The FBI knew in advance the Pulse Nightclub shooter (Omar Mateen) & were tipped off by the local sheriff. 53 dead.
The FBI knew in advance the LV shooter had huge weapons stashes (Paddock). 60 dead. 800 injured.
The “kidnapping” of the Michigan Governor plan was set up by FBI.
The FBI knew in advance the Charleston church shooter (Dylann Roof). 9 dead.
The FBI knew in advance the San Bernardino Terrorists (Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik). 14 dead.
The FBI knew in advance the Sandy Hook shooter (Adam Lanza). 26 dead.
The FBI knew in advance the Boston Marathon Bombers (the Tsarnaev brothers) tipped off by Russians. 3 dead, hundreds injured.
The FBI knew in advance the Parkland High School shooter (Nikolas Cruz). 17 dead.
The FBI knew in advance the Fort Hood shooter (Nidal Hasan). 13 dead.
The FBI knew in advance the Boulder Colorado shooter (Ahmad al-Aliwi Alissa). 10 dead.
The FBI knew in advance the Garland, Texas, shooters (Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi).
The FBI knew in advance of 9/11 that terrorists were training in US flight schools. 2,977 dead.
The FBI suppressed a massive amount of evidence concerning McVeigh’s accomplices of the Oklahoma bombing. 168 dead.
The FBI knew in advance that the Nashville bomber was building bombs (Anthony Quinn Warner).
The FBI entrapped General Flynn.
The FBI FISA abuse collusion on Trump.
The FBI knew in advance and facilitated 1/6.
The FBI and CIA is a terrorist organization weaponized against its own countrymen.
I remember the live coverage of the Oklahoma bombing and how other bombs were found tin the building that did not go off. FBI knew a lot of us know this stuff already.
same with 911....I remember, and this can be looked up on youtube, Peter Jennings saying it must be a bomb then later reporting what others were saying that it was solely the planes.
A great documentary by Corbett Report:
I like Corbett.
Thanks for that. I found it very interesting. I'm mostly a lurker here, but is there a similar documentary on 9/11?
You’re welcome. Here’s a 9/11 documentary by James Corbett:
This is good too: Architects’ & engineers’ evidence that 9/11 was a controlled demolition:
Thanks again! I'd upvote, but mine are broken.
Watch Loose Change.
I'll put that on my list. Thanks.
Not quite a documentary, as much as spelling out the official story in all its ridiculous glory.
I have a copy of the Gen. Benton K. Partin report he gave the house and senate….it was not a truck bomb.
Now that's what I've been talking about for years and I can't believe I'm finally back in a forum that knows this. Many of us saw that mainstream live coverage and then it all disappeared. This is blatant tyranny from the top down and we are going to smash these rat bastards faces right into the ground.
Sandy Hook was a complete and total hoax. No one died, "grieving parents" from that event showed up at other staged FFs. Parkland probably similar, if not exactly the same.
Robby Parker Laughing A Day After His Daughter Was Murdered -
Remember that all the people had their mortgages paid off in Sandy Hook. The school was shut down and not being used so the only people involved were all paid actors. I would say they were bribed to stay silent. It was a total government perpetuated hoax. I have watched many excellent videos on this although I didn't save them.
Yep. All the supposedly "dead" children even sang at the superbowl in the Sandy Hook school choir. The cabal scum love rubbing their deception in our faces.
I saw a video where Wolfgang (I think it was him) was asking the principal of the school who the singers at the Super Bowl were, and the principal said he couldn't recall that happening.
Sending your students to the Super Bowl... yeah.. minor event.. easy to forget..
Wolfgang Halbig is an American hero and brave beyond words. He’s been under attack from the DS from the moment he started exposing the Sandy Hook hoax.
yeah sandy hook was an insult to intelligence
Deep state intimidation and threats.
There weren't any. The school had been closed.
Death threats. But the truth will come out soon enough.
There's I think two photos from that day that show any students, and most of them are the same students in both pictures, just rearranged.
The local government refuses to release camera footage from the police cars that were there that should have caught hundreds of kids exiting the school.
Well the "school" was shut down at the time and had been for quite a while. I don't know what involvement the real school had with it, but the town has some very odd government involvement.
Wait 'til they add:
'The FBI knew in advance the Vaccine Depopulation Plan. Millions dead.'
