdiction whatsoever, and delivers gross and ugly INjustice. The third leg of this process is constitutional sheriffs. Most of them have no clue what their duties are, who they answer to, who they rightly protect and certainly have no idea what the Constitution actually says....that they took a sacred oath to obey and defend.
The committeeman process, as it exists now, consists of "committeemen" (2 in my state) in each district of a state and a party boss at the top; all for one party. The RIGHTFUL job of a committeeman is to carefully and constitutionally vet any and all prospective candidates for public office. These C-men that exist now have no idea what the Constitution says, what it means, what kind of government we have, how our government is set up, and so forth. How, then, can they vet anyone? I doubt that many care.
Visualize yourself as a committeeman. Picture someone like AOC, Tlaib, Piglosi, Schumer....any one of the serpents in CONgress coming to YOUR office to discuss a possible run for ANY public office. That is your golden opportunity to query that individual on many things, especially his/her knowledge of what ANYONE should know. If that person doesn't know these things, you simply refuse to walk their papers and tell them to come back at another time when they've learned these vital things. If that person DOES know these things, you may assent to walking their papers. Suppose, then, that the election is won by this person. Part 2 of this vital process is having awake, aware, motivated, patriotic, interested, and attentive people watching maybe one or two of these elected public servants in whatever office they occupy. How does this public servant vote? What does he/she say? What kind of behavior is exhibited? What are the monetary gains by this public servant? WE THE PEOPLE ELECTED THESE PEOPLE TO DO VERY IMPORTANT JOBS. They answer to us. How can they answer to us if we are not watching, listening and digging when necessary? Human nature is inherently fallible.
What happens when that public servant votes or speaks against our Constitution? We need to know that. They are called to YOUR office and to account. They repent and are allowed to go back conditionally or they are recalled or if their behavior warrants it, WE indict them. This applies to our out-of-control local illegitimate governments as well. WE, the people must take back our rightful power but we have to know that we once had it and how we lost it. As far as the party bosses go, they have no place in our election process as you can see.
This cuts through all the BS, the hand-wringing, the helpless feeling we've had for many many years. How can we have a viable government without these processes being restored to us?
You make a very good point. My only issue is nothing is flawless. We’ve read and been shown that the Chinese have spies all over our country in different companies and career fields. Even if we’re able to “clean house” this time how can we prevent it from happening again? I think we as a nation have gotten very lazy and to a point, spoiled. People will forget their duties as patriots and it may very well open the doors for corruption to set back in. The media is currently doing a fantastic job of lying to our faces and trying to tell us what to think and how to live, and a lot of people go along with it without question. Right now I’d love nothing more than to see all the nasty MSM brought down for the disservice they’re providing to America.
I’m not dooming at all, just to be clear. I’d love to clean the nasty crap out of our country but the problem is going to be maintaining our freedoms once it’s done. They’ve suckered a lot of people into thinking socialism and communism are great things when really it’s not
You're absolutely right; nothing is flawless. We are flawed people. However, this is the proper path to regaining our rightful places as the people. I'd think that we would have a large say over foreigners in our country who don't belong here....look to the Constitution, Founders' writings, protection of the people.
The word that comes to mind is "adrift". When we lose our ability to think critically, lose our Constitutional and spiritual moorings, we lose the ability to find our way out of our messes. The longer the situation persists, the less we pay attention and we finally throw up our hands in exasperation and frustration, totally stumped. At least that is how it strikes me.
Liberty is a 2-pronged process consisting of religion and adherence to our Constitution and other writings by those Founders. If we lose one, both are lost. We read in Proverbs 4:23, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." I believe that we are incapable of remaining true to our principles without a strong relationship and knowledge of our Creator. He expects us to be in communication with Him, learn of Him, express our heartfelt thanks for His love and mercy to us and finally, to actually worship Him. These are life-changing practices.
