On Telegram, George News posted a location, at Trump Tower in NY. In street view there is a clock in front of the Trump Tower and it said 8:28. Go to post 828, https://qalerts.pub/?n=828:
FIGHT the censorship.
You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER.
You simply forgot how to PLAY.
They want you divided.
They want you silenced.
We are WITH you.
That's not all though. On the Goerge News Youtube Livestream, they said to watch out for the time (and date) stamp of their pin drops on Telegram. So I did. Their latest pin drop time stamp is 20:56 in EST military time. Go to drop 2056, https://qalerts.pub/?n=2056:
"It must be hard to communicate.
Every moment together is a moment you should not waste.
Former President's are still able to arrange SCIFs?
Does the American taxpayer 'foot the BILL' for the [12] hotel rooms in close proximity to the central SCIF?
SS detail(s) ordered @ max perimeter def?
Nice color choice.
It's a shame the windows had to be blocked out to eliminate that view.
There is no way this is a coincidence. It's fucking research time frens.
I just checked this out too to see if relevant. Todays broadcast makes me think they proving they are linked with true POTUS, and anyone who has followed Q realises the relevance of yhe location and other clues.
Nice. The original graphic didn't include it, but GEORGE News also said "WRWY ❤️" as one of their their first (if not their first) msgs in the chat. We R With You - like in Q post 828 you noted.
here's the link to the youtube vid if you want to capture it for your future post! (see minute 23:45)
Would it make sense for it to say, 47office or something like that, seeing how Trump will be the 47th president if Bidet is an one termer?
EDIT: wow just saw that my comment got downvoted lol. Not that I care but apparently I wasn't clear on what I was trying to convey here. Not saying Trump should be the 47th President, but if this is for optics then wouldn't it be "47office", but seeing how it is saying 45office, would mean he's still the President, which we knew all along. I was replying to OkieBowHunter's and KillerBunny88's comments because they were suggesting it could be "new campaign" ---> "47office" as the "new" campaign, per my suggestion.
But what I said, doesn't mean I believe President Trump lost then will run again in 2024. He did NOT lose. He WON. He should be sitting at the White House right now and not that fking traitorous loser Xi Bidet.
Now I know to be clear next time if I don't want any downvotes! lol
It would make sense to keep it 45 if Biden gets removed from office and it’s found out the election is fraudulent (it was). No need for 47 when 45 is still around
Biden is only a fake pres of the now defunct US Corp.
Once we get past tribunals, we return to our original Constitution from pre-1871 and hold new elections. When Trump wins by a landslide (again), he will be the 19th prez of the true republic.
I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps; They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps; I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps, His day is marching on. I have read His fiery gospel writ in rows of burnished steel! "As ye deal with my contemners, so with you My grace shall deal! Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel," Since God is marching on. He has sounded forth the <trumpet> that shall never call retreat; He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat; Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him; be jubilant, my feet! Our God is marching on.
Did anyone track the timing of the pin drops on Telegram? Or I've seen that when you clicked the link it shows Trump Towers with a clock. Is it the time on the clock in the picture we're supposed to save?
Watch Saudi and MENA region over the coming weeks...
je DARPA created
? (Red Balloon)
➕➕➕ (+++Crosses)
...you'll find out
LINDA ❤️?? (Heart+ Prayer) (Calls out names of Contributors)
All is not lost....
This is an actual quote: "you've not been abandoned"
When you're being spied on and attacked from all angles, silence is golden ??? (US+Eagle)
ps BITREXX is a better option than Robinhood ✔️
NEW Telegr4m group works like regular messaging / sms.. The Public group does not share your number with anyone, nor can anyone message you. You do however get messages from us as we update you daily
Does anyone know what the red balloon you have listed is about? I just happened to see a bunch of them on the plane site. https://globe.adsbexchange.com/ Don't know if it is related. I'm new to Q and don't know if it has a particular meaning. But, I saw this earlier and was puzzled by it. Then, now I see it listed on your list.
No, it was just an emoji that doesn't render properly on desktop, so I just wrote what it appeared as on the live chat. I don't know what you mean by red balloon because they've never shown up when [U] Military is toggled on. It could be a civilian balloon with a transponder at low altitude or a weather balloon at high altitude. It's probably not as significant as you think it is, since balloons or anything shaped like one don't really have much in terms of capabilities. Therefore I didn't read too much into it.
With Q, signs and meanings aren't hidden aren't absolutely everywhere. What you have to realise instead is that Q postings are not a tool for predicting the future but are glimpses into a more sophisticated plan to reassure us that things are still happening, and therefore to have faith.
