Ya remember Bail-outs? That's when Banks were given money.
Bail-Ins are when an insolvent entity confiscates wealth directly from WeThePeople.
Look - the cat is out of the bag. The law? It doesn't exist.
PATCON is back on the table and the FBI is going to push the fear that every single person not nutting themselves to get a vaccine or be dominated by MSNBC is a wrongthink domestic terrorist - and they will whip your neighbors into being scared of you and begging that you be locked up and reeducated.
As long as more of my neighbors don't think this way, which seems to be the case for most of us when you get through all the hype and noise, I'll be fine with them laying it on as thick as they can for the rest.
With the cleanout of the FBI 7th floor during Trump's term, did another corrupt slate of people get promoted into those positions and it's now back to status quo? or do you think there is an outside 'team' sponsored by DS who are still on call to create these 'incidents' to promote these actions. Until these alphabet agencies get cleaned up, there's no success pushing that boulder to the top of that hill.
Honestly I don't buy into the ida that FBI was cleaned out in any way that was other than temporary.
If we look at the history of the FBI I can find far more insances they acted like Secret Police than where they actively "helped" WeThePeople. That could entirely be my understanding and lack of information. After all there is a point where bad guys simply should not get press.
Unfortunately we have events where the FBI actively recruits morons, enables them, winds them up, and then arrests them.
The Specific Focus is to be sure you understand what the FBI program known as PATCON was and IS.
The FBI stages it's own false flags and then poses as the savior and the entire scenario is to create boogeyman and sieze more power.
For instance the popular Instant Messaging App / Framework, Signal Messenger, has been back-doored by the FBI for a considerable amount of time ( more on this when it comes to Edward Snowden as a CIA Agent and routinely leading honeypot operations and pushing software that ends up, you guessed it, being comped the entire time ). Snowden is not a Traitor to the Deep State. Snowden is a traitor to WeThePeople.
I’m praying that God uses his mighty powers and his army to destroy and take out the evil and reveals (quite visibly)His Almighty hand very very soon and is merciful to His people and ALL who would turn, but meanwhile while we are waiting for this, WE who are believers in Christ MUST REACH as many people as possible and LEAD them to Christ Jesus and show them HIS love and mercy and forgiveness and MENTOR them.
edit: lyrics are also really fitting:
"I've seen your face before, my friend
but I don't know if you know who I am
Well, I was there and I saw what you did
I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been
It's all been a pack of lies"
My hubby is exactly the same way... I’m just going to let him find out with everyone else... too tired of trying to show him everything I find each day and just getting the “deer in the headlights” look. ??
Half Ruski here, can confirm. Putin is Russia, lots of respect from my family.
But places like Ukraine and Latvia(EU) and anywhere under EU influence is taught to hate him.
Remember when Trump did his “world tour” in 2017? First stop was SA where evil pedo al Waleed was Crown Prince. Well, soon as Trump visits, al Waleed is ousted (and a bunch of arrests happened at the same time) and in comes bin Salman who is an ally and against all the pedophilia.
I believe that whole tour was about getting many other leaders on board with the plan. They have all been fighting the DS in their own countries. Even Xi.
So yes, I think Putin, Xi, Kim and others are all on board here and will help stage a defcom 1 level scare event if necessary to help shake the stubborn normies awake.
And Russia is Trump's and our ally in this war. DS have been trying to get Putin and Russia for years now. With Russia gone, CCP doesn't have to worry about its northern border. And USA vs Russia war would kill two birds (eagle and Russian eagle or bear) with one stone - CCP wins again.
"As the blossoms of spring bloom, so shall the new world"...
This is a message I received last November ...I believe, based on everything I have been shown and told, change is definitely coming very soon...The Holy time is upon us...both in Jewish and Christian beliefs. We now must just wait a little longer...not going to date fag because God gives seasons, not dates but I'm leaning towards end of April....that's when blossoms bloom here...
Interesting timing. Not only is easter celebrated in christianity as a resurrection, it was also a big holiday in B.C. cultures. People would celebrate the resurrection of the sun during the spring equinox (march 20th) as the sun once again "rises", marked by daylight hours outnumbering night time. A literal dark to light.
Agreed. I had been going through an almost desperate period of searching for signs/clues of what would happen and when. Now for the past count of weeks I have a feeling of calm and assurance that good will prevail in God’s time.
There are 31 Q posts on “dark to light” and we are approaching Spring when the days will be longer. More light is more transparency. Lots of Q posts with dark to light had to do with declass. https://qalerts.pub/?q=Dark+to+light
OK but to be fair spring after spring has sprung. How many springtimes do we get to keep re-assigning to the same Q drops? It seems like we're stretching these things pretty tight.
