I don’t trust anything, including history and text books. The US is not the enemy - it’s the globalist gang of central banking Luciferians that is the enemy.
The banks funded the war. Hitler asked for peace 6 times. The issue is we have been told this was one of the most evil men forever in our lives. We were told this when we were to young to realize history is always written by the winners. I wasn’t there obviously, but my heart tells me we have never had the truth here!
People always forget about the first six years of economic prosperity before Hitler invaded anyone. You're right. Nearly every move he made was a defensive one, that is until his hand was forced.
Sounds to me like you're ready to see this, fren. It's 10 hours total, took me several days to get through, but it's truly an incredible documentary covering the history of the last 150 years from the birth of communism through both world wars to the UN.
Hitler also turned around on the Russians and they paid for it dearly. I don't think Hitler calling for peace means a damn thing. His actions and the actions of his soldiers are damming.
Do I doubt that any american soldier raped and pillaged during ww2? No, especially near the end.
But to say Hitler and his men were on the real right side is drastic. Surely ALL Jews could not have been involved, and the jew hunters went through great lengths to find as many as they could.
Do you think honestly they care to save their own? They didn’t need the Jew population to be in on anything? These people do not value life past their own. I know it’s a large pull to swallow for most, but data points to their being more to this story. None of us will probably ever know, and I want history to be right for the people that believe it to be, just lots of conflicting things could make it swing easily the other way.
Where can I find some of this info about the possibilities of the axis powers being good guys?
I will say the Japanese have always been amongst my most admirable nations. All the way back to the shogun, they lived for honor and duty. Very admirable. Hard to believe they'd fall to such pointless battles.
Where can I find some of this info about the possibilities of the axis powers being good guys?
Voat had some great resources that I saved...but silly me didn't back them up offline. Look into the number '600,000' relating to Jews and holocaust deaths. Why was that number being mentioned in the early 1900's before WWI had even happened? Look into holodmir. Look into Ursula Haverbeck, she's a 90-something year old German survivor of WWII who claims the holocaust did not happen as we're told. Since she didn't relent when the government tried to shut her up, they arrested her.
None of what I'm pointing you to is to say 'the axis powers were the good guys', rather to show you some glitches in the matrix.
Too lazy to link but search Bitchute for something along the lines of “Holocaust hoax” and you should find info.
I was doubtful but the cremation/ gassing math is compelling if not irrefutable.
In high school, my geography teacher showed us silent footage from the liberation of the concentration camps after WWII. I will never forget those images as long as I live. Piles of naked emaciated bodies. Skeletal people being let out.
I do not see how it could have been a hoax after seeing those horrific videos and hearing hundreds of testimonies of people who survived the camps and what was done to them.
Typhus was making it's rounds through Europe with lice as a vector. Zyklon B was used for de-lousing of prisoners clothes. Towards the end of the war, the Allies bombed supply lines to the camps - no more food, water. Leading to malnutrition, poorer health and a typhus outbreak affecting both prisoners and guards alike.
I was shocked to find out while visiting Dacchau the gas chamber was never used for killing. I was told there was a big plan to rid the world of J's in school...why wouldn't the Germans, known for efficiency, make this happen at every camp? In theory it should have been pretty easy (I absolutely condemn acts like this being brought out in reality).
Let me ask you this - do you believe covid is a hoax? An elaborate, calculated hoax involving many people with compelling stories? Remember the early covid China videos of people dropping in the streets?
After watching the US turn into a prison while Cuomo et al are literally killing thousands of people last year, I'm beginning to question literally everything, and I think General Patton said "We fought the wrong enemy" for a reason.
Just want to state I am in no way a Nazi/ racist/ anti-semite etc. Just a Christian autist who seeks truth in this dark world.
Oh I understand where you're coming from. I'm questioning everything, too. I'm just hesitant to go with the enemy of my enemy is my friend sort of thing. Just because it looks like Hitler was against the Cabal and the banks doesn't mean he was good or didn't do all of the horrific things he has been accused of. He just may have been a DIFFERENT kind of evil. So while I would never rule anything out, I've seen so much evidence of the atrocities during WWII, that I have trouble believing it was a hoax. Now do I think there may have been a lot more to the story and could it have been a more complicated situation... sure, but I've seen the propaganda, read the speeches, heard the stories, seen the video footage and photographs from the death camps..... even if they supposedly didn't use the gas chambers at that particular camp. Why were Jewish people put into camps in the first place? They stripped away all of their rights first and turned their neighbors against them with propaganda. All of this we have documented historical evidence of. Videos, transcripts of speeches, etc.
