I don't trust ANY liberal regarding health advice.
If you support the mRNA "vaccine" shot ... then you don't have any business advising someone about health.
Nutrition is the problem. Easily digested sugars in much quantity is death to a predator's metabolic system.
There are a number of effects from having easily digestable available sugars to consume. A really important one is Alzheimer's disease. It's generic name is ''Diabetes of the Brain.''
Sugar in your food is what causes atherosclerosis. The muscle of your heart is the body's most electrified muscle.
When your body consumes some carbohydrate or simpler sugar, the sugar impacts your body's ability to properly absorb calcium until the blood sugar drops and your body's hormones can turn this back on.
But when you're classically well-fed, having the availability of all these delicious plant products means that your bloodstream is f.o.r. E.V.E.R. running in this mode where calcium absorption is disrupted most of the time.
When it happens, there's a direct, 1:1 hammer and nail effect: the calcium your gut can absorb, remains in your bloodstream, too.
The presence of the sugar, overwhelms the hormones that make you absorb calcium into bone and enamel. So the blood's calcium rises.
Now. Go to your heart muscle we're watching the arteries in the heard approach the heart from one side and leave out of the other and through part of this path, the arteries are almost completely enveloped in this highly electrified, heart muscle.
And when the heart compresses to pump, it's at this time the heart muscle, the body's MOST electrified one, is - most electrically charged.
And when this electrification from the brain happens, it charges the muscle with a polarity that makes the high level of calcium in your bloodstream, saturate that fluid and some of the calcium precipitates out directly due to the electrical charge of the muscle around the artery MAKING it precipitate out. The electrification BY your heart, MAKES the crystals precipitate out and when they do they do it sticking to the wall of the artery.
This is pure mineral compound and the calcium crystals irritate the fuck out of the inside of that artery.
The bloodstream always has fat flowing in it. And your body uses this oil to lay down a layer of wax, grease: cholesterol.
And this suppresses the irritation.
Right there in these largest arteries that have their flow raised and lowered a lot, the speed, the viscous nature of your blood, pulls the cholesterol off the wall of the artery in short sections where the pressure of the heart is pushing the blood most directly. There's just too much pressure, and too much RRRRuSH past these short sections in these arteries and the never-ending nature of being exposed, causes more deposition of calcium, and causes yet more deposition of cholesterol but as always before, the bloodstream keeps pulling it back off in those sections where the blood flow is THE fastest.
Getting rid of yet more animal products, living on ever more easily broken down plant carbohydrate/sugar, so you don't have oil to deposit on the arteries is a result from this but there's still a problem.
The higher perpetually, blood sugar, that comes from living on plants, keeps the blood stream's calcium levels high, whether you have fat to put into cholesterol or not.
So two things happen.
First, any generation that lives this way so there seem to be ''sufficient'' vegetable material to ''diversify''diet,
STILL has the problem that - they all become osteoporotic. That's why the past few generations become more and more osteoporotic with age so predictably.
The elevated blood sugar turns off the absorption of calcium.
But there's another problem, too.
Throughout the body, the raised blood/fluids calcium,causes depositions all OVER the body: in EVERY fucking organ.
Calcium and other deposits in the brain causing dementia is formally named ''Diabetes of the Brain'' and a MAJOR part of that diabetic condition is those calcium deposits that pull out of your bloodstream into your arteries with electrification of the heart, at the SOURCE of the heart's electrical charge.
When your fluids start depositing calcium in the eyes, this is glaucoma.
Several of the stones you get in various organs are part calcium compounds.
Your joints, the calcium deposits there as types of arthritis.
Haven't you noticed that as the American diet becomes more and more plant based, the average American has an entire suite of problems so that right now one in two Americans has a chronic disease?
More and more plant sugars. Go figure. More and more arthritis.
More of everything bad. You are NOT designed to run very much sugar in your bloodstream for long periods.
IF you DO this YOU get SICK.
No negotiations.
I know, ''But signtsie peepul frum thim Euro playsis and the academics, thay's all du two have tol't me, thim meats is devils. Eating animals is cruel and sinful.''
Well, they lied to you.
Just like when they lied to you and told you pot is like heroin and a gateway to opioids so everyone has to get on opioids to prevent the devastating national catastrophe of them devil weads gettin some people on them opioids,
when they get on it,
so they don't have to get on opioids.
''We jist cain't take the chants!! Signtsie fellurs frum the guvurmint woant lye, thay got reputations as signtsie guvurmint fellurs to uphold! They's signtsie AND guvurminty, thay got grave resposibilities!''
Yeah well...
Remember when they sent you through school swearing to you that a magical gassiness caused by fire sin has turned the cold, light blocking Nitrogen atmospheric bath to have ''come a heater'' ?
Remember that? ''Yew dun used fire and made fire sin and now the sky is a heater and Stefan-Boltzmann is a gas law. Rilly! Signtsie and guvurminty fellurs dun to have sed!''
You've been lied to and deceived massively and although eating a lot of sugar for a SHORT period of time might not be that bad for you, eating a fair amount of JUST PLANTS that are sO easily converted to sugars,
WILL make you become gravely ill.
Look up ''Ketogenic diet'' find out for yourself: everyone of any sense in nutrition knows that - your brain burns KETONES - animal oils - BETTER than ANY other foodstuff known to man.
You get MORE energy for LESS waste and strain on the organs, over all.
Not criticizing. Asking an honest question. You'd rather cows only exist in zoos? No more meat cattle. No more milk cows. No more pigs. No more chickens.
I don't get how that works. I fully support your right to choose how you eat. But if we have no need for a domesticated animal, they cease to exist.