Of course you'd like to know what you're supposed to be looking at. If you haven't already, take a look at RESOURCES between RULES and DISCLAIMER in the right-hand side bar. Also take a look at the Ultimate QProofs Volume 1 video to help you get a gist of how it all works. Lurking also does wonders.
I'm laughing so hard right now. Red balloon emoji! I'm so dumb sometimes. I was on the plane site and they were all over Kenya at least 7. I had never seen that before. I always just look for military planes. But, there wasn't any planes showing up so I decided to look at all planes and found the balloons. They were red. I saved the spot but I guess planes only save but not balloons. I looked them up and they were part of Project Loon Balloons. I just saw them when I came here and saw you had red balloon. I was like o's**t I just saw bunches of them. Guess I got overly excited. Thought I had something. I was so excited to share. You all have contributed so much to open my eyes and help me to see and understand. I just want to give back and help all of us as well. I feel honored that you all have allowed me to be a part of this. I do take this seriously. I have been reading the drops from the first one trying to catch up. Still have many more to read. I watch every video you tell me to. I try to learn from you. I try not to waste any ones time asking stupid questions. But, sometimes you got to ask in order to learn. I appreciate your suggestions and will be off to study now. Again thank you.
I was a little late to the party but have a few other additional times on the post I put up.
Edit: I'm copying the text since this post is getting more traction.
Hello All,
Since GeorgeNews has been getting some attention here lately I went and listened/watched their live chat. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Anyways, George had a few interesting drops in the chat that are a potential source of hopium. These were taken during the 31Jan21-01Feb21 stream and the times in the screen shot are Mountain Standard Time. I believe EST is the time to use since that is the time zone the steam/chat is scheduled in. These were the drops that piqued my interest the most. There were others that were for general information.
An odd thing I had noticed regarding the location pins on telegram was that the GeorgeNews would repeat the pin location in a very short amount of time. These location pins also timeout and disappear after a few minutes. Drop #1 confirms there is more to these than just the location. Every once in a while GeorgeNews will also re-pin a telegram with Save America gear...another potential time and date source???
Location pins I currently have (again date and time listed are Mountain Standard Time)
If you are wondering how legit GeorgeNews is, u/PaineThomas has a good explanation from today's earlier thread.
I'm fairly new to the Q movement. I only seriously looked into Q a month ago. I have not delved into these GeorgeNews date and times extensively. I'll leave that up to the rest of you autists.
MODS: This might deserve a daily sticky to keep track of location pins date/times. ?♂️>
Battlefield conditions change. We'll see, but it's possible Q is now using George News as an avenue since the Military is now in control and the message has to get out into the open to redpill the unpilled.
The times of the posts are important too. I recall George (or video description) had mentioned this before the start of the video. It also explained why he spaced out the posts instead of firing them all at once.
At a high level, if george news in direct contact w/ Trump, it could mean that Q is actually using George news as a more mainstream avenue for drops. This is just me, but I am getting the feeling based on observations and content drops of GN that the Q team is either behind it or a part of it in some fashion. It has the markings of it. I look back to 2017 and I get that same vibe now as I got then.
Location posted: https://maps.windows.com/?form=WNAMSH&lvl=20&cp=40.762429~-73.974374&sty=r&trfc=0
On Telegram, George News posted a location, at Trump Tower in NY. In street view there is a clock in front of the Trump Tower and it said 8:28. Go to post 828, https://qalerts.pub/?n=828:
"Stay TOGETHER. Be STRONG. Get ORGANIZED. Be HEARD. FIGHT the censorship. You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER. You simply forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are INVINCIBLE. They want you divided. They want you silenced. MAKE NOISE. We are WITH you. MAKE IT RAIN. Q"
That's not all though. On the Goerge News Youtube Livestream, they said to watch out for the time (and date) stamp of their pin drops on Telegram. So I did. Their latest pin drop time stamp is 20:56 in EST military time. Go to drop 2056, https://qalerts.pub/?n=2056:
"It must be hard to communicate. Every moment together is a moment you should not waste. Former President's are still able to arrange SCIFs? Does the American taxpayer 'foot the BILL' for the [12] hotel rooms in close proximity to the central SCIF? SS detail(s) ordered @ max perimeter def? Nice color choice. It's a shame the windows had to be blocked out to eliminate that view. Q"
There is no way this is a coincidence. It's fucking research time frens.
