Good now threaten a class action lawsuit to the entire school district naming everyone individually for hippa violations and going against Real Science.
Check out Dave Jose and Josh Barnett. They were instrumental in getting the AZ audit going through Notice by Affidavit. The affidavits remind officials that they work for us, and that, once notified, they can be held liable for misprison of felon (up to 3 years jail) and misprision of treason (up to 7 years). Join their mail list to get sample PDFs.
Then watch this video to see how to use them. Or you can watch it first to get a feel for things. They will send you the same link when you join the list.
I saved this off Telegram. Will need some formatting and insert Child's name throughout the letter.
Date: May 21, 2021
To Whom It May Concern:
I am sending you this notice, on behalf of All Parents. Our findings raise significant concerns, both medically and legally, of the current mask policy in place. Masks are ineffective for the purpose claimed by the mandate, potentially harmful, and only authorized for use by an EUA.
Masks are ineffective and in many ways they harm.
It’s a myth that masks prevent viruses from spreading. The overall evidence is clear: Standard cloth and surgical masks offer next to no protection against virus-sized particles or small aerosols. The size of a virus particle is much too small to be stopped by a surgical mask, cloth or bandana. A single virion of SARS-CoV-2 is about 60-140 nanometers or 0.1 microns. The pore size in a surgical mask is 200-1000x that size. Consider that the CDC website states, “surgical masks do not catch all harmful particles in smoke.” And that the size of smoke particles in a wildfire are ~0.5 microns which is 5x the size of the SARS-CoV-2 virus! Wearing a mask to prevent catching SARS-CoV-2, or similarly sized influenza, is like throwing sand at a chain-link fence: it doesn’t work. There has been one large randomized controlled trial that specifically examined whether masks protect their wearers from the coronavirus. This study found mask wearing “did not reduce, at conventional levels of statistical significance, the incidence of Sars-Cov-2-infection.”
Consider also, that the existence of more particles does not mean more virus. Research shows less virus does not mean less illness. Dr. Kevin Fennelly, a pulmonologist at the National Heart, Lung and Blood institute debunked the view that larger droplets are responsible for viral transmission. Fennelly wrote:
“current infection control policies are based on the premise that most respiratory infections are transmitted by large respiratory droplets- i.e., larger than 5 [microns] – produced by coughing and sneezing, …Unfortunately, that premise is wrong.”
Fennelly referenced a 1953 paper on anthrax that showed a single bacterial spore of about one micron was significantly more lethal than larger clumps of spores. Exposure to one virus particle is theoretically enough to cause infection and subsequent disease. This is not an alarming thought - it simply means what it has always meant, that our immune system protects us continually all our life.
There have been hundreds of mask studies related to influenza transmission done over several decades. It is a well-established fact that masks do not stop viruses. “Part of that evidence shows that cloth facemasks actually increase influenza-linked illness.” Bacteria are 50x larger than virus particles. As such, virus particles can enter through the mask pores, yet bacteria remain trapped inside of the mask, resulting in the mask-wearer continually exposed to the bacteria.
Related to the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, there was almost universal agreement among experts, that deaths were virtually never caused by the influenza virus itself but resulted directly from severe secondary pneumonia caused by well-known bacterial “pneumopathogens” that colonized the upper respiratory tract. Dr. Fauci and his National Institute of Health studied pandemics and epidemics and concluded, “the vast majority of influenza deaths resulted from secondary bacterial pneumonia.”
All parties mandating the use of facemasks are not only willfully ignoring established science but are engaging in what amounts to a whole school clinical experimental trial. This conclusion is reached by the fact that facemask use and COVID-19 incidence are being reported in scientific opinion pieces promoted by the CDC and others. The fact is after reviewing ALL of the studies worldwide, the CDC found “no reduction in viral transmission with the use of face masks.”
Additionally, Children have been repeatedly shown not to be drivers of this contagion. It is well-accepted that children have a statistically zero chance of dying from COVID. The CDC shows the K-12 mortality rate from or with COVID is .00003. Any intervention, especially one that is prophylactic, must cause fewer harms to the recipient than the infection. Since children have the lowest death rate from COVID infection, the cost-benefit of requiring children to wear an investigational face-covering with emerging safety issues is especially difficult to justify. Anthony Fauci was very clear that asymptomatic transmission was not a threat. He stated, “in all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person.”
