Good morning Peres!
I haven’t been on here in awhile but I’m personally in a desperate situation and I know there are a number of believers here so.
I’ve asked a few other places online as well as everyone I know that is a believer in person and I want to ask here as well.
Straight up my finacé is addicted to meth. I’ve known for a while now but she just admitted it to me a few weeks back. I’ve been angry and bitter and sad and every other emotion imaginable. She is a believer and I have seen her weep and pray and beg God to help her.
I was thinking of cutting her out of my life completely but after serious prayer time I do not think the Lord wants me to do that.
This addiction is destroying her life, causing immeasurable pain for her daughter and selfishly crushing my heart as well.
I’d ask for prayer for her, prayer for the people she gets her drugs from, prayer for her daughter who she hasn’t seen in weeks on end now and prayer for myself that my anger doesn’t overtake me and I remain faithful to trust God in this very difficult time instead of taking matters into my own hands.
Thank you for reading. Believer or not. Thank you.
Stay strong Pede’s! May the Lord guide and keep each of us.
In full agreement, in the Holy Name of Jesus AMEN
In Jesus name, amen
I agree, too! AMEN
Yes, Lord Jesus, help these ones dear to your heart. We lift them in prayer to you, amen.
That is awesome! A near-death experience has made me pretty straight edge recently.
There’s nothing like facing your own mortality to put life in perspective.
I always love your posts, rooftoptendie!
Slecta’s prayers have helped our family immensely. Thank you for your post as well
Got any advice for a nicotine addict or is that a topic for a different thread?
Slow the amount down week by week till eventually you stop.
Yeah I have a 4 year old box of nicorette stashed as well. Perhaps this is the community to get the ball rolling.
Solid advice.
Our Father in Heaven send your Holy Spirit to surround this young woman and remove the need for her addiction. Bring into her life a person who can mediate healing of the wound(s) that move her to medicate them. We thank you for your love for her. In Jesus name amen
Please have her read the above. Here are a couple of links to music for her to listen to.
Here is the one she needs to hear first.
I could do this all day because I know many healing songs but here is one more. Your girlfriend probably feels as if she is not worthy of God's love. I believe God will speak to her through the songs I shared.
Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.
"What if I Stumble?" is also very good "There is a Way" is quite appropriate as well.
You have my prayers!
Some thoughts, I am a drug addict, gutter bound junkie. A normal night was mixing heroin, cocaine, vodka, and dirty puddle water In a syringe and mainlining in a burnt out corner of a filthy warehouse, praying for God to kill me, save me, give me a bunch of drugs, or straighten me out. It didn't matter, anything but who and where I was.
I spent years trying to overcome, recovery houses, jail, hospitals, overdoses, everything. Id stop, get my life together a bit, and then crash and burn again. During this I became a sperm donor for my child ( I say this because I'm the father, but was no dad). I swore I would stop and change for her, for her mom who I loved, for God, for my family and loved ones. Never worked.
The drugs did what they will do and ruined my life. I got a spine infection, got misdiagnosed, and was told it was muscle problems and my doctor's thought I was looking for pain killers so did nothing. My spine melted over time, years, and all I knew was pain, drugs, sadness, until my legs have out and I went down. Emergency 9 hr. Surgery, spine rebuilt from bottom to top, not sure if I'll ever walk again and may even die. Still chasing drugs.
I came home to my daughter and her mom. After years of ruining all of our lives, they took me in because they didn't want to see me die. I could barely walk for a long time, always in pain. Got a work from home job and slowly recovered. Due to the Injury, the Mrs. Holding my money, and other factors, my life got better and I no longer had any way to get the drugs for a year or so.
My life actually got so good that I, for the first time, said no, I don't want to loose what I have this time. I have a path at the workplace I am at to success, a family that actually loves me, gratitude (this is what I believe helped me stop) for everything in my life since I should have died from my spine issue, and I have been clean for a long time and it's different. I am disgusted on multiple levels over my past behaviors, and you could not pay me to do drugs again.
