I talked to 2 of my very close, very liberal friends this past week about politics. Both of them told me how disappointed they were in Biden. Both of them said they thought things were going to get better with him in office (?? unfortunately they genuinely and sincerely believe this and have TDS) but they have been appalled by how things are playing out. I had good conversations with them both about Biden’s lies and we even talked about some media manipulation.
One of them thought that the protests/social tensions would decrease with Trump out of office. The other one thought Biden was going to keep his promises about sending out 2,000 checks right away, not keeping kids in cages, etc.
It seems delusional but I honestly think they thought life would return to “normal” when Biden got into office.
I was so excited that we were even having the conversations that I had to stop myself from saying too much or being too pushy ? so I didn’t get a chance to bring that up! ?
I forgot to mention that one of them is very much into BLM and I did tell her about why I personally do not support the organization (this came up because she thinks Trump is a racist because he doesn’t support BLM). She was pretty open minded and even did some of her own research after I told her about how BLM hasn’t spent any of the millions they got in donations on the black community. I didn’t go into Marxism in detail in terms of the ideology but I told her about BLM’s mission statement to disrupt the nuclear family. She was willing to listen and consider this which was a huge win because she’s HEAVILY into the SJW stuff. I also told her about Joe’s racist comments & past which she (obviously) was disgusted by. Overall, it was a good conversation!
Yes, I do! For one of them anyway. She admitted to me recently that she thinks there is election fraud being covered up. Anytime I brought it up previously she shrugged things off as being a coincidence or having a reasonable explanation.
As far as the other friend I previously mentioned, we haven’t talked politics since then.
Overall I have noticed than none of my other liberal friends who used to post online incessantly about hating Trump and how happy they were Biden got elected have posted NOTHING about him since Jan 20th. I do think more people are waking up. Will they openly admit it? Maybe not, but all that matters is that people break free from the brainwashing propaganda machine.
The left still claims the media manipulation is only to protect Biden and that all be well once the 25th is invoked and Harris is installed. If the intent is to wake up the left, we aren't there yet. They have dozens of excuses left that will allow them to double down before they accept reality. Remember they did not vote for Biden. They voted against Trump. Nothing overrides "Orange man bad" syndrome.
A co-worker of mine whom I enjoy working with gets her news from CNN and is a devout BLM/Antifa supporter. Everytime politics comes up at work I just let her run wild then change the subject. However after that I'll pop a few truth crumbs here and there. "I heard BLM is headed by Marxists. Wonder if that's true?" and "Heard antifa has a few groups. I thought they were just an idea.".
Ya know, stuff to get the ol' noggin joggin or at least a brisk walk.
Does it ever anger you guys that nobody ever seems to care until the draconian BS affects their lives?
Everyone’s all “you can’t open your restaurant, you’re killing Grandma” until they lose their own job. They’re all “HCQ is a conspiracy” until the vaccine hurts their family. “Black lives matter” and “antifa are just peacefully protesting” until they burn down your favorite coffee shop.
I’m happy progress is happening, but even so, it shouldn’t take someone having their own personal hobby decimated before you wake the F up.
Colorado has a huge race scene on and off the local tracks. I drive all over the country for a living, go through Colorado late at night till early morning you can almost always find people cruising and racing. one of the few states its that common, I can see them getting riled up,
I live in a place east of Denver and I hear the "TFTF" zoomers taking off at high speed into the wee hours of the night-there was a shutdown of I-225 by racers 10:30 at night-there's very little the police can do at this time.. It's almost as if "On the Beach" was being lived and if you crashed and burned, at least it is while doing something you loved... Now we all gotta learn the words to "Waltzin Matilda"... ;)
You sir/madam just gave me that sweet, sweet hit of hopium. I'm hoping more and more people wake the fuck up to this shit. Just read that George Floyd's family got 27mil in "reperations" for his death. Got me a lil pissed even though I knew that mess was gonna happen.
But this? This gives me hope that more and more people are gonna get wise this nonsense. Break away from the victimhood mentality. Start questioning the narrative thats been given to them. Start standing up to the communist and other authoritarians. Maybe just maybe...they'll finally get up and start saying " I'm mad as hell and I'm sure as shit not gonna take it anymore!".
it isn't just car channels my friend you can see this phenomenon in pop culture and gaming channels as well. People been getting red pilled in these communities for quite awhile because of the invasion and destruction of popular franchises by identity politics. Comment sections in so many channels that have literally nothing to do with politics are becoming increasingly based.