We can milk cows and harvest eggs from chickens without being the total monsters that we are about it. Have you looked into how many of those animals live their lives? It’s horrific.
Cows give milk 300 days after calving. They peak about 50 days after calving and taper off. If we don't use the males except a couple for breeding, what will we do with thousands of male calves? Chickens are the same.
And I know the vid you posted gets trotted out every once in a while, but in reality processors want the animal super calm so adrenaline doesn't spoil the meat. Only muslim nations like to bleed-out animals. My husband's grandfather owned a dairy. They rarely killed an animal, but owning a large animal means being responsible for killing it. Even now when a favorite beloved horse gets old and lame, we shoot it in the head, just like the bolt-gun we use for cattle.
But I understand that people live different lives. And I fully respect your right to live your life as you see fit. But I don't understand what the end goal would be if no one wanted meat. A world without cows or chickens or pigs seems worse to me.
Nature evolved a PRIMARY CARNIVOR PREDATORY APE. How we go about killing what we eat really isn't much of your business, we evolved to be this way.
How we treat all life on the earth matters. We have the highest level of consciousness of creatures on this planet. We have an understanding and obligation to be good stewards instead of raping and pillaging. Part of nature evolving us includes rising above our savage ancestry.
You think you sound tough and cool but you’re just an asshole edge lord.
But then the question is why is food tasty? Not all animals consider all the same food tasty eg Pandas love bamboo. I would posit that taste is a way to get animals(humans) to eat things that they need. Like pain is a thing to get animals(humans) to not do a thing.
Humans can use all sorts of things as fuel. Salt and sugar are essential and tasty, but our nation is full of fatties because "tasty" isn't the be all guide for nutrition.
My eight year old granddaughter who is very petite, slender and a picky eater totally loves meat. Give her a sub sandwich with turkey, roast beef and ham, and she discards the bread immediately. Healthy, not fat, physically active and smart.
Try grilling that fake meat. It smells like a car fire and damn near ruined the real burgers. Chicks and soy boys won’t stop eating it. The brainwashing goes deep.
I used to be a vegan. I went hard for three years. I didn't even eat butter or honey (a lot of "vegans" cheat and eat all sort of animal products). I didn't drink beer or wine that had been processed with fish derivatives (this is common). I was a crazy vegan. It was like a religion.
There isn't any point in getting into an argument with vegans, just politely wait it out. Take it from me, veganism is a problem that takes care of itself. You can't survive without meat. Eventually you have to go back to it. So if you have a loved one whose "going vegan" it's nothing to worry about. The problem corrects itself and in a few years ya'll can laugh about the phase together.
Made maple bacon and eggs for breakfast and grilling sweet bourbon chicken breasts for dinner. Veganism is a mental disorder because you'd have to be crazy not to love the smell of a charcoal grill cooking some tasty treats up.
I am not a big beef eater, but, I do love any and all seafood, then fowl (chicken, and anything hubby will hunt), pork, and then, beef in something, like green chili, or tacos, etc. I feel if someone wants to eat phony meat, go eat it, but do NOT try and force me to eat it. Thanks, but no thanks. Plus, get rid of all the genetically altered produce, meats, etc. That isn't right.
I don't have a problem eating meat, I have a problem where it comes from and how it got to my plate. I fully support meat alternatives, liberal political agenda aside.
I love meat but I was goimg to point out that OP argument is a strawman. The main arguments are on whether it's erhical or sustainable, not whether it's natural.
Think about the average American diet in 1900. Meat and veggies, mostly locally grown. All the good animal proteins and fats. No processed crap, loaded with sugar and carbs. Lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, whatever intolerance, weren't even in existence.
And now they want us to eat this crap? Fuck right off.
You aren't aware that many states have passed laws allowing the to turn dead bodies into sludge, and spread on fields? The is mainstream news. Human Composting!
"Soylent Green is people!" We have to watch all the old movies with a fresh eye. How many of them were "telling" us the cabal's plans in their demented way?
The term ‘vegan’ and actual vegan diet are not the same. Any processed crap resembling meat is not good at all. Gates has invested in one of these ‘burger’ meats so obviously give it the same wide berth as vaccines. I have been blessed to find out that FRUIT is the answer to our diet woes. The meat and dairy industry have been lying about the benefits ( there are none ) It is a lie that we ‘need’ B12 from meat, the same as we ‘need’ calcium from dairy. Think about who taught us about what is healthy and what is not. Did they profit from their lies? What about all the lefty Universities? Do you think they research and then publish truth? WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO AND ITS TIME TO WAKE UP. ( human content found in McDonalds, they are laughing at us and making us eat human meat for breakfast!) Apologies for this rant. I used to love meat, now I love animals instead.
The best way to get the most out of our bodies is to emulate the lifestyle of the early humans. Early humans were hunters primarily but would also forage nuts and berries. As far as I’m concerned, there was never any grains in our diets, and the concept of a salad never existed.
The first fake meat I saw was in the early 70s at the college cafeteria. It was fake turkey and dressing. "Texturized vegetable protein" is what they called it back then.
I've been suspicious of turkey in restaurants ever since then.
No, it's not good for you at all which is why this past generation or two have become slower, fatter, weaker, more osteoporotic, more mentally ill, have worse diabetes and even brought about a long since forgotton disease: Alzheimer's.
I don't sprinkle it with vegetables, that's why I bought meat.
I do eat plants. That's got nothing to do with the fact that
plants are not good for you.
Four of the most MAJOR pesticides on the planet are grown inside plants to make everything that eats them, sick.
Most plants you eat have 1, many have 2 of them. Nature generated them, to make you sick.
Why do you think as recent generations have eaten less and less animal product, they've become slower, fatter, stupider, lazier, sicker, weaker?
