Incidentally the GME stock shot up again while the fed was down and it took them tens of millions of shorts to get the price back under control. There's no way in the world they'll be able to cover them, it's all coming down.
Edit: There's also talk in MSM about recent breakthroughs in quantum computing that could result in ultrasecure networks.
Same here! keep holding!!!! I got in on GME on the $200s with a 10k drop then dipped in again on the $50s with a 5k drop, seriously... we've seen the price JUMP when the fed sys was held up so there might be some big developments later on. If you desire, you can think of it this way, If the "new" financial system this topic is talking about doesn't collapse than we might stand to make some serious riches when this situation absolves itself!
The first thing i noticed the day the fed went down is that even once it came back up, wire transfers were down for half of the day.
That tells me they didnt want large amounts of funds to move. Trying to freeze liquidity for some reason. It could have been due to what happening with GME.
But Trump made a lot of changes with the fed, setting up for something.
They own a cache of planes and are a lessor, so it seems that Delta et al are dry leasing those planes. Not unusual. An airline usually has a small stock of planes they outright own and lease the majority at any given time.
Sometimes they wet lease (provide the staff and plane), sharecode (run a mixed flight on behalf of another provider) or dry lease - just give lease of the plane, as is this case.
Not on that site, perhaps not, but other plane related sites have always had that information available. It's not unique or new. It doesn't mean the banks "own" Delta or Frontier. It means that WF leases to them.
AWAS or Ansett was the largest leasing company until it was folded into Dubai Aerospace. You could easily look at the sky and see 60% of planes up where Ansett owned. Most sites are just going to give ICAO/Airline.
It certainly is posted on other sites though, simple TN searches always pull up registered owners.
But the one change he didn't make was, and couldn't makez was the set up to a precious metals backed currency independent of the Central Banking System.
Who sez? What I hear from psychics is that we have a gold backed currency as of this week on the QFS system. I know most people here won't believe those sources but just FYI.
The main thing that isn't there is the physical gold and silver needed for the QFS. Those cubbards are bare and NO ONE has been able to prove otherwise.
No we have the gold.
We took it back .
There were videos 2 years into the first real Presidency weve had in decades.
Q said gold will destroy the fed.
We have.
Otherwise it would say hold will destroy the fed if only we could get some.
That was my first thought when the Fed system went down, it must have been something to do with getting QFS online. Obviously something the media is not going to cover.
One thing I have noticed are currency exchange rates against the dollar have literally been frozen in place for a while(countries said to be a part of the cleanup, like literally no movement at all for weeks, and then this happened and within 24 hours there was some(not much but some) movement ..........
This NEVER happens, there is always some movement even if it is a decimal point or two down the number there is always some movement.
However if this was a very regiment and planned changeover then that is the 1 thing that could explain it...
Do you have an example? As a Scandinavian, I follow DKK, SEK, and NOK and all three have seen movement against $ (USD up)Tuesday to Friday.
EUR as well.
NOK was set in stone for the last few weeks and a few days ago that changed...
I started noticing after a few days because any exchange rate is never that locked, but somehow that was the case(money is an organic market so exchange rate stability is always within a area of fluctuation rather than a fixed constant, it just doesn't happen simply because people buying/selling rules it even when it is the most stable of currencies).
I see that, the strange thing is that every damned time I checked the exchange rate was exactly the same, I have no explanation for it, it was just.... weird...
It’s often just small changes, one to ten cents/øre a day, but as you can see it’s never exact the same two days in a row, except from closure on Friday (around 2200 CET) until opening Monday morning.
I know, but yet for a long time the NOK to $ exchange rate was 8.48, day after, 8.48, day after that 8.48, it stayed this way for quite a while and not just over the weekend so I have no idea why the graph doesn't show this...
