I've been seeing a lot more than I would expect of people doubting the plan, and being impatient. The "Nothing is Happening!" crowd clearly haven't been paying attention to anything but the MSM at this rate. So i figured another orbital round up for the month would help.
For those unfamiliar with my last round up from an orbital view: https://greatawakening.win/p/12iN7IkDtW/morale-booster-orbital-view-as-o/ will give you the scoop as of april 17th. But in order to not repeat myself ill let you see for yourself how weve been winning this whole time.
Now lets hit up the usa:
- Even more 2a restrictions have been removed in vatious states since my last report. One even made a 50cal rifle their "state weapon".
- Florida and Texas are leading the charge against covid restrictions, banning mandatory anything and opening up their states practically fully now. More following suit.
- Lets get into Arizona, where for almost month the audit has been going on. So much winning, and so much media panic here, it beggars belief. Honestly this is a movie in its own right, and deserves several Oscars. I think maricopa county is on its 4th emergency meeting on how to stop the audit, and still no joy.
- Further to AZ, a citizen group is suing for election mishandling for 3 years of elections now (2018 to 2020 inclusive).
- Michigan counties demanding an audit in full, like AZs.
- VA gop lead runner for senate threatening to audit if ahe doesnt win.
- VA state senators seems to be doing an audit as well in the background anyway.
- Chauvin case now (as i, and anyone with a brain predicted) being challenged due to fraudulent jurors and compromised conditions. The pyrrhic victory here is going to become a huge loss in the not to distant future.
- Biden looking and acting more demented daily.
- Kameltoe walked out of meeting with Mexico after being lambasted on how shit they are doing border control wise.
- Gates' are divorcing over Bill's epstein connections, and more data on how much of a sleaze-fest he is has come to the surface every day.
- Doctors coming out from everywhere on how shit these "vaccines" are.
- 16 congressmen resigning at the end of 2021 term
- Back to florida, where desantos is planning to charge big tech with fines for every day a fl politician is deplatformed.
- Newsom recall in progress, and a new governor will be elected.
- Dominion being counter sued by Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, and by my pillow, with discovery on the cards.
- Lin Wood making loads of waves in SC and giving good quality targets, with RampartPAC's "website" being a chinese porn aggregator (recommend you dont go to it tbh, its well dodgy, i did make sure that got archived though) , and his main competitor Drew having many aliases and email accounts in record tracing sites (the kvpea____@gmail.com one is intriguing to me).
- (for Q+) candice owens suggests fauci should be in federal prison.
Okay so that's a good sit rep for america since my last orbital posting, but what about everywhere else?
- Lets look at military activity around the globe as a set (copied and tidied up from my post on the subject):
- first was Myanmar, which gave us a preview of what will come.
- egypt, turkey, Qatar and Israel claimed the joint stopped the evergiven, with us and russia on either side of the canal. Never worked together before this year. Fun fact: Egypt is the 12th strongest military globally, and the largest in africa.
- us mil dropping q comms constantly.
- german, french, uk, and us navy in south china sea
- Iranian revolutionary guard raids iran pres for docs
- japan training with marines
- nk showing aggression vs biden, despite him being china's puppet
- france ret. officers and rank & file threatened macron government
- loads of uk mil activity going on in gb, no idea why
- india skirmishing with china at border for months.
- us and german military is sending "supplies" under the guise of covid relief to India.
- india and aussie militaries agreed a 4.3 billion dollar deal with us mil recently
- Russia is selling arms to india still, despite continued border skirmishes with russias traditional "ally"
- chad military appoints new leader
- daesh under fire from us, south african special forces, and potentially saudi Arabian forces in Mozambique
- Guinea-Bissau coup displaced ruling party
- Honduras has had a coup (and is killing loads of trans people now apparently)
- Paraguay also had a lite version of a coup soon after that
enter billy mayes But wait, there's more!
- In international football (soccer to the americans out there) a 4 billion GBP boondoggle of the European Super League died before it played a game, driving the government to move to a fan controlled club model, and threatening ownerships in place today.
- The uk government swung further away from the labour party and leftism last week at a local level.
- The queen of england called for photo id requirements in the next general election
- Madame le Pen acquitted for hate speech, and backing the military to take back france for the french.
