Funny.. . but at no time did the Founders SPECIFY what kind of arms We The People were "permitted", but several contemporary letters and Federalist Papers of the time suggest they thought arms in the hands of citizens should be equal to those of the standing military.
Washington's first SOTU punctuates this point very well, starting in the third paragraph:
Among the many interesting objects, which will engage your attention, that of providing for the common defence will merit particular regard. To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.
A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined; to which end a Uniform and well digested plan is requisite: And their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories, as tend to render them independent on others, for essential, particularly for military supplies.
In other words: don't let China manufacture all our shit, praise the Lord, and pass the ammo.
No joke, I think people would be absolutely horrified to find out what firearms did back in the day. I'd absolutely prefer to be shot by an AR-15 rather than chain shot.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure 5.56 was specifically made to be as humane as possible. Clean entry and exit, doesn't fall to bits inside of whatever you're shooting. The wound itself isn't much bigger than that from a 9mm. Compare that with .308 or 7.62x39.
Alright I'm like 1 minute new here, but I've been lurking for a long time on this site soaking in as much info and I believe it's time I start bouncing ideas and knowledge as well!
I remember watching a history Channel show years ago can't remember what episode or show, probably modern marvels or something, but anyways to the point of this, 5.56 were created to be a lighter alternative to the 308, and more meant for wounding rather than killing. Wound a man and you potentially take multiple people out of the fight as they try to help their buddy. Nobody on either side wants to see their brother in arms bleed out.
This. I ran that idea by a military person and they told me it was BS. Lighter to carry = more rounds carried per soldier. Nothing to do with wound versus kill.
Hey like I said I saw it on history Channel. Probably not totally factual and probably just one "experts" speculation. Kinda made sense to me though when he said it.
It was made to be light and small so it’s easy to carry. It has the added advantage of tumbling after making contact, therefore making a devastating wound for such a small caliber. 7.62x39 might be what you’re thinking of. Those have a tendency to shoot through cleanly.
Its actually the other way around. 5.56 has a greater tendency to break apart and/or have a larger wound channel than those other calibers.
Note that it wasn't at all invented for this purpose...the military was thinking far more about logistics and ammo counts/weight over other considerations.
This reminds me of a video from the top of the stairs of an apartment. Four men break in and after a few seconds they come running out. One guy even leaps over the railing from two stories up. The owner had a pistol and fired just 2-3 shots at them so they all ran away.
This story isn't how it would happen. After that first blast all you would see is assholes and elbows. Most criminals are cowards.
Haha, I remember seeing this as the top comment in a facebook story about the New York Police department proudly posing next to a dangerous 'gun' they took off the street. It was a non-functional (no-hammer) rusted piece of junk that Yosemite Sam would have loved. They got blasted (no pun intended) in the comments and this was one of them.
In Switzerland the citizens are required to own and train with firearms. The government gives them ammo for free. Wouldn’t it be glorious if our goverment gave each adult citizen an AR in your choice of 5.56, .308 or .300 blackout and 500 rounds to shoot at local ranges? It would eliminate most crime. An armed society is a polite society. Imagine how nice that would be!
The best takeaway here is to use your stairs as a defendable position.
If all the bedrooms are upstairs, and you are shooting from the top of those stairs, it won't be difficult to convince a jury that you only shot in defense of your family who was upstairs scared of the home invaders.
it's also a great way to put a lot of stair treads between your invader and your body.
Funny.. . but at no time did the Founders SPECIFY what kind of arms We The People were "permitted", but several contemporary letters and Federalist Papers of the time suggest they thought arms in the hands of citizens should be equal to those of the standing military.
Washington's first SOTU punctuates this point very well, starting in the third paragraph:
In other words: don't let China manufacture all our shit, praise the Lord, and pass the ammo.
Founding fathers didn’t believe in a standing army
This is the basis behind Dragon Man and his armory.
They used a broad term "arms" specifically. This includes guns, tanks, drones, even nukes.
This ^ My favorite part along w/ “rapscallion”. Good stuff! Lol
No joke, I think people would be absolutely horrified to find out what firearms did back in the day. I'd absolutely prefer to be shot by an AR-15 rather than chain shot.
Or watch forged in fire, see what swords do. Firearms are down right humane and merciful by comparison.
I have a functional gladius that cuts like a mother... I shudder at the thought of what it would do to a human.