Wearing respirators come(s) with a host of physiological and psychological burdens. These can interfere with task performances and reduce work efficiency. These burdens can even be severe enough to cause life-threatening conditions if not ameliorated. Fifteen years ago, National Taiwan University Hospital concluded that the use of N-95 masks in healthcare workers caused them to experience hypoxemia, a low level of oxygen in the blood, and hypercapnia, an elevation in the blood's carbon dioxide levels.
Studies of simple surgical masks found significant reductions in blood oxygen as well.
In one particular study, researchers measured blood oxygenation before and after surgeries in 53 surgeons.
Researchers found the mask reduced the blood oxygen levels significantly, and the longer the duration of wearing the mask, the greater the drop in blood oxygen levels.
Moreover, people with cancer, will be at a further risk from hypoxia, as cancer cells grow best in a bodily environment that is low in oxygen.
Low oxygen also promotes systemic inflammation which, in turn, promotes “the growth, invasion and spread of cancers.”
Repeated episodes of low oxygen, known as intermittent hypoxia, also “causes atherosclerosis” and hence increases “all cardiovascular events” such as heart attacks, as well as adverse cerebral events like stroke.
Furthermore, the mandatory mouth mask in schools is a major threat to a child’s development. It ignores the essential needs of a growing child. The well-being of children and young people is highly dependent on the emotional connection with others. Masks create a threatening and unsafe environment, where emotional connection becomes difficult.
Informed consent is required for investigational medical therapies.
Regardless of the lack of safety and efficacy behind the decision to require a child to wear a mask, it is illegal to mandate EUA approved investigational medical therapies without informed consent. Mask use for viral transmission prevention is authorized for Emergency Use only. Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA, means “the products are investigational and experimental” only. The statute granting the FDA the power to authorize a medical product of emergency use requires that the person being administered the unapproved product be advised of his or her right to refuse administration of the product. This statute further recognizes the well-settled doctrine that medical experiments, or “clinical research,” may not be performed on human subjects without the express, informed consent of the individual receiving treatment.
The right to avoid the imposition of human experimentation is fundamental, rooted in the Nuremberg Code of 1947, has been ratified by the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki, and further codified in the United States Code of Federal Regulations. In addition to the Unites States regarding itself as bound by these provisions, these principles were adopted by the FDA in its regulations requiring the informed consent of human subjects for medical research. The law is very clear; It is unlawful to conduct medical research (even in the case of emergency), unless steps taken to … secure informed consent of all participants.
Furthermore, by requiring children to wear a mask, you are promoting the idea that the mask can prevent or treat a disease, which is an illegal deceptive practice. It is unlawful to advertise that a product or service can prevent…disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence… substantiating that the claims are true.
The FDA EUA for surgical and/or cloth masks explicitly states, “the labeling must not state or imply… that the [mask] is intended for antimicrobial or antiviral protection or related, or for use such as infection prevention or reduction.” As you can see from the image below, masks do not claim to keep out viruses.
Illegally mandating an investigational medical therapy generates liability.
There are no efficacy standards on child-sized masks and respirators under OSHA, but there are proven microbial challenges as well as breathing difficulties that are created and exacerbated by masking children.
Requiring children to wear a mask sets the stage for contracting any infection, including COVID-19, and making the consequences of that infection much graver.
In essence, a mask may very well put children at an increased risk of infection, and if so, having a far worse outcome.
The fact that mask wearing presents a severe risk of harm to the wearer should – standing alone – not be required for children, particularly given that these children are not ill and have done nothing wrong that would warrant an infringement of their constitutional rights and bodily autonomy. Promoting use of a non-FDA approved, Emergency Use Authorized mask, is unwarranted and illegal.
