When they shove a mask in my face I breeze right past, either pretending I didn't see or hear it, or with a quick "Doctors said not to wear it, thanks".
If they say What? or Excuse me? I add "I have a condition."
That ends the discussion cold.
Have had only one store boot me for that, CVS. Walgreens takes my money without any back lip.
Sad to say it but I had security called on me in Oregon at a Home Depot. They were trying to be cool and asked me to leave but I was already in line paying so I paid and left. But here in Oregon they call fast!
Does it cost much to sue? We are very poor. We can keep a roof over our heads and food on the table and that's about it. I'm not sure we have the funds to be suing these places...I wish!
If YOUR mask works, what does it matter if I'm wearing mine?
If YOUR vaxx works, why are you concerned about what the fuck I'm doing?
Fundamentally, this basic concept is the biggest issue I have with this whole scam-demic, masks, vaccines, etc., and it is by far the biggest issue & dispute I have with my wife.
She's definitely with me on NO Covid vaxx, but she's too squishy & compliant on masks & doesn't understand why I'm so vehemently anti-mask.
It's not about the fucking MASK: it's the bigger picture.
Sometimes my wife is a bit too much of a "misses the forest for the trees" person....argh.......but I love her dearly & she's an amazing woman + mother.
I gotta also cut her a little slack since part of her desire to wear masks in public is because we're also pregnant......
But we ALSO just had covid - both of us - & all of us are 100% fine - new baby included. :-)
Sorry to rant so much....... I haven't been here much lately & miss y'all. :-)
Oh but the vaccine does work! Of course you still need to wear a mask and socially distance. And you can still catch and transmit the Chinavirus. And we're going to need to inject you a few more times. The vaxx works!
Masks don't fucking work. I live in a far off country where people were afraid of previous outbreaks of other stuff to the point that even up to covid-19, it's not unusual to see people wearing a mask when they go out. The previous scare was SARS, so, expect people to wear masks for the next 20+ years at least.
What really happened is that people now think that if they're sick it's fine to go out as long as they wear a mask. I had two masked people sit next to me right before an international flight back to the US before, and since I wouldn't have any insurance in the US and doctors are fucking expensive there ($10 to see a doctor WITHOUT insurance here, medicine included) I asked them to not sit so close to me.
They happily said "it's okay, we're wearing masks!"
The next day, I had a cold! Yay for masks! They work so well!
Well that's really, REALLY interesting..... that's one of the first things I thought of when the whole mask thing first started about a year ago is how common it is / has been in many asian countries.
Glad to know that they've literally been wearing masks for no benefit whatsoever.....
The real problem over here is that people don't wash their hands. There's usually no soap (or toilet paper. That's fun) in bathrooms because people assume people will just steal such things. No public trash cans either because they claim people will just dump all their trash from their house there.
So, people have dirty hands and go out sick because they wore a mask, and that makes everything okay.
A lot of people here just wear masks preventatively too, especially on trains and in crowded places. Pre-covid.
For a while masks seemed to be mostly gone but as of a couple months ago they're back in full force with government mandates and everything.
No offense but I think women get shafted by this feminist use of we though, even though it's supposed to show shared responsibility
They suffer 100% of the morning sickness, discomfort, being awakened by people kicking them in the stomach, the unfathomable pain of childbirth (and/or Cearean section, and/or stillbirth), nipple pain, stretch marks, etc. We get off easy. Call me a traditionalist but I've never seen a pregnant man. Hats off to the ladies for having people come out of you!
Yeah, I definitely get what you are saying.....but I'd argue that a real man DOES take full, shared responsibility for his children, from the moment of conception.
It's our responsibility to help provide for our women & children.
Sure we don't have the troubles of actually being pregnant, carrying the child, all the associated pains, issues & risks; but we have troubles of our own, such as being the family rock, defender, financial provider, etc.
My wife is a full-time stay at home, so I am definitely THE provider.
I am the ultimate judge of morality in my existence. If you have a problem with my concept of morality say to my fucking face. I'm a generous guy to people who treat me well. I have no time for miniature tyrants and pissy women.
They project their selfishness outwards. The enemy can't see the world from other perspectives, and cant bend them well either without massive guilt tripping. Lets be frank that only works from family.