Look up the experiments with rat park and heroin. This describes what I believe will actually help people. We need to have connections to others, a life full of hope and love, and what I believe is most important, gratitude for what we have.
There is a saying a grateful heart will never use. It's a way of looking at the world, gratitude is an action word as well. You don't feel gratitude, you live it. Until I was able to appreciate what I had and feel hope and gratitude, I never had a chance.
One of the barriers I faced was no matter how often I tried to get clean, or how grateful I acted or looked, or how good I looked and acted in the outside, it didn't reach deep down inside and didn't become a part of my actions. There was always a piece that sad it's going to happen again, maybe even ten years from now, so why wait just do it now, you have no chance.
I now write gratitude lists and thank God for everything I have, even the bad parts, because I should be dead. It's ok now if my car got repossessed, I loose my job, or whatever else may come, because I should be underground, and I feel it on a spiritual level beyond just thought.
Some people need to lose it all to appreciate and be grateful for what they have. I did. Some need to feel hope for a future where they can live a normal life. That's all we really want is a normal life, and I've seen so many people relapse because they are so deep into bad things they can't imagine a future where life is not crashing down around them.
Sorry, ramblings of a degenerate junkie over. Again, check out the rat park drug experiment
I'm with you, brother. See my reply to the OP. My own bottom was not as severe and wretched as yours, but it was close. Had I kept drinking and using, I would have been dead 20 years ago, maybe earlier than that. I thank the God of my understanding daily for the gift I have been given.
Wow. So true. Blessings.
Wonderful testimony!
Addiction is a bitch. My experience with it, is you can't force anyone to change.
The best thing you can do, is notice when she is at a point when she wants to change, you help as much as you can.
She needs to be the one to want to change, otherwise it leads to relapse.
At that point, she needs to go to treatment, or on a vacation where she can't get her hands on it and can get over the physical addiction.
Next step, is have her call her dealer and tell them "if you talk to me again I'll go to the police". They will ignore her, and most likely won't retaliate.
Mental addiction takes longer, you lose the spark that kept you going, and things seem pointless. The hardest part is when you dream about doing the drug, your brain sends that feel good feeling, and you wake up in a sweat. This is when she needs you there, to be positive and supportive.
I'm not an expert, I've just experienced this with family, so this next part is probably bad advice, but when someone is addicted so something that hard, it's not going to be easy. My family member took up pot to stay away from the bad stuff. In my kind it was the lesser of two evils, and I don't think he could have done it 100% sober. When you do hard stuff you burn the candle at both ends, and once you dance with the devil, it lasts forever. That's why at AA meetings they always introduce themselves as an alcoholic, even if they've been sober for 20 years.
Well put, I agree with the police thing being dangerous, I was hesitant to put that in, but its what my family member did. I guess it worked because they didn't know where they lived.
Definitely just block the number if they know too much about you.
Hmmm . . given the damage that drug does to so many, I wouldn't have any qualms about letting the police know who the dealer is - anonymously, of course, for your safety. You will very likely end up helping save lives - and maybe even the soul of the dealer.
Bad advice.
Yes I agree. Sometimes an addict will always be an addict and the best thing to do is ween them on to something less dangerous. Weed is a lot less dangerous than meth.
Eventually though you need to go clean and get Jesus in your life.
I know many heroin addicts who owe thier life to weed. Weed helped them kick the heroin.weed helps keep them off it.
Hardcore. This is my exact advice to anyone dating a partner who has mental issues. Run before it’s too late.
Are you me? You are right, unless you have lived it, one has not a clue. Mine had the prettiest face and the sex was awesome. Daddy issues? Check. Depression? Check. Insecure? Check. Low self-esteem? Check. But I thought it was manageable and worth it because she really was cool and a lot of fun.