For the same reason the Mongols used to write ''Let the chinese eat their plant gruel it makes them weak and stupid'' or something to that effect. I paraphrased it.
You've just been lied to.
Practically speaking, almost every single word you've ever read about nutrition is a lie.
Watch the movie ''The magic pill.''
Fare well.
I mean that.
Watch the movie
''The magic pill.''
Learn what Ketones are.
Learn how you got your extreme energy usage brain.
You got it because for the vast majority of time in your ancestors' lives, they lived on animal products primarily.
There is even a species of man known for it's plant eating ways.
Know what it's called?
Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
Do you know why YOU are named Sapiens-Sapiens?
Because there's another Homo Sapiens and they were 20% larger, 20% faster, about 25% stronger, 20% SMARTER.
But all those large, well built, sorta super-soldier types vanished.
Do you know what the demarcation point is?
You're 20% smaller,
STUPIDER than they were.
All of us are if we're average.
When some dope-addled governments skewlur tells you ''Wayle thay musta not bin vurie smart,'' yada yada, remind him: In animals with identical skull shapes -
such that the brain is the same shape,
brain volume predicts IQ.
Between Homo Sapiens,
vs we
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
they had IQs naturally 20% higher. FAST on the uptake. CLEAR minded.
A deep mind, their skulls are basically identically shaped with yours.
From being predators.
And living by far, mostly on animals.
Sorry but youre not going to convince me that as spiritual entities humans are supposed to consume flesh blood and pus. Its parasitic. There are a lot more reasons why people are getting sick than just eating plants. Fruits are bad? Veggies are bad? Yes, pesticides are bad. Yes, pouring waste products into our water is bad. Yes, spraying our air with chemicals is bad. Yes, having fast food on every street corner is bad.
You can disagree but you can't be right too. You are a primary carnivore.
If you decided to eat pus that's your own demented choice, nobody normal does it
. Then again nobody normal grows up and spends their life shilling for the slavery, child molester party but people still do.
Just like people like you try to tell people a human being can be as healthy eating plants as eating only animal products.
They can't. Human beings are primary carnivores like dogs, and like bear, another omnivore, have an adapting gut.
They (bear) have a full spectrum of animals ranging between fully carnivorous polar bear and the panda family.
Polar bear are the largest, longest limbed, strongest, fastest, most enduring bear on the planet.
They are smarter than other bears, and they are the most overall athletic bear having been found swimming merrily 50 miles offshore in the arctic ocean.
At the other end of the spectrum are the panda. Panda are completely vegetarian and they are the
least coordinated,
of all the bears.
They're legendary for being so mentally destroyed from the vegetarian diet that they fall down, trying to walk down steps. They get up on their hind legs to try to climb into a tree and just fall over.
They're in such a perpetually malnourished condition that in zoos, nutritionalists feed them animal products so some of the mental fog and physical deterioration go away.
The reason is because they have an omnivore body's demand but instead live on vegetable material and this leaves them in a PERPETUAL state of malnutrition.
The two animals, at both ends of the spectrum, are identical to the differences between the first Homo Sapiens who were meat eaters,
and Homo Sapiens Sapiens,
the dwarfed shorter, weaker, slower, frailer, sicker DUMBER version you and I comprise part of, today.
The SOLE difference is an ALL ANIMAL diet
and an almost all PLANT diet for the panda,
an ALMOST all plant diet much of the year,
for the shrunken, weaker, slower, sicker modern H. Sapiens Sapiens.
The human body does not match carnivores in nature. Carnivores have short intestinal tracks to expel the waste quickly so it doesnt ferment and fester in the gut. Humans have long intestinal tracks indicating a frugivore diet. Humans do not have canine teeth to rip through raw flesh.
What sounds more appealing, tracking an animal down, killing eat with your bare hands and eating its flesh raw? Or picking fruit off a tree? How did God create us?
Enjoy your intestinal worms and bloodlust. Youre no better than an adrenochrome drinking satanist.
We do have rather short intestinal tracts but that's not what really determines whether an animal is a carnivore or herbivore.
It's the NATURE of the digestive system. Humans have a low-PH acidic stomach and no further stomachs for processing plant material.
Herbivores don't have the same low PH stomach and instead have several compartments so they can grow bacteria on the digesting plant material.
Yes nutribilly your CANINE teeth are named CANINES because that's what they're for,
and the very sharp incising front teeth are also predatory adaptations.
God created us able to run down any other animal on the planet, with the low-PH single stomach design made for eating meat.
Tracking down and killing the animal and cooking it and eating actual nutrition sounds best.
Nobody asked you about your ''appeal'' when God made you a single stomach, low-pH, primary-carnivore design predator.
He made you to consume animal products in the vast majority. Plants are only a last ditch effort to stave off starvation and cause many problems.
Another reason your generation has rotting, cavity-laden teeth is the never ending sugars. Animal products don't cause that constellation of small cavities in all the cracks between your teeth and at the gumline.
I do enjoy my bloodlust I'm a predator. Bred with a single, low-pH stomach for consuming animal products to feed my extremely energy demanding brain, which could NEVER have evolved without living almost entirely on animals and animal fat.
The fact you find nature repugnant and evil says a whole lot more about you than me.
So does believing we have an herbivore's digestive system.
And I don't have parasites I cook my food. You probably don't so you'll be the one with an intestinal parasite, nutri-billy.
I said this already but you're obviously having extreme problems understanding the bodies of carnivores.
Carnivores use binocular vision with both eyes on the front of the head, FAR more.
Human beings possess the distinction that they can run down - run to DEATH - any animal on the planet. On two legs. The two-legged run of a man is this planet's ULTIMATE predatory adaptation. We can run down ANY animal on the PLANET.