Dollar vs Philippine Peso (PHP) was about $1 = 47.7..... for weeks, then after that became 48.1.... and has been stable at that since. This is unusual. usually short term fluctuations between 46 and 51
It was a QFS probe to draw out the cabal defenses. There will be many more probes in the near future before the spigot is ultimately swapped and opened.
They need to stop using the bullshit term "quantum" since it simply means to count or measurements. The idea of photons comes from a fake physics that will be rewritten once the bastard babylonians are finally removed from power and real physics can make a comeback.
No, you might be correct. They might be calling it that, as in a "quantum of currency". Quantum can mean 'a unit of', but in a more fancier way in the field of technology.
For example, when observing the performance of processes in an operating system as a whole; we measure a specific task within a process in relation to a time quantum, since every processor and operating system is designed differently.
I can see this system being called the Quantum Financial System because it'll run on multiple platforms but it is guaranteed to transfer a unit of currency within a time quantum.
Or QFS does use quantum computers, which I highly doubt since quantum computers have yet to be error-free with the current CRC techniques and algorithms we have. There is no room for error in a realtime financial system. Also, there are functional quantum computers in the private and public sectors but they are not yet powerful enough to do something of that scale. Hypothetically, they should be able to in the future when systems may have many more qubits, more developed quantum logic gates, more stability, and higher error detection and correction.
At the end of the day I do believe that if there's any truth to this that is is based on using this term for marketing purposes, but yes, using it to mean measurement might be also the case. I'm glad we're thinking along similar lines.
but but "quantum" lol. Yeah its pretty overused and most probably have no idea what it means. Kind of like in the early days of crypto. Companies were tying themselves to the term blockchain and "blockchain technology" to get a boost in the markets.
It's extremely disturbing because physics has become a religion just like communism and atheism have. No science left in the bulk of physics or the "sciences".
The background theory is wrong. It's like blind folks bumping around a room. The real action is the aether and physics prior to 1900-1920. Einstein and others were literal communists that destroyed physics so at this point we're operating on half or quarter truths that just happen to get us some results, but is why technology and science have been only iterative over the last century.
I'm really skeptical especially because Zurich is not exactly a place I would trust. Half the major institutions of banking in the world are in Switzerland. Might as well be NWO playground.
He read a long list of “intel” that had just come to him, and he repeatedly said that he had not had time to verify a second source. I appreciate his honesty; he never tries to present himself as KNOWING it all, but rather as a conduit.
I mean the financial system could be about to collapse, but when you're trusting people talking about a QuAnTuM fInAnCiAl SySteM, you maybe should question if they're legit.
Did you see the XRPL for the 24th? The XRP burn off for the day was 20,000 XRP. The burn rate per transaction is like .000001 xrp. I wonder if it was a scalability test.
If true, this explains a lot. A financial switch over of this level would normally be catastrophically disastrous to global economic flows, let alone stability. This also would be a nigh on incorruptible exchange method, making fraud very difficult to perpetrate by wire at least.
Btw, I'm NOT calling the QFS a LARP, but I'm also NOT calling it legit. It IS a "legit" system that the CENTEAL BANKS have devised, but nothing out there proves beyond doubt that Trump was successful in ending The Fed. He signed an E.O., which, as we've already seen, can be undone at any time by his successors.
There isn't one shred of evidence to suggest this glitch last week was anything having to do with Trump or the plans to relieve us from the Fed and the Central Banking System of fiat currency. The prices of gold, silver, platinum, titanium and others would reflect it if what Ms Alexander says is true, and that just hasn't happened.
The absorption into the treasury......remember?
It's not functioning independent....we are manipulating the prices....
We need to look at how things took place when the fiat system was installed.
What reactions took place..
Silver and gold prices have been under tight cabal control for decades. However, that's about to change. The silver market is about to blow. Same for GME. Platinum and other commodities are already going up at a rapid pace. It may not be QFS in play but the financial system is likely going to crash and burn in the next month or two.
It could be partially true. They could have just seized the assets or took over the old system and plan to implement the new system in the future. I find it hard to believe the new system would be online already, but who knows.