I always keep an open mind, and I accept that we have been lied to about so many things, but I would need irrefutable proof because of all the evidence I have seen.
I hear you and also but it seems that to the "bad actors" (regardless of which "side" they were [/are] on) "the ends ALWAYS justify the means" - even if it meant [/means] sacrificing their own.
But even the german citizens were starving. Some people call it eisenhowers genocide, as the west cut off food supplies to germany and they all starved, but of course the work camp inmates would receive the least amount of food as the military would have to try and still fight and want food... so imo that's not a good example, as the west starved tens or hundreds of thousands of people to death during those times....
THIS! I'm a Texan, so I learned all about how complex the Civil War was. I'm surprised by how many people from up North were taught it was only about slavery.
Ultimately, it was about state's rights. The southern states didn't believe the federal gov't had the right to tell them what they could and couldn't do within their own states. They thought the federal gov't was becoming tyrannical and overstepping. So they seceded from the union. And yes the issue at hand was slavery, but it was more about a state's right to govern themselves as they see fit. I am very big on having a very small federal gov't.
And I understand Lincoln wanting to keep the union together, but at the same time, his actions caused a huge bloody war. Had he just been patient, I believe the Southern states may have floundered and come crawling back eventually if he had just sanctioned and tariffed the crap out of them. I believe there could have been much less heavy-handed ways of handling the whole situation.
But to be fair, I also have learned that the Rothschilds and Cabal were involved in the Civil War, so I need to learn more about what their role was in it. But from my knowledge, I really can see both sides. But after all of this nasty business with Biden. If it isn't cleared up by November, I am voting YES to seceding from the Union if that gets put on the ballot. So if the plan fails (I don't believe it will, and don't think it will come to this, but I like to have a backup plan), the South will rise again!
The reasons for the Civil War have nothing to do with slavery or States rights.
The Civil War began because the same cabal that exists today was pissed that Andrew Jackson destroyed the Central Bank and feared a unified America that could survive on its own. The Civil War was to permanently split the continent into weaker pieces of the whole or to put America so far into debt they would have no choice but to invite the cabal in. And that is exactly what happened as we ended up with USA Inc and in 1913 the Fed and income tax.
They did a similar thing to Russia using WW1 to bankrupt the czars then using their proxies the Bolsheviks to finish the task. Russia had also resisted the central banks and the czar had even moved most of his Navy into American ports in the Civil War to discourage the English from siding with the South.
All of our wars are begun by the cabal. War of 1812, Civil War, Spanish American War, WW1 and WW2 all used to enslave through debt and weaken through mass casualties and destruction of industry.
I knew the Cabal was involved in some way which I mentioned in my original post, but why did the states secede from the Union if it wasn't for states' rights specifically in regards to slavery? How did The Cabal accomplish that? Were they as entrenched in our state and federal govt's as much as they are now?
I think the thought experiment here isn’t to necessarily say that hitler was the good guy but to question the possibility that the education you’ve received make be as truthful as the history being written right now.
For me this is the key point. If they lied about this then what else have they lied about? Well, it turns out they've lied about EVERYTHING. For shits n' giggles, do a quick search on 'Great Tartary' or 'Great Tartaria'.
An entire civilization of Turkish/Mongol descendants of babylon, posing as jews, doesn't disappear overnight. The central bank thing is interesting. I don't know, this one is weird and I'm not a holocaust denier. There's a lot, I wish they would just let us know about everything asap, because the cabal holds the last stone on the path on so many of these trails of evidence. Circumstantial evidence is far more than what would be required to file a lawsuit, and enough to get a plea deal on a criminal case, by far, by these people aren't just going to fess up.
I got nothing against the Russian people, but let's not forget who was in control of the Russians at that time. Do you really think Stalin and the Baalshevicks were trust worthy? They just happened to wipe out about 20 million Christian Russians. It isn't hard to guess who is in control of writing the history books.
yeah, that is how it has been played for along time. War creates borrowing from international bankers. This creates debt for a country. Debt creates control.
It's hard to know if Hitler was really evil or not because history that is easy to access is often not the real true history. It takes a long time and a lot of work to dig up real facts from history.