This mandate is in direct conflict with Section 360bbb-3€(1)(A)(ii)(I-III), which requires the wearer to be informed of the option to refuse the wearing of such “device.” Misrepresenting the use of a mask as being intended for antimicrobial or antiviral protection, and/or misrepresenting masks for use as infection prevention or reduction is a deceptive practice under the FTC. It is clear, there is no waiver of liability under deceptive practices, even under a state of emergency. As such, forcing children to wear masks, or similarly forcing use any other non-FDA approved medical product without the child’s (or the child’s parental) consent, is illegal and immoral.
This letter serves as official notice that Child’s Name does not consent to being forced to wear a mask. Child’s Name advocates will not fail to take the maximum action permissible under the law against your organization, and against you personally.
Accordingly, I urge you to comply with Federal and State law, and advise children they have a right to refuse or wear a mask as a measure to prevent or reduce infection from COVID-19.
Any other course of action is contrary to the law.
I am willing to testify as to the veracity of the contents in this document.
Please confirm no further pressure will be exerted upon Child’s Name to follow this illegal mask mandate, and that Child’s Name will not face any retaliatory disciplinary action.
My brother has been doing the same for his kids, these schools are caving hard. My brothers son in grade school, was screamed at in front of the whole class for lowering his mask to sneeze, they wear the masks to fit in because the peer pressure, but often take them off when they want. This time the teacher decided to make a lesson of him, I guess she saw the viral video of that fat fucking hog tacher yelling at a boy the other day, and was inspired. Schools that handle our children need to be gutted and restructured. No one 8 hour days under their slave master grooming them for a lifetime of servitude. Children need to be raised BY THEIR PARENTS.
I am fully convinced almost all teachers still active are pedophiles or being groomed to be pedophiles, unless they are fighting this shit TOOTH AND NAIL; Staring at kids in gimp masks for a fake virus, while claiming to be educated... they are sick...
Tell her to email the nasty sick fuckers something along ^ those lines and watch them squirm. Also tell her to be very careful from here on out, buy some surveillance, front and rear facing car cameras and just be vigilant in general. What you say about teachers left in the job, could be said about police and they take action such as this very seriously! In uniform or on their day off.
Finally someone else says the fact out loud... teaching degenerate sex and homosexual exposure to kids is child molestation plain and simple. Sick and deserve death
We have got to replace school boards, principals and teachers across the country! We can no longer tolerate their social justice, critical race theory, Project 1619, drag queen story time, Johnny has two Mommies, Darwinism and many other anti-America, anti-God and anti-freedom of choice topics of indoctrination that seem to dominate the school curriculum today.
Our future is our children. They deserve the education that we are paying for - not some libtard brain-washing. To me this is something that needs to happen locally EVERYWHERE across this country NOW.
I love this, but you just know the teachers will single out that typo in there.”Doesn’t” instead of “don’t”. Teachers can be some of the worst bullies.
Actually you'd be surprised how many teachers have a hard time putting their own grammatically correct sentences together these days. Or spell correctly.
Dude, seriously. When I was in college, exactly 100% of the people I knew who were going into Elementary Education were the dumbest people I met. None of them could string together a proper sentence, none of them could spell correctly, and I even had to tutor one in 7th grade math. These people were graduating and getting jobs at schools. I recently learned that one of them was fired...but he's going back in for sure.
Incidentally, my friend who graduated with an English degree is now a teacher and based AF. Very bright, too. It was exclusively those who got a degree in education who were dumb as a bag of rocks.
It wasn't until high school when I began to doubt the academic credentials of my teachers, and not until after college when I started remembering the lies they told me. Not to mention the prejudice I experienced, such as when my math paper was given a C and my friend's an A, when we had the same answers and showed the same work. I had to confront that teacher on it all by myself.
Truly disgusting and horrible things happen to kids in school at the hands of their teachers, administrators, and staff. Worse, it makes the (seeming minority of) good teachers look bad. I blame the unions and the job security, in hand with the colleges that produce the worst of the bunch.
My brother said to me "it's not the teachers, it's the unions." To which I replied, "who's in the unions?"
maybe a few months ago, but these criminals are losing their CDC support, they seem very worried and keep caving due to their god(CDC) abandoning them. No mask mandates or vaccine mandates or passports, their entire infrastructure is gutted.
