Comments (42)
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This is cutting edge commentary right here.
I saw this earlier but just showed my dear better-half and we both cracked up! Thanks for the post, fren!
Lmao. I’m thinking this is exactly how ol Joe sees minorities.
"Negroes" as Biden calls them
Go back, I want to be MONKÉ!
AWESOMEEEE I've been gathering some images and videos etc of Biden's terroristic acts of racist pedophelia. Including the Oregon City's School requiring "anti-racist math" because "making children show their work on math problems is white supremacy" --- no joke!!! more too! I've been sending them to people. But THIS TWITTER VIDEO IS THE SHITT thanks!
Send links on the Oregon junk.
Big shock of where the "money" is coming from for this absolutely stupid idea. https://nationalfile.com/bill-melinda-gates-foundation-says-math-showing-your-work-correct-answers-are-racist/
So apparently money > common sense
Amazing how stupid people can be when funding is on the line.
Thanks I did not see the Breitbart nor the Bill Gates Is a Racist article until now.
Race in math. Now that's some creativeness right there. How dare you make black people show their proof of work. Shame on you. We're gonna have all of our black and brown students design a bridge and NO proof is required in the math whatsoever. Who wants to build it with me? Say Aye!
LMFAO indeed!!!
"OMG! The (president) is RACIST!" said no one on the left about Braindead Pedo Joe the professional moron
2021: A Cyberspace Odyssey
Lets be honest here. If someone can't figure out how to register to vote online, or as Joe is putting it, even know how to get on the internet, they shouldn't be voting anyway.
Holy shit that's funny!!! lmao
All I can say is this guy is more based and more secure in himself than any liberal can ever hope to be
This is 100% how liberals view people with darker pigmentation.
All I see is... u/#Apestrong
Together we are strong, like a mighty faggot
ROFL #ded
I saw this last night! haha! love it!
OMG!!! Hilarious!! He is such an idiot!!! How is he the Pre... I can't even say it!!!!!
Why TikTok is still unbanned?
Reject humanity, return to monke.
He's an a$$.
Been posted multiple times already.
First time Iv'e seen it. Genius!
yeah... and keep posting it until it goes global and points out the RACIST PEDOTUS as a hypocrite and unelected usurper of the United States
Yes, this has been a red pill for minorities
I hadn't seen it and it's hilarious.
Old white man tells black people they don't know how to use the internet
The big guy clearly has not yet participated in Coke's "How to be Less White" training session.
This is one for the record books!
And thou shall post thy meme until all has seen.
And wherever Pedes gather to watcheth thy meme, Kek will be there!