Cybersecurity "Expert" here. Yes, tampering will be very evident. Worst case scenario is that the hard drives were replaced and system reloaded which would initiate a criminal investigation into the BoS, those involved and likely lead to conviction on numerous state and federal election law.
I saw something here this morning saying that AZ was gathering the signatures to recall everyone on the AZ Board of Elections in Maricopa county. I think they went just a weeeeee bit too far this time.
Refusal of multiple subpoenas ordering the handover of Dominion voting machines. They said publicly that they would do it then refused when it came time multiple times. Again, multiple subpoenas was ignored.
Refused multiple subpoenas? Can you imagine if a normie refused a subpoena? Cops would be shit kicking the door down and dragging that normie out by his ass.
The people need to take back the political class and law enforcement or we are doomed.
Not an expert, but I've heard people say that at the top level, the engineers are able to detect is things were altered or deleted. That it's very difficult to hide that kind of thing from these top national security type of people. But, I guess we'll find out.
They can, and I'm hoping that's what's meant by a "forensic" audit of the machines -- forensic data recovery is the retrieval of deleted digital files.
About the only way data can ever be truly, permanently deleted is via physical destruction of the hard drive -- and even then, the odds are it's already been uploaded and archived to cloud servers elsewhere.
That "audit" was simply a recount of the "adjudicated" ballots. These words have very specific meanings. If I give you $100,000 in counterfeit dollars, how many dollars do you have? 0. That's all that they did, was count adjudicated ballots and genuine ballots. If the rejection rate is 85% like it was in Antrim, then they can pretty much make the numbers whatever they want.
Theres a chain of custody that the auditors can follow. That will most likely be broken because we know in some states mail in envelopes were deatroyed and adjucation occured at extremely high rates. This is a good legal area to start in.
You can look for deleted files and time stamps to look or tampering. They can image the drives to take off site for further testiglng. I would hope they can test directly on one of the machines too.
The forensic guys should have more info on the internals of the machine. I'm sure there is plenty more for them to do when it comes to checking what the software did. One key item that look at is why they used floating point calculations.
I am not an auditor, I'm basing this statement off my decades or IT work.
Restore bits and bytes from the hw if they tried to delete it from the software. Not sure what these types of overpriced 5 in one scanner/printers can do in whatever software they have, but it sure looks like we have a solid autist on the job!
He’s not!!! I live in Arizona. We are doing the audit alright but we have two shell companies owned and controlled by Dominion doing the audit. Minor issue!!!!!!! Not!!!!’ Big freaking problem !!!!!!
Nekroziz is on the Waldron team. Security prevented them from getting in the building today & has been posting updates:
in AZ, Gates has responded that Col. Waldron, the leader of the forensics team who was to do the audit is a "frequently debunked conspiracy theorist" & they don't want them in there. They're now in contempt of a court order, so we can probably expect a "sternly worded letter" next.
Thanks. I really hope those patriots are watching their backs. If this goes where I think it can go, the corrupt will not hesitate to employ whatever dirty trick they can to prevent that.
Sounds like what happened in Ukraine. Election was stolen and the Election Commission who did the recount worked for those who stole the election. Our only hope is the Military.
Negative, that isn't what is happening from what I recall being said by a state senator. Those two companies were not accepted by the Senate, that's why they hired the independent auditor and last I heard, which was last Friday in a video put out by a state senator, Jovan WAS going to be involved at some level. They had put together a great team and those are the people doing the audit.
You are correct that originally the BoS put those two Dominion related companies forth as their choices for doing the audit but they were promptly shot down by the Senators, AS I UNDERSTAND IT.
Here again after researching the topic. We are screwed!!!! The two audits that are happening are the two shell company audits for the Maricopa County. Fact.
Arizona Senate not happy and filed some legal papers against the county again today which will force county to hand over the evidence. There will be arrests if they don’t hand over the evidence.
Not sure how to attach article.
I agree with that guy in the video 100% but that was a week ago and he spoke a lot about recalls.
My info is from today!!!!