- Pope is still under threat from the rest of the catholic church over the last pope's resignation
- Germany, where a doctor has amassed a case with more evidence than even I thought possible against the WHO, CDC, and western leaders over covid. The lockdowns, the mask mandates, and the vaccines are all in the mix for nuremberg code violations and crimea against humanity at the hague.
- At the risk of repeating myself, Israel is also facing something similar from its own people in the Hague.
- Bolsanaro in brazil - that mad lad is going over the wall on covid as well. His speech, though hyperbolic, was brilliant.
- Global economies seem to be on a knife edge now as the inflation in the usa begins to be felt.
- Chinese viral programs showing up how covid was a damp squib of a bio weapon. Trust china to fail quality control every way possible, including in releasing a plague that doesnt kill most who get it.
- Lockdown protests still happening, going off and on bloody everywhere.
- Japan, bless those based asians, seem to be trusting their own genetics over the vaccines, much to the chagrin of their billionaires.
- Even New Zealand is starting to awaken on the vaccines and covid being tripe.
- 600 spainish doctors claim covid is a global scam. And Publicly, too.
- Back to the UK where critical race theory is getting hammered out of government by black Conservative politicians.
- To finish off, and hot off the presses, the council of Europe apparently is lambasting Germany and the Merkel admin's failed corruption probe so this should be a fun one to watch.
So the next time you see someone claiming "nothing is happening", then take this post and ask them one simple question: ARE YOU TIRED OF WINNING YET??
Remember: WWG1WGA & NCSWIC
It's habitual for even us Q followers to look at the "news" as an authority on world events when we know it's not.
Ignore the programming and as OP has described there is an insane amount of happenings. Imagine if a real news agency existed and was reporting on any subset of the above? We'd all be dead on the floor from habbening orgasm overload (but marked as COVID deaths of course).
Updoots for top kek-ery.
God gave me an excellent memory, ngl. I choose to use it to the full here whenever i can. My advice is to "be less goldfish". Writing down what is going on can help those who don't have my level of mental recall.
Fyi a massive h/t to u/WinsAnon for the dailies that give me my ammo.
Bravo u/Lupinate! ?
Updoots to u/WinsAnon! ?
We have a Tippy Top family of Patriots here! ??
Can someone provide more reference to what point number 9, Balsonaro is about?
He was in press conference of some sort and came out and said COVID was bullshit. Of course it was more politically correct than my version, but honestly, not a metric shit ton more PC. It was pretty bold. Check YT or BITCHUTE, search in him and COVID comment. You'll find it.
Where is the 100 Updoots button? ^^^
Great stuff OP!!!
Right here 100!!!! Brilliant, Lupinate!❤️
Apparently on the Dominion voting machines.
Oh my Kek!
This was so glorious.
Now THIS is a quality post. Many thanks for this and this is just main stream sources. If we apply the exposed ice berg rule (which I'm sure the Q team uses as a Titanic reference to irritate the cabal players) there is so much we are NOT seeing.
WW3 will be known as the Silent War because no one heard much about it while it's happening which I suppose is a mirror of all the cabal's wars. Brilliant strategy when you think about it because brainwashed populations of people cannot be used as pawns and they can't get the pawns involved without exposing themselves in the process.
Indeed. I suspect what i am showing is but scratching at a surface that is deeper than we can even imagine.
I would agree. Excellent summary of winnings but I'm sure it goes much deeper and wider - hope.we find out how big it all is and was in the end. Thanks for doing this because even as a based patriot, I still doubt from time to time.
It's being said so far in most every comment (currently posted) but I'm gonna throw out another one ....
I love this post. I love this Patriot.
THANK YOU @Lupinate. You are now on my list of Favorite Patriot Frens. Best Frens. FRENS FOR LIFE!!!!
"i only regret that I have but one updoot to give, for if I had a thousand updoots, I would give them all" ~ Pepe Hale
I am but a humble shepherd, tending to my pedes. Thank you for your vote of confidence in me.
Thank you, fren and Patriot! Well done and greatly appreciated.
That's a lot of winning. Still, I look forward to the time we can clearly see we have won. These little wins don't scratch that itch like they used to. Getting tired of this kind of winning.
Just win and be done with it all ready.
It only takes a single thrush calling out on the mountain top to start an avalanche. It only takes a pebble to slip and cause a landslide. It tooks but a single voice to move the nation. Small wins matter fren.
Agreed, but we were warned we would get tired of winning. I think I get what that means.
Looking forward to what comes next, when the winning is done and the future opens up.