True! I actually like your change better. What’s important is that she’s speaking up. The overgrown school bullies will find anything to pick on anyway. We need to stand up to them for our rights and our children!
Not a shill but I get where youre coming from. Im tired of seeing my brother wear the mask as he’s going on the bus and my mom just saying “oh well” about the whole situation. She had both vaccines and STILL wears the diaper
Get a lawyer to draft a letter. Less likely to be ignored. Not shilling for lawyers, just know how the bureaucracy works. Put something official in front of the school administrators faces. Keep in mind that good teachers hate the bad ones. Just like good police know bad police make them all look bad. Often, the principle's need more than a phone call or parental complaint to dismiss a teacher. Unions can be a problem UNLESS there's something real and tangible like a lawyer threatening a lawsuit. Possibly other parents have complained about this teacher(s) and a serious legal notice can give the principle the ammo needed to send the teacher packing.
Words are nice. Broken noses and shattered skulls are nicer. They're no better than the brutal nazi women that ran the concentration camps. We should treat for the evil ilk they are.
Good now threaten a class action lawsuit to the entire school district naming everyone individually for hippa violations and going against Real Science.
I will tell her to do that now, thank you. If anyone has a good checklist of must-use statements or points to make, let me know.
Find all the other like-minded parents and take back the school board. Then fire all the communists.
Check out Dave Jose and Josh Barnett. They were instrumental in getting the AZ audit going through Notice by Affidavit. The affidavits remind officials that they work for us, and that, once notified, they can be held liable for misprison of felon (up to 3 years jail) and misprision of treason (up to 7 years). Join their mail list to get sample PDFs.
Then watch this video to see how to use them. Or you can watch it first to get a feel for things. They will send you the same link when you join the list.
Thank you, I will do that!
Best of luck patriot.
I saved this off Telegram. Will need some formatting and insert Child's name throughout the letter.
Date: May 21, 2021 To Whom It May Concern: I am sending you this notice, on behalf of All Parents. Our findings raise significant concerns, both medically and legally, of the current mask policy in place. Masks are ineffective for the purpose claimed by the mandate, potentially harmful, and only authorized for use by an EUA. Masks are ineffective and in many ways they harm. It’s a myth that masks prevent viruses from spreading. The overall evidence is clear: Standard cloth and surgical masks offer next to no protection against virus-sized particles or small aerosols. The size of a virus particle is much too small to be stopped by a surgical mask, cloth or bandana. A single virion of SARS-CoV-2 is about 60-140 nanometers or 0.1 microns. The pore size in a surgical mask is 200-1000x that size. Consider that the CDC website states, “surgical masks do not catch all harmful particles in smoke.” And that the size of smoke particles in a wildfire are ~0.5 microns which is 5x the size of the SARS-CoV-2 virus! Wearing a mask to prevent catching SARS-CoV-2, or similarly sized influenza, is like throwing sand at a chain-link fence: it doesn’t work. There has been one large randomized controlled trial that specifically examined whether masks protect their wearers from the coronavirus. This study found mask wearing “did not reduce, at conventional levels of statistical significance, the incidence of Sars-Cov-2-infection.” Consider also, that the existence of more particles does not mean more virus. Research shows less virus does not mean less illness. Dr. Kevin Fennelly, a pulmonologist at the National Heart, Lung and Blood institute debunked the view that larger droplets are responsible for viral transmission. Fennelly wrote: “current infection control policies are based on the premise that most respiratory infections are transmitted by large respiratory droplets- i.e., larger than 5 [microns] – produced by coughing and sneezing, …Unfortunately, that premise is wrong.”
Fennelly referenced a 1953 paper on anthrax that showed a single bacterial spore of about one micron was significantly more lethal than larger clumps of spores. Exposure to one virus particle is theoretically enough to cause infection and subsequent disease. This is not an alarming thought - it simply means what it has always meant, that our immune system protects us continually all our life.
