Clintons Hit with Bad News as Judge Issues Order on Criminal Investigation of Their Foundation
? B O O M ! ?
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I agree. Doesn't look like Hitlery at all.
Don't CM BD Eyes.
I wonder if Bill seduced and banged the Hillary double yet? He's kind of legendary like that...
Bill didn't always have time for the "seduce" part and would just rape.
No he was more of a “surprise sex” enthusiast ?
Struggle Snuggle
Slow to anger Fast to Rape
Bill Clinton was the originator of the phrase "it is not rape if you yell surprise"
Hahahahaha! Sad but true.
so you're saying that bill would skip first, second and third base and go right for the home plate??
You know the story. Trump, Clinton, Obama & Bush are on a ship that crashed into an iceberg. Trump immediately gets up & says:: "We need to save the woman & children". In unison Bush & Obama say "Fuck the women & children" Clinton hears them & replies "Is there time?"
That's not Bill, either.
I wonder if they will jail the double?
no way thats hillary
First thing I thought.
looks more like an actress ive seen, i cant think of her name rn tho...height is different
That reminds me of Kamala pseudo inauguration with the satanic bible below her hand.
Satanic Bible? Whoa I’ve not seen that before. Do you have the sauce?
Idk what he means. She had a bible but she put her handbag between her hand and the Bible to not make contact with it from what I saw.
No sauce, just a picture in one of the angles you can see her hamd is above another book. Bunch of speculation on what that book could be, a satanic bible was one of many other possibilities. Whatever it was, she did not swear over the normal bible that was provided.
Better every loop.
Wins keep stacking up.
Poor Judge.
I hope he has a seal team protecting him
Maybe he'll be the 1st arrest. Nah.
“Ladies first.”
“Yeah, Hillary, we know you’re hardly a lady, but this includes you, so get your fat ass in the van, bitch. Ok, now you, Bill.”
Someone I have followed for a long while says Hillary left this world while in Greenland.
Interesting ?
The source is Gene Decode. He is guest on many shows. I heard it on Blessed 2 Teach. You will have to search out the episode for yourself. His info has proven to be credible, but listen for yourself. He is not the only one I’ve heard it from but he was the first.
So laughable that they expected us to believe that was Killary on “inauguration day”.
It was the 59th presidential inauguration. Check it out in the caption. Wtf
That's because every 4 years there's an inauguration whether it's a new term or a re-election. The inauguration number doesn't coincide with the president number.
That's Theresa Barnwell. She's the look a like, shorter than Hitler. If you look at past pics of bill and hill you'll see they're much closer in height. Barnwell comes to bills chin.....not that we're seeing real bill either.
In before the judge and the prosecutor kill themselves with 8 shots on the back of the head
Before stuffing themselves into duffle bags and tossing themselves off a bridge
hehe thats defiantly not Hillary
always with the damn purple...
I thought I was being gangstalked a decade ago. Turns out it was just white collar gay recruitment that pretty much is gangstalking. I researched it. People talked about gangstalking and the example used most is getting people to react to something like a PERSON WEARING A RED BASEBALL CAP. This was years before 2016. Purple is their gang sign. We are reacting to scripts.
For info - hearing in the Clinton Foundation And Moynihan & Doyle’s digg
I don’t think that’s bill either. Check out the size of his ear canal and how black it is. Prolly a mask.
Chelsea might be the only one left
Well I didn’t downvote, but we’ve lived through hundreds of dead-end Clinton “investigations”, so I can understand some skepticism.
Many investigators talk the talk while actively hampering justice behind the scenes like Bill Barr.