I used to travel about 25% of the time internationally for work. After all of this Wu Flu bullshit, I've reached the same conclusion as PJW: I'll die happy if I never leave the United States again.
Our country is truly exceptional and is worth dying for.
Amen, brethren. Spare a thought for those of us who want to get in to the US because we know parts of your wonderful nation before long are going to be the last corners of liberty and sanity left on the planet. I’m a white Brit so your southern border is out of the question; if I go direct to an airport in a free state, I will need to navigate zero or dwindling airline options that aren’t demanding vaxes. There are other avenues which I won’t discuss here. I woke up this morning to the news that one of our last remaining eminently qualified UK fighters, ex-Pfizer Chief Scientist Mike Yeadon, is throwing in the towel and leaving the UK to move to Florida. I really am stoked for Florida and the US, but in the UK we are losing a colossus and important warrior. This seems to have been pretty much his parting shot - an interview for the Planet Lockdown documentary. https://rumble.com/vg4inv-michael-yeadon-full-interview-planet-lockdown.html
I wonder how the mask thing works with people who have circulation issues when they fly on airplanes? Does the reduction of oxygen intake make it worse? Seems like something that could result in a lawsuit.
There is about a 25% reduction in O2 from sea level (20.9%) to 8,000' (15%). Most airlines maintain cabin pressure between 5000 and 8000...so yes, there is considerably less O2, now throw in a mask and I'd bet folks would be real surprised at their saturation levels.
I got my PPL after the TSA decided one day to single my veteran looking ass out of the line for "random" screening while Ahkmed Ahmabababad walks on through whistling the hadji version of Dixie. Way back in those days it was just starting to become "offensive" to profile....never flew commercial since, and never will.
Patriot act was the beginning of the end of our constitution and republic. I unplugged that day as my GAF meter pegged, and have patiently waited for the Storm.
I flew on 4 different flights these past two weeks. I happen to take Southwest. On one of them when the flight attendant made the announcements he said, " It is very important to keep your mask on during the flight and between sips and bites. We must work togather to stay safe. If somebody around you is making you feel uncomfortable please notify a flight attendant right away".
Now he did not directly say to tell on your neighbor but that is what I heard.
On a lighter note.... I was not wearing a mask in any of the airports themselves SLC, PHX, SAT, or DEN and nobody said anything. Oh and I didn't catch Kung-Flu... SURPRISE! Lol
I was on a flight recently and the air waitress lost her shit about me messing with the mask. Flipping out about if I moved the mask again I would be "written up". Its not like shopping where you can tell the mask nazi to fuck off. On a plane you are owned.
I even canceled a credit card that had travel rewards because I doubt I will be traveling except short haul work flights.
So what happens if you wait until that plane is at its cruising altitude, and you take your mask off completely? What are they going to do? Turn that sucker around?
Upon landing, you'll be arrested and charged with "interfering with a flight crew", and promptly placed on the "no fly" list. I'm sure it'll be worth it, though.
The local high school students bought suckers and since they were busy eating, didn’t have to wear a mask. It can take an hour or two to finish.... I heard them say to each other “do not go to the doctor” when a couple of them had cold symptoms... Guess what? No positive covid cases in the county.
Stop flying until these demented companies stop supporting and abetting the Deep State propaganda. When airlines, cruise ships, train and bus companies start losing money, they will stop impinging on our God given rights.
I want to return to Poland so badly, I love it there, but with the restrictions and the insane airlines and possibly "needing" the jab just to leave the country I'm afraid I won't be able to go. It feels like we're going to have to wait YEARS until things "go back to normal" but I'm scared it won't at all, even if the Great Awakening happens. The elites have such a stranglehold on everything...
I used to travel about 25% of the time internationally for work. After all of this Wu Flu bullshit, I've reached the same conclusion as PJW: I'll die happy if I never leave the United States again.
Our country is truly exceptional and is worth dying for.
I've always said, I'll travel the world once Jesus comes and cleans it up.
I really used to want to travel, but google maps is good enough for me.
100% this. I'm proud to live in the US.
Right on! It’s also beautiful and has all the different climates & terrain you could possibly want to visit. We’re blessed here.