I got a few more:
-LV shooters' girlfriend was an FBI informant who fled the country.
-FBI probably planted the bombs on 1/6 since they don't care to find out who did.
More like tens or hundreds of millions eventually, and that’s just in the USA.
He makes a very good point about them being a terrorist organisation.
Thats the most important part of that whole point, when this all goes down the CIA and FBI will be counted as terror organisations and treated as such. A much better way to take them down!
I cant believe he didn't mention an FBI agent drove the wanna be shooter to Draw Mohammed festival.
Waco Texas, and Ruby Ridge...
Indeed sir. The ATF gassed, burned, and gunned down people in the Branch Dividian compound in Waco, TX. They were shooting people trying to run out of the burning buildings.
And at Ruby Ridge, they murdered a 14-year-old boy, By sniper...
Yes they did. Hopefully Janet Reno is burning in hell now.
Reno was brand new on the job. She got her legacy real quick.
I can assure you ruby ridge was a real event. My friend is their neighbor.
Right on! ThanQ Lin Wood!
They can’t figure out who planted the pipe bombs at the Capitol even with video of suspect but to their credit they did send 17 agents to Talladega speedway to determine the garage pull rope was not a noose
Forgot to add this other part From Lin Wood, that goes hand n hand with the post.
The FBI knew within 1 hour of the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park Bombing that Richard Jewell was innocent. But its reputation of “we got our man” and the big Olympic money were at risk. So Richard was the Scapegoat of the Day.
The FBI was corrupt before 1996. It was corrupt in 1996. And it has been corrupt every day since 1996.
Our country does not need a Federal Bureau of Investigation.
P.S. We don’t need the CIA either.
Did Jewel really commit suicide, or was he suicided ?
I think he died of natural causes, but you never know. He did successfully sue a bunch of organizations that slandered him.
Lin was part of Jewell's legal team if I remember correctly.
President Truman regretted creating the CIA.
I'm sure he had many regerts
exactly, and they oversee and facilitate gun, drug, and human trafficking. Don't forget the DEA also.
We know multiple shooters Las Vegas, but yes they knew Paddock.
A couple years ago I was saying we need to do a spring cleaning of the leadership of these organizations, but in light of recent information, I think it's time we disbanded all those alphabet agencies. No doubt we do need some of the services they provided, but we need to start from scratch.
I would not be against that.
FBI/CIA organized crime syndicate.
don't forget the DEA, the largest drug dealing operation in America!
FBI and CIA were created to be tools of the deep state/cabal. They didn't "go" bad, their entire secret reasons to exist were evil.
And illegally spying on 16,000 American citizens, including data theft and gang stalking.
Criminal's, they are the Federal Bureau of Insurrectionist's
How about Waco?
This is why it's important for the 3 letter agencies to be able to classify their own doc's and redact anything they are forced to turn over. They wouldn't even be able to function with out that.
I heard Al Quieda was involved with Oklahoma in 1995 but the government, probably the FBI, covered it up. Go look at the news conferences on Youtube they had at that time. Louis Freeh looks guilty as hell. Look it up and see for thine self.
Richard Jewel. Lin Wood helped exonerate him.
The shootings were psyops, and many involved crisis actors, fake blood (if any) , evolving and inconsistent storylines and the omnipresent rapid media narrative, according to political motives. Change my mind.
Two 9/11 hijackers tied to Saudi intelligence rented a room from an FBI informant in California before the 2001 attacks Covered up by Mueller
Mueller should be sent to GITMO. Tortured until he almost dies. Tried then shot point blank in the head on live TV for all to see. Many many others deserve that too!
The FBI in Wash DC is being remodeled. Windows on first floor boarded up. Reports are they have formed a new Domestic Terrorist Division. They think Patriots and Q followers are domestic terrorists. They're coming for us, folks....
Truth, all true and more to follow. All above has been check marked, now we'll see the evidence come forth.
Some of those things were just complete hoaxes, like the Pulse Nightclub shooting, and Sandy Hook so you can't count the number of dead this way.
Mk ultra? ?
Years ago I was reading witness testimony on the underwear bomber being escorted onto the plane by FBI agents after everyone else had boarded. I wish I knew where I have it because I saved everything I just suck at filing
Kill the fed
The same courts that said a president did not have standing in election interference cases? Pffffff
the same. Too close to the truth for "them".