Fauxi was more useful being outed than leaving him to his own devices at the NIH. This why, IMO...Trump utilized his disrespectful azz. Consider how viewing each alternative when viewing each possibility AS A TIME TRAVELER WOULD; ie from the future looking back at each possible past. The plandemic would have happened in each possible past variable. 5D chess...anyone? By the Comment ticker I took it up to 18-sorry?!!
Yep, includes most governors, almost all of congress, and the massive network of global leaders and media that pushed the fear and lockdown propaganda.
First: NO lengthy prison sentences, immediate execution of sentence upon sentence being handed down. Now let's really have fun with this troll. Electric chair, revive, reexecute, revive, reexcute... rinse repeat... Now that would be justice.
Fired, then arrested, then a trial, then a conviction, then executed as a traitor to his country and for crimes against humanity. Did I miss anything?
Yes, sea burial and no family can attend just like the thousands who lost loved ones and couldn't be with them during their last moments.
I was hoping for a livestream firing squad...
C-SPAN. It needs to be free so everyone can watch.
Firing squad at sea in shark infested waters. BOOM-overboard-lunchtime!
Updoot for creativity...maybe we can put some freaking lazerbeams on the sharks ???
Heck allow his family to attend a sea burial. In the water with him.
Yes, and EVERYONE else involved... the little troll is not the only one....
I was gonna say, that’s a funny way to spell hang
A little time in the stocks in the town square might be good...
I hate to be a spelling nazi, but she spelled HANG wrong.
Kek and all the updoots for you! ???
Will be a great first step in his case.
Then comes his arrest by the military and tribunal at GITMO for crimes against humanity.
His crimes are enormous and go way back several decades.
He is an absolute psychopath and needs to be removed from humanity.
Is this supposed to be a suggestion for a first step response? Because we all know he needs to face major jail time.
No. Crimes against humanity don’t get three squares daily and time in the yard for good behavior. The choices include firing squad and hanging.
Major rope around his neck time would be much better.
Not fire, arrest! Convict! Carry out punishment!
Fauxi was more useful being outed than leaving him to his own devices at the NIH. This why, IMO...Trump utilized his disrespectful azz. Consider how viewing each alternative when viewing each possibility AS A TIME TRAVELER WOULD; ie from the future looking back at each possible past. The plandemic would have happened in each possible past variable. 5D chess...anyone? By the Comment ticker I took it up to 18-sorry?!!
Enough talk, more action please.
Fire Fauci, then fire most of his department. Then arrest them en masse. Then keep moving up the chain. We can’t let this just be about Fauci.
Yep, includes most governors, almost all of congress, and the massive network of global leaders and media that pushed the fear and lockdown propaganda.
Fauci is low level. Fire W.H.O.
How about firing squad Fauci instead.
I wonder if the "Good morning, everyone." includes Fauci.
Ja ja ja!
Que tengas un día maravilloso, fren. :)
asimismo Patriota!
Make it rain baby.
Love this woman!
First: NO lengthy prison sentences, immediate execution of sentence upon sentence being handed down. Now let's really have fun with this troll. Electric chair, revive, reexecute, revive, reexcute... rinse repeat... Now that would be justice.
As long as it is napalm...
Swinging from a tree
I’d like to second that Marjorie!
Not only fire Fauci but arrest and prosecute for murder.
Its not enough but if he is fired. They'll try to have it be enough
Fire??? I hope she means strapped to a stake atop a pile of kindling
His death needs to be in complete isolation while being painfully ventilated to prolong the suffering just like all those poor nursing home folks.