We also have to think about one thing that it seems nobody ever talks about. When these DS, cabal etc meet up, over the centuries, we damn well know most of what they talk about in private never will be known by anyone.
The only way to know what they've truly said and done would be to have someone on the inside and that would be unlikely. The cabal has started most wars over the past several hundred years and probably longer because war is profitable.
Keep in mind that the all seeing eye on the back of a dollar bill is not just Illuminati. It goes back at least 5,000 years to ancient Babylon pyramids. Going that far back in history leaves far less documentation of anything.
If people do their research and put in the time, they will find that throughout recorded history there were cabal families that would change names of an order or society to avoid being wiped out.
Way back when Jesuits were having human sacrifices and more, other countries and religions decided to fight them and stop it but most of those that were Jesuit simply pretended to change their ways and adopt new religion so that they could creep back into the shadows and rebuild.
A similar thing happened to the Knights Templar. They were supposed excellent bankers that everyone all over the world wanted to make use of until they were more of a threat than a helping hand.
9/11 was planned and likely thermite was used and ole Bush did his part to cover it up. I wouldn't doubt it if the cabal was behind pearl harbor, another reason to go to war.
Fortunately they don't care about us because essentially we're nobodies but screen names on a website but if we were famous with a big following then we could become targets.
Hitler was not a good guy!!!
But do we know the real truth? I am certain most of us will have difficulty dealing with the truth when we finally find out !
My dad lived under Nazi occupation during his childhood, 8 years old to 13. His people were starved, suffered tremendously, and fear was a daily appetitie.
Anyone who says *itler was 'maybe a good guy' is either a neo-nazi or never, ever, ever had any direct experience with the horror of WW2 and Nazism.
I don’t get it. I mean we have hours and hours of film footage of his speeches, letters and memos, extensive record keeping, Mein Kampf....Yeah there may be more to the guy than the caricature we’ve grown up with but it’s not like his motives were a mystery, good grief!
If there was anything the US could be blamed for out of fighting WWII it’s that we didn’t push on to obliterate Stalin and help the nationalist Chinese afterwards. But of course Americans just want to live normal lives of peace and prosperity and didn’t see the commie threat for what it was.
Well yes, it's going to be a gut punch of the hardest kind. The real truth is so hard to believe it has to be leaked like a pitosin IV to induce labor.
They won't want to believe that FDR was secretly involving the U.S. in WWII and setting up Pearl Harbor while lying about it. They sure don't want to know that Mr. Kent smuggled the evidence out of the American consulate and Joe Kennedy (of THE Kennedy's who was the U.S. envoy to Great Britain at the time) had him arrested in England before he could get back to the states. Then Joe stripped him of his diplomatic immunity and the Brits sent him off to prison.
What about Herbert Hoover prolonging WWI by 3 1/2 years -- he took tax payer dollars and fed the German aggressors.
Then there's good ole Gerald Ford....he made sure the Warren Commission got absolutely no significant evidence regarding JFK's assassination whatsoever.
We've had 45 Presidents (notice who I left out....) 7 have been assassinated, attempts were made to kill another 4 Presidents, (5 if you count the recent attempt on Trump but I'm not including it because I've only seen it from one news outlet) And 2 more hounded by Impeachment --one of which resigned. That's 13 out 45 (28%) Presidents that "someone" needed to get rid of real bad.
That is why those responsible need to be dealt with via execution. It’s the only way, and any who attempt to pervert humanity for their personal gains should be dealt with in the same manner.
I have wondered about that too. We've seen the lies they've told repeatedly about DJT , painting him as a monster and if [they] get to write that into history books, the people of the future will only know that (false) narrative. [They] will write that President Trump was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths {COVID], and that he led an insurrection that killed 7 (or maybe by then dozens) and tried to assassinate the VP. They will say he raped dozens of women and put countless minority children in cages. To top it off, they will make it a law that it is illegal to say otherwise. [They] will write that he tried to out do Hitler. We know this is all false. MAYBE Hitler was no monster either. We know the number of Jews that were killed was NOT 6 000 000. There's other things proven false as well. What I DO know is that if we are told it's racist to question a topic then there IS a cover-up of something. Check out ' EUROPA: The Final Battle' on Bitchute
I've been seeing this more and more. Hitler sued for peace over a dozen times and respected Britain. He was protecting his country from Jewish bolshevicks and Jewish central banking sabotage and Jewish arms profiteering. Heard putin just blocked the bankers
Who funded each country in a war? Who benefited from any war? Where did the weapons, tanks and materials come from for each country in any war?