Amen, brethren. Spare a thought for those of us who want to get in to the US because we know parts of your wonderful nation before long are going to be the last corners of liberty and sanity left on the planet. I’m a white Brit so your southern border is out of the question; if I go direct to an airport in a free state, I will need to navigate zero or dwindling airline options that aren’t demanding vaxes. There are other avenues which I won’t discuss here. I woke up this morning to the news that one of our last remaining eminently qualified UK fighters, ex-Pfizer Chief Scientist Mike Yeadon, is throwing in the towel and leaving the UK to move to Florida. I really am stoked for Florida and the US, but in the UK we are losing a colossus and important warrior. This seems to have been pretty much his parting shot - an interview for the Planet Lockdown documentary. https://rumble.com/vg4inv-michael-yeadon-full-interview-planet-lockdown.html
Thanks for the Yeadon interview mate. He knows what's up.
I spy, with my little eye....
I wonder how the mask thing works with people who have circulation issues when they fly on airplanes? Does the reduction of oxygen intake make it worse? Seems like something that could result in a lawsuit.
I hope it does. Not that I want anyone to pass out, but to sue the airlines.
There is about a 25% reduction in O2 from sea level (20.9%) to 8,000' (15%). Most airlines maintain cabin pressure between 5000 and 8000...so yes, there is considerably less O2, now throw in a mask and I'd bet folks would be real surprised at their saturation levels.
My blood oxygen saturation is 95% with face diaper on, 98% without it covering my mouth and nose.
I traveled around the country for some time, but now, I won’t get on a plane until this is over.
I got my PPL after the TSA decided one day to single my veteran looking ass out of the line for "random" screening while Ahkmed Ahmabababad walks on through whistling the hadji version of Dixie. Way back in those days it was just starting to become "offensive" to profile....never flew commercial since, and never will.
Patriot act was the beginning of the end of our constitution and republic. I unplugged that day as my GAF meter pegged, and have patiently waited for the Storm.
I flew on 4 different flights these past two weeks. I happen to take Southwest. On one of them when the flight attendant made the announcements he said, " It is very important to keep your mask on during the flight and between sips and bites. We must work togather to stay safe. If somebody around you is making you feel uncomfortable please notify a flight attendant right away".
Now he did not directly say to tell on your neighbor but that is what I heard.
On a lighter note.... I was not wearing a mask in any of the airports themselves SLC, PHX, SAT, or DEN and nobody said anything. Oh and I didn't catch Kung-Flu... SURPRISE! Lol
If approached, put your head on your knees and mumble "I feel sick. Think I'm having a panic attack."
All we need is an airline that ends this bullshit and they'll immediately bankrupt every other airline.
I was on a flight recently and the air waitress lost her shit about me messing with the mask. Flipping out about if I moved the mask again I would be "written up". Its not like shopping where you can tell the mask nazi to fuck off. On a plane you are owned.
I even canceled a credit card that had travel rewards because I doubt I will be traveling except short haul work flights.
So what happens if you wait until that plane is at its cruising altitude, and you take your mask off completely? What are they going to do? Turn that sucker around?
Upon landing, you'll be arrested and charged with "interfering with a flight crew", and promptly placed on the "no fly" list. I'm sure it'll be worth it, though.
Wooooww such bullshit. What if everyone on the plane refuses?
The local high school students bought suckers and since they were busy eating, didn’t have to wear a mask. It can take an hour or two to finish.... I heard them say to each other “do not go to the doctor” when a couple of them had cold symptoms... Guess what? No positive covid cases in the county.
Stop flying until these demented companies stop supporting and abetting the Deep State propaganda. When airlines, cruise ships, train and bus companies start losing money, they will stop impinging on our God given rights.
Oh dear lord I would never get on an airplane until this bullshits over. Many opportunities but I passed on all of them.
I want to return to Poland so badly, I love it there, but with the restrictions and the insane airlines and possibly "needing" the jab just to leave the country I'm afraid I won't be able to go. It feels like we're going to have to wait YEARS until things "go back to normal" but I'm scared it won't at all, even if the Great Awakening happens. The elites have such a stranglehold on everything...
It's true. There was a story just recently about a guy getting thrown off because he didn't put it back on btw bites
Hope they at least gave him a parachute.