ALL fall to the super-predator's ultimate ''let's go run something down and kill it'' adaptation. There are actual YouTube channels based on this WELL KNOWN anatomic adaptation to carnivorous living.
I already pointed out that you're wrong about the digestive system. The presence of a single, LOW PH stomach is CLASSICAL carnivore adaptation.
You tried to say ''humans do not have canine teeth'' when the pointed teeth at the front corners of your mouth are NAMED the CANINES.
You sound like you're suffering from that classical vegetarian's brain fog. What you're going through here with the inverted thinking and being unable to follow a thread of logic are primary descriptors for vegetarian brain fog. It comes with not eating enough ketones to keep your central nervous system working because plants simply can't provide the energy to think clearly.
IDENTICALLY to the panda which suffer from the same thing all you vegetarians do, the legendary brain fog, emotional instability..
and this is another thing: as humans eat more and more plants, they show ALL the SIGNS of having BRAIN disorders. Your brain demands an ENORMOUS energy source for you to think clearly and it's a LEGIT thing about vegetarian brain fog. So help me goodness - what's happening to you in our talk together is a picture-perfect description of it.
You should consider eating some butter. There's a light carbohydrate load in the whey but it's about 80% butterfat, which is the highest energy, lowest-pollutants food, in all nature. Also eggs, and particularly raw, are good for you. These foods provide much more energy per gram than any non oil. It's primarily the oils - the VERY ONES CLAIMED to be THE DEVIL
by the CABAL that give you the super-high energy return for the food taken in.
You'll notice the difference in a few days. Your emotions stop swaying, you're FAR less anxious, FAR less irritable because when you finally start burning a high energy diet for a brain EVOLVED on animal fat, your thinking is faster and clearer and comes naturally and you don't always feel confused about things if they start swirling around too much.
Is this a big enough deal to be taking sides and arming up? I stopped eating dead animals about 45 years ago. Not vegan. Back in those days it was a real strange thing to do and loved ones begged me to "eat normal" and predicted I would end up seriously ill or die. Never happened and I feel fine.Over the years I have had my share of randoms button-holing me to say I am all wrong and unnatural and all that but I just brush them off.
The fake meat which everyone is pushing is NOT aimed at people like me and I don't buy the stuff. Its a wrong assumption that people stop eating meat so they can feel woke, but still crave it, so they have to buy the fake stuff as a poor replacement.
Fake meats in supermarkets are purely a marketing push and the stuff is damn expensive for what it is. The fake stuff is aimed at people who want to save money, somehow improve their health, or save the planet. Or some mix of all three. The fake meat manufacturers are happy to take these people's money and I don't see the harm.
I don't trust ANY liberal regarding health advice.
If you support the mRNA "vaccine" shot ... then you don't have any business advising someone about health.
Ah yes. Eating a cocktail of chemicals and soy is totally natural.
But eating meat. Something our ancestors did for tens of thousands of years without issue is unnatural.
Everything is made of chemicals. I don't see anything wrong with wanting to eat tasty food without causing suffering to animals.
Nutrition is the problem. Easily digested sugars in much quantity is death to a predator's metabolic system.
There are a number of effects from having easily digestable available sugars to consume. A really important one is Alzheimer's disease. It's generic name is ''Diabetes of the Brain.''
Sugar in your food is what causes atherosclerosis. The muscle of your heart is the body's most electrified muscle.
When your body consumes some carbohydrate or simpler sugar, the sugar impacts your body's ability to properly absorb calcium until the blood sugar drops and your body's hormones can turn this back on.
But when you're classically well-fed, having the availability of all these delicious plant products means that your bloodstream is f.o.r. E.V.E.R. running in this mode where calcium absorption is disrupted most of the time.
When it happens, there's a direct, 1:1 hammer and nail effect: the calcium your gut can absorb, remains in your bloodstream, too.
The presence of the sugar, overwhelms the hormones that make you absorb calcium into bone and enamel. So the blood's calcium rises.
Now. Go to your heart muscle we're watching the arteries in the heard approach the heart from one side and leave out of the other and through part of this path, the arteries are almost completely enveloped in this highly electrified, heart muscle.
And when the heart compresses to pump, it's at this time the heart muscle, the body's MOST electrified one, is - most electrically charged.
And when this electrification from the brain happens, it charges the muscle with a polarity that makes the high level of calcium in your bloodstream, saturate that fluid and some of the calcium precipitates out directly due to the electrical charge of the muscle around the artery MAKING it precipitate out. The electrification BY your heart, MAKES the crystals precipitate out and when they do they do it sticking to the wall of the artery.
This is pure mineral compound and the calcium crystals irritate the fuck out of the inside of that artery.
The bloodstream always has fat flowing in it. And your body uses this oil to lay down a layer of wax, grease: cholesterol.
And this suppresses the irritation.
Right there in these largest arteries that have their flow raised and lowered a lot, the speed, the viscous nature of your blood, pulls the cholesterol off the wall of the artery in short sections where the pressure of the heart is pushing the blood most directly. There's just too much pressure, and too much RRRRuSH past these short sections in these arteries and the never-ending nature of being exposed, causes more deposition of calcium, and causes yet more deposition of cholesterol but as always before, the bloodstream keeps pulling it back off in those sections where the blood flow is THE fastest.
Getting rid of yet more animal products, living on ever more easily broken down plant carbohydrate/sugar, so you don't have oil to deposit on the arteries is a result from this but there's still a problem.
The higher perpetually, blood sugar, that comes from living on plants, keeps the blood stream's calcium levels high, whether you have fat to put into cholesterol or not.