Two Dominion shell companies are doing the Maricopa audits starting today.
Arizona Senate not happy and filed more papers in court today requiring the county to hand over the evidence.
That is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT INFORMATION...reason...if these are shell companies then the audit will NOT BE VALID ON ANY ITEMS FOUND ...
Hence, the shell company names...
Wrong Auditors!!
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has refused to allow the AZ State Senate to perform a real complete audit.
State Senate On Target To Vote Monday On Contempt Action Against Maricopa County Board
The board of supervisors seem to be covering up. There is no consequence to them if the election was rigged. But, they face charges and arrest if they do not allow this audit. They still refuse...
I live in here and everyone I know thinks is was rigged.
You’re right! This is the Board of Supervisor’s sham “audit” so the senate is filing contempt for refusing their subpoenas and, additionally, quite a few people are trying to recall the whole board!
Can someone please offer an intelligent and legitimate overview of what the ramifications of this might be? Is it worth the effort? Can the election "results" actually change? Is it possible that a forensic examination is too late and the machines could already be altered?
Well, there was just a military takeover of a government in Asia because election fraud was discovered. Their election was Nov. 8th. So, I’m assuming it can be done here as well.
If they can prove something was wrong with the machines for the vote, it gives credence to the fact that the actual voting ballots could have been tampered with.
You can use that fact to demand a full forensic audit of the ballots in Arizona. You could see Senator and House seats flip as a result.
I'm not a legal-fag, but if they prove that the presidential election is bunk, there may be grounds to bring suit against the certifying the state for Biden. You get one state, others will be pressured to follow.
Apart from the machines, they will also be checking whether the supposed mail-in votes have a crease down the middle indicating that they were folded and put in an envelope to be returned.
Any ballot which has not been folded most probably was never posted. There could be tens or even hundreds of thousands of those.
I forget the numbers for Maricopa but Pennsylvania sent out 1.8 million, received back 1.4 million but counted 2.5 million!
And Sharpiegate. If the sharpie mark was rejected by the machine, then the 'adjudicators' are able to make their own decision on how to credit the vote.
"They will also be checking whether the supposed mail-in votes have a crease down the middle indicating that they were folded and put in an envelope to be returned."
Did we not learn ANYTHING from "Catch Me If You Can"? ;-) ;-) ;-)
What's more dangerous to the uniparty? Trump in office for a second term, or a Trump in exile where literally everyone in the country knows he won. What's going to cause more redpills? What's going to obliterate the left more?
For my money, in a world where even Dem hardliners know Trump really won, I would rather see him enjoying the sun in Florida for the next few years while DC completely rots from the inside.
So they know we're right as we're gunned down in a mass grave. Letting the left have power is worse than giving matches to a toddler -- it's giving him a flamethrower.
Nothing will be revealed. The Maricopa Supervisors are corrupt. They also hired 2 permanent Dominion Employees who work year round out of the county elections office. These 2 guys have had access 24/7 to the systems since the election.
In addition, Maricopa board of supervisors are corrupt in the fact they assigned these same 2 permanent Dominion Voting Systems techs to handle ALL Maricopa County error/problem ballots that required Adjudication for Voter Intent.
Adjudication process by law requires at least 2 members of opposing parties be present and agree upon a change to a ballot to determine voter intent. 100% of Maricopa County ballots were Adjudicated by Dominion Voting Systems, without any political party oversight or observation.
Maricopa County used "Pro V&V" a company that is illiterate and has been responsible for dozens of Dominion related documentation problems. Pro V&V was issued an EAC accreditation certificate in 2015, these last 2 years.
Pro V&V did not "RECERTIFY" anything with the EAC until 27 January 2021. However it was not a recertification, instead it was a letter memo written by someone at the EAC, no signature, no cert number, no proof of anything.
