My uncle just took his second shot of Moderna, 3 days later he had massive stroke like symptoms and blood clots.
He cant move his left arm at all, he can barely move his legs, at least hes still cognative
Even worse as his symptoms where developing the hospital sent hom home because they couldnt figure out what was wrong with him!
Mind you he had some underlying conditions and obstacles at his age 50+ but who dosent at that age.
Mark my words the Covid scare will go down as one of the greatest crimes against humanity of all time.
Hospital staff is sweeping all this under the rug but the dam is about to break.
Health industry is all in this, but they're all going to be guilty by association for taking bribe money (covid money), ignorance is not a defense.
Update: He's recovering and in rehab, movement is still very limited. He's very determined however and with a little prayers and miracles he may one day walk again.
The jab is no joke people, this shit is deadly and your playing with fire. Both my parents in their 60s now regret getting their jab.
Definitely an eye opener for the family close to me.
And this is my big scare....all of a sudden I'm getting calls from my doctors to go into hospital for various surgeries. Getting calls from some "primary care group" that they could come to my house and jab me (didnt even ask if I had it or antibodies). I'm afraid that if in hospital, under anesthesia or awake, force jab me.
So sorry for your uncle. Just now said a prayer for him
Drop your doc. Find a naturopath. Natural medicine is one of the most effective red pills.
Find some good CoQ10 and take it religiously... :) I do-helps mitigate the statin..
You might want to look for a naturopathic MD or DO, who can prescribe medication.
If we can't sue the vaccine companies, I think the hospitals, clinics, doctors and nurses who are giving the vaccine are not really letting the patient give informed consent. They're not talking about risks, benefits, possible side-effects including death.
On the basis of not being able to give informed consent, I think those hurt could sue.
Ooo good reminder. I’m going to send my dentist a message letting them know I’m in the control group and need to limit contact with the vaccinated. Is that Something they can facilitate? We shall see...
Who the fuck would let a dentist give them a vaccine for anything?
Maybe my plumber can repair my refrigerator too, but that's not their job so I don't want them mucking around in a place that's not their specialty.
Sorry to hear that. My parents took the J&J shot and now, after seeing my uncle they believe me lol. Little too late, but I'll take late better than never. Myself, the misses and my children will be far far away from the jab as much as possible.
I told her they'll have to kill me first before I get the jab.
holy shit. sorry fren
My mom died less than2 weeks after the shot. She had covid(supposedly) months earlier. Fuckers killed my mom for no reason.
I am so sorry about what happened to your mom prayers for comfort for you .
My mother in law has cancer and has had hear heart checked every 3 months . Her Doktyr said “cOvid iS a dEadLy diSeAsE!!!” So she got the shot. Next day she had a widowmaker heart attack. Stented in 10 mins . In the hospital- in ICU - she was pushing to get her second shot. There’s no sense fighting with people anymore. “Those convinced against their will are of the same opinion still “
Sorry to hear about your uncle - God Rest His Soul ?
We hope they are all found guilty and found accountable. By that I mean executed for crimes against humanity.
Especially Bill Gates and Fauci.
Lord, I hope I witness justice being served in my lifetime
sorry to hear that
"because they couldnt figure out what was wrong with him" this is an issue i'm seeing with all these bad situations
all tests show nothing wrong with people who have complaints after the jab
Same story for any medically induced issue, been hearing it for years "we can't figure out what's wrong, it's a mystery". No. They know..... they just don't admit it.
This reminds me of when my Mom was at the hospital for a check up on something and her blood pressure spiked for the first time in her life and she didn't know why she suddenly wasn't feeling well. The nurse was just like yeah I don't know, you should go see your doctor. My Mom was literally in a hospital and this nurse had no suggestions on how to help her.
Sorry to here it fellow patriot, and I believe you are speaking truth. I believe COVID and the reaction to COVID is a huge crime against humanity. It makes me sick
Nothing will happen to the health industry... no accountability at all.
People lined up to take a free "emergency vaccine" which is NOT FDA approved, so they agreed to be part of the experiment.
The health industry will be part of the cover-up, along with Big Tech, Mainstream Media, Social Media, the CDC and the Biden Administration. They've been suppressing any facts about the "vaccine" dangers all along... and banning anyone who dares speak about it.
They will continue the cover-up. People will continue to be maimed and die from the vax. Buckle up... it's going to get MUCH worse later this year when the actual effects of the mRNA vax begin to show up. 150 MILLION Americans have agreed to take an experimental vax... and it won't surprise me if 10% of them either become crippled for life or die in the next year.
Do you really think the white hats will let that happen?
There might be a cure here:
That's the same vein of questioning as: "would the white hats still let people die from cancer, chronic illness, join the military to fight in a rich mans war, become homeless, get sex trafficked, etc" when we have technology and truth to prevent these things from happening?
Suffering is unavoidable until the very end, we cannot rely on a secret group of military/government insiders to prevent it. Heck, God himself will not prevent all the suffering on Earth because there's a reason for it. So yes, they would let that happen and it's up to us to spread the truth.