So two things happen.
First, any generation that lives this way so there seem to be ''sufficient'' vegetable material to ''diversify''diet,
STILL has the problem that - they all become osteoporotic. That's why the past few generations become more and more osteoporotic with age so predictably.
The elevated blood sugar turns off the absorption of calcium.
But there's another problem, too.
Throughout the body, the raised blood/fluids calcium,causes depositions all OVER the body: in EVERY fucking organ.
Calcium and other deposits in the brain causing dementia is formally named ''Diabetes of the Brain'' and a MAJOR part of that diabetic condition is those calcium deposits that pull out of your bloodstream into your arteries with electrification of the heart, at the SOURCE of the heart's electrical charge.
When your fluids start depositing calcium in the eyes, this is glaucoma.
Several of the stones you get in various organs are part calcium compounds.
Your joints, the calcium deposits there as types of arthritis.
Haven't you noticed that as the American diet becomes more and more plant based, the average American has an entire suite of problems so that right now one in two Americans has a chronic disease?
More and more plant sugars. Go figure. More and more arthritis.
More of everything bad. You are NOT designed to run very much sugar in your bloodstream for long periods.
IF you DO this YOU get SICK.
No negotiations.
I know, ''But signtsie peepul frum thim Euro playsis and the academics, thay's all du two have tol't me, thim meats is devils. Eating animals is cruel and sinful.''
Well, they lied to you.
Just like when they lied to you and told you pot is like heroin and a gateway to opioids so everyone has to get on opioids to prevent the devastating national catastrophe of them devil weads gettin some people on them opioids, when they get on it, so they don't have to get on opioids.
''We jist cain't take the chants!! Signtsie fellurs frum the guvurmint woant lye, thay got reputations as signtsie guvurmint fellurs to uphold! They's signtsie AND guvurminty, thay got grave resposibilities!''
Yeah well...
Remember when they sent you through school swearing to you that a magical gassiness caused by fire sin has turned the cold, light blocking Nitrogen atmospheric bath to have ''come a heater'' ?
Remember that? ''Yew dun used fire and made fire sin and now the sky is a heater and Stefan-Boltzmann is a gas law. Rilly! Signtsie and guvurminty fellurs dun to have sed!''
You've been lied to and deceived massively and although eating a lot of sugar for a SHORT period of time might not be that bad for you, eating a fair amount of JUST PLANTS that are sO easily converted to sugars,
WILL make you become gravely ill.
Look up ''Ketogenic diet'' find out for yourself: everyone of any sense in nutrition knows that - your brain burns KETONES - animal oils - BETTER than ANY other foodstuff known to man.
You get MORE energy for LESS waste and strain on the organs, over all.
Tell me this video isn't the embodiment of evil;
We could eat meat as a society without being such cunts to other beings.
Not criticizing. Asking an honest question. You'd rather cows only exist in zoos? No more meat cattle. No more milk cows. No more pigs. No more chickens.
I don't get how that works. I fully support your right to choose how you eat. But if we have no need for a domesticated animal, they cease to exist.
We can milk cows and harvest eggs from chickens without being the total monsters that we are about it. Have you looked into how many of those animals live their lives? It’s horrific.
Cows give milk 300 days after calving. They peak about 50 days after calving and taper off. If we don't use the males except a couple for breeding, what will we do with thousands of male calves? Chickens are the same.
And I know the vid you posted gets trotted out every once in a while, but in reality processors want the animal super calm so adrenaline doesn't spoil the meat. Only muslim nations like to bleed-out animals. My husband's grandfather owned a dairy. They rarely killed an animal, but owning a large animal means being responsible for killing it. Even now when a favorite beloved horse gets old and lame, we shoot it in the head, just like the bolt-gun we use for cattle.
But I understand that people live different lives. And I fully respect your right to live your life as you see fit. But I don't understand what the end goal would be if no one wanted meat. A world without cows or chickens or pigs seems worse to me.
Mass production is evil. Sustainable farming is not. Eat meat.
I already told you once. Eating animals is the embodiment of your primary-carnivore genetics.
You could certainly stand to act less like a cunt.
You don't see anything wrong in that video regarding how we treat animals?
I didn't watch it because it's irrelevant. It's predation. It always looks like something being dragged down and tortured to death.
You're just too stupid to realize it.
Any other looptard bullshit you sling is just you denying the science of predation and primary carnivore existence,
claiming some deep thinker told you nature is the devil for making us predatory, primary carnivores.
You sound as mentally ill as all the others claiming science is the devil.
Pfft. And where did I say this?
You said it when you claimed predation is ''cruelty'' and tried to pretend it matters.
SOBER UP. STOP acting like a science denying hick.
Your FAIRY tales about 'predation is ''immoral''
re the addled, brainless ramblings
of a sugar-poisoned nutri-billy.
Any animal that isn't eviscerated over a period of a few hours and then eaten alive while screaming for it's friends to please help it,
got off quite a bit easier than anything a human kills. It's STILL IRRELEVANT.
Nature evolved a PRIMARY CARNIVOR PREDATORY APE. How we go about killing what we eat really isn't much of your business, we evolved to be this way.
You'll wear that when you're dying from a plant diet induced Alzheimer's.
D.i.a.b.e.t.e.s. of your addled fevered, poisoned B.r.a.i.n.
How we treat all life on the earth matters. We have the highest level of consciousness of creatures on this planet. We have an understanding and obligation to be good stewards instead of raping and pillaging. Part of nature evolving us includes rising above our savage ancestry.
You think you sound tough and cool but you’re just an asshole edge lord.
Ok, how about some dog shit made to taste like meat. I mean how do you know what's truly in that crap.