The other company is called SLI, they took had an expired EAC certification until January 27th, 2021... the exact same day that Maricopa County announced it would run an audit. 27 JANUARY, Maricopa County says they will conduct audit using 2 companies that had EAC certification for elections systems. This was FALSE. An EAC insider and remote worker named Jerome Lovato, who works from Denver Colorado was contacted and informed about the situation. Mr. Lovato then wrote a memo, that stated both Pro V&V and SLI were up to date and compliant with the EAC certification process, which was a false statement, an outright lie. Both Pro V&V and SLI had allowed their certifications to expire, and any extension of prior certification is only valid up to 60 days past expiration. Neither condition was met by either company.
Did I mention the EAC employee, Mr. Jerome Lovato worked from Denver Colorado remotely, and DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS HQ is in Denver Colorado? Did I mention that the EAC hired a person named Ms. Jessica Bowers, a prior employee of 10 years at DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS?
I'm sure they've seen it but here is how "Dominion Digital Adjudication" works, and when you consider Maricopa County used 2 Dominion Employees to handle this process and NO Political Party reps...well, we would have to learn the total number of digitally adjudicated ballots and then verify them against the scanned image and the original printed paper ballot to see how much hokey pokey went down.
My understanding is that Maricopa county is not complying with the senate ordered audit and any audit going on now is done by friends of Dominion, likely to cover up the crimes.
Maricopa county Bolshevik bureaucrats are facing contempt charges, but it seems unclear who has the authority to enforce it.
When they have to show legitimate ballots for Joe in the numbers certified, this would be far too big to clean up. AZ is deep red and they would have needed obscenely egregious fraud to swing Phoenix. How hard they fought to avoid an audit tells you just how damning it will be.
The only thing this will uncover at this point is massive destruction of evidence. Which in itself is a huge deal but we all know no one is going to do anything about it.
Interesting Dan Scavino posted a video on Twitter approximately 11 hours ago, it starts out with a plane and President Trump disembarking, the air-stairs have a logo on the side...Million Air Yuma, location is Arizona...
I wonder who is going to be in charge of the "audit"? I suspect another dog and pony show that'll end with hollow promises of cleaning things up for next time.
Not a waste of time. Some of our senators are actually listening to us. Even if the election does not get overturned. We can see the enemy very clearly now.
Will it really matter? Couldn't they by now have hidden any evidence of fraud? They have had months to do so.
Cybersecurity "Expert" here. Yes, tampering will be very evident. Worst case scenario is that the hard drives were replaced and system reloaded which would initiate a criminal investigation into the BoS, those involved and likely lead to conviction on numerous state and federal election law.
I saw something here this morning saying that AZ was gathering the signatures to recall everyone on the AZ Board of Elections in Maricopa county. I think they went just a weeeeee bit too far this time.
What's too far about that? Just curious
Refusal of multiple subpoenas ordering the handover of Dominion voting machines. They said publicly that they would do it then refused when it came time multiple times. Again, multiple subpoenas was ignored.
Just like Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, etc.
Refused multiple subpoenas? Can you imagine if a normie refused a subpoena? Cops would be shit kicking the door down and dragging that normie out by his ass.
The people need to take back the political class and law enforcement or we are doomed.
Oh, maybe he meant the board went a little too far. Agreed!
I was thinkinging he meant the recall was too much, which I don't agree with. Get them all out
Ding! We have a winner! And I always updoot winners! ?
two winners!!
Not an expert, but I've heard people say that at the top level, the engineers are able to detect is things were altered or deleted. That it's very difficult to hide that kind of thing from these top national security type of people. But, I guess we'll find out.
They can, and I'm hoping that's what's meant by a "forensic" audit of the machines -- forensic data recovery is the retrieval of deleted digital files.
About the only way data can ever be truly, permanently deleted is via physical destruction of the hard drive -- and even then, the odds are it's already been uploaded and archived to cloud servers elsewhere.
I think it will considering ONLY one actual audit has been done. the rest were blocked by RINO state legislatures and SoS's
That "audit" was simply a recount of the "adjudicated" ballots. These words have very specific meanings. If I give you $100,000 in counterfeit dollars, how many dollars do you have? 0. That's all that they did, was count adjudicated ballots and genuine ballots. If the rejection rate is 85% like it was in Antrim, then they can pretty much make the numbers whatever they want.