Yes! I have been feeling crazy energy all day! Like something big is happening. Felt the same way January 6th also. Although I may have just overdosed on vitamin D....
It's like the evil pressure is gone and joy has returned.
I feel almost like that, except the opposite LOL. Evil pressure intensifying, joy waiting in the wings without knowing what it's waiting for or for how long, and no way to find out, except by waiting.
That's emotion. But logically, there's no way in God's green fuck that Trump doesn't have this.
If he didn't know for dead certain he had an all-encompassing plan for after 1/20, then when the 1/6 coup d'etat came and went, he would have used those two weeks to wreak his revenge.
He'd have laid out in cold blood the naked proof of every sex deviant, traitor, racketeer and human trafficker, every criminal in the govt., have a slew of them arrested and jailed; take over the airwaves and run the video proof 24/7 so the world would KNOW their cover was blown, etc., etc. Use his massive presidential power to just poison the hell out of the new admin.
The fact that he instead played the meek little humble "good loser" and quietly did the soft-shoe shuffle off the stage with 17 flags, with a merry twinkle and a big toothy grin, and a "We'll be back, see you soon, the best is yet to come!"...that says it all, at top volume. When has he ever been meek like that, except never? The master of boisterous bluster and calculated revenge isn't getting bent over by these assholes and then not doing jack shit to them. No fucking way.
Yea. It's back on the roller coaster, but instead of election treachery it's everything treachery. And it comes anew every, every day now. I hope it's Q plan, but I dread someone or some small group snapping. Not a mass shooting, but something else. Though, living in Los Angles, there's not much talk of anything like that here. Most of us are still under the radar here. I've been wearing my Trump mask in grocery stores and no one pays much attention. And no racial or religious tension that I can see or feel. Though the mind wipes don't pay much attention to anything here except the stupid Mayor and his Bride of Frankenstein health drone on at 5 pm every day. What's that line for "Roads to Moscow" ..."And the evening sings in a voice of amber, the dawn is surely coming. The morning road leads to Stalingrad, and the sky is softly humming"
You ready for vaccine passports and more lockdowns?
If you think it's not coming snap the fuck out of it.
Put your big boy britches on.
Shit will get live. Fast.
Your neighbors are going to rat you out.
Learn to blend the fuck in or you are going to be a target.
Get healthy.
Eat right.
Talk to God.
Repent. You sin. You in all the time. Own it. Work on fixing it. Talk to HIM about it cuz for what's coming you're going to need Him and in a way many can't comprehend.
Yes, 100%. I keep craving information about what is going on and I just can't find it anywhere. It's been a waiting game for so long that you'd think I'd be used to it by now, but this ramping up of tension right now is almost unbearable.
From what I hear/read, the Equinox is supposed to be a big deal this year. So I'm going to wait another couple of days and see what surfaces. Nice to know I'm not alone in this at least--feels validating. Thanks for posting.
But not if they finally get educated about the world and enable the abuses and exploitation to continue. That's blaspheming the Holy Spirit as far as I'm concerned.
Unconscionable and unforgivable.
I meant if they do learn and change their ways, they're good. I've only seen one example of this though and she's cooler than everyone.
Not snap back into place, but just snap, period.
Yes, I have a feeling things are building up and something needs to give one way or another.
You're looking at this all wrong.
If you have 17 years left YOU ARE BLESSED.
Forced vaccination.
Technocracy confiscation your money.
Bank accounts and Bail-ins.
Ya remember Bail-outs? That's when Banks were given money.
Bail-Ins are when an insolvent entity confiscates wealth directly from WeThePeople.
Look - the cat is out of the bag. The law? It doesn't exist.
PATCON is back on the table and the FBI is going to push the fear that every single person not nutting themselves to get a vaccine or be dominated by MSNBC is a wrongthink domestic terrorist - and they will whip your neighbors into being scared of you and begging that you be locked up and reeducated.
As long as more of my neighbors don't think this way, which seems to be the case for most of us when you get through all the hype and noise, I'll be fine with them laying it on as thick as they can for the rest.
With the cleanout of the FBI 7th floor during Trump's term, did another corrupt slate of people get promoted into those positions and it's now back to status quo? or do you think there is an outside 'team' sponsored by DS who are still on call to create these 'incidents' to promote these actions. Until these alphabet agencies get cleaned up, there's no success pushing that boulder to the top of that hill.
Honestly I don't buy into the ida that FBI was cleaned out in any way that was other than temporary.