Their mental illness will insidiously take you over as you try to be there for them. They will slowly drag you down with them until you reach a point where you are questioning your own reality and sanity. You will be gas lighted constantly, chipping away slowly at your own identity. She will confide in friends and strangers and everyone will be on their side because they are only hearing her disassociated perception of reality. I had no clue that any of this was transpiring until everything blew up. I was the only person in her life that was there for her 100% of the time. Yet unbeknownst to me, she was viewing me as enemy number one.
The irony is is that her family, if they knew, should have been thanking me. Instead, they vilified me as if I was the worst man in the world. Boy, I could fill a book of everything supportive and encouraging I did that was perverted and twisted into a nightmarish saga.
I thank God every day that I didn’t marry or impregnate her.
Stay strong! ✊ I had to cut off my ties to her. You can too!
You read my mind.
I agree. She needs hard-core 24 hour supervision & therapy. Otherwise, she is most likely just giving her loved ones lip service. Drug addicts are the most clever people when it comes to deception. Action speaks louder than words.
God Bless You and Your Fiance and her daughter. Help instill strength to overcome this addiction.
It sounds like she genuinely wants to stop. If you and she can afford it, sending her to a great rehab would be immensely helpful. If you can't afford it, there's also outpatient treatment. She would learn the TOOLS to keep from drugs and also gain a community of support. That's why AA often works. They say once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. They can't be CURED, but they can control themselves with treatment and using tools and support.
Best wishes and good luck.
As a recovering alcoholic and addict (clean and sober 32 years now), I know the struggle that goes on with an addict. I also know the struggles that family and loved ones go through while watching an addict hitting bottom. Once I had a mother tell me about her addicted daughter, saying "I have run out of tears."
I can tell you this, for your own sanity and survival, you should put any talk of marriage away or on the back burner until this person gets her life back in order. In AA we say, "I can carry the message... I cannot carry the mess."
Only God can lift an alcoholic or addict from their disease, but it also takes monumental devotion and work on the part of the alcoholic / addict... there is nothing passive about it. Sobriety doesn't just come into a life unless there is a willingness to change, to do the work, to embrace recovery as if one's life depends on it. Because it does.
Sending prayers. Been down the addiction road myself (alcohol - 13.5 years sober).
There's a saying in recovery circles that everyone has to hit their own, personal "bottom" that is the start of turning things around. This can be a minor event or a major, life altering event depending on the individual. The secret is that everyone sets that "bottom" bar themselves and it can always be re-set to something more minor.
I used a non-religious program but have noticed that many of the tools are used are the same across various programs. She's admitted it, that's huge. Now she needs the sober time and space to learn some tools that will work for her.
Specially in the beginning, encouragement for every minute, hour and day of sobriety is a huge. I spent a lot of time in on-line chat with other folks and the mutual support was hugely beneficial. She can do this, she's lucky that you are there to support her. Keep the faith and keep praying.
The buckets are a great analogy, thank you for posting it.
In the recovery program I used, backsliding didn't set anyone back to zero. The days, weeks, months, years of sobriety before a lapse still counted and whatever you were doing during that period was working. Determine what went wrong, address it and get back on the horse (or wagon as it were).
Right there with you brother.... see my reply to OP somewhere in this thread. Congratulations on making it this far. As I always tell people when they try to praise me for years of sobriety, "Well, I didn't do it alone."
You're on your way to marrying a drug addicted single mom? No God necessary, the self-preservation instinct should tell you to run.
This right here. She's already destroying her own life and her daughter's. She will soon be destroying OP's.
There is a doctor prescribed drug call Low dose naltrexone that my sister prescribed for my father who drank his entire adult life and he stopped EFFORTLESSLY! He had zero craving for alcohol. If you look at the research it increases endorphins which gives a mood elevation. I know it has been used to end addictions and I think it’s really worthwhile to look into.
I also prayed for her and you that you both would receive the best outcome for both of you!
Prayers sent. ???
I lost my only true love 40 yrs ago to meth.
I lost my USAF roomate to meth.
My neighbor deals it.
Yeah, it’s a thorn in my side...