If Trump seized the precious metal assets then it would just be a transfer of ownership and no one would know the difference if it was kept quiet. The prices wouldn’t move in that case. They didn’t go out and buy gold and silver. The prices will change when the price manipulation is exposed and the banks are found to have more futures sold/hedged against inventory they don’t have.
Incidentally the GME stock shot up again while the fed was down and it took them tens of millions of shorts to get the price back under control. There's no way in the world they'll be able to cover them, it's all coming down.
Edit: There's also talk in MSM about recent breakthroughs in quantum computing that could result in ultrasecure networks.
Oh they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar big time. Theyre not getting out of this without heavy heavy losses.
The post I linked probably has some sources.
Good luck. Best numbers we have is that GME could be possibly 400% shorted.
Read here
I hope so....still holding at a much higher price (got into GME late).
Same here! keep holding!!!! I got in on GME on the $200s with a 10k drop then dipped in again on the $50s with a 5k drop, seriously... we've seen the price JUMP when the fed sys was held up so there might be some big developments later on. If you desire, you can think of it this way, If the "new" financial system this topic is talking about doesn't collapse than we might stand to make some serious riches when this situation absolves itself!
Yes....if I lose a bunch of money, at least I made a political statement! :-)
The first thing i noticed the day the fed went down is that even once it came back up, wire transfers were down for half of the day.
That tells me they didnt want large amounts of funds to move. Trying to freeze liquidity for some reason. It could have been due to what happening with GME.
But Trump made a lot of changes with the fed, setting up for something.
Really? I didnt notice that. Very interesting.
Where did you see that?
Wells Fargo have a lot of leasing interests as far as aircraft are concerned. This is one such venture
They own a cache of planes and are a lessor, so it seems that Delta et al are dry leasing those planes. Not unusual. An airline usually has a small stock of planes they outright own and lease the majority at any given time.
Sometimes they wet lease (provide the staff and plane), sharecode (run a mixed flight on behalf of another provider) or dry lease - just give lease of the plane, as is this case.
Not on that site, perhaps not, but other plane related sites have always had that information available. It's not unique or new. It doesn't mean the banks "own" Delta or Frontier. It means that WF leases to them.
AWAS or Ansett was the largest leasing company until it was folded into Dubai Aerospace. You could easily look at the sky and see 60% of planes up where Ansett owned. Most sites are just going to give ICAO/Airline.
It certainly is posted on other sites though, simple TN searches always pull up registered owners.
But the one change he didn't make was, and couldn't makez was the set up to a precious metals backed currency independent of the Central Banking System.
Trump absorbed the fed into the treasury essentially putting the president as head of the fed.
Who sez? What I hear from psychics is that we have a gold backed currency as of this week on the QFS system. I know most people here won't believe those sources but just FYI.
Wish you had a 2nd source, but if true, this is a big win.
Yeah im digging. I've seen a lot of qfs talk, then the fed goes down, and a message like this kind of brings it together.
But it is easy to put things together that arent there.
The wire transfers being down for half the day was the most alarming point imo.
The main thing that isn't there is the physical gold and silver needed for the QFS. Those cubbards are bare and NO ONE has been able to prove otherwise.
Supposedly lots of gold in the Vatican vaults.
Or there was at one time.
Hopefully confiscated for their part in child sex trafficking...
Well, if you are to believe Q, they have the gold and silver if I remember correctly.
There's enough gold and silver even now... if the price is right.
No we have the gold. We took it back . There were videos 2 years into the first real Presidency weve had in decades. Q said gold will destroy the fed. Period. We have. Otherwise it would say hold will destroy the fed if only we could get some.
Imagine if we run outta gold and bitcoin at the same time!
That was my first thought when the Fed system went down, it must have been something to do with getting QFS online. Obviously something the media is not going to cover.