This is the correct answer.
Ding! Another lucky winner winner, chicken dinner! Updoot for you. ?
Theres a chain of custody that the auditors can follow. That will most likely be broken because we know in some states mail in envelopes were deatroyed and adjucation occured at extremely high rates. This is a good legal area to start in.
You can look for deleted files and time stamps to look or tampering. They can image the drives to take off site for further testiglng. I would hope they can test directly on one of the machines too.
The forensic guys should have more info on the internals of the machine. I'm sure there is plenty more for them to do when it comes to checking what the software did. One key item that look at is why they used floating point calculations.
I am not an auditor, I'm basing this statement off my decades or IT work.
Restore bits and bytes from the hw if they tried to delete it from the software. Not sure what these types of overpriced 5 in one scanner/printers can do in whatever software they have, but it sure looks like we have a solid autist on the job!
Expert here, not in cybersecurity though.
Is this why Jovan Pulitzer suddenly went dark?
makes sense... I hope he is part of the audit
He’s not!!! I live in Arizona. We are doing the audit alright but we have two shell companies owned and controlled by Dominion doing the audit. Minor issue!!!!!!! Not!!!!’ Big freaking problem !!!!!!
That is the Maricopa Board but this other audit is from State Senate and being led by Col. Waldron. That is the one of interest.
Nekroziz is on the Waldron team. Security prevented them from getting in the building today & has been posting updates:
in AZ, Gates has responded that Col. Waldron, the leader of the forensics team who was to do the audit is a "frequently debunked conspiracy theorist" & they don't want them in there. They're now in contempt of a court order, so we can probably expect a "sternly worded letter" next.
Thanks. I really hope those patriots are watching their backs. If this goes where I think it can go, the corrupt will not hesitate to employ whatever dirty trick they can to prevent that.
Sounds like what happened in Ukraine. Election was stolen and the Election Commission who did the recount worked for those who stole the election. Our only hope is the Military.
Negative, that isn't what is happening from what I recall being said by a state senator. Those two companies were not accepted by the Senate, that's why they hired the independent auditor and last I heard, which was last Friday in a video put out by a state senator, Jovan WAS going to be involved at some level. They had put together a great team and those are the people doing the audit. You are correct that originally the BoS put those two Dominion related companies forth as their choices for doing the audit but they were promptly shot down by the Senators, AS I UNDERSTAND IT.
Here again after researching the topic. We are screwed!!!! The two audits that are happening are the two shell company audits for the Maricopa County. Fact. Arizona Senate not happy and filed some legal papers against the county again today which will force county to hand over the evidence. There will be arrests if they don’t hand over the evidence. Not sure how to attach article.
copy the url for the article and just post it in your comment.
This guy said that Col Wolgan and his team were the ones selected by Ward et al
I agree with that guy in the video 100% but that was a week ago and he spoke a lot about recalls. My info is from today!!!!
Two Dominion shell companies are doing the Maricopa audits starting today. Arizona Senate not happy and filed more papers in court today requiring the county to hand over the evidence.
Can you please supply the companies?
That is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT INFORMATION...reason...if these are shell companies then the audit will NOT BE VALID ON ANY ITEMS FOUND ... Hence, the shell company names...
Wrong Auditors!! The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has refused to allow the AZ State Senate to perform a real complete audit. State Senate On Target To Vote Monday On Contempt Action Against Maricopa County Board The board of supervisors seem to be covering up. There is no consequence to them if the election was rigged. But, they face charges and arrest if they do not allow this audit. They still refuse... I live in here and everyone I know thinks is was rigged.
You’re right! This is the Board of Supervisor’s sham “audit” so the senate is filing contempt for refusing their subpoenas and, additionally, quite a few people are trying to recall the whole board!
Recall the board?? I am in!! Where do I sign up for the recall?? Link??,Arizona(2021)
Bad link
If that doesn’t work for ya, you’re on your own. It’s quite easy to find.