If we look at the history of the FBI I can find far more insances they acted like Secret Police than where they actively "helped" WeThePeople. That could entirely be my understanding and lack of information. After all there is a point where bad guys simply should not get press.
Unfortunately we have events where the FBI actively recruits morons, enables them, winds them up, and then arrests them.
The Specific Focus is to be sure you understand what the FBI program known as PATCON was and IS.
The FBI stages it's own false flags and then poses as the savior and the entire scenario is to create boogeyman and sieze more power.
For instance the popular Instant Messaging App / Framework, Signal Messenger, has been back-doored by the FBI for a considerable amount of time ( more on this when it comes to Edward Snowden as a CIA Agent and routinely leading honeypot operations and pushing software that ends up, you guessed it, being comped the entire time ). Snowden is not a Traitor to the Deep State. Snowden is a traitor to WeThePeople.
Captain Ron! Love that movie!
I’m praying that God uses his mighty powers and his army to destroy and take out the evil and reveals (quite visibly)His Almighty hand very very soon and is merciful to His people and ALL who would turn, but meanwhile while we are waiting for this, WE who are believers in Christ MUST REACH as many people as possible and LEAD them to Christ Jesus and show them HIS love and mercy and forgiveness and MENTOR them.
I told my wife at dinner tonight,,, Get ready, its getting close
And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well, I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
Hit the drums, Phil. Anyone under 50 understand this? LOL
Was just listening to this song today lmao
edit: lyrics are also really fitting: "I've seen your face before, my friend
but I don't know if you know who I am
Well, I was there and I saw what you did
I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been
It's all been a pack of lies"
You mean the song?
I told my husband just about the same thing. He's awake, but being very cautious about getting his hopes up.
My hubby is exactly the same way... I’m just going to let him find out with everyone else... too tired of trying to show him everything I find each day and just getting the “deer in the headlights” look. ??
its gass, someone ate brussel sprouts.
I did the same thing but it was over before I finished telling her.
I think, before this is over, that the U.S. and Russia will come to the brink of a nuclear confrontation. It will be "Biden's" fault.
It may be part of the plan.
sum of all fears?
Putin and Trump will stage it to look that way.
The fucking mental patient in the studio is not running anything. Donald Trump is directing this reality show.
Seriously, you think they’re together?
Not together but certainly not on war footing. Both hate muslim infiltration, globalism, CCP, ISIS, central banks...
My SIL is Russian & says Putin is well-liked back home.
Half Ruski here, can confirm. Putin is Russia, lots of respect from my family. But places like Ukraine and Latvia(EU) and anywhere under EU influence is taught to hate him.
Remember when Trump did his “world tour” in 2017? First stop was SA where evil pedo al Waleed was Crown Prince. Well, soon as Trump visits, al Waleed is ousted (and a bunch of arrests happened at the same time) and in comes bin Salman who is an ally and against all the pedophilia.
I believe that whole tour was about getting many other leaders on board with the plan. They have all been fighting the DS in their own countries. Even Xi.
So yes, I think Putin, Xi, Kim and others are all on board here and will help stage a defcom 1 level scare event if necessary to help shake the stubborn normies awake.
This is a GLOBAL operation.
Defcon seems like the next step. Gonna be...tense.
And Russia is Trump's and our ally in this war. DS have been trying to get Putin and Russia for years now. With Russia gone, CCP doesn't have to worry about its northern border. And USA vs Russia war would kill two birds (eagle and Russian eagle or bear) with one stone - CCP wins again.
Scare event necessary.
I trust they know what they're doing
"As the blossoms of spring bloom, so shall the new world"...
This is a message I received last November ...I believe, based on everything I have been shown and told, change is definitely coming very soon...The Holy time is upon us...both in Jewish and Christian beliefs. We now must just wait a little longer...not going to date fag because God gives seasons, not dates but I'm leaning towards end of April....that's when blossoms bloom here...
April showers is one thing Q said in a post
...brings may flowers. And yes I think it is close. Its like the whole world is in a weird holding pattern
Interesting timing. Not only is easter celebrated in christianity as a resurrection, it was also a big holiday in B.C. cultures. People would celebrate the resurrection of the sun during the spring equinox (march 20th) as the sun once again "rises", marked by daylight hours outnumbering night time. A literal dark to light.
Yes most definately
YES!!! “You were not abandoned.” “The best is yet to come!”
Agreed. I had been going through an almost desperate period of searching for signs/clues of what would happen and when. Now for the past count of weeks I have a feeling of calm and assurance that good will prevail in God’s time.
I woke up Monday feeling it. Seems like a steady increase since.
Same here frens...