I'm thinking, which I hate to admit, that if they let these idiots keep going for a while longer, 90% of Americans will be pleading for Trump to return. Am I wrong??? They might not like Trump, but life was getting pretty darn great while he was trying to MAGA!!
So is it just me or does it seem like this ass clowns want a civil war? They are either so delusion to think that the hordes of gun wielding patriots would just bend the knee or be easy pickings or they or baiting.......Just makes me think.
True story but today I caught up with a mate of mine whom I haven't seen since just after Trump got elected. He's a bit of a hippy, free love type.
At one point, politics came up in our discussion and surprisingly, he wasn't all Orange Bad Man as I'd expect. He then said a statement followed by a question...
"I've been reading a lot about things recently. Have you heard of Q?".
TL:DR, Change is happening, in the places you'd least expect. :D
I have a spec miata and I have a GT500 i race. You're 100% right that people are pissed. O saw YouTube channels everywhere spreading the info and people are talking about it.
I've always said that it makes no sense to push specific tech (electric cars) because then you're stifling innovation in alternative fuels and methods of "cleaner" exhaust.
My coworker surprised me this week. She said, "Biden sure hasn't been acting like a president. What's he done to help us?" That is paraphrased a bit, but even though I can guarantee she voted for him, she is paying enough attention to know something isn't right. I told her how much money each person is on the hook for, regarding the stimulus, and she had a sort of blank stare. She sees more than I would think she does, but sadly probably votes all those people in everytime.
Only at the Precipice do people find the will to change
And oh we are closely approaching it....
...’now let’s talk about our health ...’ ?
Click the link below...
Now the Deep State...they are panicking right now.
Now this is really interesting...
Now it's very interesting...
I talked to 2 of my very close, very liberal friends this past week about politics. Both of them told me how disappointed they were in Biden. Both of them said they thought things were going to get better with him in office (?? unfortunately they genuinely and sincerely believe this and have TDS) but they have been appalled by how things are playing out. I had good conversations with them both about Biden’s lies and we even talked about some media manipulation.
One of them thought that the protests/social tensions would decrease with Trump out of office. The other one thought Biden was going to keep his promises about sending out 2,000 checks right away, not keeping kids in cages, etc.
It seems delusional but I honestly think they thought life would return to “normal” when Biden got into office.
I was so excited that we were even having the conversations that I had to stop myself from saying too much or being too pushy ? so I didn’t get a chance to bring that up! ?
I forgot to mention that one of them is very much into BLM and I did tell her about why I personally do not support the organization (this came up because she thinks Trump is a racist because he doesn’t support BLM). She was pretty open minded and even did some of her own research after I told her about how BLM hasn’t spent any of the millions they got in donations on the black community. I didn’t go into Marxism in detail in terms of the ideology but I told her about BLM’s mission statement to disrupt the nuclear family. She was willing to listen and consider this which was a huge win because she’s HEAVILY into the SJW stuff. I also told her about Joe’s racist comments & past which she (obviously) was disgusted by. Overall, it was a good conversation!
Yes, I do! For one of them anyway. She admitted to me recently that she thinks there is election fraud being covered up. Anytime I brought it up previously she shrugged things off as being a coincidence or having a reasonable explanation.
As far as the other friend I previously mentioned, we haven’t talked politics since then.
Overall I have noticed than none of my other liberal friends who used to post online incessantly about hating Trump and how happy they were Biden got elected have posted NOTHING about him since Jan 20th. I do think more people are waking up. Will they openly admit it? Maybe not, but all that matters is that people break free from the brainwashing propaganda machine.
The left still claims the media manipulation is only to protect Biden and that all be well once the 25th is invoked and Harris is installed. If the intent is to wake up the left, we aren't there yet. They have dozens of excuses left that will allow them to double down before they accept reality. Remember they did not vote for Biden. They voted against Trump. Nothing overrides "Orange man bad" syndrome.
A co-worker of mine whom I enjoy working with gets her news from CNN and is a devout BLM/Antifa supporter. Everytime politics comes up at work I just let her run wild then change the subject. However after that I'll pop a few truth crumbs here and there. "I heard BLM is headed by Marxists. Wonder if that's true?" and "Heard antifa has a few groups. I thought they were just an idea.".