I'll be making a post of this.
I just checked this out too to see if relevant. Todays broadcast makes me think they proving they are linked with true POTUS, and anyone who has followed Q realises the relevance of yhe location and other clues.
Getting ready for future broadcasts?
Thank you for the hopium. Pass it around.
Nice. The original graphic didn't include it, but GEORGE News also said "WRWY ❤️" as one of their their first (if not their first) msgs in the chat. We R With You - like in Q post 828 you noted.
here's the link to the youtube vid if you want to capture it for your future post! (see minute 23:45)
What is SCIF, SS?
SCIF = Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility. PDJT has one in his Mar-a-Lago home, a.k.a. the Winter White House.
SS = Secret Service.
Thanks :)
Thank you!
35/45 is also Kennedy/Trump
He also said to bookmark https://saveamerica45.com/
showed up at the end.
Trump's new campaign sites?
I don't know what they are. He just said to bookmark the first one and the second one was on the end screen.
Would it make sense for it to say, 47office or something like that, seeing how Trump will be the 47th president if Bidet is an one termer?
EDIT: wow just saw that my comment got downvoted lol. Not that I care but apparently I wasn't clear on what I was trying to convey here. Not saying Trump should be the 47th President, but if this is for optics then wouldn't it be "47office", but seeing how it is saying 45office, would mean he's still the President, which we knew all along. I was replying to OkieBowHunter's and KillerBunny88's comments because they were suggesting it could be "new campaign" ---> "47office" as the "new" campaign, per my suggestion.
But what I said, doesn't mean I believe President Trump lost then will run again in 2024. He did NOT lose. He WON. He should be sitting at the White House right now and not that fking traitorous loser Xi Bidet.
Now I know to be clear next time if I don't want any downvotes! lol
It would make sense to keep it 45 if Biden gets removed from office and it’s found out the election is fraudulent (it was). No need for 47 when 45 is still around
Nah, the restored Republic will have at best the 19th President.. USA Inc is vaporized...
Biden is only a fake pres of the now defunct US Corp.
Once we get past tribunals, we return to our original Constitution from pre-1871 and hold new elections. When Trump wins by a landslide (again), he will be the 19th prez of the true republic.
oh my god
edit: There were a couple more I missed. See the updated photo here: https://t.me/MillenniumSunOne/146
I bookmarked them last night lol...great hopium everyone!
Very much so!
Bruh, go through each video and check out the comments that George.news publicly "likes." It's all super based.
I was in the chat too. you got all the crumbs!!! You da man!
Thanks fren :) Missed the very first one where GEORGENews said "WRWU", but other than that I think I got them. I'd recognize that 'voice' anywhere...
Sad to say I bowed out after the 3rd repeat of "Battle Hymn", thanks for posting this!
The verses that are seldom sung
I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps; They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps; I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps, His day is marching on. I have read His fiery gospel writ in rows of burnished steel! "As ye deal with my contemners, so with you My grace shall deal! Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel," Since God is marching on. He has sounded forth the <trumpet> that shall never call retreat; He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat; Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him; be jubilant, my feet! Our God is marching on.
I thought I was in the chat, but all I got was an hours worth of presidential photographs set to music. What did I do wrong?
gotta open the live chat in your YT app
I watched it too, but I didn't hear any music, just the slideshow of pictures and watched the chat box, saw some of the crumbs, but not all.
what are pin drops?
I took that to mean the timing of the posts will also be relevant
Did anyone track the timing of the pin drops on Telegram? Or I've seen that when you clicked the link it shows Trump Towers with a clock. Is it the time on the clock in the picture we're supposed to save?
It drops location for about 10 secs on telegram and disappears but during that time you can see an area map. This night was near or at Trump Tower.
There was also one a block up from Mar-a-largo...
If you use Google Maps, you can place a pin on the map and when you do, it "drops" so that's a pin drop.
Good point as well, they post their location periodically then delete the post. Here's a screenshot:
The previous chat is a goldmine as well:
Does anyone know what the red balloon you have listed is about? I just happened to see a bunch of them on the plane site. https://globe.adsbexchange.com/ Don't know if it is related. I'm new to Q and don't know if it has a particular meaning. But, I saw this earlier and was puzzled by it. Then, now I see it listed on your list.
No, it was just an emoji that doesn't render properly on desktop, so I just wrote what it appeared as on the live chat. I don't know what you mean by red balloon because they've never shown up when [U] Military is toggled on. It could be a civilian balloon with a transponder at low altitude or a weather balloon at high altitude. It's probably not as significant as you think it is, since balloons or anything shaped like one don't really have much in terms of capabilities. Therefore I didn't read too much into it.