I was shocked to read U.S. Ford motor company supplied engines for the German tanks that blasted at our own soldiers. Also that US supplied materials for the rail stations that transported persons to gas chambers in Germany. Also equally shocked that the BUSH family has been part of all these wars since ww1 and that Bush family actively assisted 9/11 dating beyond pappy Bush. The truth needs to come out and blast it to us all.
Discusses Twin Towers Explosions. At 12:50 Bldg 7 explosions. At 14:35 Pentagon explosion. At 16:35 Pennsylvania field crater.
Its not US or Germany, or the White Man or the Black Man or Gay or Straight thats the villain. Its always been the Cabal. All other conflicts we see is an illusion.
Just like CCP is bad but Chinese aren't, Cabal is bad but not Americans. US is nothing but a tool for the Globalists.
I grew up with my mother an army brat and my dad an air force vet.
I knew at an early age that our government was evil.
I met an anti-American in a foreign country. He said he did not want to speak to me because I was American. I said we hate our own government too. He laughed and with a tear in his eye he said Americans were all cool, but their government was absolutely evil.
It will not surprise me in the slightest to hear our government was worshipping Satan with taxpayer money.
I don't know if Hitler was a good guy or not, but I 100% believe that everything we have been taught is a lie. I also think suicide weekend maybe a lot of NPCs who can't handle the truth after the veil has been lifted. Many of these people have disowned the people they love because they refuse to see the truth, and when confronted with all of the bridges that they have burned and all of the evil that they have allowed to continue because they refuse to see the truth. I think it's just going to be too much for some people.
I wouldn't go so far as to say Hitler was a great guy, but yeah as far as I can tell he's been demonized because he fought the cabal, not because of why you're told to hate him.
Imagine how easy it was to spread false stories and propaganda before the internet. We've never landed humans on the moon, by the way. Most famous "terrorist attacks" or world events have been driven by the cabal. Civil War, Lincoln assassination, world wars, multiple Kennedy assassinations, 911, so on and so on.
Space programs are a lie, half of 'science' is a lie, media and movies are a lie, history is a lie.
I'm an EFT Practitioner, {Emotional Freedom Techniques} I teach that you have to get rid of beliefs that no longer serve you. Lately, WOW. It is really starting to get right in your face that there are do sacred cows.
Do we really know that Hitler took on the Central Bank? I have also heard the theory that Hitler paved the way for the Central Banks. Either way I know WW2 was misrepresented to me growing up and history is wrote to fit a narrative. People just want a simple story where the good guy wins and the reality of life is the good guy doesn't always win and a bad guy would happily claim they were the altruist if they are the only person living to tell the tale
Hitler was a bastard son of the German Rothschild clan. He was in on it all from the beginning. Hence, the trip to Argentina BEFORE the "Russians" "found" his "body" in the "bunker."
Yes never ever criticize the Jews like the white man is on a daily basis. They want us divided and we have to unite with ppl who think you are nothing more than animals put on Earth to serve them.
I think our Military was used to keep the people in line. Can't think of any good reasons we went to war in the last 50 years that actually have made any sense.
100% some people won't be able to handle the real truth!
I don’t trust anything, including history and text books. The US is not the enemy - it’s the globalist gang of central banking Luciferians that is the enemy.
We know zero historical.truth we can rely on. On the other hand the Bible is all truth sona source for truth is available.
The banks funded the war. Hitler asked for peace 6 times. The issue is we have been told this was one of the most evil men forever in our lives. We were told this when we were to young to realize history is always written by the winners. I wasn’t there obviously, but my heart tells me we have never had the truth here!
People always forget about the first six years of economic prosperity before Hitler invaded anyone. You're right. Nearly every move he made was a defensive one, that is until his hand was forced.
How did he turn Germany around? No one ever talks about that.
Europa - The Last Battle Part 1 of 10
Sounds to me like you're ready to see this, fren. It's 10 hours total, took me several days to get through, but it's truly an incredible documentary covering the history of the last 150 years from the birth of communism through both world wars to the UN.
Hitler also turned around on the Russians and they paid for it dearly. I don't think Hitler calling for peace means a damn thing. His actions and the actions of his soldiers are damming.
Do I doubt that any american soldier raped and pillaged during ww2? No, especially near the end.