Ya know, stuff to get the ol' noggin joggin or at least a brisk walk.
Ask her what "Actblue" is and why did the BLM donations go through to them to use for the DNC? Maybe she hadn't noticed it in the small print :)
Asked that, turns out that's just a conspiracy theory.
My in-laws are the same way??
This is great hopium and all, but...
Does it ever anger you guys that nobody ever seems to care until the draconian BS affects their lives?
Everyone’s all “you can’t open your restaurant, you’re killing Grandma” until they lose their own job. They’re all “HCQ is a conspiracy” until the vaccine hurts their family. “Black lives matter” and “antifa are just peacefully protesting” until they burn down your favorite coffee shop.
I’m happy progress is happening, but even so, it shouldn’t take someone having their own personal hobby decimated before you wake the F up.
Yes. (But of course that's why we're here. That's why I've gone into the redpill-pusher biz.)
People are morons. Complacency is easy. The path of least effort is preferred until it cuts into their lives/lifestyles.
Nobody's broken leg hurts you as much as your own mosquito bite. Empathy is a rare virtue.
Colorado has a huge race scene on and off the local tracks. I drive all over the country for a living, go through Colorado late at night till early morning you can almost always find people cruising and racing. one of the few states its that common, I can see them getting riled up,
I live in a place east of Denver and I hear the "TFTF" zoomers taking off at high speed into the wee hours of the night-there was a shutdown of I-225 by racers 10:30 at night-there's very little the police can do at this time.. It's almost as if "On the Beach" was being lived and if you crashed and burned, at least it is while doing something you loved... Now we all gotta learn the words to "Waltzin Matilda"... ;)
You sir/madam just gave me that sweet, sweet hit of hopium. I'm hoping more and more people wake the fuck up to this shit. Just read that George Floyd's family got 27mil in "reperations" for his death. Got me a lil pissed even though I knew that mess was gonna happen.
But this? This gives me hope that more and more people are gonna get wise this nonsense. Break away from the victimhood mentality. Start questioning the narrative thats been given to them. Start standing up to the communist and other authoritarians. Maybe just maybe...they'll finally get up and start saying " I'm mad as hell and I'm sure as shit not gonna take it anymore!".
it isn't just car channels my friend you can see this phenomenon in pop culture and gaming channels as well. People been getting red pilled in these communities for quite awhile because of the invasion and destruction of popular franchises by identity politics. Comment sections in so many channels that have literally nothing to do with politics are becoming increasingly based.
Yep they fucked with Star Wars and Dr Seuss. What the hell were they thinking?
I have been awake and have been angry as fuck for years. Slowly, my sheep friends are waking up too.
Yep. I frequent GOMI and they are waking up to how the media outright lies.
Outstanding! Thank you for posting.
She's been through hell.
Only pro-racing. But ban all racing to get to pro-racing. Got it.
I'm thinking, which I hate to admit, that if they let these idiots keep going for a while longer, 90% of Americans will be pleading for Trump to return. Am I wrong??? They might not like Trump, but life was getting pretty darn great while he was trying to MAGA!!
So is it just me or does it seem like this ass clowns want a civil war? They are either so delusion to think that the hordes of gun wielding patriots would just bend the knee or be easy pickings or they or baiting.......Just makes me think.
Fucking finally.
True story but today I caught up with a mate of mine whom I haven't seen since just after Trump got elected. He's a bit of a hippy, free love type.
At one point, politics came up in our discussion and surprisingly, he wasn't all Orange Bad Man as I'd expect. He then said a statement followed by a question...
"I've been reading a lot about things recently. Have you heard of Q?".
TL:DR, Change is happening, in the places you'd least expect. :D
I have a spec miata and I have a GT500 i race. You're 100% right that people are pissed. O saw YouTube channels everywhere spreading the info and people are talking about it.
I've always said that it makes no sense to push specific tech (electric cars) because then you're stifling innovation in alternative fuels and methods of "cleaner" exhaust.
We want freedom and I want to drive fast.
My coworker surprised me this week. She said, "Biden sure hasn't been acting like a president. What's he done to help us?" That is paraphrased a bit, but even though I can guarantee she voted for him, she is paying enough attention to know something isn't right. I told her how much money each person is on the hook for, regarding the stimulus, and she had a sort of blank stare. She sees more than I would think she does, but sadly probably votes all those people in everytime.