There are 31 Q posts on “dark to light” and we are approaching Spring when the days will be longer. More light is more transparency. Lots of Q posts with dark to light had to do with declass. https://qalerts.pub/?q=Dark+to+light
OK but to be fair spring after spring has sprung. How many springtimes do we get to keep re-assigning to the same Q drops? It seems like we're stretching these things pretty tight.
More like a rubber band stretched to its limit and about to snap.
A very calm peaceful feeling but READY
Yes indeed. The time draws nigh.
And I gotta peaceful easy feeling And I know you won't let me down 'Cause I'm already standing On the ground
The Eagles
Yes! I have been feeling crazy energy all day! Like something big is happening. Felt the same way January 6th also. Although I may have just overdosed on vitamin D....
Started yesterday, getting closer.
I just bought a maga hat
I bought 4 “FAKE NEWS” hats 2 for me and two to give to my Patriot friends. Man what a head turner.
Yes. I do feel it. This cannot continue much longer.
Yes, yes, yes.
Quivering house of cards.
I just believe in the info as I've seen it for 5 years. It's all there.
It's like the evil pressure is gone and joy has returned. God is here and we are about to see what He will do!
I feel almost like that, except the opposite LOL. Evil pressure intensifying, joy waiting in the wings without knowing what it's waiting for or for how long, and no way to find out, except by waiting.
That's emotion. But logically, there's no way in God's green fuck that Trump doesn't have this.
If he didn't know for dead certain he had an all-encompassing plan for after 1/20, then when the 1/6 coup d'etat came and went, he would have used those two weeks to wreak his revenge.
He'd have laid out in cold blood the naked proof of every sex deviant, traitor, racketeer and human trafficker, every criminal in the govt., have a slew of them arrested and jailed; take over the airwaves and run the video proof 24/7 so the world would KNOW their cover was blown, etc., etc. Use his massive presidential power to just poison the hell out of the new admin.
The fact that he instead played the meek little humble "good loser" and quietly did the soft-shoe shuffle off the stage with 17 flags, with a merry twinkle and a big toothy grin, and a "We'll be back, see you soon, the best is yet to come!"...that says it all, at top volume. When has he ever been meek like that, except never? The master of boisterous bluster and calculated revenge isn't getting bent over by these assholes and then not doing jack shit to them. No fucking way.
They are going to become one with pain.
Yea. It's back on the roller coaster, but instead of election treachery it's everything treachery. And it comes anew every, every day now. I hope it's Q plan, but I dread someone or some small group snapping. Not a mass shooting, but something else. Though, living in Los Angles, there's not much talk of anything like that here. Most of us are still under the radar here. I've been wearing my Trump mask in grocery stores and no one pays much attention. And no racial or religious tension that I can see or feel. Though the mind wipes don't pay much attention to anything here except the stupid Mayor and his Bride of Frankenstein health drone on at 5 pm every day. What's that line for "Roads to Moscow" ..."And the evening sings in a voice of amber, the dawn is surely coming. The morning road leads to Stalingrad, and the sky is softly humming"
Living in LA? You are surrounded by more friends than you know. We’re ALL underground here ?
Let me know how you feel in a couple of weeks
Most definitely there is.
Thing are going to get a fuck of a lot worse.
You ready for vaccine passports and more lockdowns?
If you think it's not coming snap the fuck out of it.
Put your big boy britches on.
Shit will get live. Fast.
Your neighbors are going to rat you out.
Learn to blend the fuck in or you are going to be a target.
Get healthy.
Eat right.
Talk to God.
Repent. You sin. You in all the time. Own it. Work on fixing it. Talk to HIM about it cuz for what's coming you're going to need Him and in a way many can't comprehend.
Shit is going to get REALLY FUCKING BAD soon.
Yes, 100%. I keep craving information about what is going on and I just can't find it anywhere. It's been a waiting game for so long that you'd think I'd be used to it by now, but this ramping up of tension right now is almost unbearable.
From what I hear/read, the Equinox is supposed to be a big deal this year. So I'm going to wait another couple of days and see what surfaces. Nice to know I'm not alone in this at least--feels validating. Thanks for posting.
Are you capable of forgiving liberals and bringing them to share in the truth?
Depends what they've done
WWG1WGA means something.
But not if they finally get educated about the world and enable the abuses and exploitation to continue. That's blaspheming the Holy Spirit as far as I'm concerned.
Unconscionable and unforgivable.
I meant if they do learn and change their ways, they're good. I've only seen one example of this though and she's cooler than everyone.
Definitely feel like things are habbening a lot now... ever since green screen bi-den.