posted ago by 55andshocked ago by 55andshocked +31 / -0

A friend for 40+ years posted this on Facebook "I have always thought I was the beneficiary of an excellent education because my parents sent me to private Catholic schools. I thought we were taught well in the areas of research, critical thinking and logic. I am disheartened by the sheer number of people who shared my educational background who boarded and rode the Trump train, who bought into the lies around the election, who hold Rush Limbaugh up as a role model, who attempt to justify the insurrection and who spread conspiracy theories such as those espoused by QAnon. I now wonder if the schools that I’ve always considered to be of a higher standard were either just average or just elitist?" I want to respond, not to start a fight or WW3 but everything that I start to writer gets my blood boiling. Yes, I know I could ignore it, delete her or snooze her BUT Q tells us we need to help educate and I am at a loss. So, I thought I would reach out to my fellow frens and get some help and ideas. Anyone?