As best as I can understand he’s recusing because he knows one of the attorneys involved and formerly employed him causing a conflict of interest. I could also be misunderstanding. Legalese is not my forte.
The weird part is the timing. Did he not know which lawyers were involved when the case was starting up? He had no problems doing things like asking for them million dollar bond without thinking that there was a conflict of interest then.
Judging by the attached note. It seems this attorney only just now got involved and showed up before this Judge. At least that’s the interpretation I get with the line
One of the attorneys who appeared for the first time this afternoon
Again. I’m not an expert in legalese. So I could be misunderstanding
This was the DS plan all along. Find a past associate and hire him at the last minute to cause a conflict of interest. Now they'll try to get a DS judge to replace the original judge. Pray that they don't succeed.
So Judge Coury didn't have a conflict of interest requiring his recusal until Sunday afternoon when a new lawyer, Chris Viskovic, entered his appearance for the first time.
The Judge could not have seen this coming, but attorney Viskovic certainly knew that by his joining the case, that would prompt Judge Coury to recuse himself.
It's right there on his law firm's web page, which states in part:
"Christopher Alfredo Viskovic is an associate attorney with Kolodin Law Group PLLC who received both his Bachelor of Science in Political Science and Juris Doctor from Arizona State University.
During his time in law school, Mr. Viskovic interned with Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Christopher Coury, and the State Elections Director Eric Spencer under Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan."
So this appears strategic on the part of Attorney Viskovic and whoever he is working with. Note that he also worked with the State Elections Director.
This is an underhanded tactic some lawyers use to try to get rid of a judge they don't want on a case they're trying.
I just saw where Justice Bolick of the AZ Supreme Court is taking over the case and praised Coury and his orders. I followed the thread under this journalist's tweet to find this. Someone replied with this and I screenshot it.
It doesn't matter because the separation of powers means that the courts have no legal authority over this. It's very clear in the Constitution that the state senates have the power when it comes to the elections.
Nothing good. Recusal means he is bowing out as the judge in charge of this case. Since the Dems have 70+ lawyers was probably one of theirs and the probably tried or planned for this outcome.
I guess it depends on who replaces him. We've all seen how democrat appointed judges don't care about the law and only rule how their supposed to for the most part.
I don't know US laws but, i find it strange that you can hire them after the judge has already been been seated, i mean, would be like a trojan horse, eg 'oh they assigned mr fucktard he's gonna rule against wait, call his HR find me someone that had interactions with this judge mr fucktard and hire him'
The word recusal in judicial context means to “remove oneself due to conflict of interest”. I will have to do some deeper digging to find out more about this judge and why he would see fit to recuse himself.
As best as I can understand he’s recusing because he knows one of the attorneys involved and formerly employed him causing a conflict of interest. I could also be misunderstanding. Legalese is not my forte.
The Democrats hired this lawyer knowing full well the Judge would have to recuse. This raises a few questions?
The weird part is the timing. Did he not know which lawyers were involved when the case was starting up? He had no problems doing things like asking for them million dollar bond without thinking that there was a conflict of interest then.
Judging by the attached note. It seems this attorney only just now got involved and showed up before this Judge. At least that’s the interpretation I get with the line
Again. I’m not an expert in legalese. So I could be misunderstanding
Thanks. That is really useful info.
This was the DS plan all along. Find a past associate and hire him at the last minute to cause a conflict of interest. Now they'll try to get a DS judge to replace the original judge. Pray that they don't succeed.
Likely to be replaced with Dem friendly Judge?
This is good then.
Recusal is to "avoid the appearance of impropriety" and a past relationship looks bad, whether there's anything there or not
Or they now have a way to install a "friendly" judge.
So Judge Coury didn't have a conflict of interest requiring his recusal until Sunday afternoon when a new lawyer, Chris Viskovic, entered his appearance for the first time.
The Judge could not have seen this coming, but attorney Viskovic certainly knew that by his joining the case, that would prompt Judge Coury to recuse himself.
It's right there on his law firm's web page, which states in part:
"Christopher Alfredo Viskovic is an associate attorney with Kolodin Law Group PLLC who received both his Bachelor of Science in Political Science and Juris Doctor from Arizona State University.
During his time in law school, Mr. Viskovic interned with Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Christopher Coury, and the State Elections Director Eric Spencer under Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan."