But to say Hitler and his men were on the real right side is drastic. Surely ALL Jews could not have been involved, and the jew hunters went through great lengths to find as many as they could.
Do you think honestly they care to save their own? They didn’t need the Jew population to be in on anything? These people do not value life past their own. I know it’s a large pull to swallow for most, but data points to their being more to this story. None of us will probably ever know, and I want history to be right for the people that believe it to be, just lots of conflicting things could make it swing easily the other way.
Where can I find some of this info about the possibilities of the axis powers being good guys?
I will say the Japanese have always been amongst my most admirable nations. All the way back to the shogun, they lived for honor and duty. Very admirable. Hard to believe they'd fall to such pointless battles.
Voat had some great resources that I saved...but silly me didn't back them up offline. Look into the number '600,000' relating to Jews and holocaust deaths. Why was that number being mentioned in the early 1900's before WWI had even happened? Look into holodmir. Look into Ursula Haverbeck, she's a 90-something year old German survivor of WWII who claims the holocaust did not happen as we're told. Since she didn't relent when the government tried to shut her up, they arrested her.
None of what I'm pointing you to is to say 'the axis powers were the good guys', rather to show you some glitches in the matrix.
Too lazy to link but search Bitchute for something along the lines of “Holocaust hoax” and you should find info. I was doubtful but the cremation/ gassing math is compelling if not irrefutable.
In high school, my geography teacher showed us silent footage from the liberation of the concentration camps after WWII. I will never forget those images as long as I live. Piles of naked emaciated bodies. Skeletal people being let out.
I do not see how it could have been a hoax after seeing those horrific videos and hearing hundreds of testimonies of people who survived the camps and what was done to them.
Typhus was making it's rounds through Europe with lice as a vector. Zyklon B was used for de-lousing of prisoners clothes. Towards the end of the war, the Allies bombed supply lines to the camps - no more food, water. Leading to malnutrition, poorer health and a typhus outbreak affecting both prisoners and guards alike.
I was shocked to find out while visiting Dacchau the gas chamber was never used for killing. I was told there was a big plan to rid the world of J's in school...why wouldn't the Germans, known for efficiency, make this happen at every camp? In theory it should have been pretty easy (I absolutely condemn acts like this being brought out in reality).
Let me ask you this - do you believe covid is a hoax? An elaborate, calculated hoax involving many people with compelling stories? Remember the early covid China videos of people dropping in the streets?
After watching the US turn into a prison while Cuomo et al are literally killing thousands of people last year, I'm beginning to question literally everything, and I think General Patton said "We fought the wrong enemy" for a reason.
Just want to state I am in no way a Nazi/ racist/ anti-semite etc. Just a Christian autist who seeks truth in this dark world.
Oh I understand where you're coming from. I'm questioning everything, too. I'm just hesitant to go with the enemy of my enemy is my friend sort of thing. Just because it looks like Hitler was against the Cabal and the banks doesn't mean he was good or didn't do all of the horrific things he has been accused of. He just may have been a DIFFERENT kind of evil. So while I would never rule anything out, I've seen so much evidence of the atrocities during WWII, that I have trouble believing it was a hoax. Now do I think there may have been a lot more to the story and could it have been a more complicated situation... sure, but I've seen the propaganda, read the speeches, heard the stories, seen the video footage and photographs from the death camps..... even if they supposedly didn't use the gas chambers at that particular camp. Why were Jewish people put into camps in the first place? They stripped away all of their rights first and turned their neighbors against them with propaganda. All of this we have documented historical evidence of. Videos, transcripts of speeches, etc.
I always keep an open mind, and I accept that we have been lied to about so many things, but I would need irrefutable proof because of all the evidence I have seen.
I hear you and also but it seems that to the "bad actors" (regardless of which "side" they were [/are] on) "the ends ALWAYS justify the means" - even if it meant [/means] sacrificing their own.
But even the german citizens were starving. Some people call it eisenhowers genocide, as the west cut off food supplies to germany and they all starved, but of course the work camp inmates would receive the least amount of food as the military would have to try and still fight and want food... so imo that's not a good example, as the west starved tens or hundreds of thousands of people to death during those times....
You (DO) know who was one of the chief photographers of the scenes you mentioned right?
Alfred hitchcock
Things that make you go hmmmm...
Really??? I had not heard that.
THIS! I'm a Texan, so I learned all about how complex the Civil War was. I'm surprised by how many people from up North were taught it was only about slavery.