Gotta melt down some phone lines AZ pede
Can someone please offer an intelligent and legitimate overview of what the ramifications of this might be? Is it worth the effort? Can the election "results" actually change? Is it possible that a forensic examination is too late and the machines could already be altered?
Well, there was just a military takeover of a government in Asia because election fraud was discovered. Their election was Nov. 8th. So, I’m assuming it can be done here as well.
Biden is shitting his pants.
He does the Nadler on the daily.
That depends... It takes so much shit.
they cabal must have expected forensic audits at some point i am sure they prepared for it somehow
but surely they would have had failsafes in case they couldnt stop it taking place
Remember when Trump said to Biden be careful what you wish for in regards to the 25th amendment...
It’s going to HABBEN FRENS
Yep I saw a video of the NG etc outside the fencing, and unless the people putting up the fencing are mentally retarded, they put the bolts on the outside as if it was meant to keep people from escaping the Capitol.
Maybe we are all over analyzing stuff, but there are lots of odd things going off since the inauguration.
hence the doubt. I also have same reservations for active duty military.
yup - DC is like a giant police station now
the criminals are inside it and there will be confessions and resignations coming up soon.
some suicides as well pbly.
If they can prove something was wrong with the machines for the vote, it gives credence to the fact that the actual voting ballots could have been tampered with.
You can use that fact to demand a full forensic audit of the ballots in Arizona. You could see Senator and House seats flip as a result.
I'm not a legal-fag, but if they prove that the presidential election is bunk, there may be grounds to bring suit against the certifying the state for Biden. You get one state, others will be pressured to follow.
Others will be pressured first to get forensic audits, then flipped. IMHO
if they can prove machines in one county were corrupt, then they can assume others may be as well.
Apart from the machines, they will also be checking whether the supposed mail-in votes have a crease down the middle indicating that they were folded and put in an envelope to be returned.
Any ballot which has not been folded most probably was never posted. There could be tens or even hundreds of thousands of those.
I forget the numbers for Maricopa but Pennsylvania sent out 1.8 million, received back 1.4 million but counted 2.5 million!
so, 2+2 does equal 5
It is ? ?, so yeah.
unless the votes were for Trump, then it would be 2+2=3
And Sharpiegate. If the sharpie mark was rejected by the machine, then the 'adjudicators' are able to make their own decision on how to credit the vote.
It's just new math the kids are learning these days. Move along, nothing to see here...
JHP also said he can tell where the paper is made and if the last person handling the ballot was a smoker.
"They will also be checking whether the supposed mail-in votes have a crease down the middle indicating that they were folded and put in an envelope to be returned."
Did we not learn ANYTHING from "Catch Me If You Can"? ;-) ;-) ;-)
A thought I am having about this audit:
What's more dangerous to the uniparty? Trump in office for a second term, or a Trump in exile where literally everyone in the country knows he won. What's going to cause more redpills? What's going to obliterate the left more?
For my money, in a world where even Dem hardliners know Trump really won, I would rather see him enjoying the sun in Florida for the next few years while DC completely rots from the inside.
So they know we're right as we're gunned down in a mass grave. Letting the left have power is worse than giving matches to a toddler -- it's giving him a flamethrower.
this is why the dem/lib mindset never works in the end
whilst the EOs continue to put people out of work and they bran conservatives domestic terrorists and come for your guns?
Ballots are kept up to 22 months for this reason.
Who is observing the audit?
One request from me...
Please include the equipment inventory information along with the last date of testing and certification for each.
Need to compare that to the audit logs.
Nothing will be revealed. The Maricopa Supervisors are corrupt. They also hired 2 permanent Dominion Employees who work year round out of the county elections office. These 2 guys have had access 24/7 to the systems since the election.
In addition, Maricopa board of supervisors are corrupt in the fact they assigned these same 2 permanent Dominion Voting Systems techs to handle ALL Maricopa County error/problem ballots that required Adjudication for Voter Intent.
Adjudication process by law requires at least 2 members of opposing parties be present and agree upon a change to a ballot to determine voter intent. 100% of Maricopa County ballots were Adjudicated by Dominion Voting Systems, without any political party oversight or observation.