Yup. I do wish the cabal would roll over and beg for death already myself, but until then, ill keep watching the wins and fire these at the boards as needed.
Tied nicely in a big fat BQW! Thank you!
Well hot damn I was wondering when trump would get proved right about getting tired of winning. Like most of his 4d chess moves I did not expect it to come in this form tho lol.
#11 on your ‘everywhere else’ list nearly made me laugh a mouthful of dinner across the room. I know from personal experience - Chinese QC is all C and zero Q. Overall this is a top post. I was aware of around 2/3rds - a few I will have to look up. You have occupied a special place in my heart right next to WinsAnon.
Dang thanks so much for putting this together!!! We all needed a reminder where we are at and how far we have gone!
RE: "Japan, bless those based asians, seem to be trusting their own genetics over the vaccines, much to the chagrin of their billionaires." hee-hee.. "bless those based asians".... KEK!! But seriously - this is AMAZING!! God Bless!!
Thank you ness, it is appreciated
This seems sticky worthy to me. Do you agree?
Giving it an Upvoat.
Not crimea. Maybe Ukraine?
Kek but a typo...
A one man newspaper- I have a lot to read up on and catch up with, especially with the international news. This must have taken a lot of work, thank you for taking the time to catch the rest of us up.
Couldnt do it without loads of inspiration from you all, my fellow patriots. Especially WinsAnon and his daily drops. That pede is far more of a workhorse than i am to be frank.
This is wonderful to see these all listed in one place. I wasn't even dooming, but this helps a lot.
Try to do an orbital bombardment about once a month. I honestly look forward to the day it isnt required but until then, ill keep at it.
My favorite, general flynns bother commands the U.s. forces aligned against china. Does anybody really believe Biden did that??? Cmon man.
Interim report as of apr 21: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E9blJ1PVzZY
I’m incredibly appreciative of the time and effort you put in with this post. It’s extremely helpful. Thank you!
‘Nothing is happening’ is based on feelings; what you’ve given us is facts. Thanks so much.
Just read this with gratitude.
Nothing can stop what is coming
Excellent post. Can we make OP a contributor?
“Wins of the Month” has a nice ring to it.
Huge-ly winning. Thanks for compiling and posting this. WWG1WGA !
Thank you very much, Anon. Very impressive!
I think too many people on GAW didn't read the Qposts at all. I only did it in the time after Jan 20, 2021, but that alone gave me a huge dosis of Hopium. And all these "little" happenings every week make it even better. In addition, as Trump now returned to the public I assume the ride gets even more wild!
PS, any sources on the first point 12)? Doctors... I am also looking for more info on that last point 7) German doctor...
The spanish one is out today probably still in the "hot" list if it isnt pinned.
Dr reiner fuellmich i think is the german's name: https://worlddoctorsalliance.com/tags/reiner-fuellmich/ he has his own site with covid scam data on it (in german)
Thanks, yes I knew the name but not the website. I'm actually from Germany and can tell you that you hear basically nothing about him in German news. (But that is no surprise, the media is as fake as in the US.)
Its almost like this is a "Wins of the month". Great post, i saw things i wasn't aware about before. WWG1WGA!
Rand Paul is talking to Fauci on the gain of function research. They are running a piece in National Review. The usual trolls in the comments are a little quiet. Some of the RINOs appear to be having a bit of a WTF moment.
My initial reaction was, geez guys, a little late to the party on this...but then I realized this hasn't really been covered in the MSM.
Well done lad.
Much appreciate for this excellent post. And no, I'm no where near tired of winning, KEK
Great job putting that together! There were a few things in there I wasn’t aware of. Thank you!
Anything for a fren ?
Wow just WOW thank you fren! WWG1WGA ❤️
Just had a win-gasm.
Thanks for the compilation!!
This is BRILLIANT! Nicely done.
Nice hopium stash you got there brother
Thank you sir, it's just hard to see through the fog.
This is surface level digging, but compiled so nicely I'm happy you did it. That goes to show how lazy the black pill crowd is nowadays.
Wont deny that one, although the military digs did take some time
Those tend to be more difficult to get good info, very true. Also military habbenings are the only things some people care about but they also have to be kept secret for a good reason. It's frustrating for us civilian plebs who want some reassurance... You just CANNOT say nothing is happening or claim that darkness has won. Thank you for keeping the faith