Ultimately, it was about state's rights. The southern states didn't believe the federal gov't had the right to tell them what they could and couldn't do within their own states. They thought the federal gov't was becoming tyrannical and overstepping. So they seceded from the union. And yes the issue at hand was slavery, but it was more about a state's right to govern themselves as they see fit. I am very big on having a very small federal gov't.
And I understand Lincoln wanting to keep the union together, but at the same time, his actions caused a huge bloody war. Had he just been patient, I believe the Southern states may have floundered and come crawling back eventually if he had just sanctioned and tariffed the crap out of them. I believe there could have been much less heavy-handed ways of handling the whole situation.
But to be fair, I also have learned that the Rothschilds and Cabal were involved in the Civil War, so I need to learn more about what their role was in it. But from my knowledge, I really can see both sides. But after all of this nasty business with Biden. If it isn't cleared up by November, I am voting YES to seceding from the Union if that gets put on the ballot. So if the plan fails (I don't believe it will, and don't think it will come to this, but I like to have a backup plan), the South will rise again!
Lincoln was scared shitless that the "American experiment" ( he referred to it many times) might fail "on his watch"
So he over reacted, and with some nefarious actors the Civil War began.
I do not wish to trade places with Lincoln, but I don't "worship" him as many in the U.S. do either
The reasons for the Civil War have nothing to do with slavery or States rights.
The Civil War began because the same cabal that exists today was pissed that Andrew Jackson destroyed the Central Bank and feared a unified America that could survive on its own. The Civil War was to permanently split the continent into weaker pieces of the whole or to put America so far into debt they would have no choice but to invite the cabal in. And that is exactly what happened as we ended up with USA Inc and in 1913 the Fed and income tax.
They did a similar thing to Russia using WW1 to bankrupt the czars then using their proxies the Bolsheviks to finish the task. Russia had also resisted the central banks and the czar had even moved most of his Navy into American ports in the Civil War to discourage the English from siding with the South.
All of our wars are begun by the cabal. War of 1812, Civil War, Spanish American War, WW1 and WW2 all used to enslave through debt and weaken through mass casualties and destruction of industry.
Read this history of the Rothschilds family:
I knew the Cabal was involved in some way which I mentioned in my original post, but why did the states secede from the Union if it wasn't for states' rights specifically in regards to slavery? How did The Cabal accomplish that? Were they as entrenched in our state and federal govt's as much as they are now?
For me this is the key point. If they lied about this then what else have they lied about? Well, it turns out they've lied about EVERYTHING. For shits n' giggles, do a quick search on 'Great Tartary' or 'Great Tartaria'.
Got chills reading this, succinctly describes what I've been feeling recently.
An entire civilization of Turkish/Mongol descendants of babylon, posing as jews, doesn't disappear overnight. The central bank thing is interesting. I don't know, this one is weird and I'm not a holocaust denier. There's a lot, I wish they would just let us know about everything asap, because the cabal holds the last stone on the path on so many of these trails of evidence. Circumstantial evidence is far more than what would be required to file a lawsuit, and enough to get a plea deal on a criminal case, by far, by these people aren't just going to fess up.
I got nothing against the Russian people, but let's not forget who was in control of the Russians at that time. Do you really think Stalin and the Baalshevicks were trust worthy? They just happened to wipe out about 20 million Christian Russians. It isn't hard to guess who is in control of writing the history books.
yeah, that is how it has been played for along time. War creates borrowing from international bankers. This creates debt for a country. Debt creates control.
There were some high ranking Jews in Hitler's military and government.
Emil Maurice helped create the SS and was Hitler's personal chauffeur. Hitler called him an "honorary Aryan."
Whatever the truth is, we have not been told it.
I had never heard this. I’ll check it out
It's hard to know if Hitler was really evil or not because history that is easy to access is often not the real true history. It takes a long time and a lot of work to dig up real facts from history.
We also have to think about one thing that it seems nobody ever talks about. When these DS, cabal etc meet up, over the centuries, we damn well know most of what they talk about in private never will be known by anyone.
The only way to know what they've truly said and done would be to have someone on the inside and that would be unlikely. The cabal has started most wars over the past several hundred years and probably longer because war is profitable.
Keep in mind that the all seeing eye on the back of a dollar bill is not just Illuminati. It goes back at least 5,000 years to ancient Babylon pyramids. Going that far back in history leaves far less documentation of anything.