You mean like hot dogs?
Over the next hundred years humans will probably engineer all sorts of delicious super foods. That's capitalism baby.
Oils are the highest energy return for the least waste ever known. That won't be changing.
So what animals are cool to suffer for your soy diet
It's not cool for any animals to suffer.
For fucks sake.
I didn’t say eating meat is off the table.
We should reduce suffering and diversify our nutritional options.
That beyond burger has like 180000% the estrogen of a beef burger. I'll pass.
But then the question is why is food tasty? Not all animals consider all the same food tasty eg Pandas love bamboo. I would posit that taste is a way to get animals(humans) to eat things that they need. Like pain is a thing to get animals(humans) to not do a thing.
Humans can use all sorts of things as fuel. Salt and sugar are essential and tasty, but our nation is full of fatties because "tasty" isn't the be all guide for nutrition.
My daughter tried going vegan about a decade ago as a teen. Needless to say I gave her no slack. Bought a T-Shirt with a big T-Bone on it says,
“Meat is murder.
Tasty, tasty MURDER”.
Had to do it...
Boomer cringe
Never said this on here, my favorite site, but you can FUCK RIGHT OFF faggot.
Snowflake, eh? I’m a Veteran of 5 wars/conflicts. Your keyboard bravado is pathetic.
Thanks for almost dying for israel a few times! Glad you made it home safe so you cane make your daughter cringe.
Ba-bye you pathetic worm.
My eight year old granddaughter who is very petite, slender and a picky eater totally loves meat. Give her a sub sandwich with turkey, roast beef and ham, and she discards the bread immediately. Healthy, not fat, physically active and smart.
Try grilling that fake meat. It smells like a car fire and damn near ruined the real burgers. Chicks and soy boys won’t stop eating it. The brainwashing goes deep.
I used to be a vegan. I went hard for three years. I didn't even eat butter or honey (a lot of "vegans" cheat and eat all sort of animal products). I didn't drink beer or wine that had been processed with fish derivatives (this is common). I was a crazy vegan. It was like a religion.
There isn't any point in getting into an argument with vegans, just politely wait it out. Take it from me, veganism is a problem that takes care of itself. You can't survive without meat. Eventually you have to go back to it. So if you have a loved one whose "going vegan" it's nothing to worry about. The problem corrects itself and in a few years ya'll can laugh about the phase together.
Made maple bacon and eggs for breakfast and grilling sweet bourbon chicken breasts for dinner. Veganism is a mental disorder because you'd have to be crazy not to love the smell of a charcoal grill cooking some tasty treats up.
makes me want a double cheeseburger
And filled with estrogen based soy.
Yeah meat is life
Follow the money straight to the fuckers at the head of the man-made global warming hoax. Doesn't Al Gore own Beyond brand?
I am not a big beef eater, but, I do love any and all seafood, then fowl (chicken, and anything hubby will hunt), pork, and then, beef in something, like green chili, or tacos, etc. I feel if someone wants to eat phony meat, go eat it, but do NOT try and force me to eat it. Thanks, but no thanks. Plus, get rid of all the genetically altered produce, meats, etc. That isn't right.
I don't have a problem eating meat, I have a problem where it comes from and how it got to my plate. I fully support meat alternatives, liberal political agenda aside.
I love meat but I was goimg to point out that OP argument is a strawman. The main arguments are on whether it's erhical or sustainable, not whether it's natural.
Think about the average American diet in 1900. Meat and veggies, mostly locally grown. All the good animal proteins and fats. No processed crap, loaded with sugar and carbs. Lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, whatever intolerance, weren't even in existence.
And now they want us to eat this crap? Fuck right off.
Why do you think jurisdictions are passing laws to allow them to liquefy the dead?
You aren't aware that many states have passed laws allowing the to turn dead bodies into sludge, and spread on fields? The is mainstream news. Human Composting!
Wisconsin to Liquefy the Dead, flush into Sewers, Then Spray the Sludge on Food Farms: https://davidicke.com/2021/05/26/wisconsin-to-liquefy-the-dead-flush-into-sewers-then-spray-the-sludge-on-food-farms/
"Soylent Green is people!" We have to watch all the old movies with a fresh eye. How many of them were "telling" us the cabal's plans in their demented way?
Well "They Live" is clearly a documentary.
Sounds like The Matrix. "I watched them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living."
Wisconsin to Liquefy the Dead, flush into Sewers, Then Spray the Sludge on Food Farms: https://davidicke.com/2021/05/26/wisconsin-to-liquefy-the-dead-flush-into-sewers-then-spray-the-sludge-on-food-farms/
GMO food bad, GMO people good.
Lefty logic.
Yea, may cause eyebrows to dip.
I want absolutely nothing to do with something made to taste like meat but isn't. Wth, gross.
Vegetarians have been eating traditionally made mock meats for thousands of years in Asia. It is not anything new.
The term ‘vegan’ and actual vegan diet are not the same. Any processed crap resembling meat is not good at all. Gates has invested in one of these ‘burger’ meats so obviously give it the same wide berth as vaccines. I have been blessed to find out that FRUIT is the answer to our diet woes. The meat and dairy industry have been lying about the benefits ( there are none ) It is a lie that we ‘need’ B12 from meat, the same as we ‘need’ calcium from dairy. Think about who taught us about what is healthy and what is not. Did they profit from their lies? What about all the lefty Universities? Do you think they research and then publish truth? WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO AND ITS TIME TO WAKE UP. ( human content found in McDonalds, they are laughing at us and making us eat human meat for breakfast!) Apologies for this rant. I used to love meat, now I love animals instead.