I guess I am the one who doesn’t care about others. I am defiant. I refuse to create a circumstance with a mask over my face that will not make me sick.
I am the one that doesn’t care about others than. Why should I? What do they need me for?
What happened to taking care of yourself instead of expecting everyone else to do it for you? Tsk tsk.
Sadly depends on the area. Here, security gets called and you are removed.
That’s why I choose to wear mine, but basically let it sag past my nose and often times my mouth.
I’m in an area with high mask adherence but I’ve never been approached with my half ass mask attempt.
Not everyone.
I got thrown out of CVS.
Everywhere else, I go freeface and have done since Week 1 of this bullshit A FUCKING YEAR AGO
Props to you pede!
Yeah man
When they shove a mask in my face I breeze right past, either pretending I didn't see or hear it, or with a quick "Doctors said not to wear it, thanks".
If they say What? or Excuse me? I add "I have a condition."
That ends the discussion cold.
Have had only one store boot me for that, CVS. Walgreens takes my money without any back lip.
Sad to say it but I had security called on me in Oregon at a Home Depot. They were trying to be cool and asked me to leave but I was already in line paying so I paid and left. But here in Oregon they call fast!
I have tried to stay away from stores since I saw it happening on three different occasions here, at three different stores
We've had the police called on us four or five times now and the police arrive with speed.
Does it cost much to sue? We are very poor. We can keep a roof over our heads and food on the table and that's about it. I'm not sure we have the funds to be suing these places...I wish!
Oh okay, that's not out of reach! I'll look into it further.
Are you trying to *KILL MY GRAMMAWWW???????
Well OK then. Just making sure.
But if grandma went to a Trump rally, they'd kill her themselves. With a bat.
Go get your vaccine and stfu!!!
Anal swab first please!!! >:-(
If YOUR mask works, what does it matter if I'm wearing mine?
If YOUR vaxx works, why are you concerned about what the fuck I'm doing?
Fundamentally, this basic concept is the biggest issue I have with this whole scam-demic, masks, vaccines, etc., and it is by far the biggest issue & dispute I have with my wife.
She's definitely with me on NO Covid vaxx, but she's too squishy & compliant on masks & doesn't understand why I'm so vehemently anti-mask.
It's not about the fucking MASK: it's the bigger picture.
Sometimes my wife is a bit too much of a "misses the forest for the trees" person....argh.......but I love her dearly & she's an amazing woman + mother.
I gotta also cut her a little slack since part of her desire to wear masks in public is because we're also pregnant......
But we ALSO just had covid - both of us - & all of us are 100% fine - new baby included. :-)
Sorry to rant so much....... I haven't been here much lately & miss y'all. :-)
Oh but the vaccine does work! Of course you still need to wear a mask and socially distance. And you can still catch and transmit the Chinavirus. And we're going to need to inject you a few more times. The vaxx works!
Yeah but what about anal swabs?
My point too. Why am I responsible for YOUR health? That’s my response
Masks don't fucking work. I live in a far off country where people were afraid of previous outbreaks of other stuff to the point that even up to covid-19, it's not unusual to see people wearing a mask when they go out. The previous scare was SARS, so, expect people to wear masks for the next 20+ years at least.
What really happened is that people now think that if they're sick it's fine to go out as long as they wear a mask. I had two masked people sit next to me right before an international flight back to the US before, and since I wouldn't have any insurance in the US and doctors are fucking expensive there ($10 to see a doctor WITHOUT insurance here, medicine included) I asked them to not sit so close to me.
They happily said "it's okay, we're wearing masks!"
The next day, I had a cold! Yay for masks! They work so well!
Well that's really, REALLY interesting..... that's one of the first things I thought of when the whole mask thing first started about a year ago is how common it is / has been in many asian countries.
Glad to know that they've literally been wearing masks for no benefit whatsoever.....
The real problem over here is that people don't wash their hands. There's usually no soap (or toilet paper. That's fun) in bathrooms because people assume people will just steal such things. No public trash cans either because they claim people will just dump all their trash from their house there.
So, people have dirty hands and go out sick because they wore a mask, and that makes everything okay.