With Q, signs and meanings aren't hidden aren't absolutely everywhere. What you have to realise instead is that Q postings are not a tool for predicting the future but are glimpses into a more sophisticated plan to reassure us that things are still happening, and therefore to have faith.
Of course you'd like to know what you're supposed to be looking at. If you haven't already, take a look at RESOURCES between RULES and DISCLAIMER in the right-hand side bar. Also take a look at the Ultimate QProofs Volume 1 video to help you get a gist of how it all works. Lurking also does wonders.
I'm laughing so hard right now. Red balloon emoji! I'm so dumb sometimes. I was on the plane site and they were all over Kenya at least 7. I had never seen that before. I always just look for military planes. But, there wasn't any planes showing up so I decided to look at all planes and found the balloons. They were red. I saved the spot but I guess planes only save but not balloons. I looked them up and they were part of Project Loon Balloons. I just saw them when I came here and saw you had red balloon. I was like o's**t I just saw bunches of them. Guess I got overly excited. Thought I had something. I was so excited to share. You all have contributed so much to open my eyes and help me to see and understand. I just want to give back and help all of us as well. I feel honored that you all have allowed me to be a part of this. I do take this seriously. I have been reading the drops from the first one trying to catch up. Still have many more to read. I watch every video you tell me to. I try to learn from you. I try not to waste any ones time asking stupid questions. But, sometimes you got to ask in order to learn. I appreciate your suggestions and will be off to study now. Again thank you.
The red balloon made me think of the song 99 Luftballoons. The balloons are an early warning system.
The German to English translation of the song was not exact, but here are the lyrics.
I was a little late to the party but have a few other additional times on the post I put up.
Edit: I'm copying the text since this post is getting more traction.
Anyways, George had a few interesting drops in the chat that are a potential source of hopium. These were taken during the 31Jan21-01Feb21 stream and the times in the screen shot are Mountain Standard Time. I believe EST is the time to use since that is the time zone the steam/chat is scheduled in. These were the drops that piqued my interest the most. There were others that were for general information.
Drops in chat:
An odd thing I had noticed regarding the location pins on telegram was that the GeorgeNews would repeat the pin location in a very short amount of time. These location pins also timeout and disappear after a few minutes. Drop #1 confirms there is more to these than just the location. Every once in a while GeorgeNews will also re-pin a telegram with Save America gear...another potential time and date source???
Location pins I currently have (again date and time listed are Mountain Standard Time)
30Jan21: 2202 2230
31Jan21: 2151 2223
If you are wondering how legit GeorgeNews is, u/PaineThomas has a good explanation from today's earlier thread.
I'm fairly new to the Q movement. I only seriously looked into Q a month ago. I have not delved into these GeorgeNews date and times extensively. I'll leave that up to the rest of you autists.
MODS: This might deserve a daily sticky to keep track of location pins date/times. ?♂️>
I can feel it..coomin' in the air tonight
Oh Lord
Which President was Kennedy?
Jfk 35th
So much hopium today! I was seriously jonesing. Happy Freedom Day, everybody!
what happened to "no outside comms!" ??
That's for people claiming they are or know Q.
This may be connected, but it's different
No one is claiming to be Q. ??
Battlefield conditions change. We'll see, but it's possible Q is now using George News as an avenue since the Military is now in control and the message has to get out into the open to redpill the unpilled.
Or Q will start using George news for Q proofs
people grasping at straws. Q clearly says no outside comms.
who is behind george news???
No outside comms?
Trumps uncle is John George Trump.
The times of the posts are important too. I recall George (or video description) had mentioned this before the start of the video. It also explained why he spaced out the posts instead of firing them all at once.
Almost word for word what I told a friend over the weekend. He'd fallen into "I can't believe Trump's big idea was a news network."
Why the name George? Curious George?
Hey mod gods..can we get a sticky??
Promise kept!
Why does the last post have a cartoon pic of a dick with blue balls?
Yeah we're working up to find out who's the red herring!
At a high level, if george news in direct contact w/ Trump, it could mean that Q is actually using George news as a more mainstream avenue for drops. This is just me, but I am getting the feeling based on observations and content drops of GN that the Q team is either behind it or a part of it in some fashion. It has the markings of it. I look back to 2017 and I get that same vibe now as I got then.
I don't get it either. what are we supposed to do with this? what's the news?