If people do their research and put in the time, they will find that throughout recorded history there were cabal families that would change names of an order or society to avoid being wiped out.
Way back when Jesuits were having human sacrifices and more, other countries and religions decided to fight them and stop it but most of those that were Jesuit simply pretended to change their ways and adopt new religion so that they could creep back into the shadows and rebuild.
A similar thing happened to the Knights Templar. They were supposed excellent bankers that everyone all over the world wanted to make use of until they were more of a threat than a helping hand.
9/11 was planned and likely thermite was used and ole Bush did his part to cover it up. I wouldn't doubt it if the cabal was behind pearl harbor, another reason to go to war.
Fortunately they don't care about us because essentially we're nobodies but screen names on a website but if we were famous with a big following then we could become targets.
Imagine how amazing the world will be when the assholes who have been constantly screwing with people are gone.
We have been lied to about so much that there is nothing that would surprise me at this point.
The Big Lie
Hitler was not a good guy!!! But do we know the real truth? I am certain most of us will have difficulty dealing with the truth when we finally find out !
My dad lived under Nazi occupation during his childhood, 8 years old to 13. His people were starved, suffered tremendously, and fear was a daily appetitie.
Anyone who says *itler was 'maybe a good guy' is either a neo-nazi or never, ever, ever had any direct experience with the horror of WW2 and Nazism.
I don’t get it. I mean we have hours and hours of film footage of his speeches, letters and memos, extensive record keeping, Mein Kampf....Yeah there may be more to the guy than the caricature we’ve grown up with but it’s not like his motives were a mystery, good grief!
If there was anything the US could be blamed for out of fighting WWII it’s that we didn’t push on to obliterate Stalin and help the nationalist Chinese afterwards. But of course Americans just want to live normal lives of peace and prosperity and didn’t see the commie threat for what it was.
Well, General Patton wanted just that to happen. Of course he was killed for mentioning that..
Two unrelated issues really but I agree with you that Pear Harbor shouldn’t have happened/been allowed to.
Agree he was Evil to the core!
No matter the ending, I am ready. It may be a happy one, a bitter sweet one, or a sorrowful ending. I have been ready since 2017.
Well yes, it's going to be a gut punch of the hardest kind. The real truth is so hard to believe it has to be leaked like a pitosin IV to induce labor.
They won't want to believe that FDR was secretly involving the U.S. in WWII and setting up Pearl Harbor while lying about it. They sure don't want to know that Mr. Kent smuggled the evidence out of the American consulate and Joe Kennedy (of THE Kennedy's who was the U.S. envoy to Great Britain at the time) had him arrested in England before he could get back to the states. Then Joe stripped him of his diplomatic immunity and the Brits sent him off to prison.
What about Herbert Hoover prolonging WWI by 3 1/2 years -- he took tax payer dollars and fed the German aggressors.
Then there's good ole Gerald Ford....he made sure the Warren Commission got absolutely no significant evidence regarding JFK's assassination whatsoever.
We've had 45 Presidents (notice who I left out....) 7 have been assassinated, attempts were made to kill another 4 Presidents, (5 if you count the recent attempt on Trump but I'm not including it because I've only seen it from one news outlet) And 2 more hounded by Impeachment --one of which resigned. That's 13 out 45 (28%) Presidents that "someone" needed to get rid of real bad.
That is why those responsible need to be dealt with via execution. It’s the only way, and any who attempt to pervert humanity for their personal gains should be dealt with in the same manner.
You are not alone on those thoughts.. I have thought that too
I have wondered about that too. We've seen the lies they've told repeatedly about DJT , painting him as a monster and if [they] get to write that into history books, the people of the future will only know that (false) narrative. [They] will write that President Trump was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths {COVID], and that he led an insurrection that killed 7 (or maybe by then dozens) and tried to assassinate the VP. They will say he raped dozens of women and put countless minority children in cages. To top it off, they will make it a law that it is illegal to say otherwise. [They] will write that he tried to out do Hitler. We know this is all false. MAYBE Hitler was no monster either. We know the number of Jews that were killed was NOT 6 000 000. There's other things proven false as well. What I DO know is that if we are told it's racist to question a topic then there IS a cover-up of something. Check out ' EUROPA: The Final Battle' on Bitchute
In twenty years or less if we lose, Trump will be the new Hitler, and Q & the anons will be the new the SS.