We had some great sirloins tonight from a local butcher and how can I put this nicely...FUCK FAKE MEAT!
The best way to get the most out of our bodies is to emulate the lifestyle of the early humans. Early humans were hunters primarily but would also forage nuts and berries. As far as I’m concerned, there was never any grains in our diets, and the concept of a salad never existed.
Veganism is a mental illness much like liberalism so it's no surprise the two go hand in hand.
Yeah they are both mental illnesses. People who believe in either of those things are doing harm to themselves while feeling all virtuous about it.
The first fake meat I saw was in the early 70s at the college cafeteria. It was fake turkey and dressing. "Texturized vegetable protein" is what they called it back then.
I've been suspicious of turkey in restaurants ever since then.
Nah I'ma eat that cow, chicken, turducken, bison, deer and any other animal that's legal.
Every time I add grains etc to my diet I feel like shit and want to over eat.
When I go back to meat, dairy and fruit I feel and function better.
I went carnivore for a year and felt amazing but I miss having blueberries etc here and there.
Most veggies have anti-nutrients and produce excessive gas during digestion.
Buuuut guilty conscience rtards will argue til they turn blueberry.
Theres a major difference between fake meat vegan products and whole food plant based diet which is very healthy for you.
No, it's not good for you at all which is why this past generation or two have become slower, fatter, weaker, more osteoporotic, more mentally ill, have worse diabetes and even brought about a long since forgotton disease: Alzheimer's.
Also known as
Diabetes of the Brain.
Plants arent good for you? What do you season your meat with to make it edible?
I don't sprinkle it with vegetables, that's why I bought meat.
I do eat plants. That's got nothing to do with the fact that
plants are not good for you.
Four of the most MAJOR pesticides on the planet are grown inside plants to make everything that eats them, sick.
Most plants you eat have 1, many have 2 of them. Nature generated them, to make you sick.
Why do you think as recent generations have eaten less and less animal product, they've become slower, fatter, stupider, lazier, sicker, weaker?
For the same reason the Mongols used to write ''Let the chinese eat their plant gruel it makes them weak and stupid'' or something to that effect. I paraphrased it.
You've just been lied to.
Practically speaking, almost every single word you've ever read about nutrition is a lie.
Watch the movie ''The magic pill.''
Fare well.
I mean that.
Watch the movie
''The magic pill.''
Learn what Ketones are. Learn how you got your extreme energy usage brain.
You got it because for the vast majority of time in your ancestors' lives, they lived on animal products primarily.
There is even a species of man known for it's plant eating ways.
Know what it's called?
Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
Do you know why YOU are named Sapiens-Sapiens?
Because there's another Homo Sapiens and they were 20% larger, 20% faster, about 25% stronger, 20% SMARTER.
But all those large, well built, sorta super-soldier types vanished.
Do you know what the demarcation point is?
You're 20% smaller, slower, STUPIDER than they were. All of us are if we're average.
When some dope-addled governments skewlur tells you ''Wayle thay musta not bin vurie smart,'' yada yada, remind him: In animals with identical skull shapes -
such that the brain is the same shape,
brain volume predicts IQ.
Between Homo Sapiens, vs we Homo Sapiens Sapiens
they had IQs naturally 20% higher. FAST on the uptake. CLEAR minded.
A deep mind, their skulls are basically identically shaped with yours.
From being predators. And living by far, mostly on animals.
This post is pure fact. Eat more meat.
Sorry but youre not going to convince me that as spiritual entities humans are supposed to consume flesh blood and pus. Its parasitic. There are a lot more reasons why people are getting sick than just eating plants. Fruits are bad? Veggies are bad? Yes, pesticides are bad. Yes, pouring waste products into our water is bad. Yes, spraying our air with chemicals is bad. Yes, having fast food on every street corner is bad.
Agree to disagree, good night
You can disagree but you can't be right too. You are a primary carnivore.
If you decided to eat pus that's your own demented choice, nobody normal does it
. Then again nobody normal grows up and spends their life shilling for the slavery, child molester party but people still do.
Just like people like you try to tell people a human being can be as healthy eating plants as eating only animal products.
They can't. Human beings are primary carnivores like dogs, and like bear, another omnivore, have an adapting gut.
They (bear) have a full spectrum of animals ranging between fully carnivorous polar bear and the panda family.
Polar bear are the largest, longest limbed, strongest, fastest, most enduring bear on the planet.
They are smarter than other bears, and they are the most overall athletic bear having been found swimming merrily 50 miles offshore in the arctic ocean.
At the other end of the spectrum are the panda. Panda are completely vegetarian and they are the fattest, stupidest, sickest, weakest, least coordinated, of all the bears.
They're legendary for being so mentally destroyed from the vegetarian diet that they fall down, trying to walk down steps. They get up on their hind legs to try to climb into a tree and just fall over.
They're in such a perpetually malnourished condition that in zoos, nutritionalists feed them animal products so some of the mental fog and physical deterioration go away.
The reason is because they have an omnivore body's demand but instead live on vegetable material and this leaves them in a PERPETUAL state of malnutrition.
The two animals, at both ends of the spectrum, are identical to the differences between the first Homo Sapiens who were meat eaters,
and Homo Sapiens Sapiens,
the dwarfed shorter, weaker, slower, frailer, sicker DUMBER version you and I comprise part of, today.
The SOLE difference is an ALL ANIMAL diet and an almost all PLANT diet for the panda,
an ALMOST all plant diet much of the year, for the shrunken, weaker, slower, sicker modern H. Sapiens Sapiens.
Yes. Fruits and vegetables are bad.
You've been lied to after having your education level leaving the 12th grade reduced to the 8th grade.
You evolved as almost PURELY carnivorous. It's not a suggestion.