So this appears strategic on the part of Attorney Viskovic and whoever he is working with. Note that he also worked with the State Elections Director.
This is an underhanded tactic some lawyers use to try to get rid of a judge they don't want on a case they're trying.
Hmm, isn‘t there any legal possibility that the Lawyer has to get off that case instead of the judge having to recuse himself?
I mean, the lawsuit was filed last week, and the new lawyer was taken aboard after the initial filing of the suit...
Isn‘t there any legal way to exclude this lawyer and shine some light on this dirty trick?
We control the news. If Arizona pops off, we set the stage. They can’t keep it hidden. It’s THE news we’ve all been waiting for. SOME TRUTH
I just saw where Justice Bolick of the AZ Supreme Court is taking over the case and praised Coury and his orders. I followed the thread under this journalist's tweet to find this. Someone replied with this and I screenshot it.
Could you post a follow up thread here in GAW?
Sounds like he doesn't want to be apart of it.
Can you imagine the pressure on this case?
If he rules for Trump. The deepstate might kill him.
If he rules against Trump. He would have to deal with people.
Seems like this guy wanted nothing to do with it. So he is PUNTING it to another judge to handle.
I bet more judges try to find ways to get out of this as well.
Fine with me, keep delaying until they get 5k to 10k votes unfucked ?
Ugh I mean to say it's cool if the judges keep quiting, as long as the audit keeps rolling!
It doesn't matter because the separation of powers means that the courts have no legal authority over this. It's very clear in the Constitution that the state senates have the power when it comes to the elections.
Or he was doxxed and forced to leave only for dems to appoint their own judge... one that doesn’t play hard ball
At that point. If Trump is serious. He would have the miltary play hardball with this Dem appointed judge.
That's really the only way at this point.
Everyone knows that the dems will put their lawyers and judges into position. That's a 100% given.
If Trump cannot counter this. He was not going to reverse anything.
Yea but, for optics, Trump cannot be involved
That's why the military revealing dirt they have on the new appointee would be fair game.
The Democrats will do whatever it takes to steal it again.
Nothing good. Recusal means he is bowing out as the judge in charge of this case. Since the Dems have 70+ lawyers was probably one of theirs and the probably tried or planned for this outcome.
Damn... I knew this process wasn’t gonna be easy but it’s def a nail biting process. 5 or so more weeks to go
I'm here to rock n' roll and I'm all out of shoe polish
IKR. ?
Oh dur, thanks for posting this!? Good or bad better to know.
Your honor, deep state - line 1.
I guess it depends on who replaces him. We've all seen how democrat appointed judges don't care about the law and only rule how their supposed to for the most part.
His family threatened?
Mhhh the last part makes me think the fix is in and this is just a way to swap him out
A likely possibility I thought as well.
I don't know US laws but, i find it strange that you can hire them after the judge has already been been seated, i mean, would be like a trojan horse, eg 'oh they assigned mr fucktard he's gonna rule against wait, call his HR find me someone that had interactions with this judge mr fucktard and hire him'
done, you have a new judge...
I’m thinking maybe him or his family got doxxed or something
Yea I’m just trying to wrap my head around this notice
Funny you should conjecture, the GoP filling (TGP strike back) is to establish that no court technically has authority to make these requests. That appeared to be the gist of the article.
I'd guess threats on his and his family's life.
The word recusal in judicial context means to “remove oneself due to conflict of interest”. I will have to do some deeper digging to find out more about this judge and why he would see fit to recuse himself.
Yea please because it got me worried
@CodeMonkeyZ - wins - with $1million to fix the courts for Dominion.
Gunna need more rope.
Huh, imagine that.....wonder if something from his past came up...
That’s one way to get a new judge in.
Why? WTF. The Democrats Are As Guilty As Sin Itself.
I recon the dems coughed up the bucks
He is the one that tried to put a halt on the audit. So I would think this is a good thing.
I mean, he did also ask for a $1m bond towards the TRO.... maybe he is on our side?
I thought he is the one that put the $1 mil req in. His doesn't have good history with dem AZ
It says why he refused himself. It's the law.
Well obviously, and that’s just legal jargon, but I’m sure there was a deeper reason
It could be on purpose we don't know.
Maybe the DS wants to stall and did this? Maybe the judge feels this is too much?
Who knows,. it's still early.
The cliff notes version: The cunt Judge knows and is in on it.