The winners write history. The losers are demonized.
If you can't see this from the MSM's blatant lies and propaganda you are blind.
Hitler was a mad man..he was used by the cabal and they fed both sides of war..all to destroy as many humans as they could.
Q also spoke about this. Hitler was just another puppet.
Probably about 10% or less of the world's pop is evil and won't like how this ends.
Some normies -- about 10-15% -- won't be able to handle the truth.
That leaves a good 75 - 80 % that is or will be awake and accept the truth.
Has no one here watched the video “The Greatest Story Never Told”? History is written by the victors.
I've been seeing this more and more. Hitler sued for peace over a dozen times and respected Britain. He was protecting his country from Jewish bolshevicks and Jewish central banking sabotage and Jewish arms profiteering. Heard putin just blocked the bankers
Who funded each country in a war? Who benefited from any war? Where did the weapons, tanks and materials come from for each country in any war?
I was shocked to read U.S. Ford motor company supplied engines for the German tanks that blasted at our own soldiers. Also that US supplied materials for the rail stations that transported persons to gas chambers in Germany. Also equally shocked that the BUSH family has been part of all these wars since ww1 and that Bush family actively assisted 9/11 dating beyond pappy Bush. The truth needs to come out and blast it to us all.
There's many reports out there. These are few I read.
Its not US or Germany, or the White Man or the Black Man or Gay or Straight thats the villain. Its always been the Cabal. All other conflicts we see is an illusion.
Just like CCP is bad but Chinese aren't, Cabal is bad but not Americans. US is nothing but a tool for the Globalists.
I grew up with my mother an army brat and my dad an air force vet.
I knew at an early age that our government was evil.
I met an anti-American in a foreign country. He said he did not want to speak to me because I was American. I said we hate our own government too. He laughed and with a tear in his eye he said Americans were all cool, but their government was absolutely evil.
It will not surprise me in the slightest to hear our government was worshipping Satan with taxpayer money.
I don't know if Hitler was a good guy or not, but I 100% believe that everything we have been taught is a lie. I also think suicide weekend maybe a lot of NPCs who can't handle the truth after the veil has been lifted. Many of these people have disowned the people they love because they refuse to see the truth, and when confronted with all of the bridges that they have burned and all of the evil that they have allowed to continue because they refuse to see the truth. I think it's just going to be too much for some people.
I wouldn't go so far as to say Hitler was a great guy, but yeah as far as I can tell he's been demonized because he fought the cabal, not because of why you're told to hate him.
Imagine how easy it was to spread false stories and propaganda before the internet. We've never landed humans on the moon, by the way. Most famous "terrorist attacks" or world events have been driven by the cabal. Civil War, Lincoln assassination, world wars, multiple Kennedy assassinations, 911, so on and so on.
Space programs are a lie, half of 'science' is a lie, media and movies are a lie, history is a lie.
Hitler making one good decision will never make up for his satanically evil ones. The devil worked through that monster.
I'm an EFT Practitioner, {Emotional Freedom Techniques} I teach that you have to get rid of beliefs that no longer serve you. Lately, WOW. It is really starting to get right in your face that there are do sacred cows.
I read an article somewhere that said Hitler even kicked out the Masons in Germany.
Just remember the winners get to make up their History.
Do we really know that Hitler took on the Central Bank? I have also heard the theory that Hitler paved the way for the Central Banks. Either way I know WW2 was misrepresented to me growing up and history is wrote to fit a narrative. People just want a simple story where the good guy wins and the reality of life is the good guy doesn't always win and a bad guy would happily claim they were the altruist if they are the only person living to tell the tale
Hitler outlawed the charging of interest. That would be a no-no in the central banking world.
Real life is far more complex than any novel, but some like to conflate complexity with fantasy. It is not. It is disturbingly real.
Hitler was a bastard son of the German Rothschild clan. He was in on it all from the beginning. Hence, the trip to Argentina BEFORE the "Russians" "found" his "body" in the "bunker."
Yes never ever criticize the Jews like the white man is on a daily basis. They want us divided and we have to unite with ppl who think you are nothing more than animals put on Earth to serve them.
I think our Military was used to keep the people in line. Can't think of any good reasons we went to war in the last 50 years that actually have made any sense.
I've been pondering the same idea about the Nazis. Like, why would questioning ww2 be considered one of the most ultimate taboo's?