A very simple calorie count proves there's no other way you could have developed that human brain made of 40% fat,
without living almost entirely on a very high animal fat and products diet.
Vegetable diets are death.
It's why 1 in 2 adults in the US now has a chronic disease.
It's name is sugar poisoning.
It's why your generation is the weakest, fattest, stupidest, sickest, slowest generation EVERY known in America.
This is what veganism and vegetarianism bring you.
You will not escape it because ''yew cain't buleave.''
You are a primary carnivore.
The human body does not match carnivores in nature. Carnivores have short intestinal tracks to expel the waste quickly so it doesnt ferment and fester in the gut. Humans have long intestinal tracks indicating a frugivore diet. Humans do not have canine teeth to rip through raw flesh.
What sounds more appealing, tracking an animal down, killing eat with your bare hands and eating its flesh raw? Or picking fruit off a tree? How did God create us?
Enjoy your intestinal worms and bloodlust. Youre no better than an adrenochrome drinking satanist.
We do have rather short intestinal tracts but that's not what really determines whether an animal is a carnivore or herbivore.
It's the NATURE of the digestive system. Humans have a low-PH acidic stomach and no further stomachs for processing plant material.
Herbivores don't have the same low PH stomach and instead have several compartments so they can grow bacteria on the digesting plant material.
Yes nutribilly your CANINE teeth are named CANINES because that's what they're for,
and the very sharp incising front teeth are also predatory adaptations.
God created us able to run down any other animal on the planet, with the low-PH single stomach design made for eating meat.
Tracking down and killing the animal and cooking it and eating actual nutrition sounds best.
Nobody asked you about your ''appeal'' when God made you a single stomach, low-pH, primary-carnivore design predator.
He made you to consume animal products in the vast majority. Plants are only a last ditch effort to stave off starvation and cause many problems.
Another reason your generation has rotting, cavity-laden teeth is the never ending sugars. Animal products don't cause that constellation of small cavities in all the cracks between your teeth and at the gumline.
I do enjoy my bloodlust I'm a predator. Bred with a single, low-pH stomach for consuming animal products to feed my extremely energy demanding brain, which could NEVER have evolved without living almost entirely on animals and animal fat.
The fact you find nature repugnant and evil says a whole lot more about you than me.
So does believing we have an herbivore's digestive system.
And I don't have parasites I cook my food. You probably don't so you'll be the one with an intestinal parasite, nutri-billy.
I said this already but you're obviously having extreme problems understanding the bodies of carnivores.
Carnivores use binocular vision with both eyes on the front of the head, FAR more.
Human beings possess the distinction that they can run down - run to DEATH - any animal on the planet. On two legs. The two-legged run of a man is this planet's ULTIMATE predatory adaptation. We can run down ANY animal on the PLANET.
ALL fall to the super-predator's ultimate ''let's go run something down and kill it'' adaptation. There are actual YouTube channels based on this WELL KNOWN anatomic adaptation to carnivorous living.
I already pointed out that you're wrong about the digestive system. The presence of a single, LOW PH stomach is CLASSICAL carnivore adaptation.
You tried to say ''humans do not have canine teeth'' when the pointed teeth at the front corners of your mouth are NAMED the CANINES.
You sound like you're suffering from that classical vegetarian's brain fog. What you're going through here with the inverted thinking and being unable to follow a thread of logic are primary descriptors for vegetarian brain fog. It comes with not eating enough ketones to keep your central nervous system working because plants simply can't provide the energy to think clearly.
IDENTICALLY to the panda which suffer from the same thing all you vegetarians do, the legendary brain fog, emotional instability..
and this is another thing: as humans eat more and more plants, they show ALL the SIGNS of having BRAIN disorders. Your brain demands an ENORMOUS energy source for you to think clearly and it's a LEGIT thing about vegetarian brain fog. So help me goodness - what's happening to you in our talk together is a picture-perfect description of it.
You should consider eating some butter. There's a light carbohydrate load in the whey but it's about 80% butterfat, which is the highest energy, lowest-pollutants food, in all nature. Also eggs, and particularly raw, are good for you. These foods provide much more energy per gram than any non oil. It's primarily the oils - the VERY ONES CLAIMED to be THE DEVIL by the CABAL that give you the super-high energy return for the food taken in.
You'll notice the difference in a few days. Your emotions stop swaying, you're FAR less anxious, FAR less irritable because when you finally start burning a high energy diet for a brain EVOLVED on animal fat, your thinking is faster and clearer and comes naturally and you don't always feel confused about things if they start swirling around too much.
Good luck with it.
A diet so healthy it requires supplements. Pass.
Is this a big enough deal to be taking sides and arming up? I stopped eating dead animals about 45 years ago. Not vegan. Back in those days it was a real strange thing to do and loved ones begged me to "eat normal" and predicted I would end up seriously ill or die. Never happened and I feel fine.Over the years I have had my share of randoms button-holing me to say I am all wrong and unnatural and all that but I just brush them off.
The fake meat which everyone is pushing is NOT aimed at people like me and I don't buy the stuff. Its a wrong assumption that people stop eating meat so they can feel woke, but still crave it, so they have to buy the fake stuff as a poor replacement.
Fake meats in supermarkets are purely a marketing push and the stuff is damn expensive for what it is. The fake stuff is aimed at people who want to save money, somehow improve their health, or save the planet. Or some mix of all three. The fake meat manufacturers are happy to take these people's money and I don't see the harm.
But the synthesized Fauci Fauxmeat is specifically formulated with all the engineered nutrients that every growing Transhuman will need.
Once we install your nanobots and upload your software, you will crave it and ze delicious Bugz!