Not until after 1830...when it was invented by James Black for Jim Bowie. Well after the Revolution and Founding of the Country.
Yes, but you inferred "Bowie" so had to politely correct.
Sorry mate, but I'm bit of a stickler over Historical inaccuracies as it's part of what the Dems and Libs use to change it. Part of how we got here.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure 5.56 was specifically made to be as humane as possible. Clean entry and exit, doesn't fall to bits inside of whatever you're shooting. The wound itself isn't much bigger than that from a 9mm. Compare that with .308 or 7.62x39.
Alright I'm like 1 minute new here, but I've been lurking for a long time on this site soaking in as much info and I believe it's time I start bouncing ideas and knowledge as well!
I remember watching a history Channel show years ago can't remember what episode or show, probably modern marvels or something, but anyways to the point of this, 5.56 were created to be a lighter alternative to the 308, and more meant for wounding rather than killing. Wound a man and you potentially take multiple people out of the fight as they try to help their buddy. Nobody on either side wants to see their brother in arms bleed out.
5.56 wasn't specifically designed for wounding. And our military's tactics don't work around a "wound 1 to take out 3" type of approach.
This. I ran that idea by a military person and they told me it was BS. Lighter to carry = more rounds carried per soldier. Nothing to do with wound versus kill.
Hey like I said I saw it on history Channel. Probably not totally factual and probably just one "experts" speculation. Kinda made sense to me though when he said it.
Giorgio Tsoukalos was also on the History Channel. Just sayin'. ;-)
It was made to be light and small so it’s easy to carry. It has the added advantage of tumbling after making contact, therefore making a devastating wound for such a small caliber. 7.62x39 might be what you’re thinking of. Those have a tendency to shoot through cleanly.
It's tumble also makes it better for defense. Less over penetration
Its actually the other way around. 5.56 has a greater tendency to break apart and/or have a larger wound channel than those other calibers.
Note that it wasn't at all invented for this purpose...the military was thinking far more about logistics and ammo counts/weight over other considerations.
I'll take terrified Rapscallions for 300 Alex. Kek!
Grabs powdered wig before grabbing rifle. Style points.
You win the internet today. I had a good chuckle visualizing this scenario.
Yes. Even in NYC.
kEK! Keep the powder dry and the bayonet sharp, Fren!
Love this
Very funny.
This reminds me of a video from the top of the stairs of an apartment. Four men break in and after a few seconds they come running out. One guy even leaps over the railing from two stories up. The owner had a pistol and fired just 2-3 shots at them so they all ran away.
This story isn't how it would happen. After that first blast all you would see is assholes and elbows. Most criminals are cowards.
Love the subtle Apone reference
Love this
Haha, I remember seeing this as the top comment in a facebook story about the New York Police department proudly posing next to a dangerous 'gun' they took off the street. It was a non-functional (no-hammer) rusted piece of junk that Yosemite Sam would have loved. They got blasted (no pun intended) in the comments and this was one of them.
Grapeshot out of stock. Firing up the foundry...
Thank you for this. Damn near pissed myself laughing so hard
In Switzerland the citizens are required to own and train with firearms. The government gives them ammo for free. Wouldn’t it be glorious if our goverment gave each adult citizen an AR in your choice of 5.56, .308 or .300 blackout and 500 rounds to shoot at local ranges? It would eliminate most crime. An armed society is a polite society. Imagine how nice that would be!
I was literally laughing out loud reading this haha!
This never gets old.
I need to get a "powered wig"
Don't forget the tea and crumpets for our lads in blue
Why do you have to bring the neighbor’s dog into this ?
Just don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes, old chap!
I'm pretty sure level 3a armor can't save you from chain shot or grape shot.
Should be
Sounds like just another day in the cubicle.
Puckle gun
I need to weld up a golf ball cannon this weekend.
The best takeaway here is to use your stairs as a defendable position.
If all the bedrooms are upstairs, and you are shooting from the top of those stairs, it won't be difficult to convince a jury that you only shot in defense of your family who was upstairs scared of the home invaders.
it's also a great way to put a lot of stair treads between your invader and your body.
"Assault rifles" with 20 round magazine capacity existed during the time of the founding fathers. Austria's army had adopted them already
Good meme but yet another meme with a fucking misspelling. Get your shit together.
I’m liking the idea of a powered wig.... wind power to be period correct, I presume.
lol perhaps it wasn't a misspelling...
Ah! A classic copypasta!