Maricopa County used "Pro V&V" a company that is illiterate and has been responsible for dozens of Dominion related documentation problems. Pro V&V was issued an EAC accreditation certificate in 2015, these last 2 years.
Pro V&V did not "RECERTIFY" anything with the EAC until 27 January 2021. However it was not a recertification, instead it was a letter memo written by someone at the EAC, no signature, no cert number, no proof of anything.
The same day that Maricopa County declared they would conduct a "FULL AUDIT". Pro V&V was selected to be one of these teams to audit Maricopa County Dominion Voting Systems. Pro V&V certification EXPIRED in 2017. Maricopa County was CERTIFIED by Pro V&V in 2019 that their Dominion Voting System met standards, this was FRAUD as Pro V&V was UNCERTIFIED at the time they CERTIFIED Maricopa County Elections Process.
The other company is called SLI, they took had an expired EAC certification until January 27th, 2021... the exact same day that Maricopa County announced it would run an audit. 27 JANUARY, Maricopa County says they will conduct audit using 2 companies that had EAC certification for elections systems. This was FALSE. An EAC insider and remote worker named Jerome Lovato, who works from Denver Colorado was contacted and informed about the situation. Mr. Lovato then wrote a memo, that stated both Pro V&V and SLI were up to date and compliant with the EAC certification process, which was a false statement, an outright lie. Both Pro V&V and SLI had allowed their certifications to expire, and any extension of prior certification is only valid up to 60 days past expiration. Neither condition was met by either company.
Did I mention the EAC employee, Mr. Jerome Lovato worked from Denver Colorado remotely, and DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS HQ is in Denver Colorado? Did I mention that the EAC hired a person named Ms. Jessica Bowers, a prior employee of 10 years at DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS?
I included your comment in my daily email to our AZ state senators!! Hope you don't mind...
Senator Karen Fann Senator Warren Peterson Senator Michelle Ugenti-Rita Members of the Arizona Legislature
that's fine, the more that know the better.
I'm sure they've seen it but here is how "Dominion Digital Adjudication" works, and when you consider Maricopa County used 2 Dominion Employees to handle this process and NO Political Party reps...well, we would have to learn the total number of digitally adjudicated ballots and then verify them against the scanned image and the original printed paper ballot to see how much hokey pokey went down.
My understanding is that Maricopa county is not complying with the senate ordered audit and any audit going on now is done by friends of Dominion, likely to cover up the crimes.
Maricopa county Bolshevik bureaucrats are facing contempt charges, but it seems unclear who has the authority to enforce it.
When they have to show legitimate ballots for Joe in the numbers certified, this would be far too big to clean up. AZ is deep red and they would have needed obscenely egregious fraud to swing Phoenix. How hard they fought to avoid an audit tells you just how damning it will be.
if it is deep red, why is half there state senate dems? or did I get wrong info off of news articles?
You misunderstand the power of stupidity that a bureaucrat possesses.
Is this why Jovan Pulitzer is going off radar for a while?
All machines wiped weeks ago. This is pointless
Will any judge care in the leftist dystopia currently being pushed upon us?
The only thing this will uncover at this point is massive destruction of evidence. Which in itself is a huge deal but we all know no one is going to do anything about it.
A month too late unfortunately.
Interesting Dan Scavino posted a video on Twitter approximately 11 hours ago, it starts out with a plane and President Trump disembarking, the air-stairs have a logo on the side...Million Air Yuma, location is Arizona...
Domino effect
A bit too late I'm sure the machines have been altered.
Results= red pilling?
All eyes on ex County Recorder Adrian Fontes
I wonder who is going to be in charge of the "audit"? I suspect another dog and pony show that'll end with hollow promises of cleaning things up for next time.
"Oh yeah, there was massive fraud. Too late you say? Sorry . . . "
3 months after the election. Yay
Not a waste of time. Some of our senators are actually listening to us. Even if the election does not get overturned. We can see the enemy very clearly now.