There have been hundreds of mask studies related to influenza transmission done over several decades. It is a well-established fact that masks do not stop viruses. “Part of that evidence shows that cloth facemasks actually increase influenza-linked illness.” Bacteria are 50x larger than virus particles. As such, virus particles can enter through the mask pores, yet bacteria remain trapped inside of the mask, resulting in the mask-wearer continually exposed to the bacteria. Related to the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, there was almost universal agreement among experts, that deaths were virtually never caused by the influenza virus itself but resulted directly from severe secondary pneumonia caused by well-known bacterial “pneumopathogens” that colonized the upper respiratory tract. Dr. Fauci and his National Institute of Health studied pandemics and epidemics and concluded, “the vast majority of influenza deaths resulted from secondary bacterial pneumonia.” All parties mandating the use of facemasks are not only willfully ignoring established science but are engaging in what amounts to a whole school clinical experimental trial. This conclusion is reached by the fact that facemask use and COVID-19 incidence are being reported in scientific opinion pieces promoted by the CDC and others. The fact is after reviewing ALL of the studies worldwide, the CDC found “no reduction in viral transmission with the use of face masks.”
Additionally, Children have been repeatedly shown not to be drivers of this contagion. It is well-accepted that children have a statistically zero chance of dying from COVID. The CDC shows the K-12 mortality rate from or with COVID is .00003. Any intervention, especially one that is prophylactic, must cause fewer harms to the recipient than the infection. Since children have the lowest death rate from COVID infection, the cost-benefit of requiring children to wear an investigational face-covering with emerging safety issues is especially difficult to justify. Anthony Fauci was very clear that asymptomatic transmission was not a threat. He stated, “in all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person.” Wearing respirators come(s) with a host of physiological and psychological burdens. These can interfere with task performances and reduce work efficiency. These burdens can even be severe enough to cause life-threatening conditions if not ameliorated. Fifteen years ago, National Taiwan University Hospital concluded that the use of N-95 masks in healthcare workers caused them to experience hypoxemia, a low level of oxygen in the blood, and hypercapnia, an elevation in the blood's carbon dioxide levels.
Studies of simple surgical masks found significant reductions in blood oxygen as well. In one particular study, researchers measured blood oxygenation before and after surgeries in 53 surgeons.
Researchers found the mask reduced the blood oxygen levels significantly, and the longer the duration of wearing the mask, the greater the drop in blood oxygen levels. Moreover, people with cancer, will be at a further risk from hypoxia, as cancer cells grow best in a bodily environment that is low in oxygen. Low oxygen also promotes systemic inflammation which, in turn, promotes “the growth, invasion and spread of cancers.”
Repeated episodes of low oxygen, known as intermittent hypoxia, also “causes atherosclerosis” and hence increases “all cardiovascular events” such as heart attacks, as well as adverse cerebral events like stroke. Furthermore, the mandatory mouth mask in schools is a major threat to a child’s development. It ignores the essential needs of a growing child. The well-being of children and young people is highly dependent on the emotional connection with others. Masks create a threatening and unsafe environment, where emotional connection becomes difficult.
Informed consent is required for investigational medical therapies. Regardless of the lack of safety and efficacy behind the decision to require a child to wear a mask, it is illegal to mandate EUA approved investigational medical therapies without informed consent. Mask use for viral transmission prevention is authorized for Emergency Use only. Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA, means “the products are investigational and experimental” only. The statute granting the FDA the power to authorize a medical product of emergency use requires that the person being administered the unapproved product be advised of his or her right to refuse administration of the product. This statute further recognizes the well-settled doctrine that medical experiments, or “clinical research,” may not be performed on human subjects without the express, informed consent of the individual receiving treatment. The right to avoid the imposition of human experimentation is fundamental, rooted in the Nuremberg Code of 1947, has been ratified by the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki, and further codified in the United States Code of Federal Regulations. In addition to the Unites States regarding itself as bound by these provisions, these principles were adopted by the FDA in its regulations requiring the informed consent of human subjects for medical research. The law is very clear; It is unlawful to conduct medical research (even in the case of emergency), unless steps taken to … secure informed consent of all participants.
Furthermore, by requiring children to wear a mask, you are promoting the idea that the mask can prevent or treat a disease, which is an illegal deceptive practice. It is unlawful to advertise that a product or service can prevent…disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence… substantiating that the claims are true.