What have the white hats done to this point to stop it?
To believe that the "white hats" are in control, is getting to be harder every day. They aren't demonstrating a whole lot of control and it's bordering on "trust us, you can take more pain". I don't think the "white hats" if they have control, have THAT much control, anyway.
Putting such blind faith in people like this isn't healthy. It's getting a bit like that Simpson's episode with "The Leader".
It's not blind faith. It's just faith.
The mRNA vaccine makers are Moderna and Pfizer-BIONTech. There's way more than 4,000 fatalities because VAERS says that only around 1% of adverse reactions are reported. Just like the OP's uncle is not likely to ever be reported as a vaccine casualty. Multiply that all over the country.
My husband is not following this group nor Q, yet even he can rattle off the statistics of those who have died from this shot.
Each new day brings new opportunities for me to "just say NO". I am really sorry to hear about this, Fren. It's not really shocking to see the consistent denial and cover up. Again, between the $$$ that these drug companies are raking in, to the side effects that bring about new treatment opportunities for jab-related diseases, there's no incentive to be honest and every incentive to be dishonest and play cover-up games. The day of reckoning for these people needs to come soon. Using the "I was just following orders" card will not work.
My FIL can barely walk after his second - knees are in major pain
Those second jabs are a doozy. Prayers for you and your FIL.
I would recommend reporting it to for all the good it will (not) do. Still, it should not go unreported. I'm very sorry to hear of your situation. That's horrible.
Yes please do everything you can to make sure it shows up in VAERS. The doctors and nurses and hospital will fight you ever step of the way but VAERS is critical in helping to eventually wake up the profane.
I was going to write the same thing.
Report to vaers
Same. My Aunt had a stroke shortly after taking the vaccine. It's caused her other, less severe issues as well.
The jab is fucking killing people. Why do sheep willingly lead themselves to the slaughter?
Sorry OP about your Uncle and sorry for all others here who have posted either their health issues or those of friends and family.
When POTUS gets back into office and all this type of vaccine horror hits the fan, Big Pharma will be no more.
Oh and there are no cigarette or alcohol commercials allowed on tv but every other fricking commercial is for medication. We are, I believe, one of only a couple of countries worldwide where Big Pharma can push their poison on tv. Bug Pharma kills.
These people are traitors and need to go through the old court system then hung.
So sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, he isn't the first and won't be the last to have a problem from this shot.
I've seen one dr say that the extensive pulmonary emboli the patient has could have been caused by the covid19 vax they had or month or so prior. Most don't even mention it in the admitting note. Saw another case of extensive PE, pt had a history of dvt once but had taken Pfizer's jab 4 weeks prior. If anyone wants to read through the short notes for each death from or surrounding the jab here are the current results for DEATHS
One more thing. I wonder what or when we'll hear from the insurance companies about all the costs skyrocketing because of the adverse effects of the jab. Though if the doctor doesn't state the visit is due to the jab(the effects of)then it won't get coded that way and the insurance won't deny payment. They're probably in bed with and being paid off by big pharma to keep their mouths shut and don't question it.
Ever since i saw someone on here talking about how he makes up stories to "redpill normies" on YouTube, I've been more than a little skeptical of Covid-related testimonials of any sort. But if this is true, my deepest condolences to your uncle. That sounds awful.
I think you are smart to be skeptical of anything anyone says. I know what side of this battle I am on, but I also try to be aware of the possibility that my side is bullshitting as well. I think OP is telling the truth though. He is largely preaching the choir here.
If that's the case, my heart truly goes out to OP and their family. I don't mean to detract from medical issues; they're all horrible to suffer through.
Praying for u all!! ??
Repost of a PDF with evidence of side effects. Perhaps helpful in convincing people to look a little deeper into it before getting vaccinated:
Mega prayers for your uncle... my old man still on oxygen after the first shot... after 3 weeks in hospital no diagnosis, just recommended not to take second jab
Same thing happened to my father about 10 days after second shot. My wife’s aunt died of a stroke/blood clot three days ago after receiving second shot.
It's not just the health industry, it's Gov't organizations down to small cities and counties, small and large businesses and the gap starts at the top. If the top believes this whole conspiracy their going to push for mandatory vaccines in the states they can; they don't care what their employees concerns are. If the top believes this whole thing is crap then you are likely to see the opposite approach. The lines in the sand are clear even on the legal profession side; if the law firm believes CONVID then they will say - of course you can mandate your employees get the VAX. The divide is going to get greater and greater until something explodes.
that dam needs to fucking break for sure!!! im about to move back to my home state and my fam doesn't even care that they wanna keep me & my fam away from my dad bc we are unvaxxed. when they are now the ones in danger.
We're gradually expanding the number of people in our social circle who decline the vaccine. Person by person.
I truly hope the effects on your uncle are just temporary and begin to fade.
its very sad to see these people kill themelves.
I am SO sorry to hear this !