One thing I have noticed are currency exchange rates against the dollar have literally been frozen in place for a while(countries said to be a part of the cleanup, like literally no movement at all for weeks, and then this happened and within 24 hours there was some(not much but some) movement ..........
This NEVER happens, there is always some movement even if it is a decimal point or two down the number there is always some movement.
However if this was a very regiment and planned changeover then that is the 1 thing that could explain it...
Do you have an example? As a Scandinavian, I follow DKK, SEK, and NOK and all three have seen movement against $ (USD up)Tuesday to Friday. EUR as well.
NOK was set in stone for the last few weeks and a few days ago that changed...
I started noticing after a few days because any exchange rate is never that locked, but somehow that was the case(money is an organic market so exchange rate stability is always within a area of fluctuation rather than a fixed constant, it just doesn't happen simply because people buying/selling rules it even when it is the most stable of currencies).
It was, weird.....
Please provide a source, I just don’t see it on my charts.
I see that, the strange thing is that every damned time I checked the exchange rate was exactly the same, I have no explanation for it, it was just.... weird...
It’s often just small changes, one to ten cents/øre a day, but as you can see it’s never exact the same two days in a row, except from closure on Friday (around 2200 CET) until opening Monday morning.
I know, but yet for a long time the NOK to $ exchange rate was 8.48, day after, 8.48, day after that 8.48, it stayed this way for quite a while and not just over the weekend so I have no idea why the graph doesn't show this...
I don’t know either, sorry
Dollar vs Philippine Peso (PHP) was about $1 = 47.7..... for weeks, then after that became 48.1.... and has been stable at that since. This is unusual. usually short term fluctuations between 46 and 51
Depends how many decimals your converter uses. With 1 decimal, you can’t see a change, with 4? A lot more.
It was a QFS probe to draw out the cabal defenses. There will be many more probes in the near future before the spigot is ultimately swapped and opened.
They need to stop using the bullshit term "quantum" since it simply means to count or measurements. The idea of photons comes from a fake physics that will be rewritten once the bastard babylonians are finally removed from power and real physics can make a comeback.
No, you might be correct. They might be calling it that, as in a "quantum of currency". Quantum can mean 'a unit of', but in a more fancier way in the field of technology.
For example, when observing the performance of processes in an operating system as a whole; we measure a specific task within a process in relation to a time quantum, since every processor and operating system is designed differently.
I can see this system being called the Quantum Financial System because it'll run on multiple platforms but it is guaranteed to transfer a unit of currency within a time quantum.
Or QFS does use quantum computers, which I highly doubt since quantum computers have yet to be error-free with the current CRC techniques and algorithms we have. There is no room for error in a realtime financial system. Also, there are functional quantum computers in the private and public sectors but they are not yet powerful enough to do something of that scale. Hypothetically, they should be able to in the future when systems may have many more qubits, more developed quantum logic gates, more stability, and higher error detection and correction.
At the end of the day I do believe that if there's any truth to this that is is based on using this term for marketing purposes, but yes, using it to mean measurement might be also the case. I'm glad we're thinking along similar lines.
but but "quantum" lol. Yeah its pretty overused and most probably have no idea what it means. Kind of like in the early days of crypto. Companies were tying themselves to the term blockchain and "blockchain technology" to get a boost in the markets.
Reminds me of the days when everything was "cyber-". Cyberspace, cybersex, lol. ...the 90's?
It's extremely disturbing because physics has become a religion just like communism and atheism have. No science left in the bulk of physics or the "sciences".
Exactly, these people preach science but have no fucking clue.
The irony of all this is that the loudest are the "educated".
communist educated, yes.
The name comes from quantum computers.
Yes, and the principals of quantum computers are flawed and not founded upon proper physics. The nomenclature and more are entirely off.
How do they get them to work then? They can run programs on them so they must be doing something right?