That's always the danger.....forgetting and becoming complacent in our prosperity, in a well-functioning country....Most certainly evil needs but a little opening to insinuate its way back in. As a nation founded on Christian principles, we would remain a target of evil. Thomas Jefferson was quoted as saying, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." In my mind, that makes perfect sense. Consider what a target something of value is to unprincipled folks. This would apply to one's relationship with our Creator as well. There are many distractions that we experience and sometimes we are led far away from that precious relationship. Vigilance...........Awareness...........trust but verify.
Yes, the 5th column msm truly has no place in a functional Constitutional Republic. I have no doubt that they will be taken totally down. The question then becomes, what will we do with our new and trusted sources? Our experience should remind us that, once again, human beings are fallible and we must hold each other accountable at every level, every office, everywhere. It's a commitment to guard well.
I do not perceive you as dooming. These are thoughtful and legitimate questions; more need to be asking them, IMHO. Yes, many have been intentionally lied to about the "wonders" of socialism and communism. That is a problem. Properly vetting potential public servants is a good way to have 2 or more very good people to choose from. Post-election would bring constant attention to those who become public servants.
Didn't President say at some point that nothing good comes easy....or something to that effect? The other thing that comes to mind is that if something is worth doing, it must be done well. Our Constitutional Republic is unique among the systems that are possible. You'd probably agree that we really don't want a monarchy.....or a dictatorship.....a duh-mockrary (mob rule) or an oligarchy. There doesn't seem to be any viable alternative. People love their freedom; consider how many would come here from afar if our borders were wide open. What are your thoughts?
That's how I feel.
I voted straight R here in Tex and am equally as pissed and disgusted
I never liked Cornyn. I really didn't like Lamar Smith. Rick Perry is piece of work on a whole different level. The demographic change of the residents is what is causing the greatest effect. Houston, El Paso, and the I-35 corridor are very blue. Right now our saving grace is the State legislature. But, who knows for how long especially if federal policy changes immigration laws. I drive through the metropolitan areas and the rural areas for work. During the months prior to the election there was a huge difference in which candidates were supported in which areas. Miles of ranch fences would have Trump signs. Some city blocks would be all Biden signs (ironically in the wealthier areas more often than the low/middle class areas). All of this is why I think it's more important than ever for locals to become more involved in local government, and if they truly want to preserve their values then they need to begin with entities such as City Council or School Boards. But it really is result of a big demographic shift.
Interesting from what I've read the issue is not people moving into the state, it's the younger natives. Most of the people moving into Texas, even from California, vote red but the blue is mostly from stupid indoctrinated kids growing up in Texas coming of age. Sounds like something went wrong raising the kids and they don't appreciate the Texas they grew up with.
Oh it's definitely that, too. I mentioned driving through the wealthier neighborhoods and seeing all of the Biden signage. Some people I grew up with raised their kids in their beliefs, and then sent them to colleges or universities which only enforced what they grew up with. I think those kids and others are the target demographic for the developers trying to "re-vitalize" areas like downtown San Antonio. The people I speak with in El Paso have a mix of views but that's mostly because they have more exposure to the immigration aspect. The DFW metroplex is a mix of views but leans more left. Like Austin, it's a destination for job seekers.
My personal experience is interacting with people I know who have lived in the same house in the same city for 40+ years, and they suddenly have younger neighbors who moved here for the IT/white collar jobs but didn't leave (for example) their CA ideals in CA. The left leaning municipal governments have been steadily putting heavier financial burdens on the people with fixed incomes, and those people have been leaving the home they lived in for decades. Austin is the best example I've had personal experience with regarding property taxes forcing out fixed incomes. Austin government wants to be the next San Francisco, and they are well on their way to it: steadily increasing property taxes, rampant homelessness, infrastructure projects costing billions. Hopefully Texas can get a whole lot more conservative/patriot types to not just hold the ground (real estate and ideals) we have, but make some headway into the local governments.
Make room Texas, y'all are gonna have to get rid of those soft ass democrats that have invaded from the sewage tank known as California. Patriots are on their way.
Summer is coming. Usually rinses them out.
I see a TON of New York plates the last few days.
I do the same trick every time.
“Hey how do I get to downtown?”
“Just take 610 the whole way.”
I fuckibg love TX.
