Weird shit is going on. There are shortages occurring. Tell me what you are seeing. I've noticed the following:
Building materials in general
Pokemon cards
What else?
Edited to add:
Weird shit is going on. There are shortages occurring. Tell me what you are seeing. I've noticed the following:
Building materials in general
Pokemon cards
What else?
Edited to add:
^^^ MILLION ^^^
Problem solved. Kek!!
Ammo. It's easier to make a musket at home and load it with ball bearings than find bullets. Small manufacturers and reloaders, it's your turn to shine.
The shortage is in primers and powder as well, a lot of them are imported and those made in the US are sucked up first by the ammo makers, us reloaders only got to buy the surplus components and there's been no surplus for almost a year now.
Yes! And there’s a shortage of fireworks even us made bc of lack of materials.
Can’t reload without primers, my dude. Can’t find any.
That is a fact
Freedom, Sanity, Common Sense, to add a few
Medical Ethics
Two things...
I agree with your second point. I work in the building industry and they are saying the lumber shortage is due to the border with canada being closed. Been hearing about lumber shortages for a while now.
Huh. I wonder if intentional. It was pointed out for years that Canada screwed us by exporting cheap lumber to us, subsidized by their government. I wonder if they were playing games still with the new treaty?
But I did read an article where northern mills and lumberyards couldn’t get enough people back to work. South wasn’t having that employee shortage.
I think some of that was because of all the pipes freezing in the south during the big freeze in. February a lot of plumbing is in the ceiling burst pipes, but that's just a guess.
I've done work for builders and plumbers the last few years. One of them was down by the coast a week or two ago. He said he's STILL fixing busted pipes and it's been 3 months already.
My local market ran out of chicken wings yesterday. Not sure what that means, though.
Iceagefarmer and others (Mel K) have talked about how in South America (Brazil I believe) there’s not enough feed for chickens and pigs, so they will be shipping less to the USA. Apparently they are one of the largest suppliers to our market.
I don’t know, but Bill Gates and Co. will be happy to sell you some ground pillbug meal for your holiday festivities.
Came here to say chicken wings.
And yet my local coin store has had no shortage of it for a couple months now.
Chicken wings at Costco. Prime trimmed whole tenderloin beef is $29.99/lb too which used to be 25.99 which is now the choice price which used to be 19.99.
common sense....
“Hey, who are you calling soft!?!”
Dog food as well. Certain brands, anyway.
Logic & Reason
Some appliances. Took my sister 6 months to get hers.
Silicon chips of all kinds. 40 week lead times from manufacturers. A precondition for the automobile shortage.
Anyone want to buy all my pokemon cards
Nooo Ima Pokemon / Yugi fag lol
How old are they?
A ton of them are newish and a few are older, maybe OG not sure! I am actually fixing to throw them up on Ebay pretty soon, especially cause of the shortage. I can’t help but feel like they will be worthless when all this crap comes out!
Chlorine Tablets
Chicken. And I read bird flu is headed our way.
Sugar (except for the very large containers)
Kitty litter (especially the lightweight)
I keep hearing about these car shortages yet at the same time dealers are begging me to trade in my cars for new ones.
My brother in law is a finance manager. He testifies to the shortage and says they are getting sticker price for everything.
It’s actually used cars in short supply.
Glad I got a car in December.
Real spiritual Christian leadership. Non cabal controlled.
Ketchup, orange jello
Interesting you mention orange jello. In our grocery store, it always seems they are low on orange juice. Can't figure that one out.
Orange jello? Why not red?
because Orange Jello Bad
I don't know but went to 4 different stores and none had orange jello, just red.
No shortage of beef where I am but I'm in the middle of farm country, and we are getting rain so there shouldn't be any grain shortages either. ND is the too producer in a lot of small grains
I spoke to a safety manager for a drilling company on the Bakken he said work has not slowed down at all for them.
The only time I realized there was a shortage of things was when I was looking for a new graphics card any upgrade from my current one would be 800 dollars and the card I have is selling for around 400.
I bought a new gaming laptop instead. It was a treat for me I had just gotten myself out of debt completely, and have some savings. Now I'm looking at fishing tackle lol.
Lumber hit home today. Work on projects had to stop
A couple weeks ago it was chicken wings
Why not the other parts too?
I'm not sure. Weird, huh.
Canning Flats - Impossible to find here in Texas
I read a lot. I like manga too (yeah yeah I know...) Certain books and especially mangas have been back ordered 3-4 weeks and still haven’t shipped.
clothing and shoes. and what I can find, has a different quality to it. socks are thinner, and packaging is different.
"shrink-flation" when companies hide a price hike with smaller products (like the price of bacon is the same, but it is now 12 oz instead of 16 oz.). I have seen people reporting that the costco paper towels have less sheets per roll now but the price is the same.
Clothes suck! I went shopping for the first time about a month ago to get something for job interview. Store was empty (not as many racks to choose from) and clothing quality did seem inferior.
So people here may or may not like Costco, and some items there are better deals than others, but the best deals by far at Costco are the clothes. Really good quality in my experience, lots of top brands (who have admittedly sold their souls and dinged their brand premium for the opportunity to push volume at Costco) and Costco’s various house-brands are good too, awesome return policy, fairly consistent sizing across brands, really inexpensive prices. I bought more dress (/dress casual) pants there the other day than I really needed, just because I liked them… and they were so very reasonably priced.
Yes, Costco, by design, has limited skus and quickly rotating items, so you can’t always find exactly what you want exactly when you want it… but for men’s dress-casual wear in specific, it’s pretty consistently good year round.
Anyways, I know their are shortages all over in Bidet’s America, but for men’s dress causal stuff at least (and I haven’t worn a full suit to a professional interview in over a decade… I do miss wearing suits to some degree, but I now never feel underdressed in sharp dress-casual wear, usually with a sport coat)… for what it’s worth, I’ll give a ? to Costco.
My husband loves their clothes!
Common sense
Ah, just a prep for Socialism, where everything is short.
Video graphics cards