The background theory is wrong. It's like blind folks bumping around a room. The real action is the aether and physics prior to 1900-1920. Einstein and others were literal communists that destroyed physics so at this point we're operating on half or quarter truths that just happen to get us some results, but is why technology and science have been only iterative over the last century.
I'm really skeptical especially because Zurich is not exactly a place I would trust. Half the major institutions of banking in the world are in Switzerland. Might as well be NWO playground.
Oof, thats a good point. That last rothschild that died was head of the swiss banks.
This should be more widely known. Switzerland is the stronghold of the Enemy. The Octagon rules the Pentagon, and the world.
In the wise words of JC Denton: "Do you have a single fact to back that up?"
Oh man... I would like to see more on this. Yuge if true. Skeptical...
Perhaps the stories of the gold recovered from the Vatican are true....
This same info was relayed last night on Scott McKay’s show last night - Patriot Streetfighter 3.
I tend to believe it’s true.
His stuff has been pretty good for the most part. I dont see to much datefagging from him.
He’s pretty adamant about NOT datefagging.
He read a long list of “intel” that had just come to him, and he repeatedly said that he had not had time to verify a second source. I appreciate his honesty; he never tries to present himself as KNOWING it all, but rather as a conduit.
Yeah thats a good point. The current currency is backed by a bankrupt corporation and wouldnt hold much value in the new system.
I guess we wait to see if they redesign it soon.
No sauce whatsoever to confirm this. This is the epitome of a hopium overdose.
Explains the dump in my stocks.
Good link, i'll have to dig into that a bit more after this trump speech.
I mean the financial system could be about to collapse, but when you're trusting people talking about a QuAnTuM fInAnCiAl SySteM, you maybe should question if they're legit.
Look up Ripple/XRP videos on YouTube. That will answer some of your questions.
Did you see the XRPL for the 24th? The XRP burn off for the day was 20,000 XRP. The burn rate per transaction is like .000001 xrp. I wonder if it was a scalability test.
The real litmus test... Junk metal coins retracted - pm coins distributed.
If true, this explains a lot. A financial switch over of this level would normally be catastrophically disastrous to global economic flows, let alone stability. This also would be a nigh on incorruptible exchange method, making fraud very difficult to perpetrate by wire at least.
Wait, wot?!
I can't believe that we went to a gold standard under the Xiden Administration
Someone 'splain this to me plz!
Btw, I'm NOT calling the QFS a LARP, but I'm also NOT calling it legit. It IS a "legit" system that the CENTEAL BANKS have devised, but nothing out there proves beyond doubt that Trump was successful in ending The Fed. He signed an E.O., which, as we've already seen, can be undone at any time by his successors.
There isn't one shred of evidence to suggest this glitch last week was anything having to do with Trump or the plans to relieve us from the Fed and the Central Banking System of fiat currency. The prices of gold, silver, platinum, titanium and others would reflect it if what Ms Alexander says is true, and that just hasn't happened.
The absorption into the treasury......remember? It's not functioning independent....we are manipulating the prices.... We need to look at how things took place when the fiat system was installed. What reactions took place..
Silver and gold prices have been under tight cabal control for decades. However, that's about to change. The silver market is about to blow. Same for GME. Platinum and other commodities are already going up at a rapid pace. It may not be QFS in play but the financial system is likely going to crash and burn in the next month or two.
It could be partially true. They could have just seized the assets or took over the old system and plan to implement the new system in the future. I find it hard to believe the new system would be online already, but who knows.
If Trump seized the precious metal assets then it would just be a transfer of ownership and no one would know the difference if it was kept quiet. The prices wouldn’t move in that case. They didn’t go out and buy gold and silver. The prices will change when the price manipulation is exposed and the banks are found to have more futures sold/hedged against inventory they don’t have.
One of the most amazing prices is for rhodium @ $24,000/ounce!!! Demand outstrips supply for sure..
prove it
and I literally answered
obviously my comment about proof was not to the person asking if it was real, you dimwit