A lot of people here just wear masks preventatively too, especially on trains and in crowded places. Pre-covid.
For a while masks seemed to be mostly gone but as of a couple months ago they're back in full force with government mandates and everything.
Congrats, new baby, exciting & born to thinking people, more exciting ?.
Thank you! :-D
Yep, this is my default response to anyone who gives me crap about not wearing masks, etc.
Exactly, Thanks!
No offense but I think women get shafted by this feminist use of we though, even though it's supposed to show shared responsibility
They suffer 100% of the morning sickness, discomfort, being awakened by people kicking them in the stomach, the unfathomable pain of childbirth (and/or Cearean section, and/or stillbirth), nipple pain, stretch marks, etc. We get off easy. Call me a traditionalist but I've never seen a pregnant man. Hats off to the ladies for having people come out of you!
That said, I hope all goes well man :)
Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Yeah, I definitely get what you are saying.....but I'd argue that a real man DOES take full, shared responsibility for his children, from the moment of conception.
It's our responsibility to help provide for our women & children.
Sure we don't have the troubles of actually being pregnant, carrying the child, all the associated pains, issues & risks; but we have troubles of our own, such as being the family rock, defender, financial provider, etc.
My wife is a full-time stay at home, so I am definitely THE provider.
We both contribute in our own ways. :-)
Awesome, pattiot
That's called being a man and a father, though, not being pregnant
Don't mind me and the semantics
I am the one who doesn't care about your feelings.
Is that why you havnt called me since we never met? You used to say you cared about me and all 330 million of us, but you havnt even called once?
"The normal one," lol. Where are the Karens with two and three masks?
Exactly, they keep moving the goalposts. Only 3 masks can save us now. What horseshit.
I am the ultimate judge of morality in my existence. If you have a problem with my concept of morality say to my fucking face. I'm a generous guy to people who treat me well. I have no time for miniature tyrants and pissy women.
Any idea where this was posted?
I just warned my wife that if I ever see anything like this in public, in OUR city, it's getting fucking obliterated.
What does it matter? You're wearing YOUR mask, so you're safe. Let me do me.
It’s never enough for these losers.
They won’t be happy until you think exactly like they do
Almost like it's not even about getting infected by some virus!
Where is this at?
https://www.reddit.com/r/NoNewNormal/comments/jd2a3u/who_are_you_are_you_a_normal_carer_or_an_abnormal/ OP claims bus shelter billboard, Toronto. Also in spanish location unknown https://ibb.co/9vrx6s0
The idea is to shame into submission.
Same idea behind “if you don’t vote for Obama you’re racist.”
Shame is perhaps even more powerful than fear.
Not only: Subliminal conditioning. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Political_Compass
Bold of them to assume I cared about others in the first place
We need to make counter memes.
A big can of spray paint and "Fuck off commies!" should do the job
Here is HOW you respond to this none sense.
If someone calls you "SELFISH".
I only help when "ASKED TO HELP". And when the person is "NOT CAPABLE" of helping themselves.
They project their selfishness outwards. The enemy can't see the world from other perspectives, and cant bend them well either without massive guilt tripping. Lets be frank that only works from family.
I’m the one that doesn’t have a mask on at all, nowhere to be found. What category am I? Answer: the IDGAF category.
Better than everyone else lol
Well, they are doing a shitty job... I value my freedom quite highly.
If other people are so stupid that they wear a mask, no. I don't care about them.
Nothing more retarded than a person wearing a mask making fun of anyone about how they wear a mask.
Giant green sharpee check mark.
Weak mother fuckers should stay the fuck home.
I guess I am the one who doesn’t care about others. I am defiant. I refuse to create a circumstance with a mask over my face that will not make me sick.
how dare she
"I value your freedom more than your pseudo safety"
Most revolting social engineering manipulation propaganda yet.
The faggot, the chad, the chaddgot, and the confused one.
Me = Top Right
Which one isn’t sick? I’m that one.
I'm the one who doesn't care about others.
Forced to be out of touch to get a haircut.
I'm the noncompliant ruffian they warned you about. Flee in terror as I breathe freely! Ahh, fresh air, how the meek miss out on your delights!