The FDA EUA for surgical and/or cloth masks explicitly states, “the labeling must not state or imply… that the [mask] is intended for antimicrobial or antiviral protection or related, or for use such as infection prevention or reduction.” As you can see from the image below, masks do not claim to keep out viruses.
Illegally mandating an investigational medical therapy generates liability.
There are no efficacy standards on child-sized masks and respirators under OSHA, but there are proven microbial challenges as well as breathing difficulties that are created and exacerbated by masking children.
Requiring children to wear a mask sets the stage for contracting any infection, including COVID-19, and making the consequences of that infection much graver.
In essence, a mask may very well put children at an increased risk of infection, and if so, having a far worse outcome.
The fact that mask wearing presents a severe risk of harm to the wearer should – standing alone – not be required for children, particularly given that these children are not ill and have done nothing wrong that would warrant an infringement of their constitutional rights and bodily autonomy. Promoting use of a non-FDA approved, Emergency Use Authorized mask, is unwarranted and illegal.
This mandate is in direct conflict with Section 360bbb-3€(1)(A)(ii)(I-III), which requires the wearer to be informed of the option to refuse the wearing of such “device.” Misrepresenting the use of a mask as being intended for antimicrobial or antiviral protection, and/or misrepresenting masks for use as infection prevention or reduction is a deceptive practice under the FTC. It is clear, there is no waiver of liability under deceptive practices, even under a state of emergency. As such, forcing children to wear masks, or similarly forcing use any other non-FDA approved medical product without the child’s (or the child’s parental) consent, is illegal and immoral.
This letter serves as official notice that Child’s Name does not consent to being forced to wear a mask. Child’s Name advocates will not fail to take the maximum action permissible under the law against your organization, and against you personally.
Accordingly, I urge you to comply with Federal and State law, and advise children they have a right to refuse or wear a mask as a measure to prevent or reduce infection from COVID-19.
Any other course of action is contrary to the law.
I am willing to testify as to the veracity of the contents in this document.
Please confirm no further pressure will be exerted upon Child’s Name to follow this illegal mask mandate, and that Child’s Name will not face any retaliatory disciplinary action. Sincerely
ty very much! this is powerful.
Good luck. I have 2 family members that are teachers and hear a lot about the system. I despise their disdain for parents.
Tell her to correct the punctuation before she sends the message.
Seriously. If somebody told my kids that I'd deck them, be damned the consequence. They are my kids to raise, not theirs.
My brother has been doing the same for his kids, these schools are caving hard. My brothers son in grade school, was screamed at in front of the whole class for lowering his mask to sneeze, they wear the masks to fit in because the peer pressure, but often take them off when they want. This time the teacher decided to make a lesson of him, I guess she saw the viral video of that fat fucking hog tacher yelling at a boy the other day, and was inspired. Schools that handle our children need to be gutted and restructured. No one 8 hour days under their slave master grooming them for a lifetime of servitude. Children need to be raised BY THEIR PARENTS.
I am fully convinced almost all teachers still active are pedophiles or being groomed to be pedophiles, unless they are fighting this shit TOOTH AND NAIL; Staring at kids in gimp masks for a fake virus, while claiming to be educated... they are sick...
Tell her to email the nasty sick fuckers something along ^ those lines and watch them squirm. Also tell her to be very careful from here on out, buy some surveillance, front and rear facing car cameras and just be vigilant in general. What you say about teachers left in the job, could be said about police and they take action such as this very seriously! In uniform or on their day off.
Finally someone else says the fact out loud... teaching degenerate sex and homosexual exposure to kids is child molestation plain and simple. Sick and deserve death
Most are wolves in whale’s clothing these days
Don't hold back. This is exactly the time to go to the principal and the school board. Good job for your sis, by the way!
We have got to replace school boards, principals and teachers across the country! We can no longer tolerate their social justice, critical race theory, Project 1619, drag queen story time, Johnny has two Mommies, Darwinism and many other anti-America, anti-God and anti-freedom of choice topics of indoctrination that seem to dominate the school curriculum today.