Tx, yeah I try not focusing on the losses, but this neighbor is in the neighborhood’s face with it. Cops know...yada yada. I’d rather forget the past.
So sorry for your losses, fren.
God Bless You and Protect You and your loved ones.
It’s part of our landscape, unfortunately. I’ve beat multiple addictions; THANKS GOD I never got into meth. That demon is unreal powerful, almost no helping those under it’s spell.
I will lift you both up to the Throne of Grace. Remember that everything that happens turns to the good, though it may not seem like it. Hang on to your faith and trust in Jesus, keep praising and thanking for everything, trust in God's love and mercy.
Pray with your fiance ask the Lord to show you what needs to be repented of; what doorways were opened that allowed the enemy to take control. I found that once started, this process leads to more and more that needs to be cleared out, takes a while to clear out the old leaven. It gradually leads to release from bondage. Repent, pray and ask the Lord for release from every demonic influence the sin put you under. Declare that the Blood of Jesus sets you free and ask for the doorway that was opened to be sealed for all eternity. No matter how hard satan tries to convince you that it didn't work, refuse to listen and give thanks and praise.
Takes time, perseverance and faith. Ask for strength, wisdom and discernment. God never turns anyone away when they repent and seek Him with their whole heart. Get a Bible (the King James is my favourite, not the New though) and feed on His word daily. The victory was won on the cross when Jesus said It is finished: it is for everyone, no matter what their circumstances. There will be days when you seem to go backwards but keep on. Stay strong in the LORD.
The Lord has blessed you with compassion as well as a brain. I’d recommend to use both.
Much of life is identifying red flags and acting upon them. A drug addiction plus a child from another man are two red flags you can’t afford to ignore.
I’ve had too many conversations with men after the fact who ignored red flags, tried to play captain save-a-h** and wound up with half their assets, their home, and their dignity gone.
As a fellow pede, I want to warn you of before the train wreck instead of try to comfort you after it. Marriage is a business contract in many ways, and you’re considering taking on a woman who doesn’t have baggage, she has cargo.
Praying for wisdom. Blessings
I will pray for you but if she's destroying her life, she will drag you down as well. I speak from experience. Addiction oftentimes lasts a lifetime. Praying for strength and recovery.
I'm praying for you both. You can stay and help, just don't be an enabler or codependent. May God bless and heal you.
Meth and Opiates have also been used extensively to attack American Sovereignty. Research the Opium Wars. The Chinese have pulled a page out of the Brits playbook. They use big pharma, your doctors and Mexican Cartels as their proxies. Your fiance is a casualty of war. You are right to help her.
Save this woman, Lord, we beg you. And those like her who are the victims of a clandestine war against humanity. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
(((Big Hugs)))
I hope she is in a place in her life she is ready and open to get treatment for her addiction. It is a lifelong commitment to staying clean and sober. Cutting out the people that help her get the drugs is a big step and a hard one for many to do completely. Dear Lord, please bless this couple with the strength to successfully conquer the meth addiction and build a stronger connection between themselves. Bless them with patience, willpower and love for each other and you, Lord. Amen
I would strongly suggest you check out Mike Lindell's Recovery Network, Melissa Huray runs it. She has a podcast on called The Hope Report where she interviews those whom Jesus has set free from their addictions. You Both would benefit from hearing these testimonies.The Recovery network can put you in touch with programs like Teen Challenge. Most importantly she Needs to break away from her druggie friends and suppliers. Will be praying for you both!
As an ex-meth addict I know this struggle. It runs deep and you do things and act in ways that are completely against who you are. That drug pulls a veil over you inch by inch. After about 6 years I woke up to who I had become and truly asked myself if this was the father my kids deserved or the role model I wanted to be for them. It was a hard addiction to break. I'd say two years before the random Jones left,even after a decade I will still catch a chemical smell from time to time that makes my heart race and gives a flash of that Jones again. Keep in mind that this drug will change her and no amount of pushing from you will truly get in, only when she has her moment of self realization will the healing really begin. There will be depression and self loathing just remind her that this is not who she is just things she did while being controlled by that the addiction. it does control you. Truly hope she comes through it soon and things work out for all three of you. Your family will be in our prayers for sure.
