Kim Clement said before he died that there would be 2 presidents and that God would sort it out and the truth would be revealed in the spring. Am I right about that?
Well in Bannon's interview, the guy talking about GA Judge who will decertify said it would take "about a month". Reminder, spring ends in about a month (6/20/21)
Maybe it's nothing, but it was the first thing I thought of.
Have a great day pedes
Don't forget that he said, "strange July, strange July" and "many will fall in the Fall" I hope those that fall are the black hats not the millions who took the shot.
"Many will fall in the Fall." Oh my gosh...that actually might be the millions who took the shot. I hope it's the black hats too, but the Fall, when colds and the flu starts coming back in full force will start to attack those who took the shot first. Their immune systems will overreacted and they'll die from simple things.
Could be arrests though, too. I hope it's arrests. It's scary to think how many people I know that have taken these stupid vaccines. At BEST they are unnecessary. At WORST, yikes.
Considering how many families take it. It won't be just a husband or a wife or a child. It will be whole families. I could have many empty houses around me. I pray that this is NOT the case.
In addition to Kim Clement, Dutch Sheets, and others with prophetic gifting, I occasionally follow Liberty Turnipseed (Spirit Move Ministries), who has had some timely words during this past year. She recently released this message. It's sobering but worth listening to:
Why do you think there's a MASSIVE push to get everyone to take the mRNA "vaccine" NOW... when the next cold and flu season doesn't start for 6-months?
They know that, when the election begins to be overturned, the entire depopulation "vax" program fails. Everything will come to a screeching halt.
I highly doubt the vax's purpose is depopulation.
It successfully killed 100% the animals that it was testing on and they are still pushing it out on people.
Everyone is getting poisoned, at least most people, they get sick and some even die, if you aren't being poisoned what is the other explanation?
Dr. Tenpenny has 8 methods of action on how the mRNA vaccines will kill you:
Yep. I'm really hoping that the technology and cures that have never been released will at some point be able to help those who injected themselves with this crap. That they will need a booster shot gives me hope that the affects wear off.
I do too, and hope. That doesn't stop me from being very cautious, or not taking it.
Watchwords for life: if someone is forcing you to make a decision before you are ready, say no. You may miss opportunities, but you will sleep better, and definitely be better off.
You dont need timeshares, chances to win crap, you dont need to "live life to the fullest" on someone elses terms, and investments of a lifetime are either paydays for someone else, or a con. Period.
If someone wants me to take an experimental drug, it will be on my terms, not theirs.
It'll be from an eleven princess with the promise of superpowers, or invisibility, or insight on how to get the hobbits through isenguard.
lol...ignorance can be so funny sometimes. Thanks for the chuckle.
I'm 100% Clement was part of the plan.
You Too! I love the Kim Clement prophecy. NCSWIS
and they'll be safe from DS FFs
that would be much more comforting. I'm a texan stuck in CA for the last 2 years. kid is about to finish school and we are going back to TX. i have been telling what these commies here in CA will do to help their cause
CONGRESS IS OUT OF SESSION USUALLY IN MID-AUGUST. Just might happen then! Arrests - raids when they are all in their home state and residences! Less risk for Citizens' well being and for 'them' to all be 'together; scheming, planning, conducting FF's!
I wouldn't put too much stock in Kim Clement. He also said that Obama would bring victory in the Middle East and heal the racial division in America.
Here's what he said in Pennsylvania in 2008:
Thanks for posting all that. Interesting
Romans 8:28 - all things work together for good to those who love God
You have to understand the above verse to understand how this might work. Similar to what Q has said about waking people up. Even if Obama didnt solve racial problems or middle east problems God will use this to solve them in the end.
Obama in my opinion created the sparks that turned into an out of control fire OR at least that is how the media programs us to feel. The media wants a civil war among classes.
God will turn all of this into unity of the people and his children. Whether Obama directly solved it or not, Obama had a hand in what is to come that will be Gods will and be 'good'
I remember his prophecy. But I’m not sure the timeline makes sense. Let’s say best case scenario is the AZ audit finishes end of June. Ga audit finishes in July. Even if these audits come out and say trump won we need to decertify, there will be lots of opposition. We are in unchartered territory and getting everybody to see and agree is going to take more time to get everybody in a position where they are like yea ok trump won fairly he can have the whitehouse back. Next spring seems more likely to me to get all the details fleshed out in a way our country doesn’t end in a civil war. We have known this is coming but the rest of the world doesn’t. It’s going to take more time to get him back in office safely.
If Joey Bribes is left in place another year there is nothing left to save. Hope when the acknowledge Biden death the courts will declare Camel Toe ineligible.
I’m under the impression that Pelosi is next in the Chain of Command, and I hope there is a remedy for that.
That has been the Pelosi plan along since she can't get elected on the Democrat ticket. She is so corrupt I don't seriously see the military allowing that. She also hates the military. We will have another election before that happens.
There is, it's called "Gitmo for Granny-The Nasty Pelosi Story".
I think he said something to the effect of "the truth will be revealed". That doesn't mean trump is going to stroll into the white house by summer solstice
Yea I agree with this. Will take some time, and by that time, everyone will be ready for it.
Unless someone pops and admits the fraud
Broken link
I think we will be going right up to the precipice of destruction, nuclear war.
Nice catch for a busy guy!
Thats right fren... Q said its going to be a very hot summer
Nice find, fren :D
I lack the capacity to believe a person can see the future and predict it years in advance.
That said, I'm happy if Kim's positive predictions about Trump come true
Dark winter was as promised; dark. Things are coming to light in the spring. Yes, it will be a hot summer as the audit results are released and at some point Durham will come off the bench. Many will fall in the fall.
THIS IS THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD! When TRUMP is restored as the legitimate winner of the 2020 election!
Bannon also talking recently w/Boris Epstyne (Trump team lawyer) and Bannon's Freudian slip; 'Aug 15th Inauguration!'
Mike Lindell says Aug 15th, too. Lin Wood says; Trump is still president.