Our future is our children. They deserve the education that we are paying for - not some libtard brain-washing. To me this is something that needs to happen locally EVERYWHERE across this country NOW.
I love this, but you just know the teachers will single out that typo in there.”Doesn’t” instead of “don’t”. Teachers can be some of the worst bullies.
Actually you'd be surprised how many teachers have a hard time putting their own grammatically correct sentences together these days. Or spell correctly.
Sad but true
Dude, seriously. When I was in college, exactly 100% of the people I knew who were going into Elementary Education were the dumbest people I met. None of them could string together a proper sentence, none of them could spell correctly, and I even had to tutor one in 7th grade math. These people were graduating and getting jobs at schools. I recently learned that one of them was fired...but he's going back in for sure.
Incidentally, my friend who graduated with an English degree is now a teacher and based AF. Very bright, too. It was exclusively those who got a degree in education who were dumb as a bag of rocks.
It wasn't until high school when I began to doubt the academic credentials of my teachers, and not until after college when I started remembering the lies they told me. Not to mention the prejudice I experienced, such as when my math paper was given a C and my friend's an A, when we had the same answers and showed the same work. I had to confront that teacher on it all by myself.
Truly disgusting and horrible things happen to kids in school at the hands of their teachers, administrators, and staff. Worse, it makes the (seeming minority of) good teachers look bad. I blame the unions and the job security, in hand with the colleges that produce the worst of the bunch.
My brother said to me "it's not the teachers, it's the unions." To which I replied, "who's in the unions?"
Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.
Sad but true.
Ain’t that the truth... whew
Get rid of the teachers union and watch good teachers flock back to teaching.
maybe a few months ago, but these criminals are losing their CDC support, they seem very worried and keep caving due to their god(CDC) abandoning them. No mask mandates or vaccine mandates or passports, their entire infrastructure is gutted.
Alternatively, 'transmissions' can be changed to 'transmission'
True! I actually like your change better. What’s important is that she’s speaking up. The overgrown school bullies will find anything to pick on anyway. We need to stand up to them for our rights and our children!
What school is rhis? Im in PA
Don't answer this question or any like it, this guy is probably not a shill but is a common shill tactic used to doxx.
Not a shill but I get where youre coming from. Im tired of seeing my brother wear the mask as he’s going on the bus and my mom just saying “oh well” about the whole situation. She had both vaccines and STILL wears the diaper
Most teachers are whores too. I have slept with many teachers.
I have had teachers try to sex me. female teachers go unnoticed most of the time...
It’s time to start suing these motherfuckers, even Q told us class action lawsuits are very effective.
Another ornament for the tree of liberty! Hang the c***
pull them out of that school or organize locally and takeover the school board
Here's a good site to know your rights.
Look at the "Take Action" tab for some good information about your rights and how to deal with the schools.
thank you!
You're welcome. :)
Get em mama bear! Precipice woot. Blessings and Prayers to the family!
Keep pushing!!!!!
We need more parents like you across the country - parents who care. Any change in education is going to need to be a grassroots movement.
Get a lawyer to draft a letter. Less likely to be ignored. Not shilling for lawyers, just know how the bureaucracy works. Put something official in front of the school administrators faces. Keep in mind that good teachers hate the bad ones. Just like good police know bad police make them all look bad. Often, the principle's need more than a phone call or parental complaint to dismiss a teacher. Unions can be a problem UNLESS there's something real and tangible like a lawyer threatening a lawsuit. Possibly other parents have complained about this teacher(s) and a serious legal notice can give the principle the ammo needed to send the teacher packing.
This is what happens when you let faggots run children’s spaces. Hate to say we told them so
I want kids, but I'd never give them to a school to be indoctrinated by these people.
Thank you for the warning but I do not care at this point, and am well aware of this post being revealing.
I internet much, conscience is clear. Thank you for the warning genuinely though.
Words are nice. Broken noses and shattered skulls are nicer. They're no better than the brutal nazi women that ran the concentration camps. We should treat for the evil ilk they are.
Read a history book not published by mcgraw hill cuck.
Lol yup