Texas has been steadily becoming most wanted state to live in for awhile. I was considering Montana or Wyoming but man, don't mess with Texas is legit.
Florida, bro! Desantis won't fail Florida!
DeSantis over Abbot all day
Florida is waaaay too humid though :(
If DeSantis says he will get rid of the humidity I'm on my way. Because he will.
I’ve been thinking of moving too. Someplace I can get that “Wild West” feel cause I’d love to have lived in the old western days. Politically, Texas is looking great. I’m in a reliably red state already but my governor I’m pretty sure is a RINO Republican. He sides often with the Democratic governors.
South Dakota.
South Dakota: freeze your butt off in the winter; mosquitos and knats in the hot and humid summers; not the best selection of fresh fruits and veggies in the store.
And if you wish to buy a home in the Black Hills area, way over priced and you have a selection of one basic type of home, a split level. Rapid City has high crime.
Not kidding I may leave tx for there.
That’s a new one I’ve considered since their governor is actually intelligent lol
LOL I suspect we are from the same state.
If you’re from Indiana, you’d be correct
Ha-Ha... You're longing for a little bit of "Wild West"? Maybe I can help; here are some features found in Texas: The Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo is the largest in the world: [https://www.rodeohouston.com/] It begins with a parade and a huge barbeque cookoff to welcome 3,000+ trail riders arriving after long journeys of up to 2 weeks. These horseback riders are part of the old tradition of trail rides, including covered wagons and wagon bosses.
During the rash of historical statues being torn down across the country there was a threat from BLM protesters planning to come to Huntsville to tear down our (giant) statue of Sam Houston. Texans quickly mobilized and responded, including the promise of “an entire state of hunters who never miss… from up a tree… at 4am… in the dark.” Not one protester showed up. You have to read the story directly to enjoy the full flavor: [https://www.breitbart.com/border/2020/07/09/some-threaten-lethal-force-to-protect-texas-monument-amid-rumors-of-blm-protest/]
People in Texas often wear cowboy boots year-round and many of us own more boots than tennis shoes. A girl’s wardrobe always includes jeans, lots of them; and there’s only one way to wear jeans—tight! I’ve owned guns all my life. I learned to shoot before I started First Grade (and I’m a girl ?). I can assure you it will be a cold day in Hell before anyone takes our guns. Also, the out-of-control government is delusional if they don't believe Texas would secede if necessary. So that’s a little insight. If this is Wild West enough for you; and for anyone else who’s interested, y'all are welcome in Texas!
Will always be proud to hail from the GREAT STATE OF TEXAS!
We got it goin' on!
Big thanks Ken!!
Wow! Big news!
Great, now sue those idiots over the fracking ban.
Thank you Texas!
Ken Paxton is a boss! So proud of him and so proud to be a Texan.
Texit is officially a thing. Legislation is being brought to see if we can vote on leaving the Union.
Hopefully the plan will kick in in time and it won't get that far, but I love it so much. It shows how much we hate Biden :)
I knew that Trump's appointed federal judges would not put up with Biden's nonsense.
Man I’m so proud to grow up in this great state. We have a based as hell AG, wish I could say the same about our governor.
Lol I love how he's making fun of them by calling it seditious insurrection
What an absolute political Chad
Is amazing how liberals seem to think "being the president" = "you have to do what I say, when I say it".
No wonder they've been freaking out these last four years, calling Trump a dictator. The been projecting onto Donald Trump their own flaws this whole time.
Do we think this is happening because of the eo trump signed to protect judges, witnesses, etc.?
God Bless Texas!!!
I have to wash my pants twice.
Proud to be living in Texas!
Ok that’s one good thing. Waiting for more!
Donald Trump taught them to win!?
FUCK YES! can i be an honorary Texan even though im here in michigan holding the line?
My state is fight hard for Trump!! I love it!
Dont mess with Texas ....or the rest of us either!!!
Great news!
Good for Paxton. I wonder if he will run for Gov. of TX next. Did you all see where Biden halted the building of the wall as of today, Tuesday?
List of Trump appointed Judges - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Donald_Trump