Stay safe n love life
I’ve been there brother loving a wife thru addiction and I know full well the struggle to stay. But the Lord had me stay also. It’s a true dying to self and living for another, yet, our Father is good. He will sustain you and should He release you, He’ll make sure you know it’s time. Until then, may the Spirit strengthen you and free her in Jesus name, Amen!
Prayers for you and yours.... But, here is some information for both of you to help understand the dark forces and their influences during this spiritual battle:
Just remember this, only God can read your mind so that silent prayer works, but you can command the demons in Jesus' name audibly. No one besides God can read your mind!
You are doing God's work with her. Stay strong for her. Maybe try to create new positive habits to replace the old ones. Fitness and working out usually do well. New habits you can do together. Stay busy
God bless you, fren. Having had my experiences with meth three decades ago, I do know what a horrible and demonic poison it is. I was quite fortunate in being able to just stop doing it one day. I think I used cocaine to transition out of meth -- which I do not recommend, for obvious reasons (highly addictive and EXTREMELY demonic, in high doses) - and then when the coke dealers started substituting the real product with acetone (paint remover), I found it easy to just say HELL no.
The Lord can and will deliver her from this addiction, if SHE sincerely asks for and is strong enough to accept His help. Get her to an NA meeting. Get her to a group treatment program, if she'll go. The first step is the hardest one, and they DO get easier. The longer she hangs onto the drug, the harder it will be to break the addiction. In the end, it is HER choice, and she MUST choose life over death. Godspeed, fren.
Your fiance needs intervention and intense therapy, not prayers dude.
Prayers sent to you both
Prayers will be sent. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Thinking ahead, possibly the Lord needs you to marry her & adopt that child (not sure it that is a possibility) so her daughter can have a stable parent & also that if her mother ODs that you can be there to save this little one.
The lessons I have learned from digging deep into Tim Ballard & Operation Underground Railroad might be influencing my perception. Though end of the day you will be blessed for doing God's work.
People don’t realize that the most important rule of change is that it must come from within. Fixing the things outside of us does not create lasting change.
The only way to create lasting change within ourselves is to meditate. It literally rewires our brains. We learn to live in the present rather than the past with all our past emotions, habits and behaviors. The most powerful place to create—literally proactively create our own future—is from a still mind. Beyond our five senses is where there lies an infinite field of potential. If we can reach that place, we can create there. Otherwise, we continually live in the past, recreating what we know, how we felt, who we were.
I’d recommend the book “Supernatural” by Joe Dizspenza. It teaches you how to do this, how to get to that creative place. His meditations are on YouTube.
Changed my life. For good. For real.
I have said a prayer for you both, fren. Something about what you said stuck out to me as a very positive thing. You said she admitted to you that she has a problem. From what I understand of addiction, that is the biggest step an addict can take. Think of her as having just shined light in the darkness. As Q has taught us, light can be a very powerful thing to overcome darkness.
Get one of her dealers, force him to eat his product and God will welcome him home. Repeat as needed.
There is NO distance in Prayer! May the Power of The Almighty God destroy all the devil's hold on her and we must declare that There is No weapon formed against her that Will prosper in Jesus Name! GodSpeed.
Remember, fren, she's a victim of the DS, too. The DS is to blame for all of the drug addiction in this world. It's just one of many battles we must face head-on. Giving up isn't an option, but with God's help, we will prevail. Hang in there, fren.
Calling things that are not, as if they are, in a Jesus name!
I can't find finacé in my Spanish dictionary. What language is it?
She's OP's finacé because OP will soon be financing her addiction.
French I believe... it means a person you’re engaged to marry... sure you already know that